"You've probably noticed by now that I'm not streaming from the pussy-cat den today - in fact I'm a little ways from home. Mhmm - I'm in Japan!" Maggie's steps turned into an excited skip that echoed down the narrow corridor. "The real fans among you prooobably know what I'm doing out here, but for some of my newer viewers, I'll let you in on a little secret" Maggie came to a sudden halt as she peaked back behind her, pretending to make sure the coast was clear of any potential eavesdroppers before leaning into the camera and cupping her next words beneath her hand.
"I'm gonna be a wrestler!" Her mouth opened into a wide "O" in mock surprise, her hand pressed tightly against her cheek as if she was astounded by her own news. She extended the stick out to it's original height, giving the viewers at home a full body view of Maggie in her brand new match attire.
Meow Maggie!
"Speaking of the league, look at what they've hooked me up with" The Korean idol switched camera views as she finally reached the end of the corridor, revealing the main foyer that comprised the center of the LAW complex.
"That's right folks. Somebody in upper management obviously figured out that I'm the real deal. No training wheels for me, I'm already right up there with the big girls!" The lens focused in on the entrance to the Young Lioness dorm rooms and training grounds, the camera shaking side to side to emphasize Maggie's disapproval. She slowly panned to the busy gym and common area, offering her fans a full panorama of the complex and it's amenities.
OMG! We're so proud of you!
Congrats Maggie-chan!
Best of luck in the ring!
The Korean streamer giggled and blushed as more supportive comments continued to roll in during her livestream. The audience count seemed to be growing by the minute! "Aww thanks so much everyone! But someone as puuurfect as you're favorite idol doesn't need luck. After all, I heard they only let their top level recruits in this place" Maggie said with a twinkle in her eye, letting her confident grin do the job of masking the obvious fabrication. She flipped the camera once more to observe the wrestlers that passed her by. No one seemed to pay attention to her, despite the loud and invasive nature of her livestream.
Well, all accept for one girl. Maggie panned the camera towards the girl's location, zooming in on the irritated, if not disgusted look on her face.
"Or maybe they just let anybody in - hehe! I thought they only let wrestler back here... or maybe she's a fan!" Maggie's loud voice took on a coy tone as she lifted her hand towards the gawking dark-skinned beauty, molding her thumb and index into a cute, although obviously insincere finger heart.