From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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A double debut, and the LAW crowd was hot for it.

They were unique in that regard. Most wrestling fans would take a match between two unknowns as their chance to either take a piss or hit the concession stands. After all, who would want to see two no-names, fresh off the boat, going at it when they would rather be watching someone, anyone, higher up on the card?

The LAW crowd, that was who. They loved these special little affairs, viewing them like a lottery of sorts. You never quite knew who would be coming out to the ring, what sort of skills they would bring. Maybe a topnotch technical thriller, maybe a hardcore throwdown, maybe a kink-filled hentai match? Anything was on the table. Even if they were completely inexperienced, there was always something funny in watching a clusterfuck of a match.

They came for a spectacle. This was Eduardo’s kind of crowd, and he had no intentions on letting them down.
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El Blaze came bursting out from the curtains just as his music flared up, bouncing with each step he made towards. The crowd didn’t know what to make of him at first, but they were getting into him fast, he could tell. Could already see some of the ladies loving his look, falling for the handsome Hispanic man in the mask. The guys - the straight ones, anyway - didn’t have the same enthusiasm. Chances were they were just here to get their rocks off watching him get beaten by a woman.

They were the ones going home disappointed. Eduardo hadn't traveled halfway around the damn globe to get his ass whipped by some chicks in spandex and leather. He could’ve paid for that back home if it was all he’d wanted.

He’d spoil that fun soon enough. For now, he just made his way down to the ring, slid in under the bottom rope and made his way across the ring with prideful stride and a long smirk, giving the referee a quick pat on the shoulder as he passed. When he got to his corner, El Blaze leaped up, kicked his legs out, and laid on top of the ropes like they were his own, personal hammock, even crossing his fingers behind his head to complete the image.

It’d be a minute or so until whoever he was fighting got here, right? Might as well get some rest.
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Re: From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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El Blaze’s opponent for the day had the advantage over him in height, in weight. But that was not all that mattered, in the realm of LAW.. both’s experience were one and the same. Viola del Verde Rosa was watching her opponents entrance while delicately brushing her hair down with a comb with a rose embedded in the top and he seemed..

Familiar. It was not like she knew him in particular, but his style, his aesthetic.. he was a luchador. Like her. Viola thanked LAW for allowing her to settle into matches with one of her own, feeling that she would be rather at ease in this. Her music began to play, and Viola removed herself from her changing room, walking towards the arena, ready to earn her paycheck.
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Entering the arena she was met with a loud cheer from the crowd. Many men and women roared to see her, knowing her from her expansive social media and from the indies. The women loved her, the men loved her.. but both were split between wanting to see her fold El Blaze and wanting to see her curvaceous figure get folded in provocative positions.

But she wasn’t going to take their feelings into account. Only hers, and she wanted to snatch victory from her foe.

She stepped out into the ring, raising a hand into the air and addressing LAW.

“This may be my first time here.. but I intend to show you all how Viola del Verde Rosa does things!

El Blaze! I will smother out your fires in my petals until you are naught but a smouldering ember, pinned beneath my wake.”

She pointed her finger at him, narrowing her eyes as she declared her intentions.
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Re: From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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When El Blaze first came to LAW, he had been of a mind to ask management to put him against a certain sort of opponent. Namely, he wanted to wrestle someone - male or female - wearing a mask. Any mask. Any kind, any place, any time.

It might have seemed like a small thing to ask - after all, LAW was rife with masked wrestlers, and El Blaze had even come across a few of them before, knowing their names well, studying them, as a good hunter must. He had targets in mind, and no shortage thereof. But he knew that such a request would be problematic with a wrestler who carried his reputation. After all, losing the mask of one of your famed luchadors was like having their faces ripped off. Not good for business.

But it seemed like someone was slacking at the wheel, because here was a masked wrestler in front of a mask hunter. It was as if he had willed something into existence by merely wishing it so.

The woman coming his way - Viola, he assumed, if the name emblazoned on her impressive chest was a clue - came down to the ring filled with sparkles and hope, looking so energetic. It brought a smile to Eduardo’s face. A little one. More of a cocky smirk, really.

For the moment, he was content to sit back and listen to her introduction, enjoying the boundless energy she put into things. So fresh, this one. He couldn't have asked for a more perfect victim.

