Freia Kagami

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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Freia Kagami

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Name: Asuka Kagami
Nickname: Ice Queen, Silver Wolf, the Perfection Beyond Death
Age: 33
Eyes: Red
Hair: White
Height: 5”9’
Weight: 140 lbs
Birthplace: Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
Entrance Music:
Full Bodied by GHOST DATA
Wrestling Information
Freia has never lost a humiliation match, and it’s not hard to see why. Her wrestling style centers around mindgames and domination, withering her opponents down with a mixture of hard hitting throws and slams, then draining them with torturous holds, all while she teases and strokes and has her way with them. She lives to play with her food, and excels in making the match as unpleasant as possible for them. There’s no low she won’t sink to, no standard she won’t violate, and it’s easy to see why she’s been kicked out of every promotion she’s been in since leaving Wrestle Angels. Every match with Freia is a hentai match, whether it says so on the card or not.

Freia will run away from a fight that’s not going her way and strike an opponent the moment she has an opening, but that’s not so much cowardice as pragmatism. She is a surprisingly strong technical wrestler under all the sleaze.
Style: Lewd Submissionalist
Type: Technical

Preferred Attacks: Leglocks, DDTs, Slams, Facesits

Preferred Matches: Humiliation, Hentai Endurance, I Quit, Accepted Submission, POW, Cage Match

Attitude to Hentai: “Do you not know who I am?”

Physical Statistics

Endurance: ★★★ - More durable than you might think.
Strength: ★★★ - While not weak, she’s not too high up on the power list.
Speed:★★★★ - Not the fastest.
Defense:★★★★ - Is skilled in the fine art of not being hit..
Technique: ★★★★ - Underneath all that grime beats the heart of a technical wrestler.

Wrestling Statistics

Strikes: ★★★ - Has strong, if basic, strikes to work with..
Submissions: ★★★★ - Do you see what she’s wearing?
Powerhouse: ★★★ Has a few good throws in her.
Aerial: ★★ - Is a bit clumsy on the turnbuckle.
Counters: ★★★★★ - Her ability to read opponents is top notch.

Signature Moves:
Widow’s Wall
Freia catches an opponent around the waist, spins them around, then drops them on her knee. Instead of letting them slide off, however, she pulls their pants down (if they’re wearing any) and proceeds to give them furious spanks on the ass, counting them off while she gets her fill.
Freia never wins with the Romero Special, but she loves doing the move, and rarely goes a match without employing it. Her legs strength is good enough to keep it up for a while, and it puts her in a prime position to taunt her foes as she torments them.
This is Freia's go-to when she wants to shut down faster opponents, working as a great counter move she can bust out of nearly any situation. She spins around and lashes out with a wicked elbow to her opponent’s face. On rare occasions, she can get a lucky knockout.
Hentai Signature
Freia captures her opponent’s arms in a crucifix position with her legs, scissoring them. She then pulls her opponents head towards her and takes them with a wild kiss, then proceeds to have her way with their vulnerable body. This is the move she most often uses to remove clothing, aiding her humiliation tactics.
Finishing Moves
Freia has many submission moves in her repertoire, but this one is her favorite. Effective, painful, and leaves her with an arm that’s free to reach all of her opponent’s juiciest bits. She can even hit this move out of a tilt-a-whirl, giving it great utility.
The End Of All Things
Freia gets behind her opponent, catches them with a full nelson, places her foot in front of their ankle, then falls forward and smashes her opponent’s face in the mat with their combined weight.
Nefiheim’s Gate
A mix of a camel clutch and a boston crab, which Freia likes to use on smaller, more flexible opponents.
Hentai Finisher
Valhalla’s Gate
Freia wraps her legs around her opponent’s neck while she sits on top of them, pins their hands underneath her knees, then sits down and puts the full pressure on their neck, choking them and leaving them help to stop her from ravaging their body.
Personal Information
People remember Freia as the quintessential wrestling villain - a woman devoted to debauchery and defilement, unrestrained by social norms, whose only goal was to leave her opponents broken and humiliated in the ring. The essence of lust, the patron saint of perversion, the undisputed dominant devilish diva.

And that’s all still true…just to a lesser extent. Having to run a business has mellowed out Freia a bit, and while she’s still an unashamed hedonist, she’s not quite as gungho about it as she was in her younger days. That being said, she can still bring the old Freia out, and it’s not wise to earn her wrath if you like keeping all your clothes on, but it takes her a little more to work up to that point, and her mindgames are more about gaining tactical advantage and less about screwing with her opponents feelings.
When people find out that Freia was a stripper before she entered the world of wrestling, they have a variety of reactions, but surprise is never one. What they are a little shocked to learn, however, is the history behind it.

