Elinor Klügmann - The Powerhouse Magnate
Name: Elinor Klügmann
Alias: "The Powerhouse Magnate, The Business Berserker, The Tycoon Tumbler
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 26
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Silver
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 154 lbs
Nationality: German
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music: It's Just Buisness
Type: Power Prodigy (all rounder)
Style: Endurance Wrestler, MMA
Strengths: While there are dozens of power-style wrestlers in the league, few specialize outside of slams and throws. As an expert level submissionist, grappler, and striker, not only does Elinor apply her strength to a variety of techniques, but you can also be guaranteed that every move Elinor lands will be done so with devastating force. Elinor will use every means at her disposable to dismantle an opponent, drawing from her incredibly versatile arsenal to put maximum pain and pressure on her opponents. Combined with her genius level intellect, insatiable lust, and thirst for blood, Elinor is a freak of nature capable of carnage never before seen in the ring.
Weaknesses: As imposing as Elinor may seem, all of her strength and skill does come at a cost, particularly in terms of speed. Her strikes, while precise and powerful, take longer than average to find their target. Her submissions, while iron-tight and near inescapable, may take a while to coil around and lock into place. Opponent's who have speed on their side just might be able avoid her more powerful attacks, and should take advantage of any openings that might present themselves in the process.
Strategy: Elinor performs best during long, drawn out matches where her limitless endurance and overbearing strength give her the clear advantage. She will prioritize moves that prolong the match and deny her opponents the ability to surrender, such as full body submissions, in order to maximize their suffering and leave them battered and unable to retaliate as she sets up her next round of attacks. Slow and methodical, Elinor likes to take her time with her opponents, constantly analyzing the situation and adapting to their weaknesses and strengths. Her mixed martial arts background gives her the ability to intersperse multiple strikes in-between her slams and submissions, always making sure to force her opponent on the defensive. As if her wide arsenal wasn't overpowered enough, Elinor is also capable of aerial moves, although she prefers to keep them in reserve considering their high risk and long set up time. During hardcore or particularly intense matches, Elinor is able to channel a berserker energy that she rarely unleashes in the ring. In these instances, Elinor becomes even more brutal and willing to use overwhelming violence than usual.
Favorite Matches: Submission, Hentai (Hardstyle, Endurance, Humiliation), Hardcore (NHB,TLC, etc)
Favorite Moves:
- Power slams
- High Kicks
- Diving Cross Body
- Body scissor
- Grapvines
- Elbows
- Camel Clutch
- Chain punches
- Ankle lock
- Leg Spreads
Stump Puller
With her opponent on the mat, Elinor is able to use their arm as a pivot to lock it securly in place between her legs. With her opponent's entire shoulder used as leverage, Elinor that grabs and yanks their arm in the opposite direction in a mean stump puller!

Career Ender
Elinor lifts her opponent over her shoulders so that they are trapped behind her back to back, and their legs tucked underneath her hips. Elinor than applies tremendous pressure in a chinlock by pressing down, while hooking both their arms for even more pressure. She finally
releases their arms while still holding onto their legs so that they drop face first into the mat in a gory bomb!

releases their arms while still holding onto their legs so that they drop face first into the mat in a gory bomb!

Cradle Crash
Elinor stands facing a standing opponent and then wraps both arms around the opponent's torso, lifting them off the ground. She then shifts her grip so she is holding the opponent by their legs, gripping the opponent behind the knee. She then removes one arm from the opponent's leg and quickly applies a front facelock with that arm. Elinor then falls backwards, driving the opponent's head into the ground in a brutal Cradle DDT

The Put Down
Monsterous high kick to the neck with knockout potential. Simple, but effective.

Bleeding Edge Backbreaker
Elinor hoists an opponent up onto her shoulders. She may take a minute to gloat and show her near defeated opponent to the crowd before sending them down in a brutal over-the-knee backbreaker!

Throwaway Suplex
Elinor grabs and lifts a groggy opponent up from behind before falling backwards into a ring-shattering suplex! Rarely does Elinor stop at just one however - this is a move she repeats until she's bored enough to let it sit for the count!

Finishing Moves:
Executive Treatment
Elinor lays on top of her opponent's before grabbing hold of the opponent's wrist with her far hand and pushing it behind the opponent's back. She then puts her other arm over the opponent's shoulder, reaches under the opponent's arm and grabs hold of her other wrist. She then uses both arms to pull the opponent's arm behind him or her into an unnatural position to finalize this Kimura Lock!

