"Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs Tia Harris

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs Tia Harris

Unread post by Weonna »

"Hraaaagghhh!" With each punch Tia was beginning to roar out and after the 10th consecutive punch the ref would pull Tia away since Alaina has her arms over the top rope for a rope break!

"Geh' the haell off me!" Tia would yell at the ref who pushes her away. The Aussie would look at Alaina still breathing heavily with her chest heaving. Tia was still hurt from all those slams she took from the Amazon so Tia decided to grab Alaina's head and throw her out the ring between the middle and top rope!

With Alaina out the ring Tia would have a small moment to breath as she needed it for her next attack. The White head would wait for her opponent to slowly rise to her feet and once Alaina would slowly stand back up Tia would charge attempting to nail the Amazon with a suicide dive!

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs Tia Harris

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Alaina was hurting and in shock that Tia was still going but she herself could recover quite well inside the ring. As Tia threw Alaina out Alaina grabbed the ropes and used to to angle herself so she landed on her feet. She steadied herself as Tia was leaping up and Alaina let out a scream, bracing herself as she reached out and caught the flying Tia managing to hold her up while staying on her feet!

"Ok Tia you want to see power and resilience huh? How is this?!" Alaina shouted as she held Tia running at the steel ring post and smashing her back into it before turning and power slamming Tia down right on the corner of the steel ring steps! Alaina stood up and flexed her arms, strutting about again near the fallen Tia.

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs Tia Harris

Unread post by Weonna »

Tia was going in for a suicide dive as she let out a war cry! But to her surprise she was caught in mid-air by Alaina who then proceeded to run and Smash her back at the metal ring pole which made a loud DING noise! Tia was already limp from that but that didn't stop the Amazon from powerslamming her back at the ring steps! Tia howled in pain and was laying on her sides with one hand on her damaged back.

"Oh shit! Damn! That really got to hurt...owww!" Even Christina cringed a bit looking at Tia who was in massive back pain.

"Damn you go girl woo!" The Filipina started to clap when Alaina started strut around flexing her biceps while the Aussie could just lay on the soft mats groaning.

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs Tia Harris

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Alaina pulled Tia up by the hair, smashing her head off the steel steps and ring post a few times before lifting her up and slamming her up onto the apron before shoving her back into the ring. "You know what Tia? I have a special surprise for ya!" Alaina said as she moved over to the barricade.

"I will give her a headache she never forgets Christina." Alaina said high fiving her new friend before running towards the ring, sliding in underneath the bottom rope. Alaina pulled Tia up and grabbed hold of her lifting her up and positioning her as the crowd roared knowing what was coming! Alaina had Tia up for a muscle buster, dropping down and putting a hurting on Tia but not letting go.... instead she rose up and jumped, angling Tia's head to the mat as Alaina crushed her with her two-part musclebuster/brainbuster combo finisher the amabuster!

After Tia crashed to the mat Alaina would lay across her chest pressing her shoulders down while posing by flexing a bicep as she pinned Tia. The official slid in to place and began the pin count.



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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs Tia Harris

Unread post by Weonna »

The brutality of the Amazon continues as she would shove Tia's face in different places or the ring! First it was the steel steps to the ring post and finally to the apron! Tia was all but limped up and stunned on the soft mats and she couldn't respond to any of Alaina's brutal assault. The Aussie was shoved back to the ring laying on her back spread eagled with her eyes slowly fading.

Alaina went to where Christina was and the brunette would smile and high-five the Amazon.

"Go for it Alaina~ do your worst!" Christina hyped up the crowd when the Amazon would return to the ring. She lifted Tia up to her feet and placed her in a muscle Buster position!

While Tia was dangling she opened her eyes in fear and started shaking her head.

"Alaina! No! NOOOOO!" But it was too late as Alaina would nail her with the first move the Muscle Buster which pressed her spine hard on impact as it traveled to her neck like an accordion! But Alaina wasent done there! She went right back up angled the Aussie's head and slammed the back of her head with a BrainBuster!

There was no way Tia would recover and just like that it was good night Irene! The Aussie spread-eagled and her eyes were fully closed, her body no longer moving as she was knocked the fuck out! When Alaina went for the pin it was an easy three count. The referee called a stop to the match and the bell rang.


The match was over and the ref tried to raise one of Alaina's arm up to signify that she is the victor!
Last edited by Weonna on Mon Aug 15, 2022 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines vs Tia Harris

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina stood up, holding her arms put as she strut about the ring after the official held her arm as the victor. "Ya see everyone, of you act like an idiot and attack a woman who just had a hell of a training session you end up getting what you deserve!" Alaina shouted as she leaned over the ropes to yell into the crowd.

Alaina again made her way to high five Christina before heading towards the back having won her battle against an up and coming heavyweight in convincing fashion!

Winner via pinfall: "Amazon" Alaina Sanders-Haines

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