The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
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Re: The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
Aphrodite had done it. In some sort of fashion, Aphrodite had managed to escape the clutches of the Bee's far too large behind and was now free, leaning forward before stretching back to get a nice gallon of fresh clean air. This was going to be harder than she had previously thought, and in order to get the upper hand, the goddess of love would have to release hounds of whatever moves she could to destroy this peculiarly pesky bug, squashing it down under foot to win this match. All she needed to do was to ware her down, grind her up until she was no more.
Seeing as how Bea was down on the canvas, stunned from striking her against the turnbuckle in her escape, Aphrodite quickly moved to one of her most painful submission moves. She'd make it so, grabbing the legs and looking like she was going for a Boston Crab, attempting to turn the larger woman over in setup, but that wasn't the whole truth. She was attempting something a lot more painful, as Aphrodite tried to hook the legs around her own and bend backwards, performing an Anchor Hold, or as she liked to call it, her Acidalia.
Seeing as how Bea was down on the canvas, stunned from striking her against the turnbuckle in her escape, Aphrodite quickly moved to one of her most painful submission moves. She'd make it so, grabbing the legs and looking like she was going for a Boston Crab, attempting to turn the larger woman over in setup, but that wasn't the whole truth. She was attempting something a lot more painful, as Aphrodite tried to hook the legs around her own and bend backwards, performing an Anchor Hold, or as she liked to call it, her Acidalia.
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Aphrodite "The Love of the World"
Aphrodite "The Love of the World"
- dddybee
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Re: The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
After finally escaping from Honie's suffocating backside and ultra-tight bearhug, Aphrodite got some offense going. She managed to slam the bee girl against the turnbuckle, leaving Beatrice stunned on the mat. The tough heroine would've recovered with a tad more time, but Aphrodite wasn't willing to give her that. Instead, the goddess of love started to maneuver Honie a painful submission hold.
As the bee felt her body being manipulated, she assumed she was about to be put in a boston crab. That wouldn't be good, but Honie had at least experienced those before. But the blonde opted to go for something completely new to bee, twisting her muscular legs in an Anchor Hold! "AAAHHH!" Honie cried out, this move definitely being more painful than a simple boston crab. With her lower body restrained, Honie would attempt to twist her upper body, in a way that would allow her to punch her foe's lower back. She would go for said punch, while trying to endure the pain of this signature Acidlia, knowing she can't effort to be stuck in it for too long!
As the bee felt her body being manipulated, she assumed she was about to be put in a boston crab. That wouldn't be good, but Honie had at least experienced those before. But the blonde opted to go for something completely new to bee, twisting her muscular legs in an Anchor Hold! "AAAHHH!" Honie cried out, this move definitely being more painful than a simple boston crab. With her lower body restrained, Honie would attempt to twist her upper body, in a way that would allow her to punch her foe's lower back. She would go for said punch, while trying to endure the pain of this signature Acidlia, knowing she can't effort to be stuck in it for too long!
- SimplyMoon
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Re: The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
"O' what's that? I thought I heard a bee sing. And here I thought that all you did was buzz around. The more you know of such a wonderful world don't you think?" Aphrodite would taunt in her typical sarcastic way, bending herself back with impressive flexibility as her head hovered over Honie's while performed the Anchor Hold. Even with the previous beating that she had taken, she was still remarkably able to hold on even with her opponent trying to escape. However, it would become more and more clear that she wouldn't be able to hold it forever especially as she began to feel Honie struggle down below her.
Aphrodite would tighten the grip of her hands around Honie's legs, pulling them tighter as she felt wild strikes to her back, "You think... your stings can... beat me?!" she spoke from gritted teeth, arms starting to tremble before after a few moments, hoping to endure for as long as she could. It was however only time that she'd have to let go sooner, but when?
Aphrodite would tighten the grip of her hands around Honie's legs, pulling them tighter as she felt wild strikes to her back, "You think... your stings can... beat me?!" she spoke from gritted teeth, arms starting to tremble before after a few moments, hoping to endure for as long as she could. It was however only time that she'd have to let go sooner, but when?
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Aphrodite "The Love of the World"
Aphrodite "The Love of the World"
- dddybee
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Re: The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
Honie was currently not in a very good position, trapped by Aphrodite's painful Anchor Hold. This was much, much worse than a simple Boston Crab, and Beatrice needed to find a way out! The blonde would endure, after the tough worker bee fired the first punch to Aphrodite's back. But Honie was far from done. "Sting! Sting! STING...!" The bee buzzed, each time her hard fist impacted her fellow heavyweight's lower back. Given the heroine's strength, it had to have hurt like heck, perhaps even leaving some bruises!
