Work That Off

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Work That Off

Unread post by TiefBlau »

It wasn't often that Heather found herself hanging around the LAW gym, usually wanting to workout and train and such in private, but she figured there was nothing wrong with taking a little detour today. She didn't have much else to do it seemed for that day, so she figured she'd at least get in a bit of stretching for the night. "Haah..One thing after another--" she said to herself, a slight bit of a grin on her face with her own comment, her time in LAW definitely having been quite the eventful one for sure.

Heather at the moment was dressed in a purple tanktop, black sweatpants with a purple stripe going down the sides, and black sneakers with a purple underside. She was all ready and such for the whole gym thing, and she headed straight for the mats to just--cool down from everything. A deep breath came in and out of her mouth again, plopping herself down onto the mats as she stared up at the ceiling and the lights.

She nod her head a couple times, her hands behind her head, twisting a little as she brought her legs up. She started doing crunches left and right, working her core and her sides, deep breaths in and out to work with each of her movements. "Hu--mngf--Hueeh--alright!" She spoke to herself, counting each one she did out loud, her eyes kept fully to herself at the moment.
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Re: Work That Off

Unread post by Devastated »

While others might prefer to spend their time working out in private, Isabella quite enjoyed working alongside fellow wrestlers. Though it wasn't as if she did it for the camaraderie. Why did she do it then? Well it was simply because she wanted scout out the talent, to see which people actually lived up to her standard of hard-work and effort. Though so far, she was actually quite disappointed. Not one soul had caught her attention all night, and her strength training had just ended. She clicked her tongue...knowing that today had been a bit of a bust, but at least she had found a few potential targets to put down.

As she left to do the final part of her workout, which was stretching and some light crunches. The blonde walked into the area with the mats and who did she spot??? Someone who she recognized, she thought for a moment...snapping her fingers as a lightbulb flashed in her head. It was Heather Sunderland, she remembered seeing a match between this purplette and her cousin Cecilia.

Stepping up towards the ab-crunching Sunderland, Isabella would take a stand by her head and look down at her. Arms folded underneath her chest. " My my, who do we have here?" The blonde cooed. She would lean forward and over Heather a bit as she would try and get a better look at her. "If it isn't Heather Sunderland."

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Re: Work That Off

Unread post by TiefBlau »

Heather hadn't exactly expected someone to come up and speak with her at this point, not expecting anyone who would come to spar with her or anything like that. She blinks a couple times as she suddenly heard that voice, lying flat on her back, getting quite the sight leaning over her as she looked up. Heather was left speechless for a couple seconds, clearing her throat just slightly before speaking up.

"O-oh uh! Well hi there!" She let out, sliding back just a little to push her upperbody up a bit, propping herself up by her elbows, her eyes glued at Isabella fully. She couldn't help but eye her up and down as well, a slight tint on her face just from having been given such a sight that she hadn't been expecting. It took her a little while before she realized who exactly she was talking to, having seen the girl's match with Oishi that happened recently.

"You're right about that! It is me! Come around looking for an autograph or something?" She teased just a little to the newer girl, sticking her tongue out as she did.
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Re: Work That Off

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It seemed as if her appearance had startled Heather a little, she seemed flustered. Judging from the tint of red on her face and the slight stammer in her voice. The blonde looked pleased by this, stepping back a step to allow Heather to rise up to her feet. She watched and as she did, inspected Heather's frame. Up and down her eyes trailed. The purple haired fighter seemed to be in pretty good shape, she could see why she had been able to challenge Cecilia Northman.

Heather's teasing question was only met with a shake of her head. The blonde would lock her red eyes with Heather's purple eyes. Arms folded under her impressive chest still. " No, I don't think I'm interested in one. No offense." Isabella spoke, " I'm am however interested in other things." Isabella said as she would step up closer to Heather. Invading their personal space without any inhibition. The blonde reached a hand up and would place her index finger underneath Heather's chin and raise her head up a bit.

" I'm interested in you as a potential conquest. A victim to destroy." Isabella cockily whispered out right to Heather's face, as she dug her finger nail into the soft skin of Heather, not deep or in a very painful manner. A slight stinging feeling would be all Heather would feel, she just wanted to unsettled the girl....for now...

