Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

The Ominous Future
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Re: Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

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All was fair in love and war, and whilst the attack wasn't the variety Silver herself would have ever gone for or even suggested, she'd be happy to do as Karen pleased. So long as it was within the means of the rules, of course.

Inflexible tag rules aside, with Silver baring witness to many a questionably legal tag manoeuvre in all her years of wrestling, Silver would watch without complaint as the referee swooped in, huddling a grunting Karen back to her corner. Only to find the moment taken advantage of by Lexy - who evidently didn't take to seeing her friend just come close to losing her head!

"Hey Hey!" Silver roared, barely atop of Sam for that attempted pinfall as Lexy swooped in, heaving at the considerably heavier Silver to surprising avail. Unable to push upon Sam's leg, not that it would even matter given the referees attention lay elsewhere, Silver was forced into something of an abrupt catfight as Lexy came atop of her!

With the two tussling one way and then the other as Silver tried to heave her away, all the whilst the two would be rolling across the canvas!

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Re: Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

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Between the two members of TealTastic, Sam was no doubt the more talented wrestler! But despite this, a coordinated double-team offense undoubtedly had the perky bluenette down and out! Karen and Silver's combined size and strength advantage over the lightweight left her laid out! Lexy realized that her team was one three-count away from losing their PPV debut! So in a moment of desperation, the hostess ducked through the ropes and ran in to interrupt when Silver covered her partner! And as luck would have it, Lexy managed to barrel into the plump, tanned woman before even a one-count was called!

"Woah!" Lexy would cry out as she rolled around the ring a few rotations with Silver! Between this and the act of herding Karen back to her corner, the referee more than had her hands full!

Lexy hadn't counted on the fact that the element of surprise might have helped her here. She tussled with the bigger gal and quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to keep Silver at bay for long! Lexy would aim to roll with the woman towards the bottom rope, and she'd attempt to grab hold of the ropes and tug on them to free herself from Lara's grasp and slide out of the ring!

"Ngghhh...." Meanwhile, Sam would slowly begin to stir! She'd lift her head and slowly sit up just in time to see Lexy try and make her escape!

Lexy would dash her way around the ring at ringside and head towards her team's corner! At the same time, Sam would slowly turn onto her front! As Lexy took her place in TealTastic's corner, she'd step onto the bottom rope and lean forward to extend her hand! Lexy held onto the tag rope with a firm grasp as she kept her free and extended! Sam would begin to slowly crawl towards her partner! Fans would clap and cheer in anticipation of the Teals making a hot tag and turning this thing around! Lexy bounced in anticipation of making a huge impact once she became the legal active wrestler!
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Re: Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

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It was an effective tactic to disorient the heavyset Silver with a few wild rolls and quick motions, given that even whilst Silver was capable of the briefest of bursts of speed, she couldn't keep up for long. Eventually Lexy nearly brought about Silver's head spinning off her shoulders, given how hard it was for her to keep track of what the Teals were doing. With Karen roaring on, as it became apparent there was more than enough of a chance for Sam to tag out, what with a dizzy Silver now only barely rising to the ropes!

"I...!" Silver huffed, looking to Lexy and Sam, quickly deciding that even if she were to rush the crawling Teal there'd be no stopping that tag out. So instead, she'd opt to do the same!

"I'm sorry..!" Silver tried to insist as she shuffled across on her knees before she pushed to her feet, to raise her hands to the onlooking Karen. Whom curiously enough, did not hold any sour feeling towards Silver for this slight mishap.

Not now that it meant she had Lexy all to herself, as with a slap of her hand Karen would become the legal woman on her side!

"Don't be..." She'd crack her knuckles and lick her lips, as she stared down the mouthpiece now coming into the ring opposite her!

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Re: Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

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Sam and Silver had been squaring off as the two legal women in the match. And while Silver had gotten the better of Sam more than once, the lightweight's tenacity and outright refusal to submit to Silver's holds won TealTastic some favor with the crowd!

As the battle between the two perkier members of their team had raged on, the conflict brewing in the background between Lexy Alan and Karen Starring filled the arena with anticipation! From the opening bell, Karen had been looking to get her hands on Lexy! And partway through the match, Lexy correctly determined that diplomacy with Starring was no longer a viable option! With nothing to lose and all of Karen's ire to gain, the interviewer/wrestler girl indulged in antagonizing Starring from her corner!

Samantha and Silver finally disengaged one another and made it to their respective corners at nearly the same time! The sounds of Robert's palm meeting Lexy's echoed throughout the arena! The cheers erupted! They only got louder when Starring cracked her knuckles in anticipation of facing Lexy!

