Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

Catch-all forum for everywhere outside of LAW. State the location in the first post. You can have your beach/bed/apartment matches and more, here.
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Re: Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

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Antonia's Causal Theme
"I can't believe I've failed to make an appearance to this aquatic festivity in a timely matter..." Antonia grumbled to herself. The perfectionist was beating herself up for not arriving here sooner, despite the fact that this party had been announced without anyone getting a heads up. As such, her friends Honie and Arachne were too busy doing heroine and villainess stuff respectively. Only Antonia was available to come, though arriving late.

She was dressed in her casual clothes, a brick-red karate gi and yoga pants. It wasn't the best attire for swimming, but Antonia wasn't planning on getting very wet. In truth, she would be perfectly content just soaking her bare feet in the hot tub. This meant she had no need for the outside pool. Instead, the General of the Anthill simply walked past it, before making it to the building's door. Antonia was more than capable of kicking open said door. But the sexy, nerdy, blonde bombshell just rang the doorbell, waiting to be properly greeted.
Antonia's Causal Attire

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Re: Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

Unread post by ApartBadge9937 »

Vi would look at Antonia and went greet her "hello miss I'm glad you can make here. If you would like to go somewhere else i would be happy to show you and if you need a swimsuit we have extras. Also i would like to personally if you don't mind." She would look at her waiting for her to answer and to lead the way.


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Re: Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

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"Absolutely, I'll chat with you in a moment." She mentioned to Rose as she then responded to Hana, blushing slightly as she grinned at her. "I will take that as a compliment, thank you. Yeah I'm 4 years older, but sometimes if we're together we can sometimes finish each other's sentencing or say the same thing at the same time as if we're twins, it's pretty crazy. Speaking of Katrina here comes her boyfriend now." She mentioned as she grabbed her cell phone and stood up. "I will come back to chat with you in a second Rose, promise, but first I need to pull Oscar aside for a little private conversation." She mentioned as she took a deep breath and motioned for Oscar to follow.

She walked away, taking a drag from her cigarette holder and pulling it from her lips and exhaling the smoke away from Oscar's direction until she got to where she was far enough away to where she believed her and Oscar now had some privacy. She twisted around to face him as she unlocked her phone and got to her message and twisted it around. "Here, take a look at this. I have a lot of work to do and I may need your help." To which she was showing her message about having a title shot against Astrid at the next televised showing of LAW (with this pool party taking place before that thread took place).


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Re: Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

Once Oscar was far enough from the party with Tina, he leaned down a bit to view the message on Tina's phone. He muttered to himself as he read the note to himself before his eyes widened in shock.

"Tina... this... is this for real?"

The Barbarian Prince looked to be in disbelief as he double check who sent the message. Yup. It's an official LAW message. The biggest, happiest smile would pop onto Oscar's face and he would look up at Tina.

"For this!? You want my help? Absolutely!! What can I do?"

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Re: Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

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"Salutations. You must be Vi. I give you my thanks for setting this festivity up, in turn, I imagine your grateful for my esteemed appearance. " Antonia responded. "I do not require a swimsuit, as I only desire to soak my feet in your heated aqua tank, or hot tub if you will. Please direct me to the corresponding location."

The only person Antonia personally knew here was Oscar, being the man's trainer in the Young Lion/Lioness program. However, she didn't notice him quite yet, and he seemed busy anyhow. So for now, the relatively introverted girl would just soak her feet in the hot tub. She relaxed and started reading a book she brought with her, while her plump peach was parked at the edge of the tub.


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Re: Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

Unread post by ApartBadge9937 »

"why yes im Vi anx im glad to have you here. here you are ma'am. But may i ask you something really quick. So i was wondering if you could..." *she would get close and whispered in Antonia's ear. " could you teach me a thing or two about how to do smother attacks and more about them please." vi would then back away from her ear and looked at her blushing.


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Re: Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

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emma was excited since it had been an invitation to a pool party, although she had never met vi or heard of her, she was just happy to meet someone new aside from her last fight against quezalcoalt, which was really difficult, it was a good time to rest a little although she was a little late for the party "well, there is little to go" says the white-haired girl as she continued driving and approached her destination, after all she was not going to miss the opportunity to have fun

Emma arrives at the place where she marked the address, leaves her car parked while she gets out of it, then they grab some things from there and go to the place to greet everyone "hello everyone sorry for the delay I was preparing certain things"

http://law-rp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f ... 56#p211856 all my girls are here and if you are interested in having a match with some of them let me know ^^

my discord name is: thefunnygirl

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Re: Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

Unread post by dddybee »

Antonia raised an eyebrow, when she heard that Vi wanted to ask her a question. She had just began reading and didn't feel like being disrupted. But after the hostess specified exactly what it was, the general's eyes lit up. "Interesting." The smothery ant responded. "Well I'll refrain from turning down a fellow wrestler, who wisely desires to learn from someone as capable as me. However, I require the answers to the following questions in turn. First, why do you want to learn more about smother offense? Next, why do you seem embarrassed about the subject? And finally, why was I the go-to person for you to ask? Of course, I have an accurate hypothesis as to what your responses shall entail. But please answer my questions anyhow."


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Re: Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

"Well for starters you can keep me from freaking out as now you verified that I'm not just seeing things." She mentioned as she started to pace side to side, letting Oscar hold her phone while she did so. "Holy shit, I get to wrestle Astrid. She was the reason I decided to go into wrestling. Her work out tapes are what got me in shape to get into wrestling. Not only that, I get to wrestle her for the belt? I..they're giving me the opportunity to be among the upper tier? Ho geeze." She mentioned as she started to let out deep breaths, trying to prevent herself from hyperventilating as she then looked to Oscar. "I need some heavy training before the match, if I'm going to go against a champ, I'm going to need to be in the shape of a champ."

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Re: Pool party bitches and everyone is invited

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

Oscar would turn hisxhead back and fourth as he watched Tina pace nervously. He looked like he was going to say something but paused when Tina started taking deep breaths. With the mentioning of training coming up, a wide grin spread on Oscar's face.

"Well! That is can definitely help with. I got a few days left before this mystery match I got booked for- so I can like- spar or something with you.i think I'm bigger and heavier than Astrid but it could still make for good preparation"

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