A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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Match Type: Iron Woman Match.
Rules: Whoever has the most points earned through submission or knock out by the end of the match wins.

Hannah was waiting backstage. She was excited. Her first match at LAW was an Iron Woman's match. And to top it all off, it was against a middle weight who weighed 85 lbs less then her. They must have decided to feed her a sacrificial lamb after seeing how dominant she was in her previous matches in the other leagues. The arena lights would go dark and suddenly music would start.
She would roll her shoulders and do a few stretches before sitting down behind the curtains in her signature pose. The curtains would open and the bright lights would shine down to reveal the newest member of LAW.
The crowd would go wild as it was always exciting to see a woman with Hannah's physique, especially in a wrestling match. Hannah would stay in the pose for a few moments before standing up and nonchalantly making her way down to the ring, looking around as if she didn't have a care in the world. She would make her way to the apron and climb in before standing up and climbing over the ropes. She would take a few slow laps around the ring, looking around her, taking it all in. She may have looked unimpressed but inside, she was the happiest she had been in a long time.

She would make her way to her corner where she would lean against it, waiting to see her opponent. A small smile on her face would grow as she thought about the middle weight she would be facing. Little did she know, she was going against the queen of domination.

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Re: A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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LAW had recently signed a heavyweight built like a statue. Huge in size and in muscle, she seemed utterly unstoppable. And be it that the higher ups wanted to see her get humbled early on in her career, or they wanted her to humble her opponent for tonight, they gave her debut match to someone the audience had become well aware of recently: Kathleen Hendricks.

Fighting foes heavier and bigger than her had become practically a daily task at this point, Kathleen wasn't worried or afraid in the slightest. And as she came out from behind the curtain, she shared a similar lack of interest on the outside as Hannah. But the Queen wasn't hiding anything. All she saw from her opponent was another tall, muscular foe that she'd conquer. She had done it for numerous others, and while it may be wiser for her to go up against those in her own weight class or division, she wasn't about to turn down bouts where she could crush heavyweights like they were ants under her boot.
Walking down the ramp, Kathleen scowled as she eyed up Hannah, staring at her with a look of disinterest and hatred, her eyes showing so much emotion, yet so little at the same time. Whatever this woman had before, it didn't matter at all now. She was just another rookie, and the Queen didn't much like dealing with rookies. She had faced a few in her times, and it.. didn't usually go well for them.

Eventually entering the ring, she merely stood in her corner, her slim but toned muscles flexing some. At least something to spice things up, this was an Iron Woman match, with a 30 minute time limit, needing to rack up as many wins as you can by the end of the time. In theory, it could be close and down to the wire... or it could be utter domination for half an hour that felt much longer than that. Time would show just which this would fall under.

And with both women in the ring, the referee wasted no time ringing the bell, signalling the start of Hannah's LAW career.
Last edited by TickTock on Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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Hannah would continue leaning against the rope until she heard her opponent's music start and her entrance began. She would stand up and begin stretching, keeping an eye on the entrance. She watched as Kathleen made her entrance. She was definitely smaller than Hannah, although this woman had a muscular and rock solid beautiful build as well.

She would smirk as her opponent got closer and closer, showing the size difference all the more with proximity. She would lick her lips as her opponent entered the ring, ready to dominate for 30 minutes. The bell would ring and Hannah would approach slowly in a squatted position with her arms raised, looking for a lock up. it was up to Kathleen if she accepted the lock up or if she would take advantage of Hannah's naiveness and catch her off guard.

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Re: A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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This new woman was cocky. Arrogant. She saw a smaller opponent and drooled at the prospect of it. Maybe in most cases, Hannah wouldn't be wrong to be excited, but right now, that arrogance would only make the incoming fall far, far worse. The bell had rung, and the long timer had began. 30 minutes of action had begun. And Kathleen was ready for all of that and more.

Hannah approached in a crouch, likely having an amateur background of some sort and wanting to utilize that. And the Queen would seem to go along with it for now, raising her own arms as though she wanted to initiate that grapple too. Why would she? Kathleen would let the larger woman believe it was out of stupidity, but it was all calculated. Getting the heavyweight to move in closer and closer and...

