Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Tornado Handicap Tag Match

Rules: Both members of Onigashima may participate in the match at the same time in the ring. No tag required.
Victory Condition: Pinfall or submission(Either member of Onigashima getting pinned or submitting counts to the team losing)
Attire: Standard

This was a match that certainly was staked in the odds against Atalante Pallas. A Handicap tornado tag match mean that she alone would stand face to face with two opponents in the ring at all times. It was going to be a tough feat to say the least, to defeat them...but Atalante was prideful and confident, she believed she stood a fair shot to defeat Onigashima tonight and with it declare her dominance over these two Oni wrestlers. So far she had faced off against both of them, and while she had dominated Yukari - the Ao Oni, she had experienced a more even contest against Shizuka. Meaning she certainly had her eyes on the Aka-Oni tonight as a threat.

Atalante would lie if she said she didn't feel a bit of rivalry with both of them at this point. Shizuka had certainly sparked her to accept this match, as it was pretty much her challenge and for some reason she felt as if she couldn't back down to anything the Aka-Oni would throw her way.

She stood at the top of the ramp, in the Gorilla Position and waited for the crew to get her entrance music ready. Rolling her shoulders a bit and making sure her body was ready for tonight. As her music began to play the Grecian Heroine began to march her way down the ramp. The crowd cheered for the embodiment of Greek legends to make her way down to the squared circle. She rolled in under the bottom rope and pushed up to her feet, stepping up to the center of the squared circle and gave the crowd a nod. Arms folded under her chest as she took in the cheers and shouts...then turned and walked to her corner. Eyes closed as she leaned against her corner and waited for Onigashima - Shizuka and Yukari to come down and face her!

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Both Shizuka and Yukari were pumped up for the match. Tonight, they would be facing Atalante in a tornado handicap match, where both of them would be facing Atalante at the same time. They were hoping that they could defeat the Grecian tonight, though it sounded like the two of them were ganging on her. Not that Shizuka cared, because she wanted to finally defeat the Grecian and prove it to everyone that Onigashima would triumph against whoever they set their sight on.

And Yukari was also there. Her desire to defeat Atalante wasn't as strong as Shizuka's, but she also wanted to win against her.
The pair made their way down the ramp, heading over to the ring where the match would be held. Soon, they entered the ring and posed for the crowd. Then, they looked at Atalante, and Shizuka stepped up, smiling confidently as she placed her hands on her hips. It was clear here that she wanted to win this match and beat the Grecian. Sure, this might be a handicap match, but as long as Atalante got beaten, Shizuka didn't care how it was accomplished.

"So, you ready to face us both?" Shizuka asked, showing an audacious smile. Meanwhile, Yukari was standing behind Shizuka, waving her hand at Atalante.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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The Grecian leaned against her corner, waiting for her opponents for the night. She wasn't exactly sure how well this would go. She hadn't actually been in a handicap match as far as she could remember and that seemed to be an event you would remember. With it being a tornado tag match as well...her chances might actually be....

Well, in the mind of Atalante she felt as if this might even the odds a bit more between them. She saw herself as quite superior to both of the Oni's, even if that might not entirely be true. She waited for Shizuka and Yukari to make their way into the ring before she would step up towards the center of the ring to meet the pair.

Shizuka had stepped forward out of the two, she looked confident. Atalante would respond with a confident smirk on her face. It was slight, but those up close like Shizuka and Yukari could definitely see it. " Oh I'm more than ready. Red. I'm practically excited to maybe get a challenge this time." Atalante spoke out as she would throw her gaze towards Yukari. Her smirk replaced with a soft smile for a moment as she would nod her head the blue oni.

Stepping forward, she'd move in and practically press herself against Shizuka's slightly more petite frame. Pressing her more impressive bust against the red oni's chest. " Give me all you got, Shizuka." She glared right into Shizuka's eyes with a competitive fire, while keeping that eye contact with the Aka-oni, Atalante would raise her voice and speak out. " Same goes for you as well Blue. I expect a better effort than last time."

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Glaring straight into Atalante's eyes, Shizuka was pressing her more modest bust against the Grecian's more bountiful pair. "Oh, believe me, you're going to bite more than you can chew tonight." Stepping back, she was ready to face Atalante. Meanwhile, Yukari's face turned serious when Atalante addressed her, and both Shizuka and Yukari exchanged looks before they nodded in tandem.

When the bell was rung, both Onis immediately jumped into actions, stepping forth at the same time to catch Atalante off-guard. They were planning to hit the Grecian with a surprise double-superkick right to her face, hoping to knock her down and make use of their advantage against her. Sure, it might seem unsportsmanlike, but the team would be doing anything to win this match.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Shizuka had always been the more confident and cocky of the pair. Atalante had sensed that since the second they first faced off. Now she stood face to face with the Aka-Oni again. Their battle had been a more close contest than the battle against Yukari. Though that didn't mean that Yukari was any more dangerous of an opponent. If Atalante had to guess it was a matter of personality, and how Shizuka and Atalante had meshed, or rather clashed more fiercely than she had with the Ao-Oni.

