The fighters
“Seems like the management loves us… or is afraid of our anger if they don´t give us what we want!”, would angle say with a smile on her lips pulling her mask over her face making sure that she would see anything. Her partner would stretch a bit. “yeah that must have something to do with the match against our two little cuties. They love to hate us! I never saw so much hate in the faces of a crowed while also seeing love in their eyes.” Widow would stand up and pull her mask on her face as well getting ready to head out. “I think if we just go on like that the crowed will soon be our next toy!” Would Angle say. Widow would slow her down. “hey first we have to play with the toys given to us, before we should plan to take some!”
The two girls would head out into the entrance area and get ready for their entrance. Then their music hit. Cassual sex started to play and the fans would start to boo before the two dutch woman would even get to the outside. The background of the entrance ramp would turn purple and some sparks would seem to fly from the ceiling. The two woman would walk outside side by side, having a hand laying around the hip of the other. They would walk futher and stop on the middle of the ramp turning back to back, before reaching upwards into the sky. Then their hands would slowly wander down over their own body´s and curves downwards, while the two girls would slowly bend her knees and going into a kneeing position. There they would stay before going onto their hands and knees crawling the rest of the short way to the ring. Down there they would grab the apron and use it to pull themselves up to their feet and then into the ring slowly. Inside they would walk around and wave and throw kissed to the booing crowed. They would stop and the edge of the ring and wait for their opponent to appear.