[Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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[Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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Continued from here.

Match type: falls count anywhere
Victory conditions: pinfall, submission, knockout
Special conditions: victory can be achieved anywhere; anything goes

"Actually, you surprised me," Victoria said, adjusting her glasses.

Lily was in no hurry to answer these words. Instead, she reached for the toes of her left foot, stretching. Although in fact, the brunette was forced to admit that today she surprised not only Victoria, but herself too. Therefore, the words of her manager were fair, because a person who does not experience emotions is practically incapable of being surprised.

"This whole situation was strange," Lily finally said, finishing her warm-up and getting to her feet, "at first this woman started talking to me as if she didn't notice that I didn't feel anything, then she suggested that my match might be canceled and as a result everything turned out exactly that way, perhaps because of the absurdity of this situation, I agreed to it."

The manager raised her left eyebrow slightly. In fact, she and Lily spent quite a bit of time together because Victoria was forced to pay attention to the more popular members of her team. However, the manager has learned well how much Lily likes order in certain things. That was the reason why she was surprised when Lily said she didn't mind another opponent.

"I think I understand what you're talking about," Victoria nodded, "and I hope you find what you're looking for."

Lily looked away, not knowing what to say. So instead of answering, she took her cloak and fastened it around her neck. Such situations were not something she was used to. Her life consisted of a fairly strict set of things and she did not like when this little stability was violated. Lily silently left the locker room.

Heading down the long corridor, she tried to put all unnecessary thoughts out of her head. But this time it wasn't so easy. By a funny coincidence, Cassie wasn't the first one who didn't seem to notice Lily's complete lack of emotion. But this blonde was clearly weirder than the Japanese woman Lily met in the park.

The Englishwoman entered the waiting room and stopped in front of the curtains. It's time for her to pull herself together. Regardless of the circumstances, she was ready for the match. Entering the ring, she always sought only to win. And this day will not be an exception. Lily threw a large hood over her head.

Entrance Music

The lights in the hall went out completely, and her music began. The Englishwoman came out from behind the curtains and stood absolutely motionless for several seconds. Thanks to her completely black cloak, she was almost invisible. With the first words of the song, the Black Crow began to descend the ramp. Now it was possible to see her silhouette. The cameras began to click from different angles, and short flashes from time to time illuminated a mysterious figure in a cloak of large crow feathers.

Lily climbed into the ring and headed straight to the center. The light returned to the hall, and now everyone could see her. Crow feathers covered the Englishwoman from head to toe, and a large hood hid her face. When the chorus started, Lily took off her cloak and threw it outside the ring. The Englishwoman put one hand behind her back, and the other stretched out to the side. With her head held high, she turned around her axis, showing the audience her refined appearance and grace. The hall was filled with applause. The Black Crow looked at them with empty eyes. When the music ended, the Englishwoman made a short bow, accepting the last applause.

With a brief nod to the referee, the Black Crow headed for her corner. Lily leaned back and crossed her arms under her voluminous breasts. Her heart was beating calmly. The brunette wasn't going to let the circumstances affect her. Ahead of her was a match with difficult conditions. And that's why she was going to give her best one hundred percent, regardless of who exactly her opponent was.
Last edited by skip-stop on Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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"Okay Cassie, Calm down, You have an important match today", Cassie was in her Locker Room looking at the Card from that night as she finished getting ready in the Locker Room, A Garota seemed quite excited for the fight she was going to have, even though it was a Falls Count Anywhere Match, where she could have the risk of her opponent using Objects or rather, "Weapons", Blonde was ready for anything.

