jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

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jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

match type best of three hentai match
win: first to two orgasms win
attire bikinis

Jennifer was excited she was having a match as she looked at her black bikini making sure everything was good and massaged her a cup breasts sighing abit. "how did rebecca get the breasts and i cant?" she asked her self as she thought about her sister who was also in the league, Jennifer would smile and take in a breath, she wasnt worried for her match her opponent should be the one worried. She would head out to the arena as her music played. she would walked out and wave to the crowd smiling and doing some lewd Gestures like thrusting her hips to show she was gunna fuck her opponent .

getting into the ring she would walk to her corner and lean on her corner and waited for her opponent the smile not leaving her face as she licked her lips.
Last edited by Dragonofdarkness on Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

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Through the thick dark clouds, it is yet again a full moon tonight. Before getting into the arena, Ichika did some warming-up in the backstage, jogging a little, stretching her arms, then took a deep breath. "Ehh... what am I about to get myself into..." Ichika said to herself, even herself didn't know why she agreed to this match, this hentai match. But any way, Ichika still inspected her adorably designed bikini, carefully checked every parts to make sure her stylish appearance won't be ruined.

As Ichika reached the entrance of the arena, all the lights were suddenly turned down until the entire place were in complete darkness. Suddenly, several spotlights were turned on, focused on one point, where a girl with blue hair and devil's wings was standing.
This is a grand entrance decided by Ichika herself, as she wanted to let everyone know, she was not just a ordinary newcomer. Coincidentally, once Ichika was being shown in front of the audiences, a loud sound of thunder could be heard from outside, as it began to rain hard outside. "Hehe, good timing." Ichika thought to herself, as she did two forward somersault in the air, to show a little of her gymnastics skill, then quickly ran jogged to the ring. She did a horse-vaulting jump, yet another gymnastics moment, to vault into the ring, and waited in her corner, as she could finally turn around and take a good look at her opponent on the other side. That was also a beautiful girl who was about as tall as Ichika herself, with a more "natural" hair color compared to hers, wearing a set of bikini just as stylish as her own. "Oh well, so you also brought yourself to this match..." Ichika smiled, "...and should I say 'Nice to meet you?' Because maybe this is the only time I will be nice to you!" The smile turned to a grin, Ichika really wanted to show her terrifying side so soon.

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Re: jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

Unread post by Dragonofdarkness »

Jennifer looked to see the lights coming down and then spot lights on the entrance she would see a blue hair girl in a sexy bikini just a the thunder struck she didn't think that was planned but it did added for the girl. seeing the girl do gymnastics maneuvers she would wide eyes but smirked abit as she thought about how much she was gunna bend this girl. giggling she couldnt wait to test her flexibility.

when the girl spoke Jennifer smiled hearing her threat. "oh you you're not gunna be nice? thats fine with me ill bend you and make you be nice after i fuck you and make you cum like a fountain. "Jennifer smiled taking not the girl was her size to look the same size as rebecca so she wasn't worried the only thing of not is the gymnastic background theg irl had she might now how to bend and stretch jennifer if shes not careful.

walking to the middle of the ring jennifer smiled, "so ready to cum then wittle girl "Jennifer said to get a fire going in the girl knowing the baby sounded little would piss her off abit.

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Re: jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

Unread post by SkoomaAddict »

Oh, look how tough this girl is! This is gonna be fun. Ichika thought to herself. "Haha, that was a nice speech!" With her opponent's flinty response, Ichika reacted with a laugh "But it's probably better for me to teach you to speak politely!" No body can even try to threat Ichika's pride, and this girl was definitely one of the first.

But right now, Ichika knew what's the more important thing she should do, as the blue hair girl slowly walk towards the center of the ring, while raising her arm and waving her hand, "So you want to this to start so soon? Then bring it then!" Ichika taunted, she wanted to let her opponent know that she was ready, ready for anything the brown hair girl would throw at her, ready for toying the beautiful body the opposite girl had. "I will make you regret for what you said, babe."
Last edited by SkoomaAddict on Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

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Jennifer smirked at Ichika as she walked to the center. "well see what you can teach me bitch" Jennifer said with a smirk. Once she she was in the middle of the ring she looked down at Ichika's chest and smirked groping hers. "sure sure we can start now cutting board chest." Jennifer said giggling before stepping up to chop Ichika in the chest.

"oh i hope you try at least." Jennifer laughed as she started chopping Ichika in the chest over and over. "wow i thought you'd be at least a be an a cup like me cute cutting board" Jennifer said as she rush to get behind Ichika and grab her waist to lock her in a waistlock.

