*Submission Match*
Victory can only be obtained by making your opponent submit.
Asp was no stranger to fighting in front of a crowd, and certainly not to performing. Her travels had sent her across the world, where all manner of eyes had come to stare her way, watching as she danced for them, contorted and twisted, molded her body to their desires and scintillated their senses, drawing on their interest and intrigue, tempting them and driving them wild. Some buckled under that pressure, and she could not blame - when she started out, she could count herself among that number. But time and experience had made her accustomed to the spotlight, had taught her to still her fluttering heart. She was beyond such distractions.Victory can only be obtained by making your opponent submit.
Or so she had thought. As she stood in the gorilla position with the largest crowd she had ever encountered by far waiting on the other side of the curtain, she felt a tinge of that old nervousness. A slight apprehension. It was the difference between going through a rainstorm and a hurricane, and the effect was, at first, overwhelming.
Nag and Naigina seemed to since their mistress’ discomfort, and the twin snakes wound tighter about her arms, clutching her in a steely embrace that most would’ve mistook for aggression. While she wouldn’t claim to read an animal’s mind, she saw it more as affection. A gentle hug, in their own way. If they wanted to hurt her, they could. This was simply their method of settling her nerves.
It worked.

Beauty Beats by Beats Antique
Judging by the appreciative nods and leering stares she received, her efforts weren’t without fruit. She was new. She was fresh. She was alive. She was here.
Asp made her way around the ring and dropped to a knee so that her pets could slither their way off her shoulders. They intertwined with one another and took their rest, lying still with a rather nervous time keeper only a few feet away. She blew the man a kiss and stepped away, sliding in under the ropes and rising up like her namesake, twisting about to the music’s rising crescendo and continuing to do so even as it began to fade.
Soon, a new song would play, and with it, her partner for the night would arrive. The anticipation alone was enough to leave her shivering.