A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

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A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

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It had been a few days since the Deity of Drpravity had shared with LAW her first revelation, proclaiming her intentions to showcase she was more than just a bitch in heat. She had challenged Chiaki Nanami, who had earlier that night had fought and beaten her rival, Sylvia Steiner. While it was not an amazing feat, it had given Kama a perfect stepping stone to show she was above the damned rich bitch. Though it had ended with said woman trying to ruin Kama's announcement and declaration, and now a second challenge was made.

Given how pissed daddy's little whore was as she was dragged out, Kama was left on edge. Both from her anger from the red lines that lingered from the slut's talons, and in worry. After Sylvia's first ambush, the islander found herself looking over her shoulder. While the surprise attacks had been few and far between back in their indie days, she had also never seen Sylvia so pissed. The Million Dollar Girl could likely have struck whenever, from wherever. Inside, or outside the ring.

Yesterday, a letter had arrived at Kama's small apartment, inviting her to a spa called Paradise. A pricey place, way out of Kama's spending allowance she put upon herself. The only girl she knew could afford it was Sylvia, so she knew it would likely be a trap by the bitch. Despite knowing that, the islander would find herself at Paradise the next day.

"Um, excuse me," Kama would say as she reached the counter and the attendant who sat behind it. "My name is Kama Kameleon. I have an appointment today for a spa treatment."
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Re: A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

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The man looked up and smiled as he saw the pleasent appearance of Kama walking into the spa. He bowed and then looked at his book. "Ah yes, Kama-san.", he said and wrote something down. "The Miss told us to guide you to the locker rooms and then to the massage parlor where your day in paradise will start.", the young man nodded friendly and handed Kama a key to enter the fancy spa. He mentioned to follow her and when they walked through the building Kama could get aquainted with how much money she really dealt here as even the tilted hallways seemed to ooze luxury.

"You are in luck, usually we don't reserve such a place for private meetings but the Miss was really generous and she meant you two would need "some space" to "deal with your business". Please feel just at home. Here we have the pools, there is our jacuzzi, the steambaths, the saunas and here we have the changing rooms. I wait for you outside and guide you to the massage rooms then.", he said and picked his phone that had started to ring. "Yes? Ah yes, yes she is here. I show her to the room. What? No, no problem, you paid very generously. The entire afternoon and evening is yours. Yes. Yes of course, everything is prepared. Mhm, of course even that. You will find them easily.", he said while waiting for the deity of depravity.

When Kama came out he nodded again and walked upstairs with her, from here Kama had a good view of the so called "Paradise" that she and her mysterious patron would have all for themselves. "It's beautiful is'nt it? And also very exclusive. Whoever invited you here must really like you, or it is something very important.", the young man said before leading Kama into the massage room. "Please undress and lay on that table. I am terribly sorry but the Miss had ordered me to tell you this.",he said and blushed a bit. "I would never dream of giving orders to someone...like you...", he said with a visible red stain over his nose and when Kama finally relented he smiled. "Have a wonderful day in paradise, Kama-san.", he said before the door closed.

Then everything went silent except for the relaxing music that always went through the speakers of spas, to soften up the mind as the body. And Kama had to wait not that long as a few minutes later the door opened again and the sound of naked feet on the tilted floor could be heard as someone approached the table were the deity was resting. She came to a halt next to the wrestler and chuckled a bit before soft fingers touched the back, where the red streaks of Sylvias extra sharp nails where still visible...

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Re: A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

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Kama was a little surprised by the kindness the receptionist showed her. Usually swanky places like this turned their nose at the sight of her, as if knowing how little money she herself had. It almost was enough to relax her guard. Almost.

He soon came out from behind the desk, motioning for her to follow before handing her a key. "Lead the way, sir." She gave a shrug as he led the way, pointing out each facility they had and what was lined up for her.

