u/Aiki_Demon wrote:Okay... so, Ane-san's the one that set this up, and I'm kinda' clueless on how most social media stuff works aside from Twitter, but... I'm gonna' give it a shot!
So hey, this is Amano-Jaku! I'm a wrestler for LAW, a former contender for the Lightweight Belt (Proof), was in the H1 Climax to represent the Lightweight Division (Proof), started off the Kimodameshi match series (Proof), and I'm a member of the Senso no Hana stable. Been wrestling at LAW for about two and a half years and just got a full-time contract this year. It's been pretty crazy getting use to being a regular now that my second year in the last half, but... well, Ane-san said doing something like this would be go to get my name out and interact with some folks more.
So... ask me anything!
Explanation, Rules, and Guidelines
If you haven't been in the discord this is something I've been entertaining for a few days. Basically, under Himeko's (PR advisors) insistence, Amano decides to do an AMA/Ask Me Anything forum post for those wanting to pick the brain of an up-and-coming LAW wrestler, friends, rivals, and onlookers alike. And this is a pretty good way for easy interactions with Amano without too much work on my end.
General Kayfabe Stuff
- Considering this is implied to be on a reddit forum, you can have the questions/posts be in character posts from your own characters or anonymous, just specify which is which.
- Just to keep the feel of it being a reddit post, I'll have a code you guys can use keep the theme there, for usernames I'd recommend your character's twitter name if they have one
- Himeko and Hangaku are modding the thread, so they might chime in if appropriate.
- Keep the questions somewhat reasonable, or at least things you can realistically seeing someone answer on a public forum.
- Hard No(s) in terms of questions are general spoilers to ongoing matches, match requests, and directly asking about Amano's weaknesses
- Please keep the trolling to a minimum. I know LAW Twitter is it's own beast, but still. Be somewhat civil here.
- I know I already said it, but if your character is currently in a match with Amano or SnH as a whole please don't spoiler the outcome of that fight ahead of time.
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