"HAAAAAAA!" Lexy let out a battle cry and stomped in place! She turned to the crowd beyond the ropes and nodded as she tried to summon all the momentum she could in preparation for her showdown with Starring!

After her display, Lexy Alan would run at Karen full-tilt! The tanned middleweight would hope that the energy from the crowd would psych her up enough for her to run up and drive her shoulder into Karen's thick core with a Running Spear!
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Re: Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The term for the moment happening before the masses is what one would call a 'hot tag.' It was as cliché in wrestling as a babyface heel with family in the crowd, or a sadistic heel who couldn't perform a show without screaming at the audience. It might of seemed difficult from the offset to decide just who was making said 'hot tag,' given that both sides had been fighting rather admirably, though the odds would be in Lexy's favour. The gal may have been a mouthpiece, but she was now standing across from a woman whom simply couldn't keep her mouth shut. In victory, and often enough in defeat!

With that in mind, the momentum should have technically been in possession of Lexy; and damn if she didn't seem to believe such as well, given that she made absolutely no effort on her part to hide her intention. She was going to run full pelt into Karen; knocking her off her feet and cutting her near enough in half in the process.

At least that was the plan!

But Karen, to the surprise of no-one, didn't run off of showmanship. She didn't come into her encounters to give her opponents a good showing - least of all those who had chosen to verbally aggravate her from across the ring. If Lexy was to cut the distance in such a heinous manner, then Karen had absolutely every intention to make her pay for it...

And she'd look to do just that, by taking a single step forward as Lexy came barrelling in. With intent on her part to bring both hands down in the most brutal of manners - in an effort to damn near break Lexy's briefly vulnerable back with a double axe handle as she came towards Karen's waistline!

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Re: Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

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With the crowd, the commentators, and practically everyone else in attendance firmly in her corner, Lexy did indeed get tagged in with all the momentum and hype that a wrestler could ask for!

At a huge PPV event like this from the premiere wrestling company in the world, it was far from anyone's first rodeo when it came to seeing tag matches unfurl. Even viewers who were brand new to wrestling could correctly identify that if there was any point in the match where TealTastic would make a hero's comeback, it was absolutely now when both teams made finally made a tag after a hearty bout between Silver and Sam! And all these preconceived notions made it all the more jarring when Lexy ran into Karen Starring with a full head of steam, only to be floored by what felt like the curled paws of a bear clubbing her back with obscene force!

"AGH!" The thud of Karen's closed fists coming down onto Lexy's back was only outdone by the audible and concerning cry that Lexy let out when made contact with Karen's thick waist only to be brought to her knees by her legal opponent's Double Axe Handle!

Lexy instantly placed a hand on the small of her back! She let out a whimper. Tears formed in her eyes. With her free hand, she grabbed hold of Karen's shin, seemingly just to keep herself balanced on her knees.

Lexy hadn't always found success in the ring as a wrestler, mostly because of her tendencies to get booked against some notably heavy hitters. But many would say that she's quite the capable and effective mouthpiece. And unfortunately for her, after suffering such a massive and shocking blow, she completely abandoned her filter and said exactly what was on her mind! And to Karen Starring of all people!

"THAT...HURT! YOU! FAT! COWWW!!!!" The greenette roared out with her mouth agape for all to hear. The briefest of silences followed. And it was at that moment that everyone realized that the things that would come next for Lexy...probably wouldn't be pretty...
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Re: Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The atmopshere sure took a turn as Lexy roared out to Karen, but surprisingly enough karen's look did not change. The woman was already irate beyond measure. Nothing Lexy could say could improve it.

Or in this case, worsen it.

With a glance to the referee, who showed no issue with Karen cleaning Lexy's clock given the amazon wasn't in direct contact of the ropes - only close to them - Karen committed to the task of utterly breaking the Teal before her. And what better way of doing so with perhaps one of her most brutal, agonising submissions.

"Come...Here..." Karen snarled, reaching down with one hand, with her bust soon to Lexy's back as the amazon looked to posture her foe into something of a powerbomb set up. Only Karen's hand never went around the waist of her foe, nor to her torso in general. Instead, Karen stretched her strong right down to Lexy's leg, before clamping on to her ankle with a grip that could have been considered a submission in itself.

Before as if Lexy weighed nothing at all, Karen looked to hoist. To lift the bottom half of the girl into the air - naturally making Lexy dangle, as her top half either fell back of forward to be limp in the air. With Karen soon looking as if she was hoisting up her catch of the day for all to see!

Though the amazon had little interest in showboating, as she immediately took to locking her other hand to Lexy's ankle. Not before pulling it over the top of her head and neck, mind!

