Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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Match Type: Dirty MMA
One round, no time limit, victory by submision or knockout only. MMA rules apply but hentai moves are allowed.
Losser of this match will be the winner's prisoner for 24 hours.

Huan knew that sooner or later LAW would put her in an MMA fight, they were open about these plans from the start. It was of course a good move from the various point of view. Getting Huan back in the octagon was bound to bring not only her current fans but also the ones that did not follow her transition to wrestling and of course MMA crowd in general. Truth be told she was looking forward to this.

When it finally came time to announce her first oponent, she wasn't disappointed. She and Sierra never had a chance to cross paths but Huan knew of her and saw a lot of potential there. Of course LAW had to put its own spin on the fight so it wouldn't quite be just MMA but close enough. Before the fight, she found herself in the old habit of watching her opponent's old fights, only the ones from her cage fighting days as they seemed relevant and she was quite impressed. There were holes to poke there but it's been some time since then and she could only expect that Sierra improved and with how closely they were matched physically it only served to make her more excited.

Now Huan was moments from entering the arena. She found herself a bit nervous, she had a break from MMA and her current oponent was someone she would not take lightly even at her highest. This was all just like the old days and she loved it.

When one of the staff members signaled her that it was time to start her entrance she got up and moved straight to the runway.
attire(without shoes)
Entrance Music
Her entrance now was far less flashy than her standard wrestling one. She appeared on the stage and raised her hand before continuing down to the octagon while the announcer did his job. When she got inside she lingered in the middle for a moment before running up to the wall of the cage and lifting herself up over it with one fist raised. Then she jumped down and waited for her opponent's arrival.

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Re: Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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It had been a good while since Sierra had been asked to take part in a traditional MMA bout. Well… as traditional as you can get what with the added rules and stipulation for the loser. But it felt good to go back to her roots as she started her career as a cage fighter. So this match felt like a nice homecoming for her, win or lose. Though she still preferred to win since she wasn’t very intent on becoming a POW.

Apparently her opponent was a cut from the same cloth as well. And while she had never met Huan, she has heard of her by proxy. Even watched a match or two when Sierra found herself not doing anything and was bored. The one eyed woman had skill, and Sierra could tell that this match would be hard fought. There were no ropes or turnbuckles to use here. Just too incredibly tough women in a cage together.
Soon enough her opponents entrance had finished and now it was her turn. Her theme beginning to play as the Egyptian stepped out into the arena to substantial applause. The match tonight was smaller than others on the card, but no less exciting as Sierra made her way down the runway. Her mainly white attire with gold and blue highlights clashing with her dark skin. But to many that only seemed to make her body stand out more. Like an Egyptian goddess with a six pack.

Reaching the cage, an official would open the door for her to climb inside. Said door closing and locking tight behind her and leaving just her, her opponent, and the referee in the cage. There were no rounds here. You either knock out your opponent or force them to tap out. And aside from anything truly dirty, all moves were legal. Even lewd ones, a fact that was probably the only thing that had Sierra nervous in this whole bout. But she refused to let it show as she stared down Huan from her side of the cage. Stretching her arm across the other as she waited for the bell to ring.
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Re: Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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With Sierra now in the cage, Huan's nerves calmed. Her mind switched to her fighting mode, taking in the overall physique and stance of Sierra, judging her movements. Of course, the real work on that front would begin once the bell has rung.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

When the bell sounded, Huan took her stance, looking like a mix between classic Boxing and Muay Thai stances but a little lower on her feet. She moved forward but not yet to attack. She held out her hand for Sierra to bump fist but the bell already sounded so she was prepared if the Egyptian would take it straight to fighting.

If the dark-skinned woman accepted the bump she would then back up to their previous distance and circle for a moment before springing to action, throwing two jabs and a cross followed by a low kick to start measuring her oponents defenses.

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Re: Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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The cage and it’s rules are very different from the rules of the ring. Yet Sierra couldn’t help but find more comfort in the chain linked walls that surrounded them. It was a place like this where she started her career and her ascent to the top. And it was clear that Huan felt the same as well. To the both of them, this was sacred ground. And they were going to pay full respects to them.

So as the bell rang, the Egyptian would immediately raise her fists and begin to step close to the center of the cage. Her eyes never leaving her opponents as Huan made a similar journey to her own, where upon they began to circle one another. That is, until Huan reached her fist out to the Egyptian. Sierra allowed a small smirk to grace her lips as she would push out her own and bump it against her.

With respect now officially shown between the two fighters. It was time to truly begin. Once more they would circle each other until Huan would make the first move by rushing in with two quick strikes and a low kick. The punches, Sierra weaved through easily enough. The kick she blocked by raising her leg and twisting it so that it would hit the muscle of her calf. Immediately Sierra would fire back with two well aimed strikes of her own and an uppercut aimed for the one eyed woman’s abdomen.
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Re: Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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None of her attacks were of any effect, just as she expected. A slight smile cropped on her face, this might be good. It was a long time since she met any challenge in the cage. While her attacks seemed simple, Huan was one of the most accomplished mma fighters in history, and defending even from a probing assault from her was impressive.

The first two attacks that Sierra threw at her, Huan avoided by stepping out of range. The uppercut she allowed to get dangerously close before twisting her body to the side to dodge it followed by her hand grabbing hold of Sierra's wrist to pull her guard apart. If that worked and she managed to create an opening she hoped for, she would now throw two elbow strikes to Sierra's head, followed by a back fist when stepping back and a round kick to her stomach before she let go of the Egyptian's hand.