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Re: Work That Off

Unread post by TiefBlau »

Heather hums just a little after having fully stood up, patting down at her own thighs to sort of--keep her blood flowing after coming up from her crunches and such. Of course, she could only take her attention away from herself for a few seconds before Isabella spoke up again, earning Heather's full attention as she stood herself up fully. she blinks a couple times with her stepping even closer in, a visible gulp appearing in her throat, heart pounding even harder than before as she tried her best to just keep her full focus.

"Oh yeah, and what other things are--" Heather's words were cut off by the sensation of her finger planted underneath her chin, almost making her heart skip a beat..that whisper of hers ringing through her head shortly after. She grit her teeth just a little, bracing herself from the sensation of her nail digging a bit against her skin, tapping her foot a couple times.

"Tch..If..that's what you think, you're definitely gonna be mistaken about it..." Heather huffs just a little, narrowing her eyes, trying to keep her groun as much as she could with the things she was saying. "Take me so lightly, and you'll find yourself on the mat, completely out of it, wondering what happened."
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Re: Work That Off

Unread post by Devastated »

The reactions she was getting from Heather were rather amusing to Isabella. She couldn't help but smirk, hearing the tapping of that foot, it seemed as if she had gotten under her fellow wrestler's skin. She traced her nail a bit against Heather's soft skin and then pulled her finger away, bringing her hand down to her hip as the other one would hang by her side.

"Tough words. Though they only matter if you can back them up." Isabella smirked and tilted her head to the side. She would look Heather up and down again, seeing Heather narrow her gaze, Isabella would return it and bring her head back up straight. Eying Heather, as it seemed as if the purple haired wrestler had taken her challenging words....hook, line and sinker.

Isabella was surprised it had gone so well. Taking a step forward, she would close the little distance between her and Heather. The generous rack of the blonde shoving into Heather's chest. " I don't think you can accomplish any of those things, my dear." Isabella pressed her forehead against Heather. "Though I'd be willing to show you just what would happen if we were to wrestle, right here and now. " The blonde said....but before she'd allow Heather to answer, she'd cut her off. " However! I wouldn't want you to blame it on being tired after your paltry workout. So I'd rather put you down for an official three count once you're rested and ready."

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Re: Work That Off

Unread post by TiefBlau »

Heather clicks her tongue as he went on about backing up her words, making her just narrowing her eyes a bit more. This was--quite the abrupt confrontation that got heated quick for sure..and Heather wasn't about to back down from it either. She winces a little with ISabella pressing against her pretty much, her breasts smooshing into hers, making her grumble out slightly.

She was about to open her mouth to answer her little challenge, more than happy to throw down with her right here and now, but before she could, Isabella pulled back on it, changing her challenge to an official match challenge. She grumbles under her breath a little, keeping silent for a couple minutes..before finally taking a deep breath in and out.

"Fine then! I'll take you on however you want. If you want me to beat your ass in front of everyone, I'm more than happy to do that for you!"
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Re: Work That Off

Unread post by Devastated »

It seemed as if it caught Heather off guard. That she asked for their confrontation to be a more public one. It stopped Heather in her tracks and that was something that Isabella enjoyed seeing. She had gotten Heather right under her control and lead her along right where she wanted her to go. Then Heather replied, and that was exactly what Isabella wanted to her, the corners of her mouth would adjust, changing into a smiling smirk as she starred Heather down.

"Excellent. I look forward to seeing you in the ring then. Heather Sunderland." Isabella spoke out as she kept herself firmly pressed against Heather. She'd take a step back and reach to grab at Heather's chin, cupping it between her fingers as she kept their eyes locked. "Try not to dissapoint me." She narrowed her eyes, her voice stern as if she was giving an order to the purple haired woman....before she slowly released that chin and then turned on her feet. She'd proceed to walk away from Heather, presumedly to start to arrange the match and all of that stuff. Or maybe she would simply go work out and worry about those details later. What she did know was that she was looking forward to facing off against Heather.

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