Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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Re: Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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“Come on! Get up!” Rin would command. She was eager to dismember her older opponent and thus make a name for herself in the LAW organization. It seemed Lillian was submissively following the rookie’s orders as she slowly rose up, but all signs of passivity were tossed aside as the beautiful bruiser launched herself upward and slammed her head into Rin’s nose!

The wealthy heiress' head snapped back and she fell on her back covering her face and kicking her feet. ” Ughhh...Y-you...” Rin removed her palm from her face and her eyes widened as she stared at her shaking hand that was covered in red. ”Wh-what... y-you bitch!” Rin cried out as droplets of blood splattered on the mat. This was only her second match yet she had somehow managed to end up bleeding from the nose in both. ”Now you’re really going to pay!” Rin bellowed in a nasally voice as she tried to climb to her feet while pinching her bleeding nose.

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Re: Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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Fortunately for Lillian, her plan worked, and as Rin drew close, she was able to rise up and throw her skull into Rin's rocking the poor girl with a headbutt! As Lillian rose to her feet, she took a moment to care for her arm, before looking to her opponent, rising slowly as she pinched her nose. Lillian saw an opportunity to bring the fight to her while she was busy dealing with her nose, and she quickly ran towards Rin, throwing a kick towards her gut!

"I'm not gonna pay for shit! And watch who you're calling a bitch, you little bimbo!" Lillian cried out, as she threw her foot forward, aiming to nail her in the gut. If Rin was hit by the kick and bent over as Lillian planned, she would quickly try to wrap her arms around Rin's waist, flipping her up onto Lillian's shoulders, in powerbomb position!

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Re: Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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Rin was unable to make good on her threat as her opponent's foot drove into her tight stomach as she stood. "Unggg!" Rin gasped. She bent over clutching her stomach with her eyes wide. As the Oujo was bowed, Lillian would wrap her arms around Rin's waist and hoist her up onto her shoulders.

"W-wait!" Rin cried, her arms flailing as she found herself in a dangerous situation. The heiress' pleas were ignored as she felt herself falling at a rapid rate, her thick twintail's flapping in the air. Then there was a thud. the shock wave of the impact rippled through Rin's body and her arms fell to her side. The rookies blood smeared face was twisted in anguish. the pain was incredible but she didn't even have the air needed to cry out. Instead, Rin merely groaned while staring dizzily up at the lights.

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Re: Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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As Lillian hefted the girl high, her panicked yelling gave Lillian a slight grin, but didn't slow her down at all, and she quickly yanked the snobby girl down, slamming her into the mat roughly! As Lillian stood above the girl, she looked down at her dazed face, messy with blood from the headbutt earlier, before grinning at her.

She reached down, going to grab both legs, tucking them under her arms. As she lifted them up, the thought went through her mind to quickly flip Rin over into her finisher, the Liontamer, but with after a slight delay, Lillian finally shook her head.

"Nah, you know what? You aren't even worth it, you little tramp!" She said, before attempting to flip Rin over and put her in a boston crab! Lillian's ego seemed like it couldn't get much bigger at this point, and she was showing a great deal of disrespect as she hoped to locked in the textbook hold, which was nowhere near as painful as her finisher. In her mind, she didn't need to waist her best submission hold on this girl, she clearly thought she could beat her without it!

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Re: Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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The dizzy Oujo's vision would slowly begin to clear. The blurry double images she was seeing began to meld together into one until she could finally make out the ugly visage of her opponent grinning down at her.

Rin watched Lillian tuck her legs under her arms. Rin only began to regain complete consciousness as she was rolled over on her front. The heiress tried to collect her thoughts when suddenly a burst of pain exploded in her back.

"Nggg... AHHHGGG!" Rin cried as her opponent sat her shapely ass down on her back. Rin remembered everything now! She pulled at her own hair as the pain overtook her body. The referee would ask for her submission and Rin could muster little more than a violent shaking over her head followed by another anguished cry.

Rin's vision was again blurred, this time not by dizziness but by tears that filled her eyes. through the tears, she could still make out the ropes. they seemed so far away but Rin wasn't about to submit. She would never surrender to this rude whore! The Oujo grit her teeth and let out a low growl as she dug her nails into the mat and attempted to drag herself forward, slowly but surly making her way toward the salvation of the ropes.

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Re: Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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As Lillian quickly flipped over Rin, stepping over her and sitting down right on her upper back, around her shoulders, she heard the girl cry out in pain, something that cause her twisted to smile to only grow larger, wrenching back on the girls legs, enjoying how each tug earned a yelp of pain from her smaller foe.