For Karen looked to lock in a stretch muffler - one that pulled Lexy's leg so tightly around her own neck, that she'd at moments struggle for breath. Though she would never outright suffocate, as all limbs on the bigger amazon flexed to try and outright break that leg off!

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Re: Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

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Lexy had abandoned all pretenses! She fully expected Karen to blow up. Many viewers watching worldwide and many in the live audience did, too! But Starring exhibited a silent rage. When the buxom heavyweight laid hands on the interviewer, Karen's oppressive grip was all the communication Lexy needed to come to this realization quickly: Lexy Alan done messed up!

"Wait! Wait wait whaaaa!" Lexy would cry and plead as Starring set her sights on her and grabbed hold of the greenette's plump figure!

Lexy tried to crawl away! She scurried and resisted with a sense of urgency and fear in her facial expression and body language!

"Eeep!" A shriek of concern and agony was all Alan could utter as she was fashioned into an unnatural position in preparation for a brutal submission hold!

She squirmed! She wriggled! But ultimately, Lexy would find herself going from a seated position on the heavyweight woman's shoulders to dangling off Karen's shoulder and neck by one leg!

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow!!!" Lexy cried as she frantically as Karen applied brute force to strain her captured leg!

Lexy could only scratch and claw for the mats beneath her as she erratically pawed around in search of the ropes! They were still near Silver Starr's corner, after all! But Lexy was all out of sorts! If she was able to make contact with the ropes, she'd scream at the referee to acknowledge the break! But if not, Karen would have ample opportunity to fully apply the hold and pull the smaller wrestler from them, leaving Lexy with very few options besides throwing in the towel and tapping!
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Re: Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Karen was needless to say, absolutely ruthless in her application of the stretch. She was bending Lexy's leg so tightly over her neck, from some angles of viewing it looked as though she was wearing that leg like a scarf! Whilst the strain of lifting Lexy was usually negligible given Karen's supreme power, to hold up any figure besides the lightest of lightweights using only her neck was taxing. And Lexy hardly looked ready to give in, as she made frantic efforts to swing her dangling body towards the ropes. No matter, Karen figured. No skin off her bones if Lexy wanted a further beating!

Unhooking that leg from around her neck, Karen would give a final pull of forward into the sky to briefly pull the rest of Lexy's body in that direction as well. Before with one smooth motion, Karen would look to release that leg in favour of a grip on Lexy's body as a whole. One that would have her foe across her - completely perpendicular!

With her hands now underneath Lexy's sides and neck, Karen would pivot as to have her rear side facing the most amount of space in the ring before she suddenly fell back. With her hands pushing up in tandem, as Karen looked to hit the deck whilst making Lexy hit it that much harder. By throwing her up and over her own frame, in a fallaway slam!

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Re: Silver Starr vs Teal-Tastic

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Lexy had pissed Karen off throughout the course of this match. So much so, that she had fully leaned into the shtick. Talking down an enraged Karen Starring was a feat that not even the best wrestlers throughout the ages could accomplish even if they tried.

If you were to ask Lexy after the match, she'd have told you that riling Karen up was a good strategy to get the heavyweight Amazon to make a mistake. And the highlights of the match that followed would put that claim right to bed.

"Ahhhh!" Lexy continued to let out cries of pain as she frantically tried to seek refuge on the ropes! But little did she knows that Starring was in no hurry to finish her off!

"Gah! Freedom?!" Lexy questioned on her way down as she felt her leg unhooked from Karen's neck!

Even before she bit the canvas, Lexy continued to reach for the ropes with both hands! The referee would have to force a break if Alan made it to the ropes, wouldn't she? But things got worse before they got better. Everyone watching knew that Karen wasn't one to simply abandon a hold. Lexy's cries of despair resumed when she was hoisted back up! Once she was perpendicular to Karen, Lexy realized that this was simply a transition! The greenette shook her head and lamented while she was trapped in Karen's clutches!

"No! No no no no no!" The interviewer would cry over and over again! And for her troubles, Karen would throw her backward and overhead in one full, fluid motion! Starring showed off some of her technical wrestling ability as she sent Lexy sailing toward the center of the ring with an impressive Fallaway Slam!

"AGH!" Lexy would groan as she landed on her back!

The momentum of the throw would carry her two rotations and roll her across the canvas! The crowd roared as Lexy fell! The greenette would end up on her side. She'd continue to groan in pain as she lay there for several seconds. Lexy would eventually turn and look to her corner! But as she pushed her torso up slightly, her facial expression would contort work wrinkles and despair when she realized that there was no one to tag to! For the other member of TealTastic, Samantha Roberts, would still be on the floor at ringside, laid out from her one-sided bout earlier with Silver!
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General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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