A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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Standard Match
Annie Clark vs Kodama Suzume
Win by Pinfall, Submission, Disqualification or Countout
Annie Clark
Annie has never worked harder a moment in her life, from her rough days as a young farm girl, to someone who sued her strength to bring money into the local church and help keep her family above water, this was the first sniff of major success the Orange Haired Girl has ever had, being signed to the League of Anime Wrestling. Annie took to wrestling like a duck to water, her strength allowing her to ragdoll opponents with ease while allowing her to keep her sweet, sensible personality with her.

Right before the match, Annie was doing one arm push ups, to keep her body strong and nimble for her upcoming match against Kodama Suzume, someone she had no idea what she was in for. Due to the work she did, Annie was not exactly the smartest as she lacked any sort of an education, due to her family's financial state. And hopefully LAW could help her get out of that.

Annie knew it was time when the LAW staff member notified her that the match was about to take place, and Annie rushed out of the room to the guerilla position of the arena, and then her music played.

And Annie bursted out onto the stage, orange light flooded the arena as Annie was waving to the LAW crowd with her hands high in the air as the crowd gave her a small ovation. She would then proceed to run down the stage and slide underneath the bottom rope, before running to the nearest turnbuckle, climbing to the second rope, and waving to the crowd.

The music stopped, and the lighting turned back to normal, as Annie waited for her opponent to appear, doing some stretches while she was at it.

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Re: A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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Kodama Suzume
Once more Suzume had no idea who her oponent was up until she heard her being announced. Not that nobody offered to tell her or give any intel, she just didn't want it. In her mind, if they booked her against anyone of importance she would learn it anyway. As for the rest, why would she care? And so far she thought she was right, she never heard the name of her opponent before and she was making a debut, to her there was little to worry about.

Soon she would be called to get ready as her opponent's music died down and her own began to play. She would run onto the stage, make a cartwheel to the center and clap her hands above her head before pointing both of them at the crowd and slowly pulling them down. Then she would briskly walk down the ramp clapping hands with people gathered around before walking up the stairs to the ring and slipping between the ropes. From there she would jump up the middle rope and blow a kiss to the crowd before turning to her opponent.

Once the referee called them forward Suzume would rest her arms on her hips and smile at Annie. "Arent you a cute little one? I promise to be gentle."
Last edited by ThatPolishDude on Sun Aug 07, 2022 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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Immediately Annie's smile to the crowd turned into what was basically a pout. The overall tone and language Kodama was using made it feel like Kodama was not taking the country girl seriously and did not see her as a threat. Annie knew she was not the biggest or most threatening wrestler to ever be seen in LAW, but that does not mean people should rub her off as a total nobody. Oh well, a vocal retort was not gonna do much in a wrestling ring, a violent retort would do.

Staring down Kodama, Annie was itching for the bell to ring. She knew exactly what she was gonna do the first chance she gets.

When the bell rang, Annie came charging right at Kodama, looking to knock down the cocky girl with a shoulder block, and immediately show off how powerful she is.

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Re: A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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Kodama would get into a loose stance, light on her feet, and she would skip from one leg to another before the bell rung. As soon as it did and she saw Annie charging at her she would take two quick steps forward before lounging to the side, getting out of the way. As Annie passed her she would send a back kick in her direction to try and send her into the corner.

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Re: A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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Annie was more prone to just immediately taking action then thinking something out, and with the way Kodama spoke about her, she was definitely ready to toss around Kodama like a rag doll. She went shoulder first into Kodama, hoping to knock her straight of her feet. Sadly the only thing she got to shoulder block was air, catching Annie completely by surprise.

"AH!" Annie yelped as she was kicked in the back, the momentum sent her stumbling into the corner of the ring, leaving her back exposed. Annie knew she had to rest a bit to recover from being surprised like that. That was not a good way to start her first match at all.

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Re: A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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Kodama found it adorable how Annie reacted to her little taunt. She didn't mean to offend her but maybe it wasn't clear she was fooling around. Either way, now she would cartwheel to the opposite corner and rest her back there, showing off a little to the public as she let her oponent recover.

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Re: A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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Annie bounced onto the corner, but surprisingly Kodama did not try to attack her during this. Heck as Annie finally started to recover, she looked towards the other corner and saw Kodama relaxing on the other corner. Annie knew that rushing at Kodama was not a viable solution to trying to attackl her. It was time to try a different approach.

Annie got off her corner, and attempt to slowly approach Kodama. She looked at any attempt by Kodama to move to the left or right, and as soon as she did, Annie would attempt to quickly wrap her arms around Kodama's midsection, yell "GOT YA!" and the throw her over Annie's head with a Belly to Belly Overhead Suplex.

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Re: A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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Suzume did not really try to stop Annie from grabbing her, she certainly didn't expect the smaller girl to be able to lift her and that was a mistake. Still, her training kicked in as she went to wrap her legs around one of Annie's to stop her from tossing her in a suplex.

"You sure are strong for your size."

She would comment as she planted her hands under Annies' chin to push up and away, trying to force her to release the hold on her.

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Re: A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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Annie had managed to lift Kodama off the ground rather effortlessly , so much that even Kodama was impressed by Annie's strength. But she wrapped her legs around Annie, disabling the country girl from completing the suplex. Annie really gritted her teeth, as Kodama tried to push her off.

"I know, but I'm not letting go." Annie stubbornly replied , as she tried to keep Kodama from forcing her to release her grip. Annie took a while to find an idea, until she realized she was right near the corner that Kodama leaned on. A smile came across Annie's freckled face.

And she kept a tight grip on Kodama, and attempted to slam her into the corner, hopefully doing a lot of damage to Kodama.

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Re: A Smol Debut: Annie Clark (D) Vs. Kodama Suzume

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For a moment it seemed like Annie would go for a bear hug, that would be a very poor move that Kodama intended to capitalize on. What happened instead was Annie went to smash her against the corner and for that she wasn't prepared as she let out a short cry of pain at being crashed between her oponent and the corner. Still, there was no reason to worry, while she definitely felt the impact that wouldn't stop her escape attempts. She would now try to lift one of her opponent's legs up with her own in addition to putting pressure on her chin, thus making it a choice, either release or fall down.

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