A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

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A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

About half an hour after the cruise ship departed from New Orleans, Oscar found himself standing at the railing of the ship and staring off at the ocean after getting settled into his cabin. He was lost in thought, a smile sitting on his face as he reflected on what had happened leading up to this moment. His debut against Katrina, his match against Tina, getting the gym pass from April, the months of training, and of course the amazing show he put on with his own wrestling idol and number five ranked wrestler in her federation: Ulla De Milo. That last match was the main reason Oscar even managed to earn a spot in the undercard of this PPV after all. He would make a mental note to give Ulla his thanks later on- be it over Twitter or in the unlikely event they crossed paths again due to her being her federation's main traveling talent.

In truth though, there were some nerves bubbling up inside of him for this upcoming match. For his entire wrestling career even before joining LAW, Oscar had only ever fought in standard matches. He had managed to request Rylie as his opponent for this match knowing the payment from appearing on the PPV alone could cover her medical bills and wipe her debt clean. In return, the people in charge made it so that Oscar would have to step outside of his comfort zone and face Rylie in a Falls count anywhere match where there was no DQ. A match type that seemed to be his fellow young lioness's bread and butter. While Oscar was usually up to take on any challenge, he couldn't help but be afraid about things going too far... and the possibility of Rylie winding back in the hospital as a result. Oscar just let out a BIG sigh as he closed his eyes and listened to the sea breeze, trying to calm himself as he thought of what he should do...

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Re: A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

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Suddenly from his side, Oscar felt arms wrap around his side and felt a face press against the side of his body, but before he could see who it was, the person chimed in. "Just so you know, it's not who you think it is my dude." Rylie spoke as she kept her eyes closed and smiled as she just gave him a warm thankful hug. It was thanks to him that Rylie noticed the kind of pay she would get and even if she lost this match, it would be enough to cover the medical expenses she accrued at the hands of Mandy Cannons, so she was repaying him as best as she could for his kindness before slowly pulling away, revealing herself wearing a black two piece bikini with a skull on each breast and a white sarong tied sideways on her hips as her tail sways slowly from side to side as she was already wearing her racoon face paint as well. She then leaned against the real beside him and closed her eyes again, taking a steady deep breath. "Mmm, first time I've been able to take a deep breath in a while without experiencing some pain." She then twisted around to press her back to the railing as she also rested her forearms back against the top of it. "How's it going?"
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Thu Sep 01, 2022 9:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

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Oscar jolted a bit as he found himself wrapped up in a hug before realizing it was Rylie. Looking over to see the Rascal up and about brought a smile to his face ever since hearing she made a full recovery and was able to travel down to New Orleans for the boarding.

"Hey, Rylie! I'm glad to see you're doing better. I'm just... thinking about stuff. About the match we have tonight. I can't help but be... y'know, nervous about it"
He let out a quiet, nervous laugh as Oscar leaned on the railing more.

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Re: A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

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"Phew, tell me about it. My second match and I am nervous as fuck, but hey, we couldn't be in a better position my guy." She mentioned turning her head to look at him with a wink. "This is a big chance to make names for ourselves, and with us being friends, do we want to beat the shit out of each other? Or do we want to put on the best fucking performance possible?" She mentioned as her racoon ears twitched as she gave him a playful punch on the arm. "Our match allows us to wrestle anywhere on this ship. Dude! We'll be able to do things that no fan has seen or no other wrestler has even attempted!" She mentioned as her tail swished from side to side in excitement as she spoke with a grin on her face. "We need to fully explore this ship, see what it has and see about selling some moves to each other." She mentioned as she brought a hand up to the side of her face as if whispering a secret.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Thu Sep 01, 2022 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

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Oscar listened to Rylie's enthusiasm, making him smile a bit and chuckle as she gave a playful punch to his arm.
"Well... I always want to put the best show I can. It's just... I'm nervous about you getting too hurt again and using weapons. I uh... didn't have a great first impression with weapons in the ring"

Oscar let out a sigh and leaned in closer to Rylie, wanting to hear her whisper.

"Maybe seeing more of the boat will help yeah..."

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Re: A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

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As Oscar expressed concern for her she smiled softly as she twisted around to face him as she brought her hands to grip at his shoulders assuringly. "If they asked me to have this match with anybody else, I would have turned it down. I have complete trust in you, ya big softy. So if I end up getting injured, that's on me, not on you. Also I can teach you before the match how to use weapons safely, most of using weapons is not using the weapon at all. Take for instance the baseball bat, you cup over the tip of the bat as you jam it into someone's stomach, so basically it's just a gut punch. Chair shots? Not so bad if you connect with the flat of the chair to the flat of someone's back, or bring your hands up if you need to protect your head from the brunt of the impact." She then smiled as she took his hand. "Come, let's go on an adventure." She tried to say in a grandiose manner as she went to start going on a stroll with the big guy.

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Re: A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

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Oscar seemed somewhat comforted by Rylie's reassurance as the Rascal took his hand, the big fellow following her similar to the power a newborn baby has over you when they grab your finger.

"Sure. A walk might clear my head better after all... lead the way, Rylie"

He took in one last deep breath of the ocean air before focusing back on Rylie.

"And uh... I do appreciate the trust you put in me for this. I'll happily take any tips you have on using weapons in the ring"

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Re: A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

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It was less of a child leading an adult and more like a schoolgirl leading her senpai somewhere. She squeezed his hand and looked back at him with a smile as then turned back around and looked ahead of her as her tail swayed back and forth as she strutted along. "I honestly thought I would be more terrified of being on a cruise ship, being on a floating box on top of a large body of water that can just swallow you whole, but this is actually pretty chill." She conversed as she then looked around. "We should make our way to the ring first and then figure out where to go from there. Oh, and just so you know, I want to spend zero time in the ring, so while we're moving about we'll probably want to throw a few swings at each other, however I feel like actual blows from you might finish me off in about one or two hits so we might want to hold back our punches and kicks on our way to where we want to go. Do you know how to stage some of your blows?" She asked looking back at him as she walked.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sat Sep 03, 2022 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

Oscar was led by Rylie and would happily take in the sights, viewing the open ocean and feeling the breeze flow through his crimson locks of hair. Glancing back at the Rascal as they went to find the ring, Oscar would nod his head at her question.

"I do. Haven't had to do it in a while but I used to do it back at my old job. I don't think I should be too rusty at it."
Last edited by MappleMan7 on Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A meeting before the match (For SimplyWoo)

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

"Back at your old job?" She asked looking over at Oscar for elaboration as they arrived at the deck, looking over at the ring and the surrounding seats and noticing that the deck had a second floor of seating. "Holy shit, that's going to be a big crowd watching us, hope the camera crew that's suppose to follow us will be quick on their toes so they can enjoy the match through the theatre screen set up over there." She mentioned as she pointed over to it. "Ok, we have to fight in the crowd for a little bit, we can start by making our destination the pool." Over there, she mentioned as she led Oscar towards the pool. "How are your swimming skills?"
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sat Sep 03, 2022 11:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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