Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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Smother KO Match - Victory Attained Only Via Smothering Your Opponent Out

Buzzing backstage was the extra thicc, extra adorable, extra sweet Honie Beatrice Bea! The recently debuted heavyweight was getting ready for another match, having successfully shown LAW what she was made of prior! Now, she was already spiking high in popularity. And the demand for the strong, high-flying, slamming, smothering wrestler had already increased exponentially! This time she was up against Eclaire, another relatively recent wrestler, who's fame had not only spiked thus far, but soared threw the roof! Honie was eager to meet this gal in a match of smothers, to hopefully find out why she was so high on the charisma scale!

"AND NOW!" The announcer announced. "The Heroine of the Beehive! Weighting in at one-hundred and seventy eight pounds! HONIEEEEEEEEE B. BEEEEEEEEEEEA!" The crowd roared as Honie's boss music/entrance theme played, while the powerful rookie made her appearance!
Honie jogged towards the ring this time, but still did her signature ring entrance. The heavyweight highflyer leaped right off the ground, off those mighty legs, before soaring effortlessly over the ropes and straight into the ring. As usual, the mat shook upon Honie's landing. Honie mostly did this for fun, rather than focusing on potentially unnerving her adversaries. That's why she made this ring entrance, even if she was the first gal to appear and get inside. Honie then addressed the crowd, while waiting for this Eclaire to arrive.

"WHAT'S UP LAW?! Oh yes! Only ME as I soar through the air to crash land on my opponents! Hahaha! But hopefully I'll fly into your hearts as well! Dear LAW fans, LET'S HAVE A GREAT, BUZZING TIME!" The crowd erupted, as Honie successfully pumped them up, like the extroverted face she was. Smothering was one of Honie's specialties, as her plush bosom and plump, meaty booty definitely helped Ms. Bea out on a consistent basis! Now it was time to use them on another gal, and hopefully make her kiss Honie's rock-hard abs as well!

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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It wasn't a matter of where the voice was coming from, but where it wasn't coming from. Be they used for music, announcements, or anything else each speaker now had the sole role of projecting that haughty laugh! The announcer quickly found their gig stolen as along with the melodious tunes that began to play, the once laughing voice began taking up the proclamation role.

"Gracing your world at a stunning two hundred and ten pounds of pure, unadulterated beautiful muscle!"
A jewel-encrusted, 24 karat gold palanquin, carried by 4 sharply-dressed suit-clad women, suddenly emerged from atop the ramp! Covered in violet drapes from the top to dragging along the floor obscuring any peak at whoever was inside and the floor beneath it. Despite the sheer size and staggering weight of the palanquin, the quartet carried it down towards the ring as if it was lighter than air. Not missing a single beat as they held it clear above the ground and over their heads.

"The Crown Jewel, The Silk Hiding Steel, the SWEET Elite...!"
The voice carried on with all intentions of building up suspense as it cut itself short. Waiting until the eloquent palanquin had been hauled over the ropes. The lights went pitch dark in the ring self; all the spotlight dead center on the palanquin and as it took center ring; probably blinding any poor soul unfortunate enough to look right at the golden view. The staff all rested after getting into position and loosened their grip on the palanquin. Much to the utter shock of all, the wheelless vehicle seemed to float clear above the ground! Even being lifted higher into the air as the drapes only barely smothered the canvas. The staff each grabbed a hold of the drapes and with one clean motion stripped it from the palanquin. The golden throne underneath however was absolutely empty! Not a soul in sight with the golden glamour simply shining by its lonesome. It wasn't until the rest of the drape followed and the quartet revealed the true pearl hidden inside was in the underside! Carrying the entire palanquin clean above her head ...

