A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

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A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

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No DQ match: Victory declared via submission, K.O, or Pinfall. Everything is legal
Mandy laced up her boots as she prepared herself for her next fight. Taking some... interesting experience from her meeting with Patty O'Connor, the Crass Corsair had learned that some fights allow the use of weapons and allowed dirty tricks- such as a DQ match! She loved the idea of this and thought about giving it a try- with her luck getting pitted against someone Katrina Kelly had apparently brought into LAW and into their young lioness program. The perfect way to get back at the blue-haired ninja.
Hailing from Canada and coming in at six feet tall and one hundred and eighty pounds, hide the treasure and the rum- here comes the Crass Corsair: Mandy Cannons!!

Hearing her signal to get on stage, Mandy would march down the ramp to her entrance music and soak in the booing of the audience once more... but finds some people cheering for her. This... confused Mandy as she stopped her stride down the ramp and stared at the few people who cheered like they were crazy people before giving a tiny wave with a confused smile on her face. It was weird and she tried not to dwell on it as she slid into the ring and waited for her opponent.

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Re: A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

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Rylie was leaning about a wall outside of the arena, wearing a black and blue two piece bikini that had a zipped up zipper on the black part of the breast and also a zipper that separated the black from the blue from her thong she was wearing. She also had multiple straps around her thighs 4 around her right one and 2 around her left. She also wore black and blue calf high boots and had a leather collar around her neck and some odd knick-knacks clipped in her short black hair. She also wore black and blue fingerless gloves that showed off her black painted nails as she also wore a face paint of a racoon mask and had a belt which allowed her to have a racoon tail that swayed from side to side.

She took a drag from a cigarette and pulled her from her lips as she barely exhaled the smoke, letting it rise up and brush over her face as she then heard the door open beside her as an event staff member called out. "Miss Marshall? You're up." To which Rylie looked up into the air letting out a sigh as she flicked the cigarette away. "Fuck...here goes nothing." She muttered to herself. She felt alone, so far she had no luck finding a trainer. Sure, she had the option of Tina Kelley, but she didn't want to be further in debt with Katrina and her circle of friends and family. She was already grateful enough that they brought her in from her homeless disposition and got her feet into having a career for herself. She knew wrestling from watching it on t.v. screens from outside the game store which was as close to a home before April got her on her feet. She knew some basics, but she signed up for a no disqualification match because it would mean she would have less chances of fucking up.

She walked through the door as she then made her way to just short of the curtain before looking over to her side. "Sweet, there's the items I requested." She mentioned as she walked over and picked up a trash can that had the trash can lid tucked in it sideways and also had a baseball bat stuffed inside. She lifted up the trash can and hefted it over her shoulder as she then took a nervous breath and heard her music and decided to exit the curtain.
Entrance Music:
"And her opponent, making her way to the ring. She is from your nearest game store dumpster. At 5'10 and 148 pounds, she is the trash queen, Rrrrrascal Rrrrrrylie!"

As Rylie's music hit she strutted her way to the center of the ramp, looking around at the crowd as she she fought back the near panic. "Holy shit I wasn't expecting this many people." She whispered to herself, she smirked as her raccoon tail wagged slowly back and forth as she then grinned at the crowd, feeling the electricity and feeling her nervousness fade away as she strutted down the ramp. She then got close to a fan holding their hand out. "Oh you want me to? Well fuck yeah!" She called out giving a high five with her free hand as she then was in awe as she then pulled the bat out from the trash can and propped it over one shoulder. "Whoa, this is so cool. So, why are you all cheering? Are you all wanting me to be your dommy mommy or something?" To which she swung her head back to let out a mischievous cackle. As she then continued to make her way to the ring stuffing the bat back inside the trash can and leaving it on the outside as she then hopped up onto the edge of the ring. "Whoa, shit, that edge was a bit higher then I expected." She snickered as she then entered between the middle and top rope as she then noticed the Corsair and walked over to one corner of the ring to hop up onto the middle turnbuckle as she rose a fist into the air as she presented herself to the crowd before hopping back down facing Corsair as she began to warm up. "Top 3 Pokemon, go." She mentioned, trying to start a conversation in an unusual manner.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

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"The hell's a pokemon?"

Mandy tilted her head at Rylie and narrowed her eyes as the baseball bat in her opponent's hands was placed back in the trash can, making a mental note.

"A-anyways! I hear you're here because of that Katrina chick. The weeb ninja or whatever she's called these days?"

Mandy paced back and forth in her corner as she grinned evilly at the woman.

"I think your broken, beaten body will be the perfect message to her. I hope you're ready to go down like a chump in front of all these people!"

Mandy let out a booming laugh as the audience started booing the corsair! It seemed Rylie became quite loved quite quickly... or that many people disliked Mandy.
Last edited by MappleMan7 on Thu Aug 04, 2022 11:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

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Rylie's eyes widened as she questions what's a pokemon. "You truly are a being of pure evil." She said bluntly as she then heard her as she raised an eyebrow. "I wonder where you got that information from. I could care less about the rivalry between you two. I'm just here to make some money, but you have me wanting to kick your ass at "The hell's a pokemon?", so it sounds like we're both looking for a fight. To which I say." The bell then rung and Rylie immediately charged at Mandy, looking to surprise ambush her by tackling her to the ground and trying to rain down some blows on top of her.

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Re: A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

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Mandy would smirk as Rylie came charging out at her and would attempt to respond in kind by taking a big step forward and raising her foot- looking to counter the rascal's sudden blitz with a big boot to her face! If this worked, Mandy would plant her hands on her hips and laugh at Rylie quite hard.

"HA! Nice try, squirt! You got any idea how often people try to tackle me in Toronto? City life, bitch!"

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Re: A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

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Rylie was surprised by her charge being met with a sudden boot, which knocked her to the ground. Clearly catching her by surprise. "Agh fuck.. what the hell did you just say? You're sounding like Charlie Brown's teacher, all I heard was whomp whomp, whompwhomp whomp whomp." She mentioned, sitting up as she rubbed her jaw as her racoon ear's twitched as she rose back up to her feet.

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Re: A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

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"Smart mouth... Easy to see how you and Katrina became all goodie two shoe buddies"

Mandy would march over towards Rylie as the rascal started to get back up, attempting to throw a haymaker right at her cheek!

"You and anyone else in that young lioness baby club are no threat to me! I'll make you sorry you ever walked into this ring!!"

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Re: A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

As Mandy went for the Haymaker while smack talking at the same time, Rylie would duck the punch and swoop behind Mandy, "Geeze, they really should have nicknamed you Mouthy Mandy." She would then lock her arms around Mandy's waist and let out a grunt as she attempted to pull her off of her feet and arch back to try to german suplex the crassy corsair.

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Re: A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

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"AACK!! What the hell!?"

The inexperienced Mandy would flail about as Rylie grabbed her behind and in an impressive feat of strength, tossed the Corsair in a german suplex!


She'd wiggle and squirm after the impact to try and get out of Rylie's grip and would squirm on the canvas after, taking the first blow in the match a bit like a true newbie.

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Re: A corsair fights a Trash Queen: Mandy Cannons VS. Rylie Marshall (Debut)

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Rylie immediately released the german suplex. She then rose herself up and turned to look at Mandy trying to squirm away. She waited for Mandy to rise up to a sitting position before charging at Mandy, hopping forward as she swung her inner thigh to try to connect against the temple of Mandy, trying to control the beginning of the match with an attempted shining wizard.

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