A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

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A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

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Kama's theme played out as the deity came out, smirking at the crowd. Some cheered, some booed, and some even put their hands together, as if they were praying to her. She blew a few kisses, waved her little fake Lotus wand around as she strutted with an extra sway to her hips. They were wrapped around her finger perfectly, like the degenerates they were.
Soon she eventually reached the ring and asked for a mic, receiving one from a ring attendant. She brought it up, leaning against one of the corners. "So, LAW. I hope you've been enjoying the decadence I've brought to my matches thus far. It may not have always gone my way, but each and every time I'm sure you can't deny your goddess hasn't satiated your lustful gazes.

"But, that brings me to why I'm out here. You see, much as I love the softer side of this federation, I'm still not quite satisfied. Heck, we've seen some hentai wrestlers do actual matches. Even the former and current hentai champs have taken part in quite a number of standard matches. So I was thinking I should probably show I'm more than just appeal. That as a deity, my rule extends beyond the pleasures of the flesh."
The crowd roared in approval, causing a smirk to cross the islander's lips. "As for who that will be, well... I'm sure you all saw that one-sided fight between Sylvia Steiner and Chiaki Nanami, right? That was so, so painful to watch by the end of it. I mean, really now. Makes me embarrassed for poor Sylvi-tan, really." As expected, a laugh erupted from the crowd. Any chance to embarrass the rich bitch, Kama took.

"So, with that said, Chiaki Nanami. Would you mind coming down for a little face to face? I want a close look at the girl who took out the trash so cleanly." With her statement made, she would wait to see if the little gamer girl would come out and show her face. Kama had such plans for her, and truly hoped Chiaki wouldn't just leave her standing around.
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Re: A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

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Chiaki Nanami was riding high off of her victory earlier that night over Sylvia Steiner. None of the Million Dollar Girls tricks and cheats were able to overcome Chiaki. She countered Sylvia's antics with clever ingenuity and superior wrestling, and it had won her the day. She had even been able to humble Sylvia with a humiliating finish that could only be described as well earned.
Having received some Advil for the metal rod Sylvia hit her head with, and a bandage wrap for her that that Sylvia clawed, Chiaki had gotten dressed and was on her way out the door. Audio and video of some woman Chiaki didn't know issuing a challenge from the ring being played backstage droned in the background for her. With the gamer girl only stopping when she caught her and Sylvia's names mentioned by the silver haired woman.

"Does she want to meet me, fight me, or both?" Chiaki asked herself. Thinking that it would be rude to simply leave, the pinkette turned around and made her way back towards the ring. "Somebody radio ahead and tell that woman I'm on my way," Chiaki requested of some nearby staff. The ring wasn't too far a walk from the entrance/exit for staff and wrestlers, so hopefully she could get there before this challenger grew impatient.
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Re: A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

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Kama hadn't expected an immediate response, of course. Calling for Chiaki out of the blue, likely just after she got checked over for her bleeding leg and pipe to the skull. The girl was probably on her way out of the arena, ready to start the night's stream. But the deity was an opportunity, and just had to strike when she could.

A ring officially soon came over, informing her that guess was completely correct and that the gamer in question was indeed on her way. A little smile crossed the deity face, bringing up the mic to her mouth. "Oh Chiaki, I'm sorry for interrupting whatever side quests you were about to take. But if you thought tonight would end with the wimpy first mid-boss, or whatever low enemy Sylvia would count as, you werr wrong." Kama strutted as she spoke, her voice dropping low as she approached the ropes facing the entrance. "But do hurry up. Much as I'm sure this divinity here can keep the crowd enraptured for hours and hours, I'm equally sure their curiosity, and yours, won't last so long. So pick up the pace and speedrun that pretty ass down here."

Kama had tried to throw in a few gaming references she'd briefly looked up. Growing up by just surviving meant she never had knew the pleasure, or displeasure for a "rage gamer," of a console or game. She hadn't even touched the things when she got into the sport. 'Eh, if some of it was wrong, maybe she'll be motivated to hurry up and correct me,' She thought to herself as she kept waiting for the eventuality of Chiaki's arrival.
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Re: A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

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As Chiaki made her way towards the ring, she heard more of what this woman was saying, though she had yet to actually hear this woman's name. So when she passed by another staffer, Chiaki paused to ask, and was given the name "Kama Kameleon." "Kama, huh. Good to know," she said, then thanking the staffer and continuing.