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Re: Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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The match had barely even begun and already the two women in the cage had traded blows, only for neither of them to truly land. Huans attacks were blocked by the dark skinned Egyptian and when Sierra returned fire, the one eyed woman had deftly dodged around them. Dashing to the side and grabbing hold of one of Sierras arms. Yanking it away and providing an opening to her guard!

Thanks to her own experience in the cage Sierra saw what her opponent was planning. Which was the only thing that probably saved her from the onslaught of elbows against her head. Her free arm shooting up to dampen the damage. The grip on her arm was debilitating, but she was still able to duck underneath the back fist. Yet when the kick came, she could do little to stop it.

So she embraced it and let the kick slam into her tensed up abdomen! Sierra would use it to take the fight back to Huan but using her free arm to grab hold of it and her trapped arm to yank the eyepatch wearing woman towards her! Keeping hold of her leg, she would wrap her arms around Huan’s body before lifting her up and flinging her over her head in a fisherman belly to belly suplex!
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Re: Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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As Huan was pulled forward she used that added momentum and the fact that her opponent had both hands busy to throw an elbow to the side of her skull. This would likely not be enough though to stop Sierra's next move. Slams and throws were not as common in the MMA world as they were in wrestling, this made fighters proficiant in them particularly dangerous and it seemed Sierra was one of them. While at this point, preventing the suplex was not really an option, huan did have a plan.

As her opponent went to lift her she would push forward with her leg still planted on the mat to push the Egyptian off balance before that same leg would snake behind one of hers to force her to fall down with Huan. If it worked, the throw would not be entirely complete, Huan would still take the brunt of the damage, her head smashing against the mat as she would groan but it wouldn't be quite as devastating as the suplex could be. Moreover, Sierra would also fall back, and with Huan's leg where it was, the Egyptian would end up beneath her.

From there Huan would push off the mat, Her recently trapped leg moving under Sierra's arm and then over her chest as she also brought the other leg up, then Grabbing her opponent's arm she would fall back and push her hips up while forcing the other women's body down with her legs as she locked in an armbar.

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Re: Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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The trading of blows between the two cage fighters would continue without any sign of stopping! Yet neither woman was seemingly able to land one that was blocked, dodged, or grappled. Sierra would do all three of these things with huan’s attacks before yanking her towards herself and wrapping her arms around the one eyed woman’s body for a belly to belly suplex!

Huan would not let this attack go without a fight however, allowing herself to get grabbed yet also kicking off of the floor as a way to knock the Egyptian off balance. The headbutt that came Sierra’s way would also be met with one of her own. Though, it seemed that did nothing more than cause mutual pain for the both of them as the suplex finished its arc and they both slammed onto the canvas!

Yet as they recovered, it would be Sierra that is slow on the uptake as Huan would grab hold of the Egyptians arm. Her legs slipping around her body before shooting up her hips and locking in an armbar that had Sierra gritting her teeth! But she had a reprisal of her own. Rolling to her knees, Sierra would use her opposite hand to reach down and grab her trapped arm. Her trapped wrist meanwhile, would turn and take hold of Huan’s top! From there, the Egyptian would slowly stand to her feet and lift her opponent up alongside her. As far as she could take her before dropping back down to the canvas in an improvised powerbomb!
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Re: Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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Huan couldn't help but smile, seeing how evenly matched they were so far. In that kind of fight, it was rare for someone to be able to keep up with her, yet Sierra was not disappointing in the slightest as despite the armbar she managed to stand up, lifting Huan up with her as she did. Being on a receiving end of a slam was however far from Huan's plans as she started on her way to get out of that predicament.

When Sierra was about to fully rise, Huan would sling her leg over her head and relax her grip on her opponent's arm, landing on her feet. Once squarely on the ground, she would release Sierra's arm completely before twisting her body and throwing a sidekick to her stomach to push her back. That would provoke a sound of tearing cloth as Sierra was still holding on to Huan's top, leaving most of it in Egyptian's grasp.

When they were once more separated, Huan would reach to the scraps of her top that remained on her to rip them off and throw them out, over the cage wall before streaching her back for a moment, pushing her revealed chest forward. "Couldn't wait to start striping me, huh? I hope you don't plan to end on that." She said in a flirtatious tone and smirked. Then she would jump straight back to action, darting forward with a quick combination of a round kick to her opponent's right side, followed by a right cross as she stepped in and an uppercut when she got close enough, the whole series finishing with a push kick to build distance between them once more.

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Re: Caged Beast Vol1 - Huan Lei Brightspring vs Sierra Oasis

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As much as Sierra would have loved to hear the satisfying sound of Huan’s body slamming against the mat. The Egyptians grip was questionable at best. If she had the grip of an actual powerbomb and not the jurryrigged grip she had on now, she probably would have been able to succeed in going forward with her attack and getting the first true strike against her skilled opponent.

But she didn’t, and so it was with the loosening of Huan’s legs that she was able to hop off just before Sierra could slam her down. The sidekick to her already tensed stomach was more to push the Egyptian away to cause any sort of damage as Sierra simply backed off instead of hunch forward or anything. The Egyptian barely even felt it as well. What she did feel however, was Huan’s top ripping in her hand as she was forced to pull away.

Looking down at the torn piece of cloth in her hands, Sierra would look up just in time to see her opponent tear away the remainder of her top and throwing it out of the cage. Sierra’s eyes widened as she felt a familiar heat rise up in her cheeks as Huan’s suddenly bare breasts were shown to her in all their glory. Yet Sierra would quickly snap out of it, and just in time too as her opponent would soon descend on her with yet another slew of strikes and kicks that the Egyptian deftly blocked before stepping out of range of the one eyed woman’s push kick. Her arms raised, her body tensed for another go.

And her eyes looking everywhere but the bare chest in front of her.
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