Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

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Re: Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

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The sickening crack of skull on skull was drowned out by the raucous crowd. What wasn't there to like? Two beautiful, determined, and skilled women were giving it their all. The tools of their trade were entertaining too: Death grips on each other's shirts like brawling hockey players, and an arsenal of increasingly savage moves. A forearm club, then a throat chop, and now a full-on headbutt!

Satsuki could only distantly appreciate the thrill of this fight, mostly because any part of her brain that could process that joy was scrambled. As the world exploded around her, Satsuki could only respond with muscle memory. Her forearm was drawn across her eyes in a vain attempt to block out the dazzling lights in her mind's eye, but then it swung out, fingers curled into a hammerfist aimed right at Uta's temple!

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Re: Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

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While the headbutt did its job in dealing damage on her opponent, Uta was left dizzied by the impact as well. She tried her best to focus on her opponent before her, the noises around her becoming muted after the impact of their foreheads colliding with each other. Doing her best to retain her footing despite her being wobbly, Uta tried to come up with another move, though at the moment, with her mind in disarray, it was hard to come up with something.

As Uta tried to follow up her headbutt, Satsuki went to deliver a strike right at her temple, rattling her even further. The sheer impact was simply too much for Uta that after staggering a few steps to the side, she simply fell down onto the mat. Then she rolled over onto her back, groaning in pain as she looked up at the lights above. The noises around her were still muted, and for the time being, she would be unable to do anything about her own condition, and she would not be able to defend herself against whatever her opponent might do next.

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Re: Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

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The two combatants traded blows in the center of the ring, each one more brutal than the last. Finally, Uta's gambit with a headbutt had proven too dangerous, as with Satsuki still standing, she could return fire! Which was exactly what she did, slamming her balled fist into Uta's skull. The strike cracked across the side of her opponent's head, and Satsuki watched with glee as her foe staggered. She would have pressed her advantage if not for the fact that Uta fell soon after!

"Aww. What's wrong?" she asked. "Got nothin' else for me?" She sauntered over to her supine foe until she was looming overhead. Satsuki snaked her fingers through Uta's dark locks, gripping tightly and pulling her up off the mat! With a quick tug, she urged Uta onto all fours, lugging her like a suitcase until the ravenette was all but bear-crawling on the canvas! Suddenly, her boot flashed out, kicking Uta in the back of the head -- right towards the ropes!

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Re: Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

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In hindsight, the headbutt wasn't really a good idea as it left her in a state where she was unable to thin straight. Now that she was down, Uta was vulnerable before her opponent, who knew that this would be her chance to defeat her. When Satsuki grabbed her by her head, Uta groaned as she was pulled up into all four. Unable to stop her opponent, Uta could only follow the direction that Satsuki had directed for her, and she hissed to herself for her inability to recover fast enough.

And then, Satsuki kicked her right at her head, sending her tumbling towards the ropes. She cried out as she ended up at the ropes, and she found herself draped at the middle rope, facing out of the ring. For now, she was unable to ascertain what Satsuki would do next, but she had a feeling that it would be unpleasant for her.

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Re: Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

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Satsuki was going to feel their brutal exchange of blows for days to come. For now though, the sight of Uta staggering to the ropes was enough to keep her going. She just hoped that she could finish this fight doing nothing more than thrilling to the groans and grunts of an opponent who was on the ropes -- literally!

And what a position that was for Satsuki. Perfect for what she had in mind to finish this fight -- and what she had in mind was a heaping helping of pain, delivered with all the energy that this fight had given her. The Queen of Clubs took off, bounding towards Uta at ringside with speed! When she reached the ropes, she hopped up, with one hand on the middle rope and one hand on the bottom one. She swung a wide arc around the outside of the ring -- one that ended, hopefully, with her knees bashing into Uta's face for a rapid 619!

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Re: Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

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Uta was disoriented after being sent tumbling towards the ropes. She ended up at the middle rope, facing outside the ring. It was hard for her to form coherent thoughts after exchanging blows with Satsuki, and as she tried to regain her bearing and composure, she heard her opponent's footsteps. It was clear that Satsuki was about to do something, but Uta was unable to see it as she was facing outside the ring.

And then, there Satsuki was, leaping up between the top and middle ropes. Holding onto the ropes, she swung herself outside the ring before she brought her knees into Uta's face, hitting her with a 619!


The impact sent Uta backwards, and she flopped onto her back. Her entire world was shaken from the impact, and now she was staring up at the lights above, unable to discern what actually happened to her.

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Re: Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

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Satsuki's knee struck Uta's face with a satisfying crack! The ravenette fell back, eventually landing with her back on the mat. Even from this distance, Satsuki could tell she was dazed, but she wanted no time in closing that gap.

The Queen of Clubs followed through on her swing, using the momentum to get off to a running start as soon as she hit the canvas. Just before she reached Uta, she performed a frontflip cartwheel and hopped into the air like a gymnast. She tucked her knees in and fell, hoping to land on Uta's torso and belly knees-first! If that acrobatic maneuver managed to go off without a hitch, Satsuki would then lean back to hook Uta's legs then scoot forward -- queening the middleweight for a pin!

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Re: Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

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Laid out on her back, Uta was still trying to process what was happening, and this would leave her utterly unprepared for what was coming next as Satsuki performed a cartwheel to bring her knees down onto her stomach, driving the air out of her lungs! "BUAGHHHH!!!" Uta's mouth was wide open as she struggled to breathe, and this gave Satsuki an opportunity to go for the cover.

With Satsuki pinning Uta, the referee came over and started counting for the pin. It looked like Uta had been completely drained and was left with nothing. She showed no sign of kicking out as the referee's palm hit the mat.



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Re: Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

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The referee slapped the canvas for a third time, cementing yet another win for Satsuki. She sat atop her defeated opponent for a moment, wiggling on her face to partake in the time-tested tradition of post-match trash talk. Then she stood, looming over Uta with a self-satisfied smirk that hurt way too much to flash.

"You've got cannons for legs, I'll give you that." The throbbing pains in her face and chest told her were proof enough. She'd have more than a few new bruises tomorrow, but she'd wear them like a badge of honor. Each spot of mottled skin would be proof that she lived to fight another day, no matter how hard Uta tried to make it otherwise.

"Barrel arms, too." She nodded at her supine foe before smugly looking off towards the entrance ramp. "Too bad it wasn't enough." Then she spun on her heel and turned to leave the ring.

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Re: Song and Dance - Satsuki Hayano v. Uta Toyama

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Uta could hear Satsuki's words as she was laid out on the mat, still trying to process the fact that she was defeated. She let out a grunt as a response to Satsuki's words. Well, at the very least her opponent was respectful enough even though she did rub it in her face that she was beaten in this match against her. But there was nothing she could do about it.

When Satsuki made her leave, Uta also rolled out of the ring, trying to make her exit as inconspicuous as possible. She promised that she would not make the same mistake her, and the next time if she got to meet Satsuki again, she promised that she would be the one who would stand victorious.

Winner: Satsuki Hayano via pinfall

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