Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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Tracy had been working double time as a tag team and singles wrestler. While she'd rather be hanging with Kat any day of the week, some advice from her mentor has led her to branch out and find herself matches against opponents that put her to the test! And so far the red headed luchadora had been doing a pretty good job of enduring the challenges that LAW management had put her up against when it came to singles competition. And tonight, she planned on keeping that small undefeated streak alive!

The stadium speakers would blare a whimsical upbeat theme and the 'Circus Cat' would enter the LAW arena to the sound of entrance music as well the the announcements. Tracy would bounce energetically and wave before winking to the audience and walking down to the ring whilst swiveling her hips.
Tracy 'Circus Cat' Canon
It was evident that Tracy was out to have a good time. Ever silly and flirty, the masked woman would slide into the ring and hop up on top of the nearest ring post. She'd wiggle seductively and blow kisses to the crowd while awaiting the arrival of her opponent, a woman she had only heard about today after being booked against her: Lillian Byrne.
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Re: Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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As the music blared through the arena, a loud cheer could be heard from the eager crowd, as the jubilant Tracy Canon made her entrance. The light and fun mood that Tracy brought with her waving, wiggling, and posing for the crowd wouldn't have an impact on one woman, however. As the announcer called her name and her music started, Lillian made her way out to the ramp.
Lillian looked to be all business tonight, which was much the same for her. Although upon seeing her opponent, her face noticeably changed a little. A slight smirk, perhaps. She made her way to the ring, clearly indifferent to the audience, at least until one smaller boy in the front boo'd her, which prompted her to throw a middle finger up to the child, which then caused boo's to rang in from all corners of the arena. Whatever. If this girl in the mask wanted to come out and shake her ta-ta's and all that, she could be Lillian's guest. She just wanted to get on with sending a message, one that she figured she could use the luchadora could help her with. After all, beating her until she was crying ought to show the LAW locker room that she meant business!

Lillian slid under the bottom rope, hopping up to her feet in the middle of the ring, before setting her hands to her hips, and giving her opponent a once over. Never one to simple let things lie, Lillian made sure to throw a bit of a verbal jab her way, just the perfect volume for her to catch and no one else.

"Ugh, seriously...? I don't know where they even dig up weirdo's like you." She said, making a face as she gazed upon the woman's bright outfit, seeming to be especially focused on the tail and cat ears on Tracy's wrestling gear.

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Re: Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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The cheery mood and ambience Tracy brought into the stadium would soon be juxtaposed by the entrance of one of the newer, more serious faces in the LAW middleweight division. Lillian Byrne emerged to the receptive crowd. While some might have been unsure how to react at first, the brunette gave them a strong inclination of the reaction she was trying to elicit when she flipped off a small child in the front row!

Tracy would look on, trying not to be perturbed by the gesture. Lillian wasn't the first unsavory character that Tracy would have to face, and she certainly wouldn't be the last. The masked woman hopped off the of the turnbuckle as Byrne entered the ring. She'd wink at her foe as she was looked over. Tracy had no qualms with being flirty and teasing even if every bit of body language from Lillian communicated that she wasn't interested. With the announcement done and the match set for one fall, the bell would soon ring.

Canon would begin walking towards the center of the ring. She'd take a stance with her arms out, ready to grapple, something she picked up from her mentor, Katherine Hart. The middleweight luchadora would be more than happy to reply to Lillian's jab.

