Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

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Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

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Smother Match
First to 3 Falls

Whoever Lands a Smother Move on Their Opponent 3 Times Will Be the Victor

Lana's first mixed match! Lana, being pansexual, had no qualms wrestling with pretty much anybody, so although sadly things couldn't get too spicy, the lewd girl was confidant she could still have plenty of fun with whoever she was facing up against - girl, guy, whatever. In a way she felt kind of bad for her opponent, because after she was done sensually smothering the lights out of him, he would be left very, very wanting.
Entrance Music
Basic Outfit
Lana's theme would begin, and like always, it began with an elegant pose. Since Lana's choice of attire this time around was more on the humble side, she decided she would amp up the sensual-ness of things, tilting her hips as she put her hands behind her head, before walking down the ramp, waving and blowing kisses to the crowd - and winking to a few very lucky fans who got to lock eyes with her.

As she entered the ring and made her way to a corner, once she was there she would stick out her ass and give it a few taunting pats, sticking out her tongue and pulling down the bottom of her right eye with one finger - as Lana really wanted to accentuate the teasing nature of this match - causing the already loud cheering of the crowd to soar into downright roaring. After that, she would lay back into her corner, ready to see who exactly was about to have their face adorned in that ass.
Last edited by Yugo on Fri Sep 23, 2022 11:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

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It wasn't unusual to be involved in a smother wrestling match at L.A.W. However, one would naturally imagine that a female wrestler going up against a male wrestler in such a match would have the advantage. Daisuke would beg to differ and he was happy to accept a match against Lana and to top it off he would demand that it would be a first to three falls just to prove his point that even a male wrestler could have tricks up his sleeves to land a smother and pick up a pin. This was not the first smother wrestling match that the wrestling prince had taken part in and certainly it would not be his last.

In the gorilla position, Daisuke was clad in his CK wrestling briefs and nothing else. He would jump up and down, rolling his shoulders and stretching his arms before taking a second to adjust his wrestling briefs. After Lana's theme died down, his theme would cue and Daisuke would head out of the backstage area and make his way down to the ramp towards ringside. Daisuke's body was fit and toned, he was smirking in confidence as he was not going to lose this match against this nobody wrestler!
He would step up the steel steps and enter the ring, making his way to the middle of the ring as he sized his opponent down from head to toe. She seemed quite modest with her wearing a white shirt cut below her belly to show off her abdomen but she did wear some very cheeky wrestling briefs. "Heh, you don't look so tough. I don't care what match type it is because I am not losing in any match type. Prepared to get smothered and be humiliated in defeat by the wrestling prince" he taunted as he stood high and mighty in the middle of the ring, waiting for Lana to come up and meet him face to face.

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Re: Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

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Once Daisuke was close enough for Lana to get a good look at him, she realized that this man was quite handsome! He was tall, dark, and absolutely sculpted! And Lana loved that he was wearing practically nothing, save for those hot Calvin Kleins.

But it seemed like this stallion had a bit of an ego - even calling himself, "the wrestling prince". That was fine by Lana, because there were no doubts in her mind that she would take this jerk down.

Lana would strut towards Daisuke, beginning her rebuttal "So serious, mister 'wrestling prince'. And here I was, hoping you and I could get a little more friendly~"

Lana would then step right up to Daisuke, and trace her finger flirtatiously across his abs "You won't be talking so tough by the end of this match, handsome~"
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Re: Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

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Standing in the middle of the ring, the regal male wrestler would be greeted by his opponent who would look him up from head to toe like he was a piece of eye candy or something! Truth be told, he loved the attention and no doubt Lana was quite the stunning individual herself but Daisuke would never let it be known that at all. He would roll his eyes at her direction and shake his head. "Pfft! Friendly?! How dare a common peasant like you even think that wrestling royalty would ever be friendly against someone like you. Besides, we are about to engage in a wrestling combat! Why would I be friendly to my opponent" he lectured, waving his hand nonchalantly.

She would then trace her hand across his abs and would have a little playful threat in there as well with her words. "Oh please, like you could ever beat me even in such a match like this" he would say grabbing her wrists suddenly and moving behind her back to press her arm high against her back and wrenching it a hammerlock.

The referee would scold Dai for the move but would order the bell to be rung as the match officially started.

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Re: Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

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"...Peasant?" That was a new one. Lana has never been called that before. If only Daisuke knew who he was telling that too...

The bluenette was so distracted by that comment that she had no time to react to being hammerlocked! She would be completely taken aback by that, as well as the referee suddenly signaling the beginning of the match!

