MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by Lederface »

Kurumi when she impacted Finnela's stomach, she could clearly see that the Boxer had shown that attitude for the first time, she herself was not common to act so seriously, but seeing Finnela moaning from the blow, she would take a few steps away, her body had gone through too much to get it, but when she saw how she had awakened what looked like a demon, Kurumi raised her arms once again, she in her mind wondered what would happen, she could maybe knock her out if she managed to trick her with a counter step, or throw a Counter after she attacked, and when Finnela lunged at Kurumi with that momentum of hatred, Kurumi would gasp. ...... Before she collapsed in the ring.


Nadia would scream as she saw her partner collapse on the ground, clearly she knew what was happening, Kurumi squeezed too much of her stamina against attacks outside of fists, she knew that kicks, hits with objects or just too much to her stomach, in the end she managed to take all the energy to a punch, but Kurumi touched her limit and now she was paying for that, with Nadia unable to react even if her body wanted to, she couldn't enter the ring even if she wanted to in her mind

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Finella did what she could do best and laid punch after punch right into her opponent, punishing Kurumi as if she had commited a crime. She was relentless as always and even if her midsection still hurt she was riding on an adrenalin rush as both Kurumi and her pummled each other in an all out brawl.

But to the Hellraisers surprise and, she had to admit, slight disspaointment, Nadias threats of Kurumi becoming stronger through Finellas punches did'nt become true. Kurumi tried her best but Finella was much fresher in the game and so the greenhaired girl collapsed under the vicious blows of the barflying wolf like so many me and women had before. Finella grinned as Kurumi crumpled down before her, throwing devilhorns in the air and flexing her biceps to a mixed crowd.
Still Nadia and Kurumi were the "Heroes" and the crowd stood behind them but things seemed dire, especially as Finella sent her boot right into Kurumis already black stomach, creating a massive storm of boos as she rubbed her sole into the tender flesh. "What? What you fucking bastards? If the bitch can'r keep up, is that my problem?!", she screamed in her heavy accented voice. As she spoke english most of the crowd did'nt understand her but they knew what they saw and they hated Fin for it.

Finella smiled and looked back to Chris with a wink. She got Kurumi by her hair and brought her into a standing position as she walked her over in Nadias direction, but not close enough to tag. Because when she was near enough, the Hellraiser wrapped her arms around Kurumis punished midsection and crushed her in a reverse bearhug, torturing Nadia with the knowledge that her partner was so close but she could'nt reach her.

Finella grinned and looked over Kurumis shoulder, resting her head on it as she gazed directly into Nadias eyes. "Aaaw, is'nt that a pity...", she whispered and crushed Kurumi even harder.

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

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When kurumi fell, her mind went blurry, she hadn't fallen knocked out to her misfortune, as that would make her feel how Finnela lifted her up and placed her in a bear hug, moaning very loudly at that situation, feeling how her already weakened stomach was suffering the ravages before Finnela's claws, Kurumi between her useless efforts would see Nadia, she seemed..... Sad, almost on the verge of tears, she heard something, she wanted to tell her something, but her mind couldn't process it at that moment, knowing Nadia, everything she showed her once, she knew she had to do it, but she had sworn not to do it, but she had to accept it, so with her remaining strength she would hit Finnela's body, being blows of surrender, she was willing to look weak to stop and avoid harming her companions and herself.

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

FInella crushed Kurumi between her arms, the muscles of her body strained and her biceps bulged, showing of the true power that stood behind the Hellraiser, every muscle earned in a life consisting of fighting and surviving. She held on to Kurumis already battered midsection, squeezing it with all she had got. "Not so fun when you are on the receiving side, huh you stupid bitch?", she said while slowly pressing the life out of her opponent as Nadia looked on with terror. Finella had taken a liking in Nadia, seeing some of her hentai matches and so she had a proposal in mind...afterwards. "Hey, Cat Bitch! Let me tell you something you might want to hear...", she said and gave her a big, nasty grin.

But before Nadia could answer anything, Kurumi gave up. Finella shook her head. "Dissapointing...", she groaned but held on to Kurumi. "She was boring anyway." she said, shaking her head. "But you seem to be worth a challenge tough.", the Hellraiser then grinned and shot Nadia a dirty look as the bell rang.
It was over. The Hellraiser did what she always did, bringing hell on everyone who was dumb enough to get into the ring with her. And for the first time she was'nt alone as she turned, wrapped on arm around Kurumis neck and shot Chris a thumbs up. "WE DID IT!", she grinned as the crowd errupted into a mix of booing and cheers.