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Re: jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

Unread post by SkoomaAddict »

Ichika would notice her opponent's eye sight slowly moving onto her chest, which embarrassed her a little. "What are you looking at... ouch!" Prepare for everything... well, that turned out to be just Ichika's wishful thinking, because next moment in even Ichika's surprise, Jennifer took stepped a step and landed a hit right onto the blue hair girl's chest, it was so fast Ichika could only blush a little, right before next hit from her opponent. "Hey! You cheater!" Ichika yelled as she tried to raise her arm to cover her chest. She could block one or two chops from Jennifer, but not a series of it. Although it didn't hurt too much, but that was such an embarrassing place to get hit.

"Who are you calling cutting board... errr?" Jennifer's mocking towards her chest for the second time annoyed Ichika a little, but when she tried to say something, only to be cut off by another surprise as the brown hair girl suddenly moved to the back of her, grabbed onto her waist and locked her tightly with a waistlock. "Hey! Hey! Let go of me!" Ichika put both of her hands on to her foe's arms, trying to move away the arms locking her, but would she do it on time before her opponent execute the next move on her? Probably not.

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Re: jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

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Jennifer giggled as she succussfully chopped ichika's chest not once but twice however the blunette started to defend against her chops. no matter she thought to her self as she got behind ichika and locked in the waist lock. "got ya babe~" Jennifer giggled as she would move her hands abit lower to rub ichika's crotch to get her nice and bothered.

jennifer figured the girl was all talk she told her self she had this match in the bag as she rubbed the girl's crotch and whispered in the girls' ear. "you can start cumming for me babe or i wont be gentle anymore." Jennifer giggled as she felt Ichika trying to get free of the waistlock and knew it was a matter of time befor the girl gets released. she didn't want that however so jennifer would try to keep a firm grip.

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Re: jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

Unread post by SkoomaAddict »

Yep, the moment was just way too short for Ichika to do anything, as in her shock, Jennifer moved her hand down, slowly until it stopped right at her crotch. "Wh... what are you... grah!" Ichika would let out a screech when Jennifer started rubbing her crotch. It was funny that Ichika closed her mouth right away after she uncontrollably let out that yelp, she valued her image more than anything after all.

Although that was not a long time solution, as Jennifer would still continuously rubbing Ichika's crotch, slowly and gently. The thin layer of her bikini barely provided any protection from the sensation landed on the skin of her sensitive part, the itchiness, the touching of her opponent's hand... "Igh... Igghh!" Ichika would still trying to not let out any more weird yelp from the embarrassing situation, "S...stop! Put your hand away you dirty... Igh!!" Ichika could barely say anything, as the itchiness in her crotch continues, the blue hair tried to squirm her body while putting one of her hands on to her opponent's, trying to breaking free before the situation went out of control.

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Re: jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

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Jennifer giggled hearing Ichika moaned and screeched after she startd rubbing her crotch. "aww you like that dont you you lewd girl" Jennifer giggled as she kept rubbing hearing the girl trying so hard to not make weird noises. puffing her cheek she pressed her fingers harder into Ichika as she rubbed more. as Ichika told her to stop Jennifer laughed. "why should i do that when i have ot do this to beat you. hentai match Remember you member " Jennifer giggled.

Jennifer would blow into Ichika ear as she tried to simulate the girl more. however as she did so she would fail to notice her grip was weakening as Ichika was able to pull one of her hands away and she was busy rubbing the girl's crotch. "aww your so wet you like it dont you naughty girl. "Jennifer lied failing ot notice her grip was almost gone on ichika.

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Re: jennifer vs ichika best of three hentai bikinis

Unread post by SkoomaAddict »

"Oww... iggh... igh!" as her opponent's hand continuously rubbing her crotch, it was becoming harder and harder for Ichika to endure the sensation that kept rushing her to make funny voice. "Shut... up..." Yet the blue hair still tried to threat her foe, as Jennifer kept taunting into her ear, despite that was just a meaningless struggle. However, as it went on, Ichika would finally notice her opponent's another hand that was holding her waist was becoming loosen, so right before she screech out that funny voice that she failed to stop, Ichika could flash a solution to escape from in her mind.

"You... should be... more careful!" Ichika yelled out, as she would suddenly reach back one of her hand and grab right onto the side of Jennifer's bikini, while grabbing and holding onto her opponent's hair at the same time, then with a strong pull that used all her strength, she would try to lift up Jennifer on her shoulder, and if that was successful, Ichika would then throw Jennifer forward, smash the girl right onto the mat right in front of her.

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