The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

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The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

After what felt like an eternity of driving, the gray, beat up car came to a stop, it's driver letting out a loud sigh of relief as she removed the keys from the ignition. She felt the setting Summer sun shine through the windows of her vehicle, projecting heat onto her lightly colored skin. A few more seconds passed, and the girl opened the door, stepping out to stretch her legs and arms, taking in a nice breath of fresh air. Her silky blonde hair was jostled by the wind as she took in the sight of the building in front of her. The Young Lioness Dormitory. She cracked a smile. A few months ago, she was nothing but a troubled child. Now, she was an adult, training to become a professional wrestler under the coolest girl she knew.
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Opening the trunk of her car, she let out a heavy sigh, only now realizing just how much of a bitch it would be to unpack all her belongings. There must have been ten heavy boxes in there. "Fuck..." She huffed, picking up the first of many boxes, and proceeding through the doors. She pressed the cardboard to her chest, straining her arms as she walked through the halls, and up the stairs. Every now and then she'd rest the box a few steps above her to catch her breath, before going up a few more steps, before stopping again. She rinsed and repeated this process before arriving at the third floor of the building. She looked at each door, reading each name quietly to herself, before finally finding the door plate with her own name: Sakura Tanahashi.

Pushing the door open, Sakura was finally able to relieve the strain on her arms, dropping the cardboard box to the ground with a thud, before soon dropping to her rear herself. Catching her breath, she looked around the room that would be her new home. Brown planks made the floor, and the walls were painted white. There was a singular window, providing a beautiful view of Tokyo. To the left of it was a twin sized bed, containing a white, bare mattress, and to it's left, an empty book shelf. Sakura Tanahashi laid on her back, sighing as she thought about the nine other boxes she still had to bring in. This was gonna take a long, long time...

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Re: The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

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This weekend, Courage Takemi was out of the dormitories. Everyone had been abuzz with discussion about how her graduation from the Young Lioness Program was on the horizon - they'd all seen how far she had come in her training, and soon, she would be ready to officially step out onto the main roster. So it was to be expected that when she had a chance to take some time off, she was going to take what she could get. On the other hand, her roommate, Meiyun Lai, had elected to stay back at the dorms. She couldn't deny that she was a little bit jealous of Courage. But she wasn't going to let that hold her back - instead, she was out to make the most of her time, concentrating it toward hardening her mind, body, and spirit! If she kept this up, she was sure, she could catch up to Courage in no time!

And it was for that reason that Meiyun now found herself in her room, doing push-ups on the floor, as dramatic anime theme music blared in the background to inspire her to push herself onward. Clenching her teeth, she pushed through the soreness in her arms just a little more to lower herself toward the ground. "208...209...210-!"

Once she'd hit her goal, Meiyun dropped to her stomach, panting for breath and wiping her brow. Sure, she was supposed to have the day off from training...but no one said she couldn't make work for herself anyway! Besides, it was working, if the aches and pains going through her body said anything!

However, it was at that point that Meiyun heard a thump coming from the room across from her - and that made her sit up from the floor with a jolt. It was then that she remembered the other big rumor that had been going through the dorms - that the next wave of students would be hopping on board soon! From the sounds of it, one of them had just moved in. And at a time when the dorms were fairly quiet...that meant it was up to Mei to welcome her to LAW! Now, she knew what she had to do, and she turned her chin to the sky with a proud look on her face. If this was her duty, she would take it upon herself with pride!

Pushing herself back up, Meiyun moved out into the hallway and began to push open the door marked with Sakura's name. "Hey!" she said with a smile. "You're the new girl, right? Congratulations! How's it feel, making it here? You excited?"
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Re: The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

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Sakura rested on her back, panting. To think she had nine more of those fucking boxes... She was gonna die. Her life would end in LAW, but not in a blaze of glory, no, she would die due to her arms falling off and bleeding to death before she even finished unpacking! "Uggggghhhhh..." The girl whined. It wasn't easy to forget she'd graduated High School only a couple months ago.