The Deity was all but certain now that Sylvia had set this all up, and had some of her Golden Girls stashed away somewhere, possibly hiding as the receptionist announced themselves. Or possibly enjoying a luxurious mud bath before they ambushed and attacked her. She couldn't let her guard down for even a second, or else she'd end up unable to compete in the bitch's challenge.

She entered the changing room as the receptionist's phone rang, though she caught none of what was said. Kama had to do a thorough check of the confined room, even if it meant she'd be taking a touch longer. Even after checking twice, she found no evidence of anyone else being in there with her. "Tch. That damned bitch either has learned patience, or she's got too much time on her bloody hands. And given how little she actually is in the ring, it's got to be the latter. This is elaborate even for her." The islander shed her clothes, even her bra and underwear, and put on the white robe the spa provided. It was nice and soft, probably made from fine material she couldn't even pronounce, produced only from the animal it came from fed gold encrusted greens and refined by the most skilled artisan as they had top models moan into the sewing machine or whatever. That was probably off base, Kama knew, but given one of Sylvia's infamous phone calls had her ordering something with those steps, she wasn't sure how far or close her outrageous idea could be.

Kama eventually re-emerged, following her guide upstairs for a full look over the entire spa. "Holy," she whispered to herself at the extravagant sight of it all. When the nameless man made mention of the on who invited her, she just rolled her eyes. "Knowing her, it's probably she just thinks it's important." The deity rolled her eyes as she was led to the massage room, and soon told to undress for the massage. He soon stuttered out it was the 'Miss'' request, not his. If she weren't so on edge, she'd probably have a little fun teasing him for his blush and implication of her goddesshood.

"Fine, I'll do so. Now shoo." Kama shooed the guy away as he wished she would enjoy her time. With a sigh, she hung her robe up on a nearby hook and lay face down on the bed. If nothing else, she could enjoy the relaxing music before Sylvia or one of her goons showed up to ruin the atmosphere for her.

It was only a few minutes before the door opened and who she believed would be the Million Dollar Whore entered. All she could make out from her prone position was bare feet on the tile, the sound of a little chuckle, and then fingers brushing over the still healing back rake. Immediately her elbow would shoot up into the mysterious woman's face, trying to catch her before the woman had a chance to get her. If Sylvia wanted to try something, Kama would strike first and ruin whatever she had planned.
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Re: A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

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Someone was coming, someone was coming indeed but it was'nt who Kama would have expected. Walking in on naked soles waa no one else then the Queen of Hearts, Veronika Noir, picked by Sylvia Steiner to be the special referee of this, admittedly, very creative match.

She wanted to get to know both of her "clients", before she would step into the ring as an official. This job came at a good time as she and her new partner Sachiko Koizumi, the Boss of the Heartbreakers, were put together as a babyface Tag Team for six months to punish the ex rivals for interfering and immediatly botching a big and important match as they brawled their way into the arena, naked and wet.

So Veronika had nothing else to do then play the cute angel and wait her time, Sachiko and her had already a plan to get back on the manager who was responsible for their demise. So the job as ref cam at the right time. Also Verobika had heard a lot of things from this so called "Deity of Depravity" and wanted to meet her herself. She already had the "pleasure" of meeting Sylvia who had hired her, but this evening was nothing less then a disaster. Veronika was a rotten apple too but Sylvia was playing on a whole other level. Veronika accepted much but when this slut made fun of Champagne, declaring her hate for animals in general, Veronika knew that there was nothing redeemable about this bitch.

The sex was nice, nothing to write home about, but still. And now Veronika wanted to get to know Kama. She had rent the Spa for a princely price and wanted to make it their playground for the day. But Veronika underestimated the carefulness that Kama had when it came to her eternal rival and when she tried to surprise her by giving her a nice massage, she was met with a sudden elbow to the face!

