She finished drinking the last half of her water bottle, and got back to re-painting the four pink triangles on her cheeks, leaning over into the mirror with wide eyes, being careful not to mess it up in any way. She finished, and did a quick check over before closing the small bottle of facepaint and placing it back into her locker.
Surprisingly, her new wrestling boots weren't hurting her feet, despite having only worn them since the previous day and doing a lot of moving in them. They were quite expensive, so it wasn't too surprising, but it was still a nice feeling. A knock on the door let her know she was set to go out again, and she quickly moved on out to the top of the entryway.
The arena lights dimmed down, and then flared back up with Asuka's music blaring out of the arena speakers, the girl herself following just a few seconds later to a loud cheer. The audience were quite excited to see her fight two matches in one day, and erupted in a loud cheer once she presented herself at the top of the ramp. She made her way down quickly, waving excitedly to the audience, and slid in under the bottom rope, a big smile on her face.
She had put on a tight pink t-shirt since her last match, and had forgotten to take it off in the locker room. Rather than wear it through the fight and risk overheating, she pulled it up over her head and whipped it out to a lucky member of the audience, the resulting struggle to decide it's new owner caused her to giggle before turning her attention back to the ramp to await Ally's appearance!