Cassie after finishing getting ready in the Locker Room, Blondie received a call from a friend of hers saying that she would be rooting for Cassie to win the fight, Cassie just laughed lightly, where then Cassie walked down the hallway that would go to the Arena Entrance , She waited for her Entrance Music to play over the Arena speakers, Loira ended up singing a part of her entrance song: "Para pa para pa para"
Cassie's Voice was heard over the Arena Speakers, until Cassie's Entrace Song finally played with just a Guitar and Drums, until when the other instruments entered, Cassie appeared in the Arena with a Jump, She felt bright yellow lights around the Arena, while a Spotlight with Orange Colors pointed at the Girl, She was greeting some fans until she reached the Ring, where she entered jumping over all the Ropes, Cassie would go to a Ring Corner, where she would jump to the Second Rope and Taunt Crowd, so after that, Cassie would get off the ropes and look at her opponent while her theme song was decreasing: "Well, I hope we have a good match.", she said smiling at Lily then.

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Re: [Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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When the other music started, Lily turned her head to the side. In contrast to her own entrance, Cassie's entrance was much more bright. The Englishwoman's empty eyes watched her rival, who was walking down the ramp accompanied by greetings from the audience. Lily didn't know anything about how exactly the blonde's career in LAW began, but judging by the reaction of the audience, they remembered her.

When Cassie was in the ring, Lily pushed off from the corner, straightening up to her full height. Her opponent stood on the middle ropes in the opposite corner in order to tease the audience a little more, which clearly pleased them. But everything ends sooner or later, Cassie's music was no exception. And when that happened, the Black Crow blinked slowly and headed to the center of the ring for them to start the match.

Stopping a few steps away from Cassie, Lily's amber eyes met her rival's blue ones. The Englishwoman once again noted that they were both almost perfectly equal in height and weight. But now that Cassie has put on her wrestling attire, Lily was also able to appreciate the blonde's athletic training. And there, too, were no big differences, since they both had about the same muscle mass. A rather rare case, which heats up interest in the match quite strongly, because when the fighters are approximately equal in physical parameters, the outcome of the match in most cases will be decided by the skill level.

Lily tilted her head slightly when she heard Cassie's words. To hear something like this before a hardcore match, which will surely lead to a lot of blood and pain, is clearly not what a fighter usually expects. However, even though there were no rules in this match, Lily was not going to fall below her dignity. Cruelty does not mean meanness. The brunette was ready to do everything necessary to win, but she was not going to use dirty tricks.

"I should have warned her that I don't talk during the match..." Lily thought.

It really was true. She preferred to keep her mouth shut during matches. Not only because it was part of her image, but also because it helped her stay focused. Therefore, instead of responding to Cassie's words, Lily first nodded briefly, and then stretched out her right hand, offering her rival a handshake. Lily had no emotions and she knew she wouldn't feel any regret no matter how cruel she had to be in this match. But even without emotions, she remained able to show respect, because she was here to test her skills and there was nothing personal between them.

If Cassie had accepted the handshake without any problems, then Lily would have taken a few steps back after that. She was going to take a deep breath and clench her fists. Having raised them to the level of the chin, she would put her right foot a step back. By turning her left side slightly towards Cassie, the Black Crow would relax her shoulders and stretch her left arm forward a little. Classic boxing stance. Now she was ready. And in order for the match to officially begin, it only remained to hear the bell ring.

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Re: [Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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Cassie after finally making her entrance and going to the Ring, She couldn't hide the anxiety and happiness of going to face Lily, despite being a rookie, Cassie had a flame inside her that was enviable, She wanted to show it to everyone, who she was and what she could do in the Rings, in any fighting style, Hardcore, Standard, Submission, whatever.

Anyway, Cassie, like her rival, ended up noticing that she was the same height and weight as her, but for Cassie, probably the biggest difference was in the fighting style, Cassie used to be aggressive when she fought, but despite that, she didn't know Lily's Style, but anyway, when Lily offered a handshake, Blonde Girl ended up squeezing her Rival's hand lightly, while smiling: "Very well, Fight Time begins, Go hard Cassie!", after congratulating her rival, the Blonde Girl with Light Blue Eyes, she went to a Corner while stretching and warming up for the fight.


