Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

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Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

Unread post by Zerius »

Natty delicately puts on her boots. She is alone in her loockeroom, slightly nervous she does her best to keep her calm. Tonight, it is an important match, a rare opportunity! Not only she makes her debut in this federation but also in a stipulation match, a wild stipulation, a Caged Beasts match. it's the speciallity of her opponent : both fighter will be chained at each other's necks, enough room to move but not enough to move too far away, win by knockout or surrender, winner has 1 minute to do whatever you want with the loser. She is a bit nervous about this minute but if she wants to make her mark... it's tonight!

She gets up and looks at herself in the mirror, she adjusts her white/blue leotard, puts on her bracelet around her right bicep... fixes her hair... "I'm ready !"
At the same time someone knock on the door. "Natty SIlverher ? it's your time, we're waiting for you !" says a man behind the door.
"Alright I'm coming !" she answers with a determined voice.
She opens the door and goes to the ramp. Backstage she already attracts the eyes, although she is not the tallest, she has a certain stature that does not leave indifferent.

She stands backstage, looking at the ramps, hearing all the fans from there... she looks at the staff members... waiting for the signal... and then...
Her music starts. Her entrance theme echoes in the arena, although she is unknown in this federation for the moment, her theme seems to have some success and the crowd starts to react.
She moves forward, the lights illuminating her skin and her tight leotard... She walks determinedly to the ring, her water bottle in hand. She takes a quick sip as she heads to the ring, a little stressed she drops a few drops on her chest, but she doesn't flinch, she still professional. She closes the bottle and sends it in the crowd in badass moovement. She climbs on the apron, grabs the top rope... and jumps over it, she looks above her, a huge cage is suspended above the ring. She smiles confidently as she points to the cage. The fans react and the hype goes up in the whole arena...
She goes to her corner... sits on the middle turnbukle, hands on the middle rope... waiting for her opponent.
Last edited by Zerius on Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:53 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

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Minty thought a bit about her fight Tag, it had been fun, although she hadn't expected it to get pretty crazy, but now it was time to think about this new fight, putting on her boots and underwear, before putting on her simple outfit, so then when she knew she was ready, she would wait for her turn to enter, so when it was finally her time, her theme would start to play, letting the song begin and the excitement rise
So when the highest moment came, she would run appearing to the Arena, smiling to all the audience, while walking and high-fiving her fans, so when she was close to the ring, Minty would greet everyone, entering the ring and seeing how the Cage came down and locked the 2 in the ring, next to the referee, while he would approach and place 2 necklaces, one in each neck, seeing that in each of them there was a key, explaining that they could only use it if the opponent was defeated

Ready Girl? This will be dangerous...... And let's say that I know how to do it well..... I'm Minty by the way

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Re: Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

Unread post by Zerius »

Natty watches her opponent comming to the ring Minty seems... friendly almost cute. Natty had imagined a huge opponent with a sharp and aggressive body.
-maybe it would be easier than i tought..-
But as Minty crosses the ropes, Natty realizes that Minty is actually very muscular and you can even easily see her abs through her yellow wrestling outfit.
-ok nevermind I mustn't underestimate her-
The referee approaches Natty and starts to put the necklaces on her. It is rather tight and impossible to remove without the key....
The two fighters are now connected, the cage is in place... nothing will stop the fight until one of them wins.
Natty gets closer to Minty... Minty starts to introduce herself with a cleary autin tone. Natty answers directly

"Of course I'm ready, I live for this kind of match, for you it's only a show but for me it's a way of life. I know very well that this stipulation is your specialty, I'm in your cage but I'm sorry, I will win! and embarass you in the longest minute you have never lived"
Natty is slowly getting closer... She extends her right hand offering a handshake as the bell rings....
Last edited by Zerius on Fri Aug 12, 2022 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

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Minty seemed quite willing to see her opponent talk a lot against her, clearly this rookie had the opportunity and her dedication spoke for her, although when she mentioned what she would do when she won, it made Minty laugh.
Do you see me securing victory? No.... So I suggest you save the words for the end of the fight.....

Minty would say as she accepted the handshake, but the bell rang and that made them now free to do whatever it took to win the fight, so holding on to the handshake she would pull Natty towards her, throwing her knee for a quick knee strike to start the fight calmly.

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Re: Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

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When she extended her hand Naity knew exactly what she was getting into, she was ready, firm on her feet... But when Minty pulled her she was surprised by her strength... "What?!" she squeaked as Minty pulled her towards her and send a stiff knee strike into Natty's belly. "Arghh"
Fortunately for Natty her abs are pretty resistant and she take the strike pretty well.
Leaning slightly forward... she grabs Minty by the hips, loking her left wirst with her right hand in the back of Minty. Natty bends her knees to get a better balance... and then starts to push minty towards a corner of the ring.
Slowly, step after step, she push back Minty... but even in this position Minty is very hard to pushand Natty have to use all her strenght to make mooving her opponent...

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Re: Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

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Minty hit Natty's stomach hard, but boy was she surprised when she was pushed back by Natty in what looked like a good lunge, but that was by far what Minty would let her do without putting up a fight.

As Natty made the effort to try to get her to the corner, Minty would act cautiously, raising her arms and letting her elbows hit Natty's body and head, she wanted to see if her hardness also applied to the rest of her body.

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Re: Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

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Natty grunts as Minty is hammering her back and head with some hard elbows strikes... But she still pushing minty in the corner... "Arghh" the elbows strikes really starts to hurt Natty and she drop on a knee... She look at her feet and see the chain of the collar... She grab it, wrap her right hand with the chain... Stand up and fire a huge right punch into Minty's Stomach.. "Take that !!"
Then she drops the chain and step back even if she can't go too far from Minty.. Natty look at Minty with a mirk, hopping that her punch pissed her off...
"Awww... is that painful ? hehe"

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Re: Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

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Minty did everything she could to avoid being taken to the corner, and although she managed to stop her they were too close to each other, and that made her not see how Natty used the chain as a weapon, receiving a hard blow in her stomach, that shit hurt and even her muscles had a hard time, the distance between them was little but enough
hehe...... You really think you're the first one to do that?

Minty would say as she recovered, before positioning herself ready to fight, launching herself at full speed against Natty to throw a fake punch to the stomach, if that managed to work, she would take her other arm to where it really was, with a powerful Uppercut to her jaw.

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Re: Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

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-Aw gosh she's tough !- Minty is already ready to fight, Natty step back by reflex but... "Urghhh" the chin stop her "What ? it's not even tense why i can't step back..." natty looks down and Minty is steping on the chain. Natty doesn't know if it was on purpose.. but minty use the distraction to fight back.

Natty raise her guard trying to block the punch to the stomach but.. it was a feint ! Natty look up but it's too late, Minty's fist smash her chin and her head bounces up... "Urghhhh" Natty fell her brain compressed in her skull and she drop all on four quite dazzed.. "fuuckk..." she try to get up but she's completly desoriented so.. she still on her knees, hand on the mat.

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Re: Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match

Unread post by Lederface »

Minty when she finally managed to hit Natty's face hard, she could feel how everything shook, smiling at her achievement, she could see how Natty fell on the canvas, she looked so dazed that she didn't even seem to get up...... But she did.

Although anyway, she was still not standing, so it didn't take Minty time to get closer and wrap the chain around Natty's neck, while they both go down to the canvas, and Minty tries to place herself on Natty's stomach, wanting to know her reaction.

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