Coming into the profession straight out of school, becoming an exotic dancer was always her goal. She had always loved putting her body on display, loved dancing, loved the looks and attention it garnered her. With her rare mix of Icelandic and Japanese ancestry, she always feared that she was in danger of being an oddity among her classmates, but thanks to her sultry, alluring personality, she was an exotic enigma among her peers. Over time, she came to love the looks she could attract with the simplest of movements, loved the rush she had when all eyes were on her, so her move the stage was a natural one.

While she was a successful stripper, her popularity would turn into a curse, as she grew and attracted so many fans that she started to take money away from her coworkers and caused them to lose no small amount in tips. She was aware of their scorn, but after trying and failing to make amends with them, she just resigned to their hatred, figuring she would just live her best life and forget about them.

The others weren’t content to let it slide, however, and concocted a plan. Their club had a partnership with a small wrestling promotion, where they would occasionally come in and do tepid catfights. Seeing an opportunity to take Freia off the stage, they had her compete, and take on the most physically capable of them, a woman who, unbeknownst to Freia at the time, was a former professional wrestler.

The fight went poorly…at first. But as it went on and it was made clear what this really was, Freia got more and more into the fight, and did better and better. What was more, she fought with a raunchy, carnal fury, stripping her opponent of her garments and using them to choke her into submission. She was winning and loving it, experiencing domination for the first time, and she reveled in the rush that it gave her.

By the time she was finished, her opponent was a sweaty, bloody, cum-soaked mess in the middle of the ring. The head of the wrestling promotion saw the hallmarks of something dangerous and wild, something that could set his business on fire, and offered her a contract.

And that was the way Freia Kagami was born.

She was successful in wrestling, bringing a lot of eyes to her promotion, but her wrestling style…controversial. She had a a habit of rubbing people the wrong way, both figuratively and literally, and this behavior persisted when she was picked up by Wrestling Angels. She was known more and more for her raunchy matches, fondling and groping opponents, even occasionally stripping them for an advantage, and this only got worse when she teamed with SA-KI, a wrestler with similar tendencies. The two enjoyed a run as one of the more dominant, despicable teams in Wrestling Angels, and they not only filtered with their opponents, but with suspensions, as they frequently pushed the envelope of what was acceptable. But they were popular with the rowdier aspects of the Wrestle Angels fanbase, so they were excused.

And then ‘the Chisato Incident’ happened.

Freia’s most infamous match happened when she challenged then-champion Chisato Sakurai to a cage match. As the cage was coming down, SA-KI slipped into the ring, and the two proceeded to subject Chisato to one of the worst beatings Wrestle Angels had ever seen, and definitely the lewdest. The two decimated Chisato, forcing her to multiple orgasms and stripping her in a shocking display of sex and violence before making her submit.

Freia expected to be rewarded with the belt for her actions. Instead, she and SA-KI were fired that very night, and left the company in infamy. The two would try to find work after that, but it turns out that having a reputation for assaulting your opponents makes one something of a pariah. They were effectively blacklisted, and had to go their separate ways.

For her part, Freia decided to parlay her notoriety with the fans into business, and opened up a strip club of her own. Called ICE, it was a wrestler-themed club, where the women dressed as lookalikes for popular wrestlers and often held special events during PPVs. The place did well, thanks in no small part to LAW’s popularity, and Freia was prepared to settle into this career.

That came to a halt when SA-KI contacted her, saying that she and two others had managed to get LAW contracts, and that she could get her in as a fourth. What was more, they had designs on starting a new faction in LAW, and were looking at starting up their same antics. While Freia was a little iffy on the concept, the truth was that she’d missed the ring, and was into the idea of cutting loose again.

She accepted.
Hentai Outfit - NSFW
Poor Girls…
The Chisato Incident
You see nothing!
Nothing at all!
Damn it!
=Fun Facts=

+Is good with kids. Better than you’d think. She babysits her sister’s all the time.
+Freia keeps up her training as a stripper and infrequently appears on stage at her own club, charging extra on the nights she does.
+Even Freia has to admit that, maybe, she went a little too far with Chisato. She sent a private apology to the woman, and while they’re not friends, it was accepted.
+Freia’s mother is a mythologist, and her love of Norse myths is where Freia got the name from.


[Character used with permission from Rym]
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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