”Oh, chica.” El Blaze yawned, stretched, and popped off the apron. With hands in pocket, he strolled her way. ”Chicachicachicachica. You shouldn’t be so happy. Management just fed you to the wolves. See, I’m something of a collector of masks. A connoisseur. And so far?

He held up his fingers, making sure she had the right count up. Nueve. And you’re about to be number ten. Sorry.” He shook his head, bringing out some mock sorrow, only to light up a second later as an idea came to him. He leaned forward, rubbing his chin, and smirked.

”I’ll make you a deal, though. One-time offer, since you’ve been so sweet.” El Blaze took a step back, with his arms wide. ”Take off your top. Give it to me, wrestle topless, and I’ll let you hold onto your mask after I’m done beating you. I won’t take it from you, I promise.” He shrugged. ”Not today, at least. How’s the sound?”

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Re: From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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Viola had to say, she liked what she saw in front of her. Even if El Blaze didn’t have the height to match her powerful figure, he more than made up for it with handsome features and a well kept body. And the cocky attitude.. well for some, it would be a turn off. For the Rose, it was just what made things interesting for her. She would smile at him, viewing his approach with a hand resting against her hips.

She remained quiet as he spoke, until he asked her to take off her top and wrestle topless if she didn’t want him to take her mask. She considered it, slowly trailing her fingers from her waistline, to her sides and stopping right at the hem of her top. She’d hook her fingers in, slowly peeling it off to show off the supple flesh of her under breasts, not going so far as to reveal a nipple.. and then she’d let go, her fabric going back down to its original position with a snap.

“I admire your confidence, señor.. but that will just not do. Far be it that I be a woman to grace your list, let alone the tenth.”

Viola smiled at her foe, sweeping out her hand for dramatic effect, lightly pushing him back with the back of her hand.

”I believe you’ll leave empty handed.. yet your desire will be sated.. for I’ll show you the delicious taste of defeat by the hands of such a woman before you. You may keep your deals.. the victor has no need of such things.”

She’d say, leaning down to get in his face, lightly pressing her forehead against his own, an aura of confidence around her.
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Re: From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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Huh. Viola was tall. Eduardo hadn't really noticed that as she was making her way to the ring and he was up on the apron, but now that she was here and they were close and she was getting up in his face? Yeah. Yeah, she was a big woman. Maybe not super big, not a heavyweight, but close. Bigger than him by no small amount.

That was a little worrying, yeah, but it wouldn’t be a problem if she went along with his proposal. At first, that seemed to be the case, and he managed to hide his surprise as well - he’d been messing with her, didn’t think she would accept the offer and enjoy it so much. It seemed like she saw something she liked when he gazed at him, and he couldn't find fault in her taste.

But she was a tease. Huh. Should’ve seen that coming.

He stepped back from her little push, dusting off his shoulder in the process. ”Senora, you disappoint me.” He sighed and shook his head, as the referee came between them. ”But not to worry - I’ll have my satisfaction, one way or another. Though I strongly suspect you’ll wish I hadn't.”

With that, the referee looked between them, nodded and called for the bell. Tempting as it was to rush towards the tall, musclebound woman, he fought the urge and, instead, moved around the ring’s perimeter, staying light on his feet and out of her range, trying to tempt her into coming his way.

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Re: From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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Sure, Viola was tall. But she wasn’t particularly muscular, seeing as she definitely had some definition to her upper and lower body but Viola wasn’t exactly one that could compare to many of LAW’s true muscular women. Not that she cared, she liked her current stature enough as it was. She’d flip her hair back, focusing herself and getting into a stance as the bell rang to signal the beginning of their match..

And she intended to make it one worth talking about.

“We’ll just have to see about that, won’t we quierdo?”

She’d say with a laugh on her lips, ready to give Eduardo the business. He made a wise decision, circling the area around her, staying out of her reach. It was a good plan, but nothing she hadn’t seen before. She slowly began to take a couple steps forwards, subtly, keeping herself out of range as well.. before

“Come on, don’t be shy.. I don’t bite.. usually..-”

She’d say, suddenly springing into action. She’d break the stillness and take a long stride forwards to the left of El Blaze, pulling back her arm. She’d take another stride to the right, homing in on him in a sort of zigzag pattern, swishing the back of her arm right into his torso, smacking her arm into him mercilessly!
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Re: From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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Stay light on your toes, move around, keep the body loose, eyes up and face forward.