However, if the goddess managed to endure that, Honie would then switch things up a notch. Using her hands to push herself off the mat, Honie would then attempt to grab around her foe's lower back and waist. If all went her way, Ms. Bea would tap into her powerhouse strength, and toss the blonde clear over the bee's head, aiming to slam the heel hard onto the canvas!
However, if the goddess managed to endure that, Honie would then switch things up a notch. Using her hands to push herself off the mat, Honie would then attempt to grab around her foe's lower back and waist. If all went her way, Ms. Bea would tap into her powerhouse strength, and toss the blonde clear over the bee's head, aiming to slam the heel hard onto the canvas!
- SimplyMoon
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Re: The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
It hurt, each punch and hit hurt rather a lot as her grip would slacken as time went on in the hold. Soon she was barely holding on and the goddess could tell there was no way she could hold it for any longer than she was now, "Ow! Damnit, stop it!" she cried out as each of these so-called stings impacted at her side and continued to without any sort of stop, "Don't... don't make me get out out the bug spray... you big fat..."
Aphrodite would not be able to finish her sentence as suddenly once her grip had slackened enough, Bea had thrown her away, in what sort of looked like a strange mini suplex. She'd be slammed into the mat, stunning her for a few moments as she rolled away, a hand to the now impaired small of her back and the back of her back, "Damn it.... damn it damn it!" she spoke while gritting her teeth, "I almost had you. I almost won, damn it!"
Aphrodite would not be able to finish her sentence as suddenly once her grip had slackened enough, Bea had thrown her away, in what sort of looked like a strange mini suplex. She'd be slammed into the mat, stunning her for a few moments as she rolled away, a hand to the now impaired small of her back and the back of her back, "Damn it.... damn it damn it!" she spoke while gritting her teeth, "I almost had you. I almost won, damn it!"
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Aphrodite "The Love of the World"
Aphrodite "The Love of the World"
- dddybee
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Re: The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
All of Honie's punches were doing their thing, making it very hard for Aphrodite to maintain this submission hold. But it was the bee's follow-up throw, that would finally turn the tides! The mini suplex both released Honie from the hold, while doing some damage on Aphrodite at the same time! Now free, Beatrice groaned and took some moments to recover from the submission move. Meanwhile, the blonde was trying to shake of the bee's slam and stings in turn.
Both heavyweight's were soon facing each other, both back on their feet. "QUIT CALLING ME FAT!" Honie boomed. She had quite enough of heels calling her fat recently. She had a huge, but muscular backside, combined with a rock-hard six pack for crying out loud! Ms. Bea ran at her foe, and jumped much higher than any fat person could. She then went for a powerful superman punch, aimed right at the frustrated blonde's mug!
Both heavyweight's were soon facing each other, both back on their feet. "QUIT CALLING ME FAT!" Honie boomed. She had quite enough of heels calling her fat recently. She had a huge, but muscular backside, combined with a rock-hard six pack for crying out loud! Ms. Bea ran at her foe, and jumped much higher than any fat person could. She then went for a powerful superman punch, aimed right at the frustrated blonde's mug!
- SimplyMoon
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Re: The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
Aphrodite had shaken herself off shortly after being slammed by the improvised and worrisome move. That Anchor Hold had been one of the few she thought could bring the larger woman to heel, but to have her essentially kick out of the move was unexpected. She'd had to fight harder in order to win against this terrible pest, and the goddess was willing to do all that she pleased to do in order to try and take Honie out before she did to her, "Then get crushed like the good bug you are!" she'd retort back as she stood up from the mat to turn and face Honie with a smirk before taking a few steps and stopping.
The stop was caused by the goddess suddenly realizing her opponent coming towards her at a quickened speed, jumping up to strike Aphrodite hard in the face. The punch was enough to make her go utterly limp for a second, her whole body shutting down before she fell backwards, backwards right into the ring ropes. Falling amongst them, the goddess was in a daze, looking around lucidly as complete control of her body temporarily shut off, "What the...."
The stop was caused by the goddess suddenly realizing her opponent coming towards her at a quickened speed, jumping up to strike Aphrodite hard in the face. The punch was enough to make her go utterly limp for a second, her whole body shutting down before she fell backwards, backwards right into the ring ropes. Falling amongst them, the goddess was in a daze, looking around lucidly as complete control of her body temporarily shut off, "What the...."
