Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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Standard match
Victory via pinfall, submission, KO, count-out, or disqualification

Krystyna Mazowiecka had had some mixed results in her first couple of matches in LAW, but both of them had most certainly been enjoyable ones for the "poisonous" Polish girl. Thus, her body and mind were filled with anticipation as she was about to head into her third match in LAW - this time against a rookie called Vincent Tong! Admittedly, Krysia had been a bit surprised that also her third match was going to be against a male just like her previous one, although she didn't mind at all about it - even if she hadn't faired that well at all against her prior opponent, the almighty Killer King.

But a new match was always a new opportunity - and at least her new foe wouldn't be named as apprehensively as "Killer King" had been! In fact, once Krysia had been told her new opponent's name, her reaction had been "Tong? What do you mean? Does he wear thongs in the ring?", accompanied by some hearty giggles with it. Nonetheless, whatever her opponent would be wearing did not really matter to Krysia... The Pink Poison felt good and confident about tonight, and as it was her turn to make her entrance first, she was certainly ready to have some fun in the LAW arena tonight!

Krystyna Mazowiecka - The Pink Poison

As her entrance theme began to play, Krystyna began making her way down the ramp. She had a rather happy and somewhat oblivious expression on her face, while seeming to pay no particular attention at all to all of the crowds or the surroundings around her. It seemed that getting into the ring and settled into her corner was the only natural target for the Polish girl, and she was just being happy to be doing so. Skipping all the theatrics, Krysia settled into her corner waiting for her opponent - while still keeping hold of her long whip, which she used to carry with her into the ring - whether she was going to be allowed to use it or not.

Who knew, maybe this (potentially) thong-clad Vincent would even turn out to like it... Or that was at least a prospect that was going through Krysia's mind.
Last edited by Jaystar on Wed Sep 21, 2022 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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Vincent was trying to calm his nerves as he took himself in as he looked into an mirror , and saw his own reflection looking back at him. As he was trying to get in the mood for his upcoming match while doing his best to forget about his debut.Since that match was an complete disaster as he was made to look like an complete fool as the woman he was fighting kept teasing him

His attire just like last time . consisted of an pair of wrestling boots and black trunks which had blue lines on it as he would take an deep breath. Followed by drinking some water before leaving as he hoped to all that was good that he was going to get an break tonight. As he could not handle having to fight two temptresses in an row as he waited for his cue as he paced around in the gorrila position.

After waiting for about an minute he got the signal to get ready as Traffic by Tiesto would begin to play. As he walked onto the entrance way he was received by mostly quiet fans as he walked down to the ring as the announcer said ''now entering the ring from San Jose, California . Weighing in at 160 ibs ,it's Vincent Tong''as the bluenette would climb up the steel steps and enter the ring as he would straight away blush as his opponent's attire did not leave an lot to the imagination as he got an great look at her cleavage.

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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As soon as Krysia saw her opponent making his way into the ring, she began approaching him as well, wanting to meet him in the center of the ring straight away. She wanted to get a good look and good feel of her opponent, as first impressions often seemed to tell a lot on how an opponent would turn out to be. And what she was seeing was definitely making her happy.. The boy was definitely much smaller than Killer King! Even if he was slightly taller, and based on the announcement, somewhat heavier than her as well. But definitely much more palatable than the previous beast had been!

"Hey there..." Krysia began talking to her opponent, as she made her way right in front of him, with their bodies almost touching each other, especially by the girl's chestline. "You look quite heroic.... Did they send you here to drain the Pink Poison?" the Polish girl continued with a flirty tone, letting her other index finger run on Vincent's skin between his pecs while making her comment. Then she took a step back, looking down at his attire. "You don't seem to be wearing thongs though, I almost guessed that way..." she then continued with a giggle and a more teasing tone, before changing over to a sadder one. "Although you're making me feel a bit overdressed now... Maybe I should've put on my swimsuit attire... Or my bikini. They're actually really nice!" She then concluded with a chirpier tone once again, while looking straight into Vincent's eyes to see his reaction.
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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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Vincent would hear the female wrestler call out to him , and as an result turned to face her. Which allowed him to get another close up look as his eyes would straight away be focused on the pinkette's sizable assets. That would result him in once again turning bright red as his face would resemble an tomato when the flirty wrestler took things an step further.

