Natalene Noyer - "The Naughty Noble"
Name: Natalene Noyer
Alias: "The Naughty Noble"
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Age: 20
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 107 lbs
Nationality: French
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music:
Wrestling Information
Type: Brutal Brawler
Style: Trickster, Catfighter
Strengths: Styling herself as the Mistress of Manipulation, Natalene may not be very strong, but she sure is cunning. Her ability to read her opponent's demeanor, assess their weak spots, and identify ways to exploit them is truly astounding. While her quips and pranks may come off as amusing to some of the more naïve viewers at home, they are really just a set up for some of her more brutal moves. Hair pulling, illegal weapons, crotch grabs, eyes rakes, bitch slaps - nothing is too crude or cruel for Natalene! Her skills in seduction are just as crass. Natalene's ability to command and control a woman with just a mere touch is almost superhuman, and she relies heavily on manipulative tactics to place otherwise skilled wrestlers in compromising situations, from which her carnal senses can then finish the job. Despite her crude moveset, Natalene's fleet-footedness, high agility, and extraordinary flexibility all culminate in some pretty mean strikes, submissions, and aerial attacks.
Weaknesses: With so much emphasis being put on trapping, tricking, and humiliating her opponents, there is a surprising lack of actual technique in Natalene's arsenal. She will try and avoid closeup encounters as long as possible, knowing that if an opponent manages to catch her in a submission or lockup, they are more than likely to outmatch the delicate villain. While her resourcefulness is usually enough to get her out of a pinch, opponents who possess just as much brain as they do brawn will very easily steamroll Natalene, hence her hesitancy to face such opponents in the first. She prefers to pick on girl's she knows she can toy with, and tends to avoid more challenging match ups. She'll only pull out the big guns once her opponent has been trapped or downed: Choking them with the ropes, cranking a submission well pat due, curb stomping them into the mat - all moves that certainly don't earn her any favors with the ref, or the crowd! As a result, Natalene is easily prone to disqualification, although she tends to avoid matches with too many rules or restrictions in the first place.
Strategy: Natalene is most definitely NOT looking for a fair fight (she'll probably lose in one of those). Her whole strategy revolves around misleading opponents into compromising situations, and then kicking them while they are down, so to speak. While she may not be able to pull out the fanciest of submissions or the flashiest of kicks, she'll nonetheless amuse the crowd with her devious antics and trollish personality, constantly goading and berating her opponent's until they make a mistake, and then pouncing on them brutally when they do. She is incredibly fast and nimble, allowing her to land a good number of strikes in time to retreat before things get too heavy. Her rough, catfighty style also lends itself really well to bed matches, and she be especially terrorizing towards opponent's who may have expected a more softcore event, but she is just as daunting in more traditional or hardcore matchups. She'll use all sorts of underhanded tricks, ranging from fake personas, mock surrenders, and even hidden weapons, toys, and gadgets. She'll resort to any trick or façade necessary to provoke an opponent into fighting outside of their comfort zone, and then use her signature mix of brutish fighting and carnal sensuality to pick them apart when they inevitably slip up as a result.
Favorite Matches: Humiliation, Hardcore, No DQ, Hardstyle Hentai, Bed/Catfights
Signature Moves:
With her opponent suspended over the middle rope, Natalene climbs out onto the ring apron and uses the top rope to spring herself high above her rival. From there, she drops down with a devastating two foot stomp to the face!

Kick from a Countess
This running bicycle kick is meant to stop an opponent before they have any chance of making it back on their feet.

A simple feint punch meant to throw an opponent off guard. Can be used for simple comedic effect, but is usually immediately followed up by something more painful.

Baron Bomb
A ddt off the ropes, meant to send an opponent's head crashing into the edge of the apron and out of the ring!

Mistress' Mist
Natalene always carries a vial of mystery liquid somewhere on her persons during a match. The contents of the liquid can very wildly depending on the match...

While gripping onto an opponent's neck from behind, Natalene drags and rakes her elbow along the exposed forehead of her opponent. A few smashes might even be enough to draw blood!

Finishing Moves:
Ragdoll Thrasher
After draping an opponent over the ropes Natalene heads to the apron where she unleashes a flurry of knees into the undefended face of her opponent. Chances are she won't let up, even after they've been knocked out!

Natalene lifts the leg of a prone opponent before repeatedly smashing it knee-first into the canvas below. If that isn't enough to get them to submit, then she'll throw in a single leg boston crab to finish them off.

Meet the Mat
Natalene grabs both arms of a prone opponent and spreads them out wide, placing a foot on the back of their head for added discomfort. Thrusting downwards, she sends them face-first for a lights out curbstomp!

Hentai Finishers (NSFW) :
Lavish Lust
A move of many forms, there's no one way for Natalene's to devour her opponent. This one involves a rough hair grab, foot to the face, and two fingers plucking her opponent's pussy. The rest is simply free-form as she tries to wrangle her opponent into orgasmic bliss.