Watching Shizuka step back, Atalante would smirk and do the same. She would shift her gaze between Yukari and Shizuka and looked at the two of them exchange nods. She raised her arms and got ready for the match and when the bell rang...both of them came rushing at the Grecian! They had come at her faster than what Atalante had anticipated! Yukari and Shizuka's boots drove right up into Atalante's face and smashed into it, sending the green-blonde wrestler flying onto her back! Dazed and confused...she groaned out as she brought her hands up to her face...

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Hitting Atalante with a double superkick, both Shizuka and Yukari looked at her being knocked down onto her back. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, Shizuka would immediately rush over to Atalante and try to keep her down by stomping on her body a few times before bending down, pulling her up onto her feet.

At the same time, Yukari would run towards the ropes, looking to rebound and catapult herself back towards Atalante, who was pulled up by her partner, Shizuka. By the time she was about to reach Atalante, Shizuka had already pulled her up, so Yukari would try to hit her with a big lariat, hoping to knock her down again.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Atalante hadn't really expected the superkick, and now she was left dazed on the canvas. Her world was spinning as she tried to shake off the cobwebs...only for Shizuka to step in and start to stomp down on her. Hissing out with each stomp the green-blonde woman would start to recoil with each stomp, trying to cover herself up. Softened up and still a bit dazed by Shizuka's stomps, Atalante would feel her arm grabbed as she was pulled up towards her feet, groggily she was forced up to a stand.

Then Yukari came rushing in, that arm of hers stretched out as it smacked right into Atalante's chest! "Guuh!" The Grecian grasped out as she was smacked down hard onto the canvas! Driven down by Yukari's powerful Lariat, the cat-eared wrestler's body bounced as it hit the canvas and she began to cough out.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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As Shizuka pulled Atalante up, Yukari then came forth with a lariat, hitting her with her arm, knocking her down onto the mat. Then, both of the onis whooped, cheering for their successful attack as they gave each other high-five before they looked down at Atalante. Nodding to each other, Yukari bent down to grab Atalante, pulling her up. From there, she would get the Grecian back up onto her feet, making sure that Atalante was facing her before she wrapped her arms around her body, putting her into a bearhug.

"Alright, here comes the Peach Killer!"

Shizuka, grinning as she stood behind Atalante, would begin signaling to the crowd that she would be starting their signature tag-team move. After making quite a theatrical gesture, Shizuka would then start delivering kicks right at Atalante's backside, hitting her with shoot kicks as Yukari held her tightly in her bearhug. The move was called Peach Killer, in which it was both effective and humiliating to the recipient. As Shizuka started kicking at Atalante's ass, the audience started counting the kicks together.


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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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Atalante was downed by Yukari's powerful lariat...she knew that the blue Oni was powerful, she'd gotten a taste of it before. Though, begin a bit dazed from the double superkick she had hoped her state of fuzziness would mitigate some of the pain from the lariat. It did not, it still hurt like hell. Groaning as she rolled over onto her side, Atalante tried to gather air back into her lungs, but she was quite rudely interrupted from doing so.

As Yukari grabbed a hold of her arm and guided the Grecian up to her feet. The arms of the blue oni wrapped around her frame and trapped the cat-eared wrestler in a tight bearhug. Lifted off of her feet as she felt the impressive bust of Yukari push against her front! The arms squeezed tightly, as Atalante could feel the crushing force being brought upon her frame. "Nnnghh!...." She groaned out through gritted teeth.

Her situation only kept getting worse though as Shizuka called out and then moved up, the onslaught of kicks began to smack right into the shapely rear of Atalante." Guuh! Gah! Grhgh! Hmpgh!" Atalante grunted and cried out with each kick which hit her butt! Her cheeks reddened from the embarrassment of this predicament.

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Re: Atalante Pallas Vs. Onigashima - Oni Hunting 3

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With Yukari holding Atalante in her arms, subjecting her to a bearhug, Shizuka went to deliver kicks at her butt. It was a move that they called Peach Killer, and the audience was counting the kicks together. The move was no doubt humiliating for someone like Atalante.


The move itself wasn't particularly damaging. Sure, it might be painful to be kicked in the butt multiple times, but as far as the damage output was concerned, the damage itself wasn't particularly devastating. It was more physiologically damaging more than anything due to humiliation.


With the tenth kick, the crowd cheered loudly, and Shizuka would give a signal to Yukari, who then adjusted her bearhug before she threw the Grecian over her head, sending her crashing to the mat with a belly-to-belly suplex, inflicting more damage to her.

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