My Character (Blog Repository Pending)
Aphrodite "The Love of the World"
Aphrodite "The Love of the World"
- dddybee
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Re: The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
"STING!" Honie cried, as her fist bashed into Aphrodite's face. The superheroine's superman punch was a success! The brawny bee could throw strikes that were quite powerful. As a result, Aphrodite became absolutely stunned by the blow, while falling back into the ropes! The goddess fell against said ropes with a 'thud', leaving her in a dazed and vulnerable position. After pounding her foe's face, the sassy bee blew on her fist like the barrel of a gun.
"Not so divine now, you mouthy goddess!" Honie taunted, approaching her fallen adversary while shaking her wide hips from side to side. "Luckily, I've got a great way to make you shut the buzz up again. You're familiar with my honey buns?" Beatrice would go to lift up her stunned foe, before seating her in a very nearby corner. Afterwards, she'd turn her fabulous but feared big bee booty towards Aphrodite. And with a simple motion, she'd attempt to send her looming buns back, to start smothering the blonde in an overwhelming stinkface!
"Not so divine now, you mouthy goddess!" Honie taunted, approaching her fallen adversary while shaking her wide hips from side to side. "Luckily, I've got a great way to make you shut the buzz up again. You're familiar with my honey buns?" Beatrice would go to lift up her stunned foe, before seating her in a very nearby corner. Afterwards, she'd turn her fabulous but feared big bee booty towards Aphrodite. And with a simple motion, she'd attempt to send her looming buns back, to start smothering the blonde in an overwhelming stinkface!
- SimplyMoon
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Re: The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
Aphrodite was definitely feeling the sting of such a major blow as she was barely back into it as she could feel bee brawler grab her roughly from the ropes to wherever her opponent wanted the goddess of love to be. She would be utterly at the mercy of such a strong foe, a fact that was ever encroaching into the blonde's mind as she soon realized that she had far less control of this match as time went on. Every second past would now be a desperate struggle as her endurance was not enough to beat out the hard hitting and endurant Honie.
"Don't you... were her finals words before they became incoherent underneath the new mass of fat and muscle that had now began to snuff her out. She would immediately struggle, put into the seated position while she tried to push her away. As big an ass as Honie had, Aphrodite despised such large posterior to no end, especially with it being the second time that such an event had occurred to her throughout this matchup. It was a humiliating affair, stuck behind it once again, bitterly trying to push her strength against the strongest muscle in the body against her. All the while, the blonde goddess's muffled cries could be heard from behind it.
"Don't you... were her finals words before they became incoherent underneath the new mass of fat and muscle that had now began to snuff her out. She would immediately struggle, put into the seated position while she tried to push her away. As big an ass as Honie had, Aphrodite despised such large posterior to no end, especially with it being the second time that such an event had occurred to her throughout this matchup. It was a humiliating affair, stuck behind it once again, bitterly trying to push her strength against the strongest muscle in the body against her. All the while, the blonde goddess's muffled cries could be heard from behind it.
My Character (Blog Repository Pending)
Aphrodite "The Love of the World"
Aphrodite "The Love of the World"
- dddybee
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Re: The Beauty and The Bee: Aphrodite vs Honie B. Bea (Apex Qualifier)
Honie made sure Aphrodite was in big trouble now, emphasis on 'big'. After forcing the goddess down to a seated position in the corner, Honie turned her quite large backside towards the blonde. The crowd knew exactly what came next, that being Honie pressing her meaty butt onto the heel's face. Ms. Bea smothered in foe in those cheeks, giving her quite a forceful stinkface! Aphrodite tried pushing the bee's bottom away, but she was facing all the strength in the beefy bug's glutes and hips!
"Maybe being smothered up again will teach you a buzzing lesson!" Honie scolded, pressing her honey buns back harder and harder, shaking her hips with slow, forceful movements. "Keep on muffling, jerk!" Beatrice was not ready to end this fresh batch of smothery punishment, determined to make sure Aphrodite knew better than to talk smack. Though she was still heated at first, soon Honie smiled and just enjoyed herself. "My honey buns taste real sweet, do they not? Hope you like being pollinated by the Heroine of the Beehive!" She teased, keeping the blonde wedged in her plump posterior, right in those firm, strong cheeks!
"Maybe being smothered up again will teach you a buzzing lesson!" Honie scolded, pressing her honey buns back harder and harder, shaking her hips with slow, forceful movements. "Keep on muffling, jerk!" Beatrice was not ready to end this fresh batch of smothery punishment, determined to make sure Aphrodite knew better than to talk smack. Though she was still heated at first, soon Honie smiled and just enjoyed herself. "My honey buns taste real sweet, do they not? Hope you like being pollinated by the Heroine of the Beehive!" She teased, keeping the blonde wedged in her plump posterior, right in those firm, strong cheeks!
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