"The ILLUSTRIOUS Ruby Tycoon: Eclaire Maître"
Finally, the boisterous blonde rookie had revealed herself! The crowd absolutely exploded into an array of cheers and squeals making Eclaire all the more ecstatic as she took whatever praise she could part from the applause. It didn't take much effort on her part to hand the palanquin down to her staff members, though the quartet found themselves nearly dropping the glimmering ride to the floor as they experienced weight without their manager's support. Each stumbling and swaying trying to make it out of the ring as the lights returned to normal and Eclaire tossed her earpiece microphone aside. Emerald eyes locked on the luscious figure of her opponent and as she greeted her with a charming smile from ear to ear!

"You know when I asked the management here to provide me with their finest desert, I was expecting quite a bit more than just a midnight snack...Still I've got quite the sweet tooth to satisfy, so I'll suppose a drop of honey will do! A shame that even the sweetest, most golden honeycomb could be as tantalizingly sweet as your truly! OOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! OOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! I can already tell you fail to believe me, darling. Well in that case..."

The tycoon spun around and gave Honie and every pair of lucky eyes behind her fellow face a full display of pillow soft cheeks. Jiggling to the slightest swing of Eclaire's hips, bouncing and jiggling with no stop in sight conrasting her crystal hard muscles flexing above!

"Why not come a little closer and get a spoon, or rather faceful?"

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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Having completely fired up the crowd, the big bee wasn't expecting her grand appearance to be outmatched. But she was proven wrong, as Eclaire went above and beyond with her entrance! Honie turned her head every which way, when the blonde bombshell's signature laugh echoed throughout the entire arena! It's like her opponent couldn't help but spread her overwhelming presence into every square inch of the building! The spectacle continued with the voice announcing her weight and bragging about her muscle.

And then a incredibly fancy looking palanquin made the scene! It was carried by four servant women, with the rich wrestler seemingly inside, who was continuing to announce herself! Honie let out a gasp, when the palanquin was thrown into the ring, no doubt also surprising the fans as well! "THE BUZZ?!" The heroine said in shock. Because after the quartet of fashionable women let go of the palanquin, it seemed to hover in midair! At to make matters even more shocking, their seemed to be no one at all within the huge vehicle! "Buzz?" Honie puzzled, along with the crowd, tilting her head to the side in a cute gesture of confusion. "Where's my-?"

The bee's question would suddenly be answered! As all the drapes of the palanquin were finally stripped, Eclaire Maître revealed herself in all her glory, having been carrying the huge transportation device this whole time! The crowd exploded, erupting with cheers, as this entire display had been completely exhilarating! Honie blushed a little at first, the fellow crowd-pleasing face feeling more than a bit upstaged here. But ultimately, she started clapping as well, giving this showy, mighty woman credit were credit was due! The heroine was no stranger to strength, but lifting that palanquin could impress even her quite a bit! Honie took note of Eclaire handing the palanquin back to her underlings with little effort, while they struggled to hall the giant thing out of the arena without might blonde's help!

Ms. Bea returned Eclaire's wide smile, when the beautiful show-off started to address her. However, as the boisterous blonde went on, Honie slowly but surely snapped out of her naivety, put the metaphors together, and realized Eclaire was teasing her quite thoroughly! "Buzz? A midnight snack? A drop of honey? Couldn't be as sweet as you?" Honie repeated, her smile having turned into an adorable pout, complete with puffed out cheeks and a cute noise of annoyance! Eclaire's assessment of Honie already not believing her was right on the mark! But the bigger heavyweight would back up her statement, by turning around and swinging her hips ever so subtly, making her plush, ample booty jiggle around quite a bit! Honie's pout turned into an amused smile, as a fellow thicc powerhouse, she could definitely appreciate her opponent's assets. Both the big behind and the mighty muscles!

"Hmmph. Upstage my entrance why don't cha? But I can't lie. IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOL! Say, how much does that palanquin weigh? I bet I could lift and carry it on my lonesome as well. Maybe not as effortlessly as you, I admit. But I love a good challenge! Also, don't mistake me for a honey drop, dear. And if even a whole honeycomb isn't enough for you, no worries! You're getting the entire motherbuzzing hive! Which means your face is gonna be spending a whole lot of time rubbed against AND smothered within assets of my very own!"