Her ears perked up as someone called out to her. "Yup, that's me..." She said, leaning up with a smile. As she looked her new neighbor in the eye, a slight blush came to her face. The first thing she noticed was that... this chick was really fucking cute! "Damn right I'm excited, thanks. Course, I did just drive across the entire country, so I'm a little fuckin' exhausted." She chuckled, rising to her feet. She offered Meiyun a handshake. "The name's Sakura Fucking Tanahashi. The fucking is optional." She winked. Shit, did that sound like a come on? "You can call me Saku."

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Re: The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

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It seemed that as sore as Sakura was, it wasn't going to hold her back for long - mere seconds after Meiyun had stepped into the room, the newcomer was back up, looking to her with a smile. Meiyun nodded her head in response. Already, from the moment her new classmate had introduced herself, she could tell that she had an attitude. Maybe she was just trying to sound cool, but to Meiyun, it was working. She was sure she'd be fierce, bold, and competitive in the ring - and she couldn't wait to see what she could accomplish!

Taking her enthusiasm as an invitaton, Meiyun stepped into Sakura's room, where she reached for her hand to return the shake. "Well, then, nice to meet'cha, Saku! I'm Meiyun Lai! Yes, as in House of Lai!" She grinned a little wider, hoping that Sakura would recognize her family's restaurant. It was, of course, highly unlikely, but Meiyun liked to hold on to anything that could let her believe the business was more important than it actually was.
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Re: The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

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Sakura shook hands with Meiyun, a smile on her face. She'd already made a friend! A friend she was already having impure thoughts about, but a friend none the less! "Hm? What's that?" Sakura tilted her head. "Oh, wait, is that a restauraunt? I think I drove by that place on my way here!" She grinned. "That's pretty sweet! Remember, friends give friends discounts for any restauraunts they may happen to own." She joked.

"Well, nice meeting you too, Mei. I wish I could chat more, but I got nine boxes back in my car." She sighed, a little light leaving her eyes as she said that. "Wanna hang tomorrow?"

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Re: The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

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"...Oh." Meiyun stopped for a moment when it became clear that Sakura wasn't familiar with her family's restaurant, frowning with disappointment. Sure, it was only one Chinese restaurant in the largest city in the world...that consistently got average reviews...and that was struggling for business...but Meiyun still wanted to take pride in it whenever she could, and she felt disappointed she couldn't do that now.

Soon enough, though, Sakura confirmed that she did, in fact, know the place, and in almost an instant, Meiyun was reinvigorated. She flashed a grin as she stood up straighter, cheering to her new classmate. "Yeah, it is!~ We definitely have to go some time! Don't worry, I'll be sure to give you a discount! Well, if you think you can take on my 100-dumplings challenge, anyway!~" she added with a chuckle, elbowing Sakura in the side.

She had only known Sakura for a few seconds, but already, Meiyun couldn't help but feel that the two of them gelled with one another perfectly. She wanted to know this girl more, she told herself; she wanted to hang around her, and to see if she really was as fun as she seemed. When Sakura announced that she had to leave to finish unpacking, she frowned. "Aww...already? Well, I guess..." she sighed. But then, an idea came to her - an idea that made her stand up straighter, her eyes opening wide as the proverbial lightbulb went off in her head. If Sakura was busy with the one said she couldn't pitch in, too!

"Hey, wait, wait-! What if I helped you carry your boxes up? We could talk more! Plus, lifting heavy objects is a great way to build your strength!" She puffed out her chest and flexed her arms, trying to show off.
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Re: The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

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Sakura and Meiyun laughed together. It was already apparent the two would make good friends, and what made it even better, their rooms were right in front of each other! But as much fun as Saku was having, she'd have to bond with Mei later, lest she end up unpacking until dawn. But as she said this, Mei made an offer that brought a grin to her face. "You'd help? Heh, you're my fuckin' hero, thanks." She cheered, giving Meiyun a quick hug.

She lead Meiyun back to the parking lot, pointing at the car with a trunk full of boxes in it. "Aight, I take one, you take one."