"Gakh-", she groaned, tumbled backwards and held her face. "Oooow...is this a way to treat your generous host...",Veronika said in her interesting mix of corsican and viennese dialect that made her stick out and which certainly did'nt come out of the Socal Girl that Kama hated so much. "Maybe I should stick with this american bitch, she at least did'nt hit me...", Veronika groaned and got up to her feet, giving Kama a judging look.
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Re: A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Kama had been expecting the rich bitch that was her eternal rival, or at least one of her tackily clad bitches. She was done with Sylvia's sudden intrusions. As the old idiom went, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." There would not be a third time, so she lashed out without confirmation of who she was hitting.

In her defense, while she knew there was many rich girls in LAW, she only knew one of whom would rent out an entire spa. Even if it all was just going to be a ploy for to beat Kama up.

However as her elbow hit face and she felled her host, standing up in preparation for further assault, she quickly stopped herself. The woman before her definitely wasn't someone who worked for Sylvia, given the lack of gold bikini. Tricks or not, the deity was sure the slut wouldn't allow her lackies out of their ugly attire if it was to hurt and humiliate her. "Sorry for that, madam. Thought you were a bitch who has it out to me," she sighed out, crossing her arms under her bare chest. "So, if I may be so bold, to whom do I have the pleasure of being ambushed by today?"

Sorry or not, she couldn't help but still feel suspicious. The tanned beauty before her seemed to have enough money to rent out essentially the entire spa. There had to be no way anyone would do that just for a simple meeting unless the cost barely made a dent. And given her experience with rich, entitled sluts - mostly the one - her guard wasn't going to lower just because she made a little mistake.
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Re: A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika rubbed her nose and looked up to Kama. Oh yes, this would be a lot of fun, that much was for sure. This girl was even more beautiful then she appeared on the tv. Veronika shook the cobwebs from her head and looked up to the Deity. "Please, don't be paranoid. Yes, I am not over ambushing someone myself but in this case, please relax.", she said as she got back to her feet, both women now eye to eye with each other. "You really don't know me do you. My name is Veronika, Veronika Noir, The Queen of Hearts. And I was chosen by that annoying american to referee your match.", she said and took a slight bow, showing of her impressive cleavage to Kama.

"I think you will trust me a little bit more when I tell you that I have tricked Madmoiselle Steiner into renting this whole place for us, for a day. Not that I could'nt afford it but you know...", she smiled and gave her a wink before coming closer. "Shhhh...it's ok. I promise. I don't have the best reputation but I have to play nice for six months now anyway,so if I would lay a finger on you, that is, doing it to beat you up...", she said and let one finger cup the chin of the deity. "...then they would fire my cute little butt and that I can't afford, soooo..."
She wrapped her arms around Kamas neck and pressed their bodies together. "I can't make you trust me but I know that you are good at heart. Why don't you give me a chance and if I fail you, we can make our fists speak anyway. But that won't be necessary, won't it?", she said and came closer, her breath now on the delicious lips of the deity.

"Why don't you lay down again and we start our day. I give you a nice massage and we hit the steamroom, how does that sound, huh?", she smiled and and pointed back to the table. "Call me Veri by the way. Your name was Kama right?", she said while still having her wrapped in her arms, her pink eyes looking into the islanders red ones. Often enough these pink eyes had became that of a Cobra, ready to strike at an unsuspecting victim but since Veronika was free of her mothers curse, free to do whatever she wanted, those eyes were soft and shining like a precious gem. She came closer to the deitys face and just before they could kiss she broke the embrace, leaned back at the table and patted softly on it. "Want the usual or the Queen of Hearts Treatment?", she said and presented her cleavage between her arms. "The Queen of Hearts treatment only costs you, lets sayyyy...a kiss? And then you get the full experience, happy end included.", she grinned and gave Kama a sly, foxlike smile as she tilted her head. "Well?"
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Re: A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Kama's face remained neutral throughout Veronika's introduction. Her eyes of course followed each and every careful move the blond made, from her bow that showcased her generous cleavage, pressing her clothed form against the Deity's nude form, even the tease of a kiss that wouldn't come. The woman oozed a sexual aura and there seemed to be no ill will, despite the the islander's reaction.