It emphasize her point, the big bee flexed her rock hard abs and muscularly toned arms in her own impressive display. Continuing to tease Eclaire back, Honie then turned around as well. She bent her knees a little, put her hands on said knees, and shook her own massively plump backside from side to side. The heroine's buns of steel were more firm in contrast to the pillowy butt of her adversary. But even so, they also jiggled though more subtlety, when Honie then smacked her beautifully big behind at the fellow smother gal!
Last edited by dddybee on Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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"The buzz"? "Motherbuzzing"? Eclaire wasn't sure if she was smiling having been faced with such an absolutely heavenly view in the form of Honie's absolutely, outrageously gorgeous steel booty shaking her way...or just how deliciously corny those puns and censoring were. Either or there was no doubt in her mind this queen bee was quite the showman, and if there was anything Eclaire loved it was a kindred spirit! Well that and praise which Honie slipped in and it was more than doing its job at puffing up the tycoon's already planet-sized pride! After a spin back around a few bows, a few blown kisses, and more than a few flexes of her incredible biceps were warranted between the endless applause to her jaw-dropping entrance and Honie's choice words!

While everybody had certainly come here for a display of gigantic, voluptuous, T H I C C cheeks being planted upon beautiful faces, Eclaire couldn't help but find herself admiring other assets on display. Particularly Honie's back muscles, thighs, lips, just about everything and then some. What wasn't there to love after all?! Though it wouldn't be ladylike, professional, or just a good idea in general to admit how enamored she had become with a single glance! Where was the fun in letting Honie know her little display was working its charm? Eclaire surely didn't see it as she reached between her bosom and pulled out a thin, ruby-encrusted fan, and snapped it open with a single flick of her wrist! All just in time to cover the ever so faint blush from the sight of Honie's self-induced spank!

With another quick flick, the fan was folded up and tossed aside, the blush subsiding and Eclaire's wit returning! "Ohohohohooooo MY! What was the American saying? "Never meet your heroes?" Well you've certainly become mine with a display like that! Of course, that simply won't change that as deliciously sweet as honey can be, it's merely a condiment! A sweetener! A mere accessory to a much FINER desert! One so high class, so richly sweet and tantalizingly powerful that nobody can dare resist its mere name! An eclair! Such an exquisitely satisfying dessert that leaves mouths watering and hearts pumping with delight before the first bite! An apt comparison for the two of us, no? While you may be the CUTEST drop that will bring out just a little bit more the perfect flavor this match will provide, I'm afraid you're far from what this crowd came to feast their eyes upon! Simply serving to make the SUPERB desert, that is yours truly,y just that little more appetizing!" The entire speech Eclaire had been trailing a single finger up from her abs, over her breasts, and finally to her plump lips. Capping off everything with a juicy kiss to her fingertip that she blew at Honie!

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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Honie couldn't deny that Eclaire was impressive. Very impressive. Almost superhuman upper body strength for a woman, curves in all the right places, especially that deliciously thick, jiggly backside. And it was all combined with a prideful yet somehow charismatic and charming personality! Eclaire was also clearly a big extrovert and a real crowd pleaser, both traits also seen in the Heroine of the Beehive herself! And after being teased by the boastful blonde, Honie teased the fellow heavyweight right back, both verbally and physically. The physical form being Honie's massive, meaty buttocks being shaken and spanked at Eclaire, who had bounced her own big badonkadonk at Honie prior!

The blonde continued her showboating, flexing biceps that would make most men jealous, blowing kisses, bowing and whatnot. But Honie's downright gorgeous, giant glutes had gotten to Eclaire a bit. However, she would deny Honie the satisfaction of seeing her mildly flustered, by hiding her faint blush with a ruby-encrusted fan. Beatrice, assuming that was simply part of Eclaire's style (which it was), didn't think much of it. She stopped her big bee booty teasing and turned around, as the fellow powerhouse discarded the fan and addressed her.