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Re: The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

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Meiyun had only known Sakura for a few minutes now, but she had already made a new friend! Now Sakura could see her rise to glory as she took on the best around and proved her strength, and she could stand in her corner cheering her on in all of her big matches! Meiyun, of course, would be just as happy to do the same for Sakura. And as the blonde leaned in to hug her, Meiyun returned it, giving her a tight squeeze. But as she broke away afterward, she flashed a grin, nodding her head. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to show off her strength! "Any time! Trust me, with the great Meiyun Lai on your side, you'll get it done in no time!"

She practically skipped all the way down to the car, stepping up to it to inspect the boxes in the truck. "Okay, yeah, you really did pack a lot," she muttered, rubbing her head. But Mei wasn't going to let that hold her back. She would rise to any challenge, no matter how big or how small, if it meant showing the world that she was destined to be the strongest wrestler in LAW! In an instant, a confident grin crossed her face. "Just leave it to me!~" she said, leaning in to grab the heaviest box she could find...

And visibly straining and struggling to haul it out of the car, her face growing red from the exertion as her teeth clenched tightly. "Mmfff...rrgh..." she groaned, drawing it closer and closer to her, until at last she had it in her arms - where she promptly set it down on the ground and started panting for breath, her arms dangling limp below her. Not the best start, but Meiyun wasn't going to let this give Sakura the wrong impression of her. It was only a small setback, of course! "I'm...okay-!" she said, in between gasps, before she looked back at Sakura and flashed her a grin and a thumbs-up
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Re: The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

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Saku squeezed Meiyun with a grin, ecstatic to have made a new friend, especially one who'd be willing to help with the boatload of unpacking she had to do. "I owe ya one! Y'ever need a bitch decked, I'm your girl~!" She grinned. She'd follow Mei down the steps, and when they got to the parking lot, lead her to her car. "Heh, yeah. But trust me, when we open these boxes, you'll see it was all worth bringing!" She smiled.

Watching Mei pick up the heaviest box she had in her trunk, Sakura winced. Could Meiyun really handle that big of a load all by herself? "Uhhh, you sure you wanna-?" She was interrupted by the thud of Mei setting the box down. No, Mei couldn't take this box up the stairs by herself. Even if she could manage it against all odds, Saku wouldn't let her. And not only that, here was the perfect opportunity to impress Meiyun. She bent down slipping her fingers under the box. "A'right I'll help you. We'll take this first one together." She smiled, blushing slighty as she finished her sentence, looking Mei in the eye. "So uh... On three?"

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Re: The First Day of the Rest of Her Life...

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Meiyun laughed at that. "Hah! I can handle myself just fine if I need to! Or at least, I hope to by the time I graduate," she answered, turning and throwing a few punches in the air as she shot a confident grin. "After all, I'm gonna be the strongest wrestler there is!" Then, though, she straightened herself back up. "But that offer goes double for me, too, so don'cha worry!"

She was a little bit intimidated by the size of the load they would be moving - but when Sakura mentioned it would be worth it, she chuckled, grinning a little wider as she leaned in to bump her shoulder against the blonde's own. "Ohhh?~ What's in them, then? C'monnnnn, tell me!" Already, she and Sakura were getting along swimmingly, and she couldn't wait to learn more about her new classmate.

Either way, she would attempt to lift the heaviest box she could see...which, predictably for everyone who wasn't Meiyun Lai, didn't go so well. She hissed through her teeth as she found herself forced to set it down, and she rubbed at her bicep to try and dull the aches of the strain. She had to concede to Sakura on this one - she was going to need the help. She slipped her fingers underneath the box, too - and as she did, she could feel her hand brush up against Sakura's own. Almost like they were...

Mei's cheeks flushed red at the contact with the warm, soft surface of Sakura's skin, and her heart skipped a beat. For a moment, she stared off into space, her mind lost in a haze. It was only when Sakura spoke up again that she was shaken back to reality - and she threw her head back in a hearty laugh, just in case anyone was suspicious of anything. If anyone asked, she didn't feel a thing. "Right! Yes, of course, on three. Heh..." After a nervous chuckle, she nodded back to Sakura, bending at the knees to gather her strength. "One...two..."
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