Berserker Bomb
Elinor hoists an opponent onto her back, locking their legs between her hips while wrenching their neck downwards with a brutal chinlock that bends their spin over her shoulder. Once she's had her fill of their suffering, she launches them into the mat with a vicious 360 powerbomb for the KO or pin.

The Magnate Mauler
Laying overtop of her opponent's shoulder to immobailize the user of their arm, Elinor leashes a never ending assault of punches into their unprotected face. Just when they think it can't get any worse, she locks both arms into a crucifix hold with her legs, before battering their face into submission or knockout.

The V.I.P (Very Important Punishment)
Elinor grabs onto both of her opponents wrists before placing her bodyweight overtop their shoulders. She then pulls both arms in the opposite direction, extering tremendous force on their neck and shoulder joints in a double arm fujiwara armbar!

Berserk Breaker
In one of her most dangerous moves, Elinor places her weight overtop of an opponent by forcing them into a gargoyle mount. She then reached for her opponent's hes and tucks it in tight close to her chest. Using this tension, she then falls to the side, hyperextending their leg completely. They have about five seconds to decide if they want to snap or tap!

Hentai Finishers :
Rags to Bitches
A full body splade that allows Elinor to show off a battered and exposed opponent. If that wasn't humilaitng enough, Elinor still has ample room to fondle their pussy until climax

Corporate Greed
Elinor places her opponent into a modified Double Arm Fujiwara Armbar that forces their face up against her crotch. The ultimate self-serving move, Elinor will refuse to release the unrelenting hold until her opponent has eaten her out to her satisfaction.

Corporate Merger (Intergender Hentai)
Reserved for those special male opponen's, Elinor pins her opponent to the mat by the ankles before engorging their dick between her pussy lips and pounding them with rage

Physical Statistics:
Endurance: 5/5 - The skill she takes the most pride in, Elinor can take on a tremendous amount of punishment and endure even the most grueling matches
Strength: 5/5 - Can pull off true feats of strength, even against larger heavyweights
Speed: 2/5 - While not sluggish by any means, Elinor's attacks take a decent amount of time to coordinate and execute.
Defense:3/5 - Able to either take or counter most shots aimed her way.
Technique: 5/5 - Near expert-level knowledge of various fighting styles.
Wrestling Statistics:
Strikes: 4/5 - Adept in all forms of striking, with a specialty in a kick-based offense.
Submissions: 5/5 - Brutal and taxing on her opponents, with tremendous strength applied to every one.
Powerhouse: 5/5 - A true powerhouse, no women is too large for Elinor to womanhandle.
Aerials: 3/5 - Don't expect anything too acrobatic, but Elinor knows how to make an aerial move count.
Counters: 3/5 - Can either reverse or counter most power attack, but struggles to keep up with fast opponents.
Hentai: 4/5 - Considerable sexual endurance and carnal skill.
Overall Difficulty: 9/10
Entrance Attire