During Eclaire's speech, Honie's face repeatedly changed expressions. And those expressions were on full view, in contrast to the blonde's prior, hidden blush. The heroine's eye sparkled and she smiled widely when Eclaire complimented her display, calling her cute and whatnot. However, the bee would puff her face cheeks in mild annoyance and occasionally make an adorable, growl-like noise, as Eclaire continued to puff herself up while simultaneously undermining Honie's significance in comparison. The blonde said all this while trailing a single finger over several assets, finishing up things by blowing a kiss to the heroine!

While all of this had indeed flustered Honie a fair bit, she would have a confident and clever response! Beatrice pretended to catch the kiss Eclaire blew at her in one hand, before turning around, bending her extra thick butt towards Eclaire yet again, and using that hand to smack her large booty at Eclaire again! "Thanks for that kiss, gal pal! It's going right on my booty!" Honie buzzed, as her firm butt cheeks jiggled once again, in a display that had made the blonde blush earlier. "I'll make sure you get to give me several more, when your face is wedged deep in my honey buns and grinded against my honeycombs!" Honie pointed at her posterior, before turning around to point at her abs, making sure everyone got her metaphors. The bee then placed her hands on her wide hips, before continuing to speak.

"I usually punish really prideful opponents, by kicking their butts, and repeatedly burying their faces deep within my own badonkadonk. But that's because they're usually meanie weanies to me! But I can sense your aura! And there is no malice! Also, you may be incredibly boastful, but it's not like you aren't amazing! And diligent! Like, how much work did it take to develop your strength and sculpt your figure?! better believe I'm a huge part of what the crowd came here to see too! RIGHT GUYS!" The audience cheered after Honie addressed them, confirming the bee's words. "I'm still gonna smother you a bunch and humble ya, but no hard feelings. All in all, I'm just really hyped and happy to be fighting ya! LET'S BUZZING GO!"

And with that, Honie would send a playful wink at Eclaire, before squaring up with her in the middle of the ring. The fans eagerly awaited the iconic ding of the bell.
Last edited by dddybee on Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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"Ooohohohohohohoho!!" Somebody has quite the way with words! I'll have you know my dear Honeybunch that flattery will get you EVERYWHERE...just sadly not everything since I'll be claiming the win once you've been nestled in my butter sweet, loving embrace!

So honest! So pure! So absolutely succulunt. That smile, those puffed cheeks, and that breathtaking wink! What a show, what a display, and what a regret Eclaire had started to build for throwing her fan away so soon. It took every bit of strength she could muster to now break into a crimson blush at the sight of such charming perfection! Why couldn't all her opponents, nay all her staff match this level of exuberant energy all the time?! Who could ever get tired of such brimming positivity?

"It's been far too long since I've met such a charismatic kindred spirit! I don't think I could EVER tire of your company my sweet! It's SUCH a shame I'll have to snuff out that sun-bright light of yours! Don't worry though. As a reward for being such a beacon of passion that will make the crown jewel that is my body SHINE like the radiant, glamorous, ETERNAL ruby it is, I'll give you a VERY intimate tour of this oh-so diligent body I know you crave. Especially this perfectly plump butt! You couldn't ask for a finer cushion darling, trust me I've checked! OOOHOHOHOHOHOHO!"

Eclaire was more than eager to meet Honie at the ring's center. Each step met with a swing of her hips to one side, and a sway to the other. A spin here, a sashay there, and a subtle lick of her lips as she respectfully continued to eye the sculpture that was Honie's body. Before she knew it, Eclaire was at the ring's center with Honie barely a pace away. If doing so would not warrant a defeat, Eclaire knew she would have gladly tossed herself to the canvas and planted her lips all over Honie's iron abs and steel buns until the light faded from her glamorous eyes. Well...maybe that was still in the cards. At least after the heroine had been given the 5-star treatment. Not wanting to keep her darling fans waiting for a second longer, after all by the looks of their eyes they must have felt as if they had been waiting months, Eclaire raised both arms up and in front. Spreading her fingers and facing her palms towards Honie. Her whole stance acts as an invitation for a lock-up to kick things off!