"Nnngh" Lana would struggle to get free from Daisuke's uncomfortable grip, but that wouldn't exactly do much for her. Fortunately for her though, she was still in a pretty advantageous position, and Daisuke would soon figure out why...

Lana would back up into the wrestler, pressing her butt right up against his crotch, beginning to shimmy her hips left and right while her arms were still locked up by Daisuke. "You won't hold me like this for long, Takeuchi-san. I'll get free, one way or another~"

The lewd girl had little doubt in her mind that this move would at the very least loosen Daisuke's grip on her enough for her to get free. This guy talked a good game, but nobody could resist Lana's charms, nobody.
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Re: Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

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The wrestling prince would knowingly insult Lana because of her whole gimmick of being a hentai and/or smother wrestler. Daisuke willingly accepted this match to prove that a real pro wrestler could beat the so-called session and hentai wrestlers at their own game because they were that much skillful! While she was busy trying to seduce him, which sort of worked, he would quickly grab her arm and take it behind her to lock in a hammerlock. He wrenched her arm high above her back and twisted it, making her moan in pain while she struggle around. "Hah, is that right? What can a hentai and soft-core wrestler like you possibly do against a real wrestler like me?" he mocked her.

Suddenly, she would shimmy her hips to rub her behind against his crotch giving him a rather sensual feeling. "W-wha?" he gasped before feeling his grip loosen up naturally thanks to that questionable tactic that she was doing. "W-what the heck are you doing?" he said, his breathing starting to get a bit heavy due to the excitement he felt thanks to that grinding of her ass against his crotch.

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Re: Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

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Just as planned, Lana's lewd attack succeeded in loosening Daisuke's grip on her. She would continue for a bit longer, amping up the sensuality by moving in a more slow and rhythmic fashion, swerving her hips baaack and foooorth as her ass brushed all around Daisuke's increasingly stiffening rod.

Normally, she would keep going until her opponent burst, but given the nature of the match, Lana would have to opt for something different. She had never tried this move before, but it couldn't be that hard to execute, right?

When she felt the time was juuust right, just when Daisuke seemed to be totally distracted by Lana's delightful grinding, she would snap her arms free from the wrestling prince's grip, wrap them around his head, and drop her body down, hoping to pull of a stunner!
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Re: Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

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Not expecting Lana to really use her "assets" the way she did, usually the stigma was that the male wrestlers would be looking to do the more suggestive tactics in this match. However, Lana was not afraid to get up close and personal with her male opponent as evident from her grinding her backside against his crotch. That was enough for him to get distracted and allow Lana to break away from Daisuke's grip which caused him to shake his head and focus back to the match. "S-Shit?! Damn, you tricked me! Gugh" he said trying to back away but it was too late.

The female wrestler would wrap her arms around his head and keep him in place, she would drop down on her ass and bring his neck down against her shoulder for a stunner out of no where! Daisuke would bounce off her body and fall back down on his back, clutching his neck while rolling over onto his side and moaning in pain.

"Owwww" he cried out, stunned momentarily from that maneuver.

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Re: Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

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"HA!" Cried Lana, proud and excited over her first stunner succeeding swimmingly. "Bet you weren't expecting THAT Takeuchi-san!" She taunted, assured that the wrestling prince was truly caught off-guard by a move like that from her.

But Lana knew it would be best not to rest on her laurels, lest her opponent recover and get some revenge on her. She may have gotten the upper hand on Daisuke now, but it was far too soon for the bluenette to write him off as a pushover. Lana didn't want to push her luck and try a new move twice in a row so she opted for her next attack to be much more simple. Running and rebounding against the ropes, the Chinese elite would jump up in the air once she was close to Daisuke, hoping to slam her hips right down on his stomach for a powerful follow-up!
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Re: Smother Match: Lana De Tiānshàng Vs Daisuke Takeuchi!

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

He certainly was not expecting that at all. From his research on his opponent, he was told that she was a lewd and hentai wrestler therefore Daisuke was totally caught off guard when she pulled off a stunner! Daisuke would flop down onto his side before shifting over onto his side while clutching his chin. "D-damn you Lana-san" he would curse under his breath while trying to roll over onto his front and then push up to try and get up onto all fours. However, before he could roll over onto his front, Lana would rush towards the ring ropes and bounce off them to run back towards the male wrestler before leaping up high in the air and come crashing down ontop of Daisuke.

Her hip smacked against his abdomen, knocking the wind out of him as he laid there flattened under her. "OUUUFFFF" he cried out, gasping a bit thanks to the impact. The wrestling prince grunted in pain, now stunned and winded out under the Chinese elite who had gained the upperhand in this match.

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