Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

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Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

Unread post by Weonna »

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"Uggghhh..." Emma was limping around backstage after her recent defeat of Alanna Antoinette. She was kicked in the face and Samoan dropped at a table as the young Canadian was walking around very clumsily and all banged up. Not only was she was physically hurt but she was emotionally hurt as well. So far she felt like her career might end up nowhere and no matter how hard she trains she felt like a small fish in an area of sharks.

'Dammit whats even the point? Maybe i should just quit...I'm bringing nothing but shame...' Emma was starting to tear up the more she thought about quitting. The only thing she wanted was to be all alone again and as she kept on walking to the locker room she began lose her balance and start falling over.

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Re: Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

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Alexios was walking backstage. He had just finished showering after working out. Alexios was feeling healthy after his loss to Hiro and was just waiting on the doctors to clear him to wrestle again. He was lost in his thoughts and didn’t notice a blonde haired woman wearing gold trip and fall over until the last second. He sprung into action. While he was too slow to prevent her fall entirely, he was able to protect her head from hitting the ground and save her from the worst of the fall. ”Χαίρετε! Are you okay?”

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Re: Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

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Emma would groan out and try to get back on her feet.

"Ugghhnn.." As she tried to stand her legs wobbled and the clumsy Canadian would lean to the side and hold on to Alexios for support. She looked at the man who just saved her from falling to her face as Emma couldn't believe to see Alexios in front of her

"Huh? Wait...is that you? Oh...thank you for catching me there...so sorry I have to lean on you like that eh..." Emma gave him a small smile trying to hide the fact that she is depressed from losing her match.

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Re: Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

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“Hey it’s okay. You had a tough match.” He picked her up off the ground and planted her on her feet. “Would you like to sit down?” he asked the Canadian.

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Re: Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

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Emma nodded as the two would sit in a nearby bench with the young Canadian rubbing her head as if she was having a migraine.

"Hey Alexios...sorry about your match against my mentor...I guess we both loss tonight..." Emma didn't know what to say so she decided to do some small talk with the Former-Olympian.

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Re: Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

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”You should ice your head. In fact, you should take a whole ice bath. It sucks but it’ll reduce the swelling.” He paused. “Yeah we both lost. But you have a win. I’m 0-1, and all because of my own choices,” he spoke, staring off at the passerbys. “What’s troubling you, Golden Girl?”

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Re: Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

Unread post by Weonna »

Emma thought about the ice bath...the cold never hurt her that bad and it might be something she would try but she was still thinking about her Losses. She sighed when Alexios asked her what was wrong and she began to answer.

"Well...it's just that I am tired of losing and letting my country down...I'm literally 1-4 and most of my matches are the same...I get some momentum only to botch it and lose...it sucks ya know...people travel all the way to support you only for me to fall short...I just don't know if I'm cut out for this..." she looked down almost wanting to cry again.

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Re: Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

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Alexios didn’t know if she’d want a hug, so he elected to pat her on her shoulder. ”Well for one, you have one more win than I. And second, I lost a lot starting out amateur wrestling. I earned it through grit, practice, and yes, failure. You’re very talented. You’ll learn how to maintain momentum. With practice.”

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Re: Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

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"You really think I'm talented?" She looked at Alexios with the cutest of puppy dog eyes that can pierce through anyone's heart.

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Re: Pick me up: A Backstage encounter!

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”I do. And I know it because I’ve watched your matches. I watch the show in general but I focus in your and Christina’s matches. I’ve watched tape of my opponents since the Olympics. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get much footage of Hiro so I figured I’d watch who he trained. He’s done an excellent job. You two are incredibly talented.”

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