Valentina vs Nariko!

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Valentina vs Nariko!

Unread post by TheManVan »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submissions, Count Out

Valentina was excited, this brand new excitement of women combat completely entranced her as she had seen some of the women during the process of ironing out her contract which she had her liaison, the guy who offered her the chance in the first place, to do for her as she stood there nervous out of her mind. She couldn't believe that what she did in that underground club was actually a notable career path in another place of the world, which surprisingly had a good amount of money to it.

Now much like her stumbling onto the club, she was quickly thrusted into a match. It wasn't as grand like the last time where she was thrown against the reigning champion, but Valentina didn't mind. It could've been against any other woman and she would've enjoyed herself just the same as she appeared on stage. Wearing her attire from her previous gig, a black top that looked like it was barely able to contain her breasts, her blonde hair draped across her back as she made her way down to the ring.

It was nerve wreaking to walk down to the ring, much like the club she had trouble calming those nerves and the size of the new venue was intimidating. But instead of having the emotions show on her face, her demeanor went cold and stoic, suppressing those emotions behind a veil as she got into the ring, heading to the center of the ring as she let out a long breath before turning to towards the entrance, waiting to see who would be her opponent!

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Re: Valentina vs Nariko!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Where as Valentina had something of a heavily beating heart, the figure soon emerging in effort to lay waste to the blonde before her career had even begun truly in LAW was all but calm. Having technically not made her own debut herself, with said match being something of a disaster, Nariko was eager to prove to those in attendance tonight that despite first impressions, she was not cursed to dissapoint. If anything, she'd be fully intending to make a meal out of Valentina. Whilst needless to say, making an example of her alongside her.
Her music blaring as a figure filled to the brim with curves and power emerged, Nariko practically power walked down the ramp; her eyes latched but on one thing. The body she'd soon be snapping in half. Feet ringside soon enough, she'd climb her heavyset figure upon the apron itself before stepping through the ropes; now before a figure of extreme curves and tone herself. To Nariko of course, she was but a lamb.

"A shame..." She'd mutter, rarely one to trash-talk, but finding herself eager given the situation. "Perhaps in a past life, you would have gotten far here. But now, I am in need of an example. And you...are it.

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Re: Valentina vs Nariko!

Unread post by TheManVan »

Valentina's expression lit up the second she saw her opponent arriving from out backstage and on to centerfold. She was just imagining them locking up, with Valetina trying her absolute best to crush her opponent in her arms as she kept a trained eye on Nariko as she was examining all of the curves and tone that her opponent's body had to offer.

And right there she knew that she made the right choice making the jump from Russia all the way to the Land of the Rising Sun.

Now the two heavyweights would meet in the ring, locking eyes from opposite sides of the ring as the verbal jousting began. "Is that so? Huhu, sorry I find it hard to take you seriously when all I can imagine is you going limp in my arms."

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Re: Valentina vs Nariko!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Immediately deeming the time for words to be over, Nariko did not even respond to the words thrown towards her. She'd have time to make the girl eat her taunt throughout the match, she figured. Even more so when Valentina made specific intention to mention her scheme of dominating Nariko with her arms.

Stepping forward, the match now underway with a ringing of bell, Nariko would adopt something of a lowly posture as her arms came high. She had little intention of being caught and outwitted, given she had no clue what such a blonde figures intents actually were. For now, she'd play it safe, and rely on her own monstrous upper body strength to swipe at the woman, before seemingly looking to lock hands.

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Re: Valentina vs Nariko!

Unread post by TheManVan »

The second the bell rang, Nariko was making her way to the center of the ring as Valentina's smile never left her face as she began to stride towards her opponent. She too would drop into a wrestling stance as she lifted her arms up, looking for the one opening to try and lunge in and wrap her arms around her lovely opponent.

It was tough to find such opening as Nariko was keeping her distance, staying just out of reach for Valentina to swoop in with her mighty arms as she continued to tease the blonde, dangling the treat in front of her but refusing to let her touch it. It made Valentina want it even more. Seeing that Nariko's hands were getting in close, looking to lock up Valentina would do the same as she attempted to lock hands with Nariko.

And a second after they did, she would lunge forward, trying to smack Nariko's body with her own!