As she would take an step forward as their bodies would almost touch each other , and then began to make innuendos that had left him stuttering as he retorted ''no..oo.oooo they uhhhh send me to face you. th.a.t I would n..ot want to dra..innn you , and this ATTIRE IS JUST FINE''as he yelled out the last part as he was clearly not handling the teasing well as he took an step back once Krysia looked into his eyes as he ended up tripping over his feet as he fell to his ass to the enjoyment of the crowd who were enjoying seeing the hot woman turn the newbie into an total mess.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Sat Jul 23, 2022 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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Krystyna was surely being flirty, but that wasn't really frowned upon at all at LAW, right? So it was almost confusing how unprepared Vincent seemed to be for it. The boy was just left stuttering as if Krysia had just done something amazing and unexpected, and was even so caught off guard that he stumbled on his own feet and fell amusingly down to the mat right in front of the Polish girl! Krysia was left giggling, and she definitely wasn't the only one in the arena doing so...

"Ok, sure, let's get on with the fighting then!" the Pink Poison said in a cheerful tone, before pulling a tiny bottle containing some green substance out of her pocket, swallowing the contents down her throat before putting the potion bottle away. Then she took a step forward, and before the bell had even finished ringing, the girl had already begun stomping down ruthlessly on Vincent's midsection with her left foot!
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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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Vincent knew he was not gonna have an good time tonight as he fell down on his ass as he looked up as the other wrestler approached him with an way to cheerful tone to her voice. As it was almost like the Pink Poison was confident that the young lion was gonna be easy to beat , and sadly the young man feared that may be the case as he watched as Krystyna would swallow the contents of an bottle she was carrying in her pocket before her foot would collide with his midsection as he was brought down.

Trying to get away from the barrage of stomps that the other woman was sending his way as he attempted to catch the other wrestler's foot in an attempt to stomp the Pink Poison from stomping down on him

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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Had Krysia known that Vincent was in fact still just a Young Lion in the beginning of his career, she could have maybe, maybe gone a little easier on him. But unfortunately for the blue-haired boy, the pinkette was completely oblivious to the fact. To her, Vincent looked like a proper pro wrestler, and even if he wasn't the biggest or strongest, that just provided her a better opportunity to beat the guy up, right? Even if he seemed to lack some serious confidence... But that was just fun for Krysia!

It was also fun to see how Vincent began trying to get away from the stomps, but with little success. Instead, the boy eventually resorted to catching the Polish girl's leg, which the pinkette did not bother to really fight against at all. Instead, she let herself fall heavily on top of Vincent, astride his midsection, and began delivering some fierce punches to the guy's pecs! And they did not always land far from his face... "Oh you don't like my foot now? What about my fists then?!?" the cheerful pinkette teased her troubled opponent as she went full force ahead with her attack.
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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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Vincent was in over his head as he did his best to protect himself as he tried to get away from the other woman's feet as she hit him with an barrage of stomps. However that did not really work out as he had hoped as he failed in his attempt to escape as all he could do was grasp onto the Polish wrestler's leg as for an short while he would manage to stop the pinkette from hitting him.

However the cocky demurer should have clued him in that this was not an setback for the other woman as he would soon find himself trapped beneath her. As Krystyna would find herself on top of him , and with an teasing one liner that spelled his doom the young lion would realize he was in even more trouble now as the cheerful shedevil would begin delivering an barrage of punches to her pecs as he cried out in pain as he did his best to protect himself.

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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Krystyna was going full force right from the start, as that was the only way she knew! Right now her fists were destroying the young guy's pecs, and his attempts at protecting them became all the time increasingly desperate. That in turn left his face wide open... And it wasn't hard for Krysia to send a few fists right onto his face as well! "Ha ha, gotcha!" the pinkette giggled.

But punching was already becoming boring, so the Pink Poison decided to show her male opponent some new parts of her! "OK, well, if you don't like my fists either, how about my thighs then?" she asked rather ominously, before moving a little bit further up Vincent's body, sitting almost astride his neck, and starting to squeeze the bare parts of her thighs around the blue-haired boy's head!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Krystyna Mazowiecka vs Vincent Tong - Poisoning A Rookie

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Vincent would have bin already overwhelmed against someone like Krystyna if she had bin holding back , but since the woman went all out he was in more trouble then he could handle. As he was already struggling to face someone dressed like the female wrestler had , and it showed as he would manage to endure the punching but was unable to really fight back. The constant giggling of the pinkette becoming more annoying as time went on as he wished the pink Poison would stop it.

However the giggling was better then hearing her mock or taunt him as that usually meant he was in more trouble , and this was proven once again when he would feel the other wrestler move upwards his body as soon her long legs were wrapped around her his head. As he would find himself squeezed by the other wrestler's strong thighs as he tried to pry them apart as he cried out in agony.

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