But still, she couldn't just let her guard down so easily. Even if it seemed the dark skinned beauty shared at least some level of disdain for the Californian. "Hm, I see. Your name sounds familiar now. Nice to finally put a face to it. You'll have to tell me how you tricked the dumb broad." As Veronika - or Veri, as she seemed to want to be called - backed off and beckoned her to lay down on the bed.

Once more the blond showcased her skill in the art of seduction, pushing up her cleavage with her arms and giving a more than inviting smile. Kama just gave a coy smile in response, strutting over to her host with an accentuated sway to her hips. 'Two can play the seductress,' she thought to herself as she closed the distance between the two of them.

Where as Veri had been subtle with her movements, graceful as a ballerina, the deity was a bit more direct. With Veri leaning up against the massage table, the deity leaned into her host until she was just a breath away from the requested kiss. "I think you already knew which I'd choose, Veri~" Her left hand cupped Veri's cheek, rubbing her thumb along her cheek bone gently, as her other cupped the blond's ass and pulled their hips flush together.

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, for now. But your cloak and dagger shit hasn't really helped your case." Her hips ground gently against her host's own and she pushed her chest forward, giving the dark skinned beauty a tantalizing taste of her soft curves. "You only will get one chance. Disappoint me or try anything I don't like, and I'll leave the consequencesto your imagination." Her voice dropped to a husky whisper, slowly leaning her face in with each word. Her left hand moved to the back of Veri's head, holding it place as she grew closer and closer, centimeters became millimeters, than micrometers, until....

Kama gave a chaste little peck to Veri's lips before backing away and laying down on the bed. She looked over her shoulder as she lay down, giving Veri a playful smile as her red eyes met with her host's gorgeous pink eyes. However the blond reacted to the deity's little appetizer, Kama soon would speak up. "But if you keep your word... Just think of that as a down-payment to just what you can look forward to, Veri-chan~"
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Re: A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

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Veronika sighed and shook her head. "Quite the distrusting one. Well I can't blame you.", she said and leaned against the massage table as the white haired woman suddenly walked up to her in a seductive manner. Her hips swaying from side to side while her large breasts jiggled softly with every motion of her godlike body as she pressed her forms into Veronikas who blushed a bit as she felt the Deity close the gap between them.

Veronika laid her hands on the hips of the other woman while purring softly as the Islander cupped both cheeks up and downside. "Hehe, I should have known better, huh?", the Queen of Hearts asked as Kama stated that her plan to surprise her was'nt that good an idea considering that Kama always had to look over her shoulder. Veronika looked into the bloodred eyes of her fellow seductress and gave her a soft smile.

" I promise you babe... You are as safe here as it can get." And when Kama gave her a soft, quick peck on the lips, Veri closed her eyes for a second, taking a deep breath. If all of this felt so good now, how would it feel when both got serious? "Don't worry, I am maybe a bitch sometime but I stand to my word, Ka-ma-chan...", she said in her playful tone that she already had used to seduce Sachiko.
Kama laid down on the table and Veronika put some lotion onto her body, it was expensive and luxurious and just good enough for a godlike being that now were under her hands.

Veronika started to massage the Islander, her hands began at her lower back working itself upward to her neck, looking to put the lotion all over her body before she came down to her inviting buttcheeks, oiled them too and gave them a hearty smack with both her hands before wandering to her thighs and feet.

The Queen of Hearts took one of Kamas feet and started to give it a massage of its own while putting some light kisses around her ankle. "I did'nt had to do much. I said I wanted to have a spa day for a friend and me, in private, at the most fanciest spa there is in Tokyo.", she grinned.

"I would love to see her face when she finds out WHOM I took with me...", she chuckled and playfully bit in one of the deitys toes before giving it a gentle kiss, working on the other ones. Veronika did'nt leave anything out. For her, the entire body of a woman was a piece of art that had to be cherished.