Chiaki also heard Kama mention her own divinity. That worried Chiaki a bit. That at least implied a godly or divine character gimmick. The pinkette just hoped that it wasn't indicative of an outright god complex. Chiaki had already dealt with enough ego for one right. Chiaki then made her way out from backstage, down the ramp, and into the ring in a time she thought to be adequately fast. Then she greeted the woman who had requested her presence, "Hello Kama. So, what is it that you wanted with me?"
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Re: A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

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"And there's the woman herself," Kama said with a smile as Chiaki entered the ring with her. "Thanks for coming back here. I'm sure you're eager to get out of here and get to your streaming, but I have something to take care of right now," she said as she walked up to Chiaki, stopping just in front of her. "First of all, let me just congratulate you for handing that entitled child and her reluctant slaves the loss they deserve. It was a treat watching her lose her cool from outside the ring for once." The deity clapped slowly after she spoke.

"As for what I wanted, well... I'll admit it's because you just fought Sylvia and the timing of it all." Kama cupped Chiaki's cheek, patting it condescendingly. "As I said earlier, I want to dip my toes in the more serious side of LAW. I was going to talk to management about that today, but then I heard Sylvi-tan was set to have a match tonight. I wanted to see who she'd get beaten by tonight, and afterwards get a closer look at the cutie." She then took a few steps back, just to give Chiaki a once over. "And thankfully I'm not disappointed. Hehe.

"But enough pleasantries. Chiaki, the reason I called you out here... I want a match with you once you're fully recovered. Simultaneously show all these degenerates in the audience I'm more than just a Deity of Depravity, as well as help you show how low the little, grey-haired bitch truly is."
Her smile turned coy, giving a shrug to follow. "You can decline, of course. No shame from backing down from a goddess. I've heard the first fight with them usually end with the protagonist getting completely crushed."

Murmurs spread in the crowd, curious on how Chiaki would reply. Kama was confident the girl would accept, of course. Inferring that it could have been anyone Sylvia fought tonight that would have been issued the challenge and how it was more just to insult said Californian was just to insult any pride the streamer may or may not have. Maybe Kama played up the ego a bit, but if nothing else she hoped it would poke just the right buttons to get the girl to agree.

"So, Chiaki. Which will it be?"
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Re: A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

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Chiaki's impression of Kama was mixed. She definitely had an ego on her, though it at least seemed like goddess angle was getting played up at least a bit. Probably not the first person that the gamer girl would pick to hang out with, but Kama still seemed fine enough. As for the reason that she had called Chiaki out here, the so called Deity of Depravity wanted a match with her.

Though it wasn't that Kama wanted a match with Chiaki specifically, but a match with the woman who fought and defeated Sylvia. It seemed like Kama held a deep disdain for the woman, and wanted to assert superiority over Sylvia by beating somebody who had humiliated the Californian. The only upcoming match on Chiaki's schedule was her third Apex Qualifier, but that was still a ways down the line.

"I'm interested. What are the rules and stipulations?" Having no reason to decline, Chiaki voiced her willingness to fight Kama. Of course she wouldn't be so careless as to outright accept without getting any details first, but it seemed like Kama was already planning to stay away from hentai. So as long as she didn't demand some ridiculous match stipulation, Chiaki would most likely agree to it.
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Re: A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

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Kama smirked as she watched the gamer take everything in. It seemed the revelation that it could have been anyone and Chiaki was just unlucky didn't affect her like the deity expected. Maybe Chiaki was a bit more passive than she had expected. Or perhaps she was just so done with the day after having dealt with Sylvia Steiner.

Though whether she was undeterred or just done, the streamer at least showed interest. Not quite the answer Kama wanted, but it wasn't a no. She just needed to whet the girl's appetite some more. "Well, the stipulation is simple. We're approaching the end of summer, so the two of us will be wearing swimsuits. Bikini, one piece, whatever is made for swimming in. Personally though, I'm sure you'd look best in the former." She took a little pause, letting the hoots of the crowd ring out.

