Ichigo Izumi
Personality: Ichigo Izumi is the daughter of a famous war photographer who has won countless awards for her storytelling and activism. Ichigo inherited a deep respect for the art of photography -- as well as high and exacting demands for herself and others. With her own work, she's her own harshest critic; while she's developed ways to do that in a healthy way, that doesn't stop her from noticing all the little avenues for improvement in every shot. However, she also has high standards when it comes to the behavior of others, especially wrestlers. She expects them to be forthright, competent, honorable, and always on top of their career. Being unreliable is a venial sin to Ichigo.
Preferred Articles: Wrestler profiles/interviews, general news items, stuff on the business side of LAW.
Approach to Writing: From a young age, Ichigo came to appreciate the dynamism and energy associated with wrestling. Over time, she practiced both the written word and photojournalism in the hopes of having a long career in the wrestling media. Ichigo takes a no-nonsense approach to writing that highlights her subject matter. She rarely injects her own commentary, instead letting a wrestler or topic speak for themselves. As a result, her reporting is typically a reliable, objective affair. Even so, her low tolerance for bullshit and morally judgmental attitude make her a savvy interviewer when it comes to demanding incisive answers.
However, Ichigo's true talent lies in photojournalism. Whether it's a flattering image of a wrestler during their greatest moments, an action shot of two fighters giving it their all, or a candid of the many behind-the-scenes moments that fans don't often get to see, Ichigo can capture that instantaneous lightning in a bottle better than anyone on the planet. And that is really what she means to capture -- owing to her mother's background as a war photographer, Ichigo hates capturing images or subjects that are too negative. Smiles, excitement, energy? That's right in her wheelhouse.