"Now then, YOU may have the honor of this dance!"


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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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Background Music
The crowd roared in agreement, after Honie proclaimed she was also a huge part of what the fans came to see. And after her lively, sexy, charming performance, it seemed even Eclaire could no longer deny this fact, even if she still considered herself the star of the show! Despite making her confidence in victory clear, the beefy blonde complimented Honie quite nicely. The thing that most warmed Honie's heart, was Eclaire saying she wouldn't ever grow tired of the friendly bug's company! Part of it may have translated to Eclaire believing she'd have a fun, long time dominating Honie in the ring. But the heroine considered it a very touching gesture regardless.

"Aww, you're so sweet!" Honie buzzed. Unlike Eclaire, the bee once again made no effort to hide the blush on her face. Whether it was pure joy, fiery anger, or modest blushing, Beatrice wore every last one of her often vivid emotions on her sleeve. "Adversary Eclaire, I shall show you my most sincere appreciation, by giving you a full tour of all my sexy assets as well! I will ensure both our tours end with you smothered ear-deep in my plump, meaty, sweet sweet honey buns! I mentioned using my thick, smothery cheeks to punish some of my more unfriendly foes. But I suppose my smothers could be viewed as rewards as well, depending on your preference. Buzz. Buzz."

Honie turned her body and flexed her glutes at Eclaire, when further describing her feared and cherished posterior. But the big bee soon turned back around, to square up with Eclaire. Despite Honie being a heavyweight herself, the blonde bombshell was clearly the larger of the two. Beatrice had well defined, strong, sizable arm muscles, especially for a female. But Eclaire's upper body was even bulker. Nonetheless, Honie was used to overpowering her opponents. She sported strength that could measure up against those on heavier levels of the heavyweight spectrum than her. But given how effortlessly Eclaire had carried her rather large and weighty palanquin...

Honie immediately rushed in to accept Eclaire's lock-up invitation, for a much anticipated test of strength. The speed Honie came at Eclaire with may have forced the blonde back a step or two. But as the wrestlers started pushing against one another, Honie would find Eclaire was quite challenging to push back. "Buzz?" Honie puzzled. The bee wasn't arrogant, but she was not used to being matched in raw power, much less outmatched. Honie would of course be putting up a great fight in this push-off. But Eclaire would likely still give the heroine a run for her money here!

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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Eclaire had shocked many with her bewildering speed before; many believed her size slowed her down but were horrified and amazed to find out that she didn't have to keep up with them, they had to keep up with her! So it was quite the shock to her system to be on the receiving end of that feeling when Honie rushed her down at a breakneck pace! And for all that speed, no power was sacrificed! The lock-up started with Eclaire taking two steps back before planting her feet to park herself on the canvas. Both girls had their biceps working on full title, bulging, flexing, and burning with every effort to push the other back and Eclaire had no doubt Honie would have broken down any lesser foe at this rate! Of course she was no meager-toned titan, but the ILLUSTRIOUS Eclaire Maitre! And in the beauty that is power, nobody could best her! That said Honie wasn't exactly far behind in that category, so a back and forth struggle would just wear the tycoon out sooner rather than later.

Now while power isn't everything, but it's certainly something! Eclaire realized that her height and strength advantage alone may be small, but together they combined for something fierce! For a moment there was a calm and tranquil breath as Eclaire closed her eyes...and the next those eyes shot open! Burning with the passionate heat of 1,000 suns, Eclaire put every ounce of her strength into leaning in and pushing down! Her biceps were working overtime right from the start and they had every intent to melt those opposing, mouthwatering muscles Honie boasted into nothing! "Ohoho my! So quick to run into my embrace, ma chérie...". Eclaire mused, her grin refusing to fade even as she exerted enough effort to topple a car! Though the struggle wouldn't stop her from puckering up her lips and blowing another kiss to her herculean heroine!