"And the match, how about we have ourselves a nice, lovely submission match. You seemed to have a decent understanding at bending people when you set your overpriced chair up a while ago." Laughter filled the arena, reminded of how the gamer had wrapped Sylvia up like a pretzel to then sit on. Not to mention when she had taken a seat on the Million Dollar Girl's face. Once it eventually died down, Kama brought the mic up to her lips and the lovely smile they formed. "And that's it. I'm not some bratty nympho who can't control herself, Chiaki. I'll make you submit to me by breaking your body, not your mind. So, how does that sound to you? Do you accept the revelation of this goddess? Or are you going to deny her this simple request, and run away from your first encounter with divinity?"
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Re: A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

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Chiaki listened to Kama as she went on her explanation of the match that she wanted to have with the gamer girl. She sighed and smiled when Kama made reference to her body, and then laughed along with the crowd when the self proclaimed goddess made reference to how Chiaki had humiliated Sylvia earlier that night. Honestly, doing that had felt good.

"A bikini submission match," said Chiaki. Letting the words roll around in her mind. There didn't seem to be anything particularly problematic about that match type to Chiaki on the surface. "Sounds good. Let's do it," Chiaki said. "I wonder what it'd be like to fight a god in real life instead of a video game." And like that, it was on.
Last edited by deezcastforms on Sun Aug 21, 2022 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Oh it was on...it was fucking on indeed...

It had not been enough for Sylvia to face humiliating defeat against an insect called Chiaki Nanami, who foolishly thought she was a human being, moreso, a wrestler, no, that slut, that shameless, poor, whitehaired, unworthy piece of island garbage, Kama had watched the entire match, probably getting her kicks out of it whenever things went dire for the Million Dollar Girl. And things had went very dire for the californian woman tonight. Not even had Chiaki managed to get her entourage, the Golden Girls, out of the arena, she had proved to be intelligent and resilient enough to slip out of every trick and trap that the beautiful american had prepared for her. And this could NOT stand. Not just would she have her revenge against Chiaki one way or another, maybe against herself, ,maybe her friends or maybe her stream. Accounts on Youtube or other platforms were closed so easily and even if Chiaki had mocked for not being rich enough to get her out of streaming, well, things could be arranged and then the pinkhaired bitch would crawl to her feet like the vermin that she was.

But tonight she was off the hook, dissapearing from the thoughts of the Million Dollar Girl as she stood backstage and watched what went down in the very ring she thought half an hour ago. What was even worse was that other wrestlers standing or sitting next to her started to whisper and chuckle, pointing at the silverfox. Greyhaired? Was this bitch so stupid? The lightblonde woman, who was proud of her silvery locks, clutched her hands to fists and turned away. So, Kama wanted war, wanted to play their old game again that she had lost so often, left behind in the ring in a panting mess of her own juices, broken, humiliated...And suddenly something came to Sylvias mind as she took a turn to the technician room.

Chiaki and Kama would be interrupted five minutes later by a loud moan,echoing through the arena as a younger Kama, in her parrot gimmick appeared on the screen.
She was writhing at the floor, her eyes rolled back up in her head, her tongue lolling out. "Who is your mistress...slut?!" "You...you are...Syl..." "WHO AM I?!" "MISTRESS! I AM SORRY!", the broken girl said before a loud scream escaped her mouth as the Million Dollar Girl slammed her pedicured foot between her legs, lowblowing her. And the most humiliating thing about it was that Kama came with a highpitched scream and a massive squirt on the mat. "That's right Kama...you are just a worthless...little...slut..."
And then the hard riffs of Queen hit the arena as the crowd started to boo again. The Arena was coated in golden lights and Dollarsigns with Sylvias face on it appeared on the titantron when the Million Dollar Girl came out, raising her arms, looking directly into Kamas eyes.
They looked at each other with pure and utter hate. Even if they loved their bodies, they never could love their souls, they never,ever would share kind words or friendly smiles. They were destined to fight until one of them called quits. And it would'nt be Sylvia.