Finella grabbed for one of her beers and opened it on the ropes before taking a big swig, Kurumi did'nt prove much of a challenge anymore as she walked her around. Then she glanced at Nadia. "I want the Cat to finally show her claws. You and me in a non dq hentai match!", the Hellraiser said and looked Nadia straight in the eye. "What? Want your friend back? Afraid you only get her when you accept my challenge...", she grinned and threw the empty bottle into the crowd with giving a second thought of whom she could hit Then she started to fondle Kurumis breasts with her now free hand while the other arm still held the boxing girl around her throat.

"Alright, I give you 3 seconds to give me your answer...and then....", she said as her eyes fixated into Nadiass, the blue of the night and the yellow of a rising fullmoon in them. The Hellraiser Stare.
"...then I will fuck up that greenhaired idiot so badly that she goes out on a stretcher..1!", she shouted as the referee tried to pry Finella off of Kurumi who just shoved the striped girl away. "HURRY!", Finella shouted an raised her fist , ready to make good on her promise. "HURRY,HURRY,HURRY!HUURRYYYYYY...2!"
Last edited by RedShinigami on Sun Oct 02, 2022 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

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It was over, Kurumi had destroyed her stomach, her body and her promise to never give up on that occasion, but it was not over Finnela, realizing that Nadia still had Kurumi and even worse was how she moved to a neck grab, walking around with Kurumi as if she was nothing, as if Kurumi was just a lifeless reward, but the worst happened.

Finnela seemed to have wanted more from Nadia, being her unable to have done anything else in the fight, she could see her as she started to torture her, Kurumi didn't put up any resistance, she was broken, and it was when the option to refuse was burned at the moment they threatened to do something to Kurumi, something that immediately exploded a memory of Nadia and what happened in the gym, making her enter the ring and in tears she would be face to face with Finnela

Ok ok ok ok...... I accept your challe--

She said before launching an attack with her nails, attacking directly Finnela's face and try to save her friend, if the only thing that friendship forged besides good relationships, was to feel happy for others and always help them, and all that finally exploded in Nadia against someone who in a moment, she saw as someone who finally told Nadia that she had to be bad.

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Finella grinned. It is was almost TOO easy as Nadia gave in, acceptintlg the challenge of the Hellraiser. "Well, well, well, attagirl! You hear that you stupid green cow? Be thankful that your friend spared a you a more darker fate.",the Heel grinned and shoved Kurumi down only to get attacked by Nadia, screaming as she clutched her eyes. "Scheiße, du kleine Schlampe!!", Finella hissed and rubbed her hurting eyes. "Can't you wait for our match? Want me to beat you into a pulp right now? We can do that, bitch!", Finella growled and raised her fists, the referee got between her and told her that the match was over but Finella took her and gave her a stonecold stunner, sending the ref to the ground.

"It is over when I say its over.", she said and kicked the refgirl into her stomach before turning to Nadia and the hurt Kurumi. "Alright, basterds, where were we?", she said, her eyes gleaming, her muscle rippledy her hands balled into tight fists. Finella was ready to break some bones and nothing would stop her, nothing except...

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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

"That's enough, Finella." Chris said suddenly, placing her hand on her partner's shoulder. She had been feeling a bit disappointed by her performance, but despite her Moonrock came out victorious. And now the Hellraiser was going off the rails, threatening for the ruling to be overturned by attacking the official. She couldn't let their debut turn out like that.

"We're leaving," she said as she looked to Nadia. "...Thanks for the match." Grabbing her devil may care sis by her wrist, she attempted to pull her along as they left the ring to the crowd's mixed reactions.
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Re: MoonRock (D) vs Full Power (Kurumi and Nadia)

Unread post by Lederface »

Nadia had hoped that everything would get out of control and they would have to resort to fight without referee protection, but her guardian angel seemed to be her partner, who stopped Finnela, so when Nadia could feel safe, she swallowed a little saliva, she just had to get out of there.... but.... something put the message in her mind, and almost instantly she shouted

Finnela, give me 3 days, 2 to get better and 1 to rest and I'll be waiting for you at the ring!

said Nadia, taking care of Kurumi and taking her down from the ring, who was in a terrible state, especially her stomach, with red spots and some taking darker colors.

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