Eduardo was still a luchadore at heart, but you might not know that from the fancy footwork he displayed as he made his way around the ring. His time out of the ring had widened his skillset, though, and you could see it in the way he moved, far more appropriate for a ring with four ropes than one with three. There was a lightness to it, one that fit his style well, letting him zip about with ease.

With such great ease, in fact, he was able to move under Viola’s attack as it came in from the side. It was a close thing, he was close to getting drawn in by her little feint at the last second, but he dropped to his knees and slid under it with only inches to spare, coming out right behind her.

He could’ve gone for a lot of things in that moment. Stunned her with a neckbreaker, perhaps. A kick to the leg, weakening her base. Maybe even gone for a Pele Kick.

Instead, he whipped his hand around and gave her a firm slap on the right butt cheek, then skipped away to the other side of the ring, waving to the fans as he went for a nice round of boos.

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Re: From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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“.. oh my.”

Said Viola, her face coloured lightly pink when she felt her ass being slapped by her foe who had just slipped underneath her blow right off the bat, instead of retaliating had decided he wanted a piece of her booty. She couldn’t blame him, her ass was pretty good. She wasn’t the type to get angered easily, so she’d wheel around with the same smile on her face she had at the start, albeit a bit more subdued. She’d gently rub her ass, meeting eyes with him.

“Well then, aren’t you just nimble..?”

She’d say, deciding to try this again, just in a less.. avoidable manner. She’d level her body back against the ropes, bouncing off and breaking into a spurt of speed! She’d sidestep, using the same move again but instead of her fist, Viola went for a wide, spinning kick that arced beautifully, aimed to deliver a world of pain to El Blaze’s gut!
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Re: From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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Ah, Eduardo could already tell this was the right kind of crowd for him. Mexican crowds were way too easy, they cheered almost anything, never given him the sort of heat that he’d desired. Near the end of his tenure in his homeland, they’d almost started cheering him, with some of them thinking he was some kind of lame loveable rogue. Not his style. Ever. Made him want to vomit, almost.

Here, though? Oh, they had a low tolerance for toying around, and it was just so delicious to see. He even blew them a quick kiss before he turned back to Viola and waved at her smiling face. He was still bouncing on her feet, staying mobile and keeping an eye out for her movements - this woman wasn’t slow, by any means. Much as he played it off, he’d only just barely managed to avoid that last blow, a fact he was quite aware of.

And here she came again. Oh, boy.

This time she came at him from the ropes, moving with a head of steam, full speed. Moving in, going for that same, wild movement, preparing for an attack that would no doubt level him.

Yeah, he wanted no part of it.

She came in, went for the kick, and he responded by leaping away altogether, throwing himself to the side like she was coming at him with an axe. He rolled under the bottom rope, landed on his feet outside the ring, then went for a brisk little stroll around the ring, whistling like it was just another day in the park.

It was getting to the crowd. Was it getting to Viola?
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Sep 07, 2022 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: From The Same Cloth: El Blaze vs. Viola del Verde Rosa

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Viola was, understandably, irritated at this point. She’d exhale, feeling her kick hit nothing but hot air, heating up the Rose’s temper. She normally had a long fuse, but Eduardo was grating her tolerance. She’d take a breath, considering if she should just lie down in the ring and wait for him to come to her. She was tempted to do it, but at this point.. she didn’t think she had the patience. The booing of the crowd started to ring in her ears, and she was reminded that she was here to give a show.

It was her debut! She needed to make an impression, and so Viola hatched a plan.

The plan was simple. Play into his hands, see what he dishes out.. take it, and hit him harder. She eyed him, not moving from her spot at a bit, but she was building up courage for the next move. As Eduardo began to take a stroll, she’d get him in her line of sight.. and break into a run once more. Her style was wild, ruthless.. but also to someone like El Blaze, a bit predictable at this point. Nevertheless, she was gonna spice stuff up! The crowds cheering roared to a crescendo, and Viola raced forwards.

She’d grab the ropes, leaping up off them into the air gracefully and off into the ropes, her body doing a flip and straight into El Blaze’s figure! She performed a stunning cannonball senton, planning to deliver all the punishment he had avoided packed into one powerful, crashing blow!

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