Match Attire
Pre-match stretch

Winding up

Hot and Bothered

Working up a sweat

Plotting your end

Promotional Images
You better hope there aren't any chains in her matches

Scratch hope, you better pray

The Tycoon Tumbler

Formal Attire



In action

Personality: Despite her humble upbringing, Elinor is a women of high stature and elegance. Her presence alone is enough to command respect from those around her, but she wasn't always this way. After having to climb her way out of poverty and into a world or wealth and excess, Elinor had developed an open hostility towards those who show an unwillingness to persevere. In the ring, she detests all weakness, especially opponents who give up too quickly, or who lack the strength to endure a grueling match. Expect her to show no mercy or lenience when facing such opponents.
Perhaps contradictorily, she views herself as superior to everyone else, considering that every morsel of success she has achieved has been all because of her own efforts. In her mind, no one works or trains as hard as her. She shows no pity for losers, and won't hesitate to hurt a girl or guy beyond what they can take. She views wrestling as perfect harmony between physicality and intellect, and ultimately a test of a women's worth, thus she feels entitled to the bodily spoils of war in the case of victory.
Elinor also believes in never holding back, and giving every single endeavor everything you've got. This is especially true in the ring where she will refuse to hold back her punches, or release a hold before she's satisfied. No matter who her opponent is, she is bound to give them the full array of her strength. In the case of smaller or weaker opponents, this could potentially have disastrous effects.
She holds respect for those who have come from a similar background as herself and have managed to better themselves because of it. She also admires wrestlers with superb skills that are able to rival her own. She values a good fight above all else, and while she may resent the few opponents who do manage to beat her, she will nonetheless respect them for it. While she may not view them as friends or allies, she will at their very least consider them subordinates worthy of her support.
Biography: Everything Elinor has in life, she's had to fight for. Her father was a strict disciplinarian, and although she was born into a poor and desolate family in northern Germany, she was fortunate enough to be instilled with values such as hard work, diligence, and respect for authority. Her authoritarian upbringing led her to develop a hierarchal view of the world, and she envied those with control and power.
It was apparent that she was a genius even as a young girl, and she even earned a full scholarship to a boarding school that she would occupy for the remainder of her adolescence, one that would only reinforce her ambition. Elinor soon found herself surrounded by young, privileged elites, most of them destined to inherit their parent's hedge funds or companies. While she was jealous of the wealth at their disposal and the power they would soon inherit, she was disgusted by the means it was all being effortlessly handed down to them.
Her disgust soon turned into vitriol, and it wasn't long until Elinor's harbored hatred manifested itself in violence. She would regularly harass and beat her fellow classmates, using intimation and fear to ensure she was never ratted out or expelled. Despite coming from humble backgrounds, Elinor soon came to dominate the schoolyard dynamics, and she didn't need status or money to do it. Her own strength and intelligence was all she needed to rise to the top, a fact that Elinor increasingly came to love about herself.
Graduating as the top of her class and captain of the school's wrestling team, none of her teachers suspected anything sinister about their star student, contrary to her frightened classmates. While she received multiple scholarships to various universities, Elinor turned them all down, instead deciding to launch her own business venture. Her startup, Amazoness, specialized in female fitness and empowerment. Heidi, perhaps the only girl Elinor could ever call a friend, became her personal assistant and secretary. At only twenty two years of age, Elinor's product lineup of magazines, supplements, gyms, and even a fitness tv network had made her a millionaire.
Elinor also made sure to practice what she preached. She molded her body to peak strength through the training program she devised, and made sure to appear on talk shows worldwide to promote her brands and programs. As she steadily grew to become a female fitness icon, Heidi presented her wan an offer by Germany's largest female martial arts organization for a potential exhibition match. To everyone's surprise the young CEO actually agreed, and began training rigorously for the event.
Her opponent was a fitness model from a competing brand, and with barely any training considering the lighthearted and promotional nature of the event. The match quickly devolved into a bloodbath as Elinor pounded her opponent into pulp in front of thousands of gawking spectators. The fight immediately became a nationwide scandal, with millions either repulsed or astounded by the CEO's ruthlessness. Nonetheless, her brand grew ten fold as millions of women became inspired by the young magnate's strength, beauty, and success.
Those few minutes in the cage has been some of the happiest in Elinor's life. High on success, she even decided to pursue a mixed martial arts career along side her job of managing her business. While many had dismissed her first win as lucky beatdown against an unexperienced model, her skills quickly became unquestioned as she excelled against some of the country's best fighters. She won every single fight she was in by stoppage, a fact that annoyed Elinor to no end.
At the age of 24 she announced another shocking development. She would be retiring from mixed martial arts after only two years in the sport. The reason surprised many: It was because it wasn't brutal enough! In her press statement, Elinor expressed that she felt years of training went to waste in the cage, with match after match ending before she had any chance to truly punish her opponents. Instead she would be pursuing the world of pro wrestling, particularly in a leagues where brutality was considered an asset, not a liability.
Sure enough Elinor began the hard work of training once more, using her vast wealth to recruit some of the world's best trainers to assist in her regimen. She quickly showed an aptitude for wrestling, applying what she had learned in MMA to produce an incredibly versatile fighting style. While she wasn't a true master of all, she had soon learned enough to surpass even seasoned wrestlers who had dedicated their whole careers to a specialized fighting style. Meanwhile she participated in local exhibition matches in various indie leagues, learning new ways to apply her skills with every match.
Soon it became time to approach a full time league that fit her tastes. She found her answer abroad while on a business trip to Japan. While sitting in the VIP booth at a LAW event, Elinor knew immediately that this is where she belonged. Women were expected to push themselves to the limit in every fight, where the wrestlers themselves dictated the terms of the match. Her credentials were presented to LAW management who were eager to sign on the German powerhouse magnate.
Her whole life had been spent fighting her way to the top, But only now is her body and dignity on the line as she looks to do it all again in a league full of the world's best.
LAW Information
Friends: Heidi (her secretary)