After the bell rang, Cassie quickly moved against her opponent, She wanted to show that she always liked to start the fight with the first move for Lily, after all, Cassie has been that way since when she trained to enter LAW itself, She began to approach her, and when the distance allowed, she abruptly sent a punch to her head in order to shift her defense, because in that case it would allow her to send a knee strike in the defenseless stomach
Last edited by JaimeJohnsomXD on Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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As soon as the bell rang, the arena was filled with the screams of the audience. Their joy could be easily explained. The match was on the verge of being cancelled, but thanks to unusual circumstances they got it. Moreover, it was impossible to exclude the possibility that this match would be even more interesting than the one that was originally planned.

Concentrating, the Black Crow moved forward almost immediately. Moving smoothly, she wanted to get closer to the blonde in order to test Cassie's style. But as soon as Lily took a few steps, her opponent abruptly rushed into the attack, rapidly approaching the Englishwoman. It seems that the American girl preferred to keep things at a high pace.

The Black Crow prepared for defense, watching Cassie's hands and feet. She didn't want to get a few heavy blows at the very beginning of the match. Swaying slightly on her toes, the brunette tried to read the movements of her rival. She remained cool, but her eyes narrowed slightly the moment Cassie's fist started moving towards her face.

"Block," Lily said to herself mentally.

She quickly lifted her right hand higher, covering her head. The blonde's fist crashed into the Englishwoman's forearm, which made her wince slightly as her bones received a certain amount of pain. Although it was definitely much better than if that fist had crashed into her face unhindered.

However, this was only the beginning, as Cassie began to raise her knee, clearly hoping to bypass the defense of the Englishwoman. It seems this blonde had good striking skills. But Lily wasn't going to test how well her abs would handle Cassie's knee. Therefore, the Black Crow, using her speed, pushed off from the mat to jump back a step and a half, thereby evading the attack of her opponent.

Amber eyes would sparkle in the spotlight, because now Lily was going to make her own move. And so she moved her left foot forward, as if about to take a step and burst into the space of the American girl. However, instead of coming into close contact, the Black Crow intended to place the left foot slightly to the right of the right foot, starting to spin rapidly to the right. She was going to lift her right leg, bent at the knee, and then abruptly straighten that leg in an attempt to ram Cassie's stomach with a quick back kick!

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Re: [Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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As soon as the match started, Cassie could hear how excited the audience was for that match, after all, Lily's match, was almost not going to happen and for the fans who were rooting for her, that would be sad, but luckily, the circuits changed and did a fight takes place that night.

Anyway, after Cassie tried to punch and Knee Lilye ended up having the Punch blocked by the Englishwoman, she ended up feeling some pain because of the Adversary Block, and the Kick ended up missing.
Cassie wasn't expecting that, but as it was the beginning of the Fight, it stands to reason that the two would have plenty of energy to spend.

After Cassie had made such mistakes, Blonde Girl ended up not expecting her Adversary's reaction, Cassie had opened a door for Lily to attack and so, Blonde Girl received the Brunette's Quick Kick, which made Cassie step back a little, She felt a moderate amount of pain in her stomach from that kick, but She wanted to keep fighting, for her, no matter how many wounds she received, She needed to keep fighting, to show her worth to the world.

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Re: [Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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Direct hit. Dodging a knee strike from the blonde, the Black Crow began her own offensive. Speed was her best quality, she was considered one of the fastest in their team. When Lily was at her maximum speed, few people could follow her movements. Although so far she didn't see the need to use all her possible speed, because it would begin to deplete her stamina reserves quickly.

The brunette's foot crashed into the American girl's stomach. Cassie staggered back, and Lily put her foot back on the mat, finding solid ground under her feet. The Englishwoman tilted her head slightly, looking at the results of her attack. Despite the fact that it was a clean and powerful kick, her opponent took just one step back. It seemed that even Cassie's breathing remained fine. Well, this blonde clearly has a strong abs.

Lily rushed forward, launching a new attack. Clenching her fists, she raised them to the level of her chin, making it clear to Cassie that she intended to use them. Boxing was her best weapon and now she was going to demonstrate it. Or no?

"I have to stun her," the brunette mentally prompted herself.