"You know, you're probably the fourth or fifth girl from the locker room to call me a weirdo. Wanna know what you all have in common?
You all lost to Tracy Canon! Be happy this isn't a POW match, sweetheart. The things I'd do to you if I got to take you home~!"
Tracy finished her statement while licking her lips suggestively. The red head had no problems with making certain opponents uncomfortable if it meant getting the upper hand. And while it was part of her strategy, she was definitely open to the possibility of having her way with Lillian, after she picked up the win, of course.
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Re: Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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As the bell rang and the enthusiastic girl made her way out to the center of the ring, giving her a wink earlier and moving into a ready stance. Lillian began to do the same, but paused for a moment, listening to what Tracy had to say. And while her words were a bit distracting to Lillian, surprisingly, she didn't get the usual Lillian reaction of angry swearing and name calling. But perhaps because she was in a good mood today, or perhaps that even she had to admit that the busty luchadora was attractive, that her reaction seemed a bit more tame. In fact, she even flashed Tracy a smug smirk before speaking.

"Oh yeah? Well, for your information, you haven't beaten me yet sweetie. Nor will you ever beat me in the future. But, don't worry about this not being a POW match. I'll be sure to beat you down and give you the dominatrix treatment here, in the ring. It's the least I could do, for the less intellectually gifted wrestlers." She said, taking a catty jab at Tracy's intelligence, despite not even knowing the girl.

From there, Lillian quickly moved towards Tracy, adopting a similar stance, her arms out wide. Moving in, she flashed Tracy another smug grin, before going to press their hands together, clearly wanting a test of strength. It was much like her to start off trying to trick her opponent with this, as Lillian knew that she was far stronger than most middleweights, even stronger than a good amount of heavyweights, so she hoped that Tracy would accept. If she did, Lillian would look to shove her back immediately, pushing the slightly smaller girl into the corner right away!

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Re: Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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Tracy would let out a cat-like hiss in response to Lillian's trash talk. She would have protested the response, especially the part about her being less intellectually challenged, but there was no time given the fact that the match had begun and there was wrestling to do!

Within seconds, Lillian locked hands with Tracy. The pale skinned girl would stand her ground for a couple seconds, but it didn't take much time at all for Lillian to begin forcing her back! Bryne charged ahead and pushed the masked woman back. But Tracy wasn't entirely out of options. Before finding herself cornered, Canon would drop down to her back and attempt to press the soles of her boots into her taller, stronger foe's chest. She'd keep her fingers intertwined with Lillian's and pull on them in an effort to toss the brunette overhead with a Monkey Flip! If her move succeeded, Tracy would have avoided being bullied into the corner. She'd try to find her way to a standing position before commenting and sticking her tongue out at her foe.

"How's that for 'less intellectually gifted'?!" Should things go her way, the maneuver would earn Tracy a few cheers. She'd have to find ways around her foe's greater size and strength if she wanted to keep that undefeated streak alive!
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Re: Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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As the two figures clashed in the center of the ring, their faces hovered close to one another, and their bodies pressed together, each wrestler shoving hard as they attempted to gain the advantage. However, it wasn't long at all before Lillian began to exert her impressive strength, making it look like quite an easy feat to shove the cat themed luchadora.

"Well... for someone who was so confident that you were going to beat me, you sure are getting pushed back awfully earl- Whaaa!" Lillian was cut off in the middle of her taunting, giving a slightly girlier-than-usual scream as she was suddenly pulled towards Tracy, the nimble luchadora rolling onto her back and planting her feet on Lillian's chest, using the momentum to pull her over, flipping her behind and sending Lillian crashing to the mat with a surprise monkey flip!

"Uhhh... don't start bragging just because you did one good thing!" Lillian growled from the corner, angry that the girl she had just called stupid had managed to pull a trick on her so early. Practically growling at the girl as she stood up, Lillian quickly stepped towards her, throwing an angry forearm right at Tracy's temple!

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Re: Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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In this exchange, the red headed luchadora was able to use her opponent's notable strength and momentum against her. After pulling off the flip, a more diligent wrestler might have followed up to press her advantage, but Tracy took this chance to repay Lillian with a verbal jab of her own. Though the move and the comment were crowd pleasers, they'd prove to be far from what she'd need to keep the heel wrestler at bay, let alone defeat her!