Feral Fingers
Bending her opponent over into an over the knee backbreaker, Natalene assumes a feral grip of her opponent's head as she goes all out. Sucking their tits, and fingering them senseless, but the options are limitless in this position.

Physical Statistics:
Endurance: 2/5 - Is not built to take alot of punishment at all, but she can resist well enough against lighter fighters
Strength: 2/5 - Average for her weightclass, if not a little below
Speed: 5/5 - Super athletic and a whizz around the ring.
Defense:2/5 - Running and dodging counts as defense, right?
Technique: 1/5 - No technique whatsoever. Most of her moves are crude and improvised.
Wrestling Statistics:
Strikes: 4/5 - Utilizes a rough brawler style with a heavy emphasis on kicks and punches.
Submissions: 3/5 - Super flexible and capable of wide array of submissions, even if they aren't the strongest.
Powerhouse: 2/5 - Can lift and toss girls her weight or lighter.
Aerials: 3/5 - Most involve throwing herself recklessly at her opponent, but hey, that counts.
Counters: 1/5 - If you manage to lock her in, chances are she won't know how to escape.
Hentai: 4/5 - Feral and ferocious hentai style.
Overall Difficulty: 5/10
Personal Information
Standard Attire

Noble Attire



Naughty Noble Attire

Hentai Attire


Hardcore Attire

Bed/Lingerie Attire








Stretch Routine

Personality: Her whole life, Natalene has had to abide by the strict rules and confines of high society. Outside of the ring, this very much still seems to be the case. She is polite and elegant, if not a little bit haughty. In others words, she acts in exact accordance with a woman of her stature and background.
Inside the ring, Natalene is a completely different woman. It's her only opportunity to act without any bounds or limitations, and she makes to sure to enjoy every last second of it in agonizing detail. Years of tight corsets, posh parties, and forced smiles have brewed cruel and carnal desires deep within her, along with a fascination for the macabre and uncouth - and she makes sure to unleash it all in the ring.
She views her opponents more as toys than respected fighters. She'll play with them as long and as rough as she pleases, doing away with all rules and barriers that may impede her enjoyment. She isn't so much concerned with her wins and losses as she is teasing and torturing her opponent's as much as possible, and is ok with taking a loss if it means her opponent had a terrible time in the process.
Only once her sick sense of fun has been fulfilled will Natalene look to end a match. Whether it be bashing a metal chair over their head, or fucking their brains out, you can bet Natalene will look to draw out an opponent's suffering as long the ref will allow her... just kidding! Natalene doesn't give a HOOT about the ref!
Biography: Born into a wealthy and influential family, Natalene is a direct decedent of the aristocracy in France. If her family's centuries old chateau and comfy lifestyle weren't enough to tell you that already, then perhaps her snobbish demeanor and victorian aesthetic might be enough to cue you into this fact.
Her sisters all leaned heavily into the families noble heritage, playing along whenever they held lavish dinner parties or coached the girls on the proper etiquette for women of their stature. Natalene on the other hand, was defiant from the very start. Such tired customs had no place in modern France, and Natalene was sick of playing pretend for her family's grandeur illusions of noble status.
She regularly rebelled in all sorts of ways. Acting immaturely at house parties, terrorizing her private school pupils with mean pranks and jokes, dressing in ways that were unbefitting of her class (but were much more in tune with girls her age). Perhaps her worst offense of all was her scary obsession towards violence, and just how easily she was willing to resort to it.
She was the black sheep of her family, and soon, they had enough of it. Under threat of being cut out of the family's inheritance, Natalene convinced her parents to fund several expensive trips so that she can "find herself" and return as the respected and elegant daughter they always wanted. Reluctantly they agreed, and she left the family estate at only 18, although with a sizeable amount of startup cash plus a monthly allowance. Rather than spend the money wisely, Natalene used the opportunity to explore all the aspects of life that were previously denied to her. She blew money on travel, booze, and strippers in countless underground raves worldwide, where she eventually settled on the underground scene in Tokyo.
By pure chance, she caught her first taste of underground fight clubs. She threw herself in the pits with little regard for her own safety, and though she found herself cut and bruised, took equal pleasure on delivering the same punishment onto her opponents. She didn't win them all, but she didn't care. She was having the time of her life, drinking, partying, and fighting!
Her love of fighting grew substantially during her time in Tokyo, and she knew there was only one place that would cultivate it even further. Though she lacked any serious skill, she used the vast stream of cash (still coming from her oblivious parents) to "convince" LAW recruiters to sign her into the league. Using her regal roots as a deceptive moniker, Natalene set forth to wreak havoc in the ring as the Naughty Noble!
Fun Facts:
- Natalene has always been obsessed with the macabre and the grotesque. The eye patch and dark goth look is just one ways she likes to incorporate this aesthetic
- Although Natalene caused mayhem in most of the after school activities her parents forced her to attend, she did take an active interest in gymnastics, hence her enhanced flexibility
LAW Information