Approaching her opponent, Lily intended to abruptly shift her weight to her right leg and at the same time lift her left leg. However, this time she wouldn't have to lift that leg high because the Black Crow was going to give a left low kick into Cassie's knee joint.

That way she wanted to make the American girl lose her balance and weaken her defense, because if successful, it is unlikely that something would prevent the Black Crow from throwing both hands forward in an attempt to grab the back of Cassie's head. For what? If successful, she was going to lower the blonde's head down and raise her right knee as quickly as possible in order to hit her in the forehead with her own hard knee strike!

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Re: [Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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Cassie after receiving Lily's Kick and ending up going back a bit, so the Blonde American Girl tried to regain her balance after that kick from her opponent, but anyway, Cassie had to keep fighting, of course.

Anyway, as soon as Blondie saw her opponent coming towards her with her fists raised to chin level, Cassie ended up being alert to Lily's attacks, as soon as the opposing Girl came towards her, Cassie tried to go back a little, just to be able to dodge Lily's Kick, if it worked, Blonde Girl had to take the opportunity to counterattack.

In that, The Blonde Girl already knew what she had to do with the opposing English Girl, Cassie ended up opting for a kick, where she raised her right leg and with her foot, tried to give a half powerful kick to the Left Side of her opponent's Belly. , hoping to make Lily feel hurt by it.

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Re: [Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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During the matches, Lily tried to be guided primarily by logic. Statistics are not always the best helper, especially when it comes to such an unpredictable thing as a fight. And yet it cannot be denied that with different probabilities of success of an action, it is necessary to choose the most likely.

After the brunette's foot crashed into her opponent's stomach, she was sure that Cassie would experience breathing problems to one degree or another. Breathing is one of the most important things, because without oxygen, the body quickly turns into a useless piece of meat. The Black Crow was counting on the fact that after her kick, the blonde would not have time to react to her next attack, so she quickly headed forward.

In order to increase the probability of success, the Englishwoman decided to confuse Cassie, as if she was going to use her fists to attack. But instead she threw another kick in order to upset the balance of the blonde. Calculating the probability of success right during the match was catastrophically difficult. But Lily had reason to believe that her plan was reliable enough.

But apparently the probability of success was not high enough. Cassie jumped back with a light movement, dodging a low kick. And then she immediately rushed forward, somewhat surprising the Black Crow. It seems that this blonde is not so simple, because moving so quickly after a hard kick in the stomach is far from the simplest task.

The unsuccessful low kick put the brunette in a very disadvantageous position, which clearly played into Cassie's hands. The American girl also threw her leg forward, using the simplest, but in this situation very effective kick. Her foot crashed into the left side of Lily's torso, which caused her to feel a significant surge of pain.

"Gh..." came out softly through clenched teeth.

She did not have time to take a confident stance and because of this she lost her balance. After Cassie's kick, Lily staggered to the side and her right side pressed against the ropes. In order to regain her balance, she was forced to grab the top rope with her right hand, while with her left hand she covered the place where her opponent's foot crashed into.

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Re: [Falls Count Anywhere Match] Lily Menage vs Cassandra Johnsom - Some would call it fate

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Cassie, despite being new to the wrestling world, she had a huge desire to show what she could do to the public, in addition to showing her opponent, the blonde girl had been hit before by a kick in the belly of Lily, Cassie had plans to continue trying to win the Fight.

After managing to land a Knee on Black Crow, Cassie had managed to land a Kick on Lily's Side which ended up causing the English Girl to stagger to the Side and go to the ropes, seeing her opponent in that state, having to hold the upper rope with her right hand, in addition to having her left hand on the spot where Cassie had kicked her, gave Blonde Girl an idea of ​​what to do next.

Cassie then, taking advantage that Lily was in that way, quickly advanced against the opponent to try to make the next move, the Girl then ended up lifting her right foot when she got close to the opposing wrestler, in an attempt to apply a Running Bicycle Kick on Lily, directly in the English Girl's head, Cassie wanted to try to get Lily out of the ring with that kick, Blonde Girl seemed to be confident of her moves in that fight.

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