" Feeling good so far, oh my beloved godess?", she softly asked. Veronika felt so free since she had spent the night with Sachiko and the day at the shelter with Chris Yukine. Months ago, before her arm was broken she never would have done this to anyone, rather seeing Kama as another woman ready to upstage her, a rival to be crushed. But not anymore. The Queen of Hearts was happy to serve her goddess as high priestess, indulging in all the pleasures her mistress had to offer and the sacrifices she could present her...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Mon Sep 05, 2022 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Kama's grin grew once she saw Veri's blushed from each sway and gentle bounce of her curves. It was enjoyable to see someone's adoration for her form without the expectation of competition. She still was certain the beautiful blond would still try something at any given moment - one of the many downsides of her feud with Sylvia. Though given the what she saw in the Queen of Heart's pink eyes, a tiny part of the islander was questioning her distrust.

Still, she would lay down on the massage table and let her host get to work. Mm~ Haah~" A content sigh followed as the cool lotion was applied to her back, more soon following once Veri began the massage. "Mm, you're pretty good. You sure you're not a professional masseuse?" Kama asked as she practically melted into the bed. Having as large a chest as she had, her back tended to be a bit tight and stiff. She'd usually just lie down and let the muscles relax themselves, even if it usually took a few hours for them to feel less sore.

A wet slap pulled her from her musings, a shiver running up her spine. "Haah~ I thought it was a happy ending, not a happy middle." Kama teased, looking over her shoulder as her host began working on her legs and explaining what had happened. "Hm, maybe you can tell her after I've sent her through the table. Seeing her face morph between pain and betrayal is something I've rarely ever gotten to see~" Another shiver went through her as Veri worshipped her feet. Despite the similarities, the feeling between the blond's willing reverence versus the subservience the deity had forced from the Million Dollar Slut was like night and day.

"Hm~ You're doing great, Veri-chan~ Keep it up and I may consider granting you my divine favor~ Be it for one of your matches, once you've left those hot waters you've found yourself in, or..." Her voice trailed off, leaving the statement open for Veri's interpretation. She was a smart girl, even if her one mistake before said otherwise. She could probably get what was implied.
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Re: A Day In Paradise (For RedShinigami)

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Veronika smiled, having the body of thia beautiful woman in her grasp was truly something. Would Sachiko be jealous? She grinned. Of course she would. Not just because Veronika let her magnificent hands trail over another womans body but the fact that her partner in crime had'nt invited her for the fun.

She put some more lotion onto her hands and started to give Kama a good, oldfashioned massage. As a lifelong athlethe, she knew how the body worked, how the muscles could hurt and turn stiff, especialls within the more well endowed persons.

So she had learned from an early start how to loosen up her body and doing it to others in turn. She let her hands wander over every curve of the truly magnificent body of the goddess and licked her lips when she heard a soft moan escaping her beautiful mouth.

"Such sweet sounds my goddess...",she said and brought Kamas feet back into place as she let her hands softly slide downwards, slipping under Kamas body and softly squeezing her breasts as she herself let her body slide onto the Islander, her forms melting into the islander as her breasts pressed themselves into the back of Kama, covering both of their bodies in warm oil.

Her hands still worked on her breasts, being busy squeezing, grabbing as her face appeared next to Kamas. "Hmmm... For a match? Maybe...but I came into paradise, for one day, to court the lovely goddess. How am I doing so far, your grace?", she whispered and kissed her cheek a few times. The room was filled with the sound of flesh rubbing against oiled flesh and the hands of Veronika eagerly worked on those heavenly breasts. Kama was trapped now and Veronika hoped that would'nt make her lash out again. She felt for her.

Even if Veronika mostly cared about herself she knew the feeling of being pursued by a mentally instable person and she wanted to give Kama a safe space. "Shh..."she said and pressed her cheek onto Kamas. "It's only you and me..."

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