Within seconds, Byrne was was already on her feet and charging! Tracy rushed forward to meet the bigger woman and exchange blows with her. She'd aim a forearm at the brunette's head the same way Lillian aimed a forearm at her own! While the exchange might have been simultaneous, Tracy would clearly get the worse out of it. With a small thud and a groan of pain, the Circus Cat would stumble back a couple step before falling to the canvas on her butt!

"Oooof!" Tracy would say as she went down. She'd hold the side of her head whilst she winced and complained.

"You hit so hard!"
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Re: Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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As Lillian rushed the girl angrily, she was somewhat worried about another stunt like that, but she was far too angry to slow down, charging Tracy at full speed. And as she reached the masked luchadora, she was pleasantly surprised to find that there was no such tricks waiting for her. Instead, the cat themed girl was willing to meet her head on, and they exchanged hard forearms to the temples.

As Lillian was hit by the blow, she grunted, taking one or two steps back, one of her hands moving up to grasp at her temple, rubbing it lightly after Tracy's pretty strong hit. But, when looking upon her foe, it was clear that Lillian had done more damage, as Tracy was now down, sitting on her shapely rear, rubbing her temple, speaking to Lillian while groaning in pain.

"Well of course I hit hard! I'm not some punk bitch that needs to flip people around to win!" Lillian said, throwing a biting glare at Tracy as she says this, before walking over the the seated girl.

"Now stand up!" Lillian said, reaching down to grab Tracy by the back of her mask, going to haul her to her feet. Once she was up, Lillian would quickly attempt to throw a knee to her gut, driving the wind out of her and hopefully causing her to double over!

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Re: Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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Trading blows with Lillian was far form the best idea for someone like Tracy. And she found out the hard way. Despite possibly being equally versed in strikes, perhaps even more proficient with them, the smaller, weaker would succumb easily when exchanging blows with Byrne. As a woman that often wore her heart on her sleeve, the red headed masked wrestler would immediately react with pain and annoyance with how hard Lillian hit her. And as anyone who knew of Lillian would expect, she took this chance to talk down to her opponent while standing over her.

Tracy continued rubbing the side of her head as Lillian looked to follow up. The brunette grabbed Canon unceremoniously by the back of her mask and hauled her up to her feet. The curvy luchadora would flail a bit and attempt to break free, but her resistance would be stifled by a quick knee aimed at her abs!

"Ooof!" Tracy would groan while covering her midsection with both hands. She was in a bit of a bind, now! With both her eyes shut from the pain and Lillian in control, she seemed to be susceptible to whatever the larger heel wrestler had planned next! The audience would begin to rally behind Tracy in hopes that she could find her way out of this one!
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Re: Lillian Byrne vs Tracy Canon

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As Lillian approached the downed figure, Tracy was continuing to rub her head, clearly taken aback by how hard Lillian had hit her, the blow basically flooring the smaller girl. And once again, Lillian took the opportunity to throw Tracy's words back at her, catty as usual. But she wasn't going to stand there and talk all day, it would seem that right now, she was all about business as she grabbed the masked luchadora, hauling her up to her feet in front of her.

Her knee connected solidly with Tracy's stomach, and the cat themed wrestler gasped, bending over and clutching her gut, the blow having knocked the wind out of her. As the crowd cheered for Tracy, Lillian simply gave a sneer, yanking the redheads head under her arm, throwing one of Tracy's own arms over her shoulder. Then, reaching down, Lillian would use her spare hand to grab the fabric of Tracy's singlet, right around the back, getting a good grip and starting to slightly wedge the fabric up Tracy's curvy rear.

"Too bad for all these people that they decided to cheer for a loser. But here, I'll show them something really impressive!" Then, with one impressive tug, which partially served to give Tracy a mean wedgie, Lillian hoisted the redhead up, holding her with her legs pointing towards the ceiling, in stalling suplex position!

"So, how long you think I can hold you up here? My bet's that I can do it till you pass out."

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