BANG. Kathleen leapt, using the squatted position of Hannah's to drive her knee right against the face of the muscular woman. There was no kneepad to cushion the blow at all, just that sharp kneecap slamming full force between the heavyweight's eyes. Now, how would she respond to that?

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Re: A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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Hannah grinned as her opponent looked like she was going to accept the grapple. "Was she dumb? Or gullible?" Hannah thought believing that it all had to do with size. She would put her hands a bit lower so that Kathleen's hands could meet hers. "Pretty bold of you to accept a lock up with the likes of me." Hannah would say tauntingly. "Get ready. As soon as these hands meet, I'm gonna bring you to a world of pain..." She would tease.

Hannah was feeling herself as she thought the domination was just about to start when suddenly Kathleen leapt in the air, smashing her uncovered knee right between Hannah's eyes. There was a sick sound as the blow landed. It was powerful as Hannah's head was sent upwards and backwards. She wasn't ready for that at all. She had let her cockiness get the best of her. She would crash down to the mat, shaking the ring with her weight. She was stunned for the moment, holding her forehead. "What the hell... Just happened?..." She would say to herself as she started to get up. She was in a vulnerable position if Kathleen decided to take advantage of her.

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Re: A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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Kathleen wasn't going to be able to overpower Hannah now, but out-strike her? Out-think her? Out-maneuver her? That was certainly something she could do. She fooled the larger woman into thinking that the Queen would lock up with her stupidly, she moved too quick for her to react properly, and she struck her with the force of a sledgehammer as her knee slammed viciously against the face of the heavyweight. Hannah was sent down as though she was nothing, and now Kathleen was in control, while the muscular debutee seemed dazed and confused as she tried to get up.

And she wouldn't get all the way up.

Kathleen grabbed a hold of her hair and gave it a harsh yank from behind, stopping her in her tracks as she got to her knees. From there, she reached down and grabbed one of those powerful arms of Hannah's, and wrapped her leg around it, restricting it. The reason for which became rather clear as once that arm was trapped, the Queen began to fire down punches to the face and head of the heavyweight. If Hannah were to block, she'd only have one arm to use, while the Queen would have two fists to hit with, having that key advantage. Those bare knuckles and how hard she struck with them was always an advantage she had, as even the biggest of foes didn't like getting hit with them. And right now, she was bombarding Hannah with her right fist, alternating between her cheek, her jaw, her temple and more. Such a style of targeting the head was something one had seen with Kathleen in her match with Karen Adams, and it seemed that changing up her gameplan wasn't on the Queen's mind, as she was brutally attacking the skull of the heavyweight!
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Re: A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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Hannah would try to shake the cobwebs from her brain as she started to get up. She wouldn't get the chance as Kathleen gripped her hair tightly, burning the roots as her hair was pulled. She would be stuck on her knees. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?" Hannah would shout as Kathleen wrapped her leg around her thick and muscled arm, restricting it, bringing Hannah to a disadvantage with having one arm available. Her free arm had it's work cut out for it.

Hannah would feel a powerful punch slam into her cheek. Her first reaction was to try and use both arms to cover up but she could only use her free arm. She would do her best to protect her face from the repeated and constant blows. Her arm was starting to get sore and bruised from the raining fists. It seemed that when Hannah attempted to guard one part of her head, another spot would be targeted, getting struck in the cheeks, jaw, temple and everywhere else. Each punch caused her to get a bit more punch drunk. She would manage to grab one fist of Kathleen's but that only freed up her face for a blow from the other fist.

Hannah would try to muscle her way out of the bad situation by sending a punch to Kathleen's body, where ever she was able to reach. It would be weak by Hannah's standards but with her strength, it wasn't weak to most women. "GET... OFF!" She would shout sending the punch to where ever it landed. She just hoped it would be enough to get her some space. Otherwise, it would just piss Kathleen off and make her even more brutal.