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Re: Valentina vs Nariko!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

With those hands locking, Nariko had every intention of bending, twisting and pushing those mighty biceps of the blonde, until she practically begged for mercy. Fingers latched, she made quick on her intent; pushing with a force that would have made a smaller woman submit there and then, only to find her momentum immediately halted. As Valentina opted to have their curvy fronts mash too!

Grunting lowly, her stance disrupted but recovered quickly enough given her holding of the blondes hand, Nariko looks to the ground a moment in annoyance before latching eyes back with her blonde foe. Their massive bosoms having just jiggled and collided, with tout abs too grinding, Nariko found herself in the annoying position of being the one who had lost ground. Something she would duly try to fix, as she began to exert her strength again, ideally this time without interruption!

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Re: Valentina vs Nariko!

Unread post by TheManVan »

The two heavyweights locked up as they immediately began pushing to each other as a loud smack of bodies rang out as the two titans battled for physical supremacy. Groaning out as she tried to over power her opponent, Valentina tried her best to see how far Nariko's strength went as a smile curled on her lips when she found Nariko being forced to move backwards, no matter how little it was.

Just the fact of knowing she could over power the Japanese woman made her giddy with excitement. The Russian would wonder how she would be when she was crushing Nariko in her arms. But then her eyes widened with excitement when Nariko began pushing back, breasts and abs grinding against one another as she let out a low laugh.

"Oooooh~ Aren't you full of energy?" she let before throwing her weight back into Nariko, focusing on her upper torso that allowed her breasts to mash into their opponents harder as she attempted to bend Nariko backwards!

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Re: Valentina vs Nariko!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

With Nariko focusing the contest of strength upon pushing of ones arms, and Valentina shifting the focus to their massive busts, the two meaty frames found themselves both sharing sweat, and at something of a impasse, as neither figure backs down. For every ounce of strength Nariko has extra in her arms, Valentina is balancing out with that powerful figure; likely built from years of demolishing women, simply through the act of pressing them tightly against her!

"Hush.." She'd mutter almost nonchalantly, as her body began to flex more and more. Neither figure gaining advantage, much to Nariko's humiliation given her extremely rare loss of a test of strength, Nariko's press into the girls forehead with her own would heat up somewhat, as she shoved further and further against her!

"I" She'd mutter again, this time with something of a whisper as those gripped hands began to sweat; Nariko's legs shaking, given how much force was being unleashed here and now!

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Re: Valentina vs Nariko!

Unread post by TheManVan »

Pushing Nariko back with her chest, Valentina continued to press her advantage and herself into her opponent as her hands continued to sweat with Nariko's as the two heavyweights continued to press into each other, trying to squish the other as their foreheads locked and Valentina could see all of the lovely features of her Japanese opponent.

The smile on her face grew with each passing second she saw Nariko's face, strong and determined, unfailing and prideful. It made her think about the face she would make when she had two Russian Pythons wrapping around her and squeezing her into paste!

"Let's...see you try!" she let out with the gleest of smiles as she took the challenge and amplified her efforts, attempting to push Nariko's arms back enough to force her to break off and if she was successful in giving herself free reign of her arms, she would swiftly try to wrap them around Nariko for one of her patented bearhugs!

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Re: Valentina vs Nariko!

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Unrelenting in the force she was using, Nariko's title as possessing the strongest arms in LAW was indeed put to the test, as Valentina did not quiver under anything short of her absolute full strength. Nariko then, simply grunted. If her full strength was what was needed, then so be it!

Quiet save for her powerful roars, Valentina began to shove her arms back equally and then some to the mighty Russian, as their bodies intertwined with such closeness and fierceness that they were practically one. A fact Val soon tried to take advantage of, as Nariko caught wind of her efforts to throw her arms wide!

"Not...QUITE..!" She'd snarl, lock indeed broken, Val would find her efforts to snag up that amazingly busty body hitting a brick wall in the form of those biceps again, as Nariko latched her arms over and around Val's own. Pulling inwards, she'd try to hyper-extend the Russians' mighty mitts outwards, whilst at the same time halting the blondes efforts to pull her any closer. Her opponents wrists were still free mind, and could easily snag that grip upon the powerful beauties back and body; but Nariko had made every effort to make such a move pointless, given she'd be preventing Val from pulling her in!

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