However this was more than just a display of raw power between two musclebound cuties! Eclaire had long since put a plan together as nothing but going in guns blazing was far from her style! She was searching deeply, intently for any kind of give or moment of weakness in Honie's arms. This wasn't a simple matter of overpowering Honie, as the gap between them wasn't large enough for that, but creating a single opening! A solitary moment of opportunity to stop pushing down, but pull Honie's arms up to leave her wide open! Eclaire would keep relentlessly piling on the burning pressure, aiming to try and find that opening, hoping that she wouldn't burn herself out by going all in so early on!

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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After Honie crashed into Eclaire, with a level of speed rare amongst members of her weight division, the tycoon was indeed forced back a couple of steps. But after Eclaire planted her boots on the canvas, Honie found she was having trouble moving the blonde further! That being said, Honie wasn't exactly easy for Eclaire to push back either. Both powerhouses struggled against each other, biceps flexing, muscles burning, arms shaking! "Dear buzz, you're strong!" Honie remarked. "But I won't be overpowered!" Beatrice pushed with all her might against Eclaire, and for a moment it looked like the two heavyweights were even in power. Neither was currently budging an inch!

Sadly for Honie, the scales of this previously perfect balance would begin to tip in Eclaire's favor. The blonde bombshell closed her eyes, before they shot forward with fiery passion. Afterwards, Eclaire pushed against Honie SO HARD that the bee HAD to take a step back, then another, then another! "BUZZIT!" Honie pouted, after three steps back, doing her best not to lose anymore ground. Being outmatched in strength, even my a slight degree was certainly a...strange and unfamiliar feeling to Honie. To lesser foes, the amount of power Eclaire had would've been RESOLVE CRUSHING. But not to the Heroine of the Beehive! That being said, Honie had determined simply trying to muscle around Eclaire wouldn't grant her victory here. She'd have to utilize her other skill sets too, if she wanted a good chance at winning!

But as Honie was thinking about her game plan, Eclaire already had another one of her own in mind! The blonde had likely realized Honie was still more than strong enough to potentially wear her out, even if Eclaire was a little stronger overall. Honie winked playfully, in response to the tycoon blowing a kiss at her. But the bee soon felt that something was...amiss. "What are you...?" Eclarie was no longer just pushing down against Honie, but...pulling her arms up?! Had this sudden chance of direction somehow not taking the bee by surprise, she may have been able to stop Eclaire. But as it was, Honie's resistance slowly yet surely crumbled. "What the buzz?!" The heroine exclaimed, as her arms were finally pulled all the way up, leaving her vulnerable to a follow-up from Eclaire!

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Re: Rich Golden Honey - Eclaire vs. Honie

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In the brief moments before capitalizing on her opening, Eclaire got quite a good shot of Honie in shock as her arms went flying up. And that view was nothing short of absolutely delectable! It had to be a cardinal sin to even consider harming such a statuesque, stunning, sublime figure! Bruising with barbaric barrages was completely out of the question, Eclaire's love for beauty just wouldn't allow it! Of course she was still in this to win it. Plus, she knew from experience how a dash of exhaustion and a few drops of sweat could take natural beauty like Honie's and magnify it a thousandfold. So if anything, Eclaire conquering this beloved beehive blossom was doing both Bea and the crowd a favor! With that her arms rocketed forward and coiled around her foe's back! Reaching so far as to have her palms grasp her own elbows; Eclaire was locked in tight and she wasn't going to even fathom letting go.

Eclaire's thighs lined up with Bea's own, her abs began to dig into the sweet opposing