As she wrenched down hard on Rin's legs, she could feel the snobby girl's back bending hard underneath her, and Lillian only pulled harder, making it her personal mission to fold Rin in half!

"Aww, just give up sweetie. Even if you crawl to the ropes, I'm just gonna pull you back to the middle and throttle you like the dumb little bitch that you are!" Lillian said with a grin, wrenching back hard as she felt the girl underneath her begin to claw her way across the mat, slowly but surely making her way over to the ropes.

"I'll give you one last chance. Just tap!" Lillian said as Rin got close to the ropes, giving one last brutal wrench to Rin's legs. If the snobby girl managed to make it through this, she would be able to reach the ropes and break the hold. However, Lillian was doing everything she could to make her tap out here and now!

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Re: Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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Rin wore a furiously determined scowl across her anguished face as she clawed her way across the ring. Every move forward was an incredible feat of endurance as Rin's back was bent to the braking point and though her body was trembling, the ferocious young fighter continued onward, grinding her teeth as she went.

As she made her arduous trek toward the ropes, Lillian would mock her and the annoying referee would continue asking for her submission.
"S-Shut up..." Rin would say under her breath before screaming "SHUT UP!!!"

As she made her defiant outburst, the heiress would reach forward, stretching her arm as far as it would go and grab hold of the rope. She gripped the leather tightly, refusing to let go of her sanctuary until Lillian released her.

"ROPE BREAK!" The referee shouted as she beckoned Lillian to release her hold.

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Re: Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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As Lillian bent the smaller girl hard in the hold, her angry shouts from underneath her caused the brunette to laugh loudly, wrenching back on her legs as she was being shouted at, loving the agony that she was inflicting to the smaller wrestler. She gave another long wrench of Rin's legs, knowing that the girl was close to the ropes. And eventually, she finally reached out and grabbed them, forcing a break.

"Awww, that's adorable." Lillian said, wrenching back hard again! Despite her grip on the ropes, Lillian wasn't letting go, instead pulling back harder! The referee quickly ran over, yelling at Lillian to break the hold, pulling on her arms and screaming at her, though Lillian still wouldn't let go. It was only when the ref started a count threatening to DQ her did she let up, releasing Rin and stepping back to the center of the ring, arms up in an innocent gesture as the ref berated her.

"C'mon, she's fine! I mean, as fine as she can be with me kicking her ass!" Lillian complained to the ref, making sure that Rin would hear her biting insults. She was waiting with a smile for the smaller girl to stand up and come at her, now confident in her ability to win this match. Perhaps a bit too confident now, as she waited for her foe.

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Re: Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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Rin had believed that getting to the ropes would put an end to her suffering, but she should have known that it wouldn’t be so simple. ”Ngh—nhhhhh” Rin groaned, her tear filled eyes clenched almost as tightly as her teeth. Her palms were sweating from how hard she was squeezing the rope. It was the young woman’s lifeline and she refused to let go of it no matter how much pain she was in. At worst—or best depending on how you looked at it— Lillian could maintain the hold and get herself disqualified. Rin really wanted to break this bitch and watch her cry but at the moment she thought it wouldn’t be so bad if her opponent was disqualified.

Alas, there was no disqualification as Lillian finally heeded the referee's warning and released the tortured Oujo. Rin lay panting on the mat. Her breaths were hot and heavy and each one caused her to feel pain in her damaged spine. The rookie decided to make a tactical with draw and would roll under the ropes and outside the ring, tumbling gracelessly to the cold ground below. She would climb to her feet and stagger back against the security fence between the outside of the ring and the audience. She only needed a moment and then she’d be ready to get revenge. The referee began counting down to a ring out. If Lilian did not pursue her, then Rin would climb up on the ring apron before the six count and re-enter the ring.
Last edited by Dokki on Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Submission Match: Lillian Byrne VS Dynamite Rin

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As Lillian finally let go, her opponent gave a long, relieved sigh, finally out of the hold. And she proceeded to promptly roll out of the ring, much to the laughter of Lillian. The brunette watched as the smaller girl slowly got up, slightly dazed, leaning against the barricade to be able to stand up. It was clear that she was recovering, and while the ref began to count her out, Lillian figured that she'd slip back into the ring after a few seconds of rest. But that was a few seconds that Lillian was not willing to let her have.

With a growl, Lillian quickly slid out of the ring, going down onto the floor, pursuing Rin despite the referee's warnings for her to get back in the ring. Instead, she would walk over to the Oujo, going to grab her by the hair, getting a big handful of her long, dark locks. If she managed to do that, she would quickly grab her, and hurl her towards the ring, intending to slam her back first into the side of it!

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