Her theme faded and the boos around made her chuckle as she raised the golden microphone to her lips. "Listen here,you sushifilled, bonsailoving jerks! I don't care about you, as you should already know, insects are just there to crawl around the floor and being a nuisance, just like you all...", she grinned, the crowd almost ready to jump the barricades before Sylvia draw her attention back to Kama. "Kama-chan...how did you enjoy the trip to the past? A past where I always humbled you, you little gnat. I mean, you are so pathetic, you are watching MY matches, hoping to be someday as good as I am. Oh,look at you. You are nothing but a one dollar whore, better suited for the street behind the arena, sucking fat, sweaty businessmans cocks then being here. Again you idiot. They only took you in because of me, because they enjoyed seeing you on the floor in a mess. Those perverted pigs did'nt hire you for you,your gimmick or anything. They hired you because you are an easy cumbucket that will generate views. So give me a break with you going into "real wrestling" now. Do you think they would allow that? You are their house slut. They pay you to spray your stinking juices around the ring, riding ropes and make your tits jiggle. Thats all. So why don't you stop wasting everyones time, quit today, or stay in the hentai division where your slutty holes can be filled?", she said as the crowd booed along, but still, they went even more silent per the second and when Sylvia ended her message, crossing her arms before her chest to wait for Kamas inevitable answer, the crowd went silent, everyone looking into the deitys direction. But when Kama raised her mic Sylvia had one last drop of poison in her flask to put into the ear of her hated rival. "Your parents must be so proud..."
Last edited by RedShinigami on Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Deity's First Revelation (For deezcastforms and RedShinigami)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Kama smiled as Chiaki laughed along with her jabs. But then again, who wouldn't enjoy embarrassing Sylvia? Showing how easy it was to tip her from competitive to horny just by taking a little bit of control and telling her what to do. Even if the gamer didn't seem to enjoy the switch flip. But then again, after seeing her discomfort from such a drastic change, maybe that just meant she'd be a better match for Kama's first standard-styled match.

Soon after the chosen girl accepted her offer, making the deity's smile grow further. "I'm glad you accepted. I hope you won't be disappointed when you don't see me firing off space lasers every twenty seconds or so, though. Not a lot in the budget to rebuild arenas whenever I want." With the match now set, the deity stretched out her hand, aiming to seal the deal with a handshake - the last bit of kindness she'd show Chiaki before their eventual match.

But before such a gentle moment could occur, a loud moan echoed around. And not just some random girl's moans, but her own. Or rather, a younger Kama, so many promotions back in the early days of her and Sylvia's feud. Back when she may as well have been a jobber with how easily the weakling called "the Million Dollar Girl" handled her. Seeing it all again after trying to put moments like that behind her, watching her cave and cum from that bitch, killed any and all goodwill Kama was starting to feel. And when Sylvia came out, somehow looking smug despite how horrible her loss just a little bit ago had been, Kama just glared with all the hatred for this girl she couldn't keep her hands off of she had. It almost seemed like a cruel joke sometimes with how sexually compatible they were.

And with each venom filled word that passed the bitch's mouth, the boos reigned in more and more and the deity looks like she was about to break her mic with how tight she was holding it. She had to come out, show that pathetic clip of Kama, and then have the gall to ask if her parents were proud. The bitch knew full well how not only were they the reason she did this, but also how little they knew of how she got the money she sent them. It had always been an unspoken rule to leave that be, and yet the Californian decided to throw that rule away. And in front of Chiaki right after her challenge had been accepted.

Well if the gloves were off, then so be it.

"Chiaki, I recommend you go take one of the side exits out. I'm sure you don't want to be bored while your new seat tries to step up and save her pathetic face." Any playfulness she had shown before was essentially gone now, replaced by ire for the rich bitch. The islander would then hold her hand out, motioning for the rich bitch to come and join her in the ring. "It seems you have something to say, you spoiled bitch who can't even take a spanking without turning into a whore. How about you come on down here. My feet are getting tired and could use a throne, even if it's not worthy of divinity." She'd stay still and wait for the Californian to come join her, if she dare.
Golem's Guardians

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