Sex: F
Age: 19
Eyes: Originally a light purple, but she often wear Deep blue colored lens
Hair: Light blue dyed hair
Height: 5’5 (169cm)
Weight: 135 pounds (60kg)
Nationality: French
Alignment: She used to be a face but her over-determination can push her to use some heels tricks.
With her there is no in-between, either you love her for her warrior spirit, or you hate her and find her hypocritical.
Entrance music:
Strategy: Not afraid to take and endure the blows she run in the right to strike her opponents, fearless she's like a wild beast and will not stop fighting until one of the pro wrestler is ko.
Style: Strongstyle Wrestler
Preferred Attacks: Superkick, Slams, powerbombs, V-trigger, chair shoots (and use pro wrestling weapons)
Preferred Matches: Standard, Hardcore, -no hentai- but like suggestive/teasing.
Favorite Matches: Falls Count Anywhere, Anything goes, no DQ
She is a dangerous underdog but she has difficulty standing out in the decisive moments and lost a lot of titles shoots.
She's a balanced pro wrestler but her kicks are her best weapons.
Endurance : 4/5
She is a real athlete, great swimmer, and runner she has developed a real good endurance she has already participated in a best of 3 pin match that lasted 60min.
basically, she has nothing to envy to the heavyweight
She knows her basics but she rarely go for the top rope
She can't do fancy submission mooves but thanks to her power her submission are pretty effective
She is a long distance runner, not a sprinter but she can take a lot of speed thanks to the ropes
Used to hardcore matchs, she is really resistant and her fighting spirit help her to overpass the pain
She keeps a good flexibility and she' has a good in-ring inteligeance
-Canon ball
-Shotgun Dropkick
Finishing moves:
-Bridging package powerbomb
-Muscle Buster
Physical Appearance: She's obviously pretty strong but she also quite flexible and have a good cardio.
Personality: She is pretty calm maybe even cold, she doesn't like to show off and mostly stay quiet. But in the ring she is like an actress, she doesn't care anymore of what other think about her, she can be what she really is. Cocky, confident and malicious she doesn't only want to win the match, she want a total victory over her opponent. She will do all that is possible for her to win the psychological war, taunting, embarassing, provoc her opponent, to play with the rules...
This is how she has fun in the ring.
In her country pro wrestling isn't very popular, Natty did not know why, all this show, the carism of the wrestlers, the incredible bumps, the flamboyant outfits how can we dislike like this sport? But it was almost impossible to earn enought money with a classic pro wrestling career and she had to accumulate odd jobs during the day and train at night. Obviously it was very difficult but thanks to her determination she succeded to keep this hard way of life during two long and painful years and even earn her first title.
But the reality caught up with her, every night she was awakened by excruciating pain in her lower back... it was enought, she had to make a choice between pro wrestling, her classic job and her health...
Deseperated, she went to her last match against her rival Roxy. Natty was dominating during most of the match but then, she let Roxy roll up her to give her the title. It was her last match so she decided to give a chance to Roxy, in an ultimate act of generosity.
Roxy was shocked, natty is know for her competitivity, her determination.. -why she gave me the title ??-
Once in the lockeroom Roxy faced Natty, Natty told her everything, her pain, and.. that she decided to stop pro wrestling.
Roxy was speechless.. she just take a paper wrote a phone number on it and give it to Natty "Call him" after these two roxy left the lockeroom.
This number belonged to a rich owner of a English pro wrestling federation. He offered a 1year contract to Natty, in exchange Natty had to defeat the champ of this english fed, the champion was a tyrannical and hateful woman and the federation owner wanted a new champ.
Natty was hungry, hungry of matchs, hungry of win, hungry of fame and recognition.
She quickly climb the top of the federation, proud of her 5wins streak she challenged the champ.
But... nothing went right.
Pulled, tossed, crushed, slammed... Natty has been squashed by this heartless champion...
Disapointed, the owner of the fed left her no more opportunities
She was stuck in the lower midcard, she resign for two more years but she still stuck in the midcard it was enought for her, If there is no opportunities for her then she will create her own opportunities. That's why after 6mounths of intense training she decided to join LAW federation.
Her new goal: to become famous enough to be able to fill arenas in her home country, to accumulate championships to turn the attention on her to finally rebuild a hype around pro wrestling in France.
She's now in front of the door of L.A.W's arena, her bag with all her gear on her shoulder, ready to turn the knob. Will she make a name for herself? Will she win some titles ? and start a new hype in her country ? we will know it soon.
Wrestling Attire: Blue and white one piece with a water drop shape open on her abs. matching boots and a strap on her right biceps
Likes:- Play with the patience of her opponents
- Sea, Ocean.. lake... water in general
- Dry her hair
Dislikes:- Whites knights and trolls
- Dogs
Pro wrestling gear :

Art by Yomitrooper
Alternative :

Flying Axe Kick

Yeah.. I lost against a rabbit...

One piece :

Going to the beach ! :

Going to the beach ! :

Tight white dress with oversized blue jacket + pink sunglasses


I don't wear it often, only for some specials scenarios, like bunny fights (reminder : i'm not looking for hentai matchs 

Record: 0-0-0
Wins: /
Losses: /
Draws: /
-Natty Sliverher (D) vs Minty, Caged Beasts match : viewtopic.php?f=16&t=12245
-Geun Haru vs Natty Silverher, NHB Match : viewtopic.php?f=16&t=12246
-Natty Sliverher vs Lilith Kisner accompagned by Orlok Kisner, Hardcore Match : Soon
-Natty Silverher vs Keqing, hummiliation match, win by sub : Soon
Timeline: UTC+2
Friends: /
Allies: /
Rivals: /
Enemies: /
Crushes: /