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Re: A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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Hannah was doing an okay job blocking with only one arm, but this was still a losing position for her. Punches still slammed full force against her face, and Kathleen could tell that the heavyweight was getting more dazed with each blow. Her struggles were valiant, but she seemed to be stuck in this position, and everything she tried to do with that one hand only seemed to work against her. Blocking just meant she got hit elsewhere, and catching a fist, while impressive, just meant she had no means to defend herself from the other one. The only way out was to overpower, and she attempted that by going for a wild punch.

Striking against the chest of Kathleen's, she let out a gasp and buckled. It hurt like shit, and Hannah certainly still had her strength. But instead of the freedom that the heavyweight desperately sought, Kathleen didn't fall, or back away. She stood in that position over her still, and after a few moments of recovery, she went back on the assault. Now, she was grabbing the other arm of Hannah's, and attempted to trap it behind her other leg, almost like a Camel Clutch position while she was on her knees, with her arms being locked behind the legs of the middleweight, leaving her head completely defenseless now.

And that was something Kathleen would take advantage of. Rocketing down vicious punches to Hannah's face and head, over and over again, that seemed to have even more power to them this time. Those bare knuckles weren't holding anything back, cracking against the heavyweight's features and skull, and she wasn't about to stop until she had her fill.

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Re: A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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Hannah's punch seemed to be affective. She would hear the noise Kathleen made from the punch, and she received a brief but extremely necessary break from the punches. Unfortunately, Kathleen seemed to be not as affected as Hannah had hoped. Hannah would still be recovering from the beating she had taken so far and Kathleen was too quick for Hannah to stop her. She would feel her other arm being trapped behind Kathleen's other leg. This was not a good situation for Hannah to be in at all. Her position had just gone from painful to dangerous.

Now Hannah's arms were both trapped and there was nothing to protect her from the brutal punches raining down on every section of her face and head. Hannah would try to get out but it was no use. Each punch drained a massive amount of energy from her and eventually she had none left. She would start to fade and it seemed that Kathleen didn't care. Hannah would become dizzy and confused, most likely suffering a concussion from only the first move of the match. "St...Stop..." Hannah would let out in a stuttering voice before her eyes would roll back and shut. She was limp in Kathleen's hold, still receiving strike after strike. The bell would ring, signifying the first point going to Kathleen via knock out.

Hannah would find no mercy in her sleep as she forgot about the stipulation of the match. There were no breaks between points. Just a tally to keep track. Kathleen could move right on to what ever she had planned next to get her next point. It was humiliating for Hannah. She was used to being in Kathleen's position, but she was getting a taste of her own medicine. The unstoppable force was being stopped by Kathleen. And Kathleen made it seem easy.

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Re: A rude awakening: Hannah Venturi (D) vs. Kathleen Hendricks

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Kathleen wasn't intimidated by size or by muscle. She wasn't intimidated by anyone, and went after all her opponents with one goal: to dominate them. Hannah looked like she was made from steel, and had a cocky attitude to back it up. Yet she had made a single mistake, and Kathleen made her pay for it, as everyone was seeing as the muscular woman went unconscious after the barrage of punches to her head. The Queen wasn't holding up the woman's body, and eventually, her body collapsed from the onslaught of the smaller woman, sure to sound a large thud. Just like that, she had scored her first fall. If this was a standard bout, the match would've been over just like that in less than a minute.

But it wasn't. It was an Iron Woman contest, one that wouldn't stop until the time limit was reached. And so, even with Hannah drooling on the mat unconscious, the match wasn't even close to done. And the Queen wasn't close to done with her.

Reaching down, her fingers got another firm hold of the woman's blonde hair, lifting up her head and upper body, before hooking an arm underneath one of her armpits. Lifting up the woman back to her knees, Kathleen stood in front of Hannah this time, looking her right in the face, and thrusting her hand forward to slap the woman in the face. A few more times too--if necessary--to wake her up before staring her in the eye.

The Queen of Domination wanted to see the regret in the eyes of the heavyweight, the confusion and fear glinting as she awoke from her slumber, before wrapping her arm around the head of the kneeling woman and squeezing tight. Not for a submission, but for another head-based attack. For Kathleen suddenly thrust herself backward, falling onto her back and hoping to spike her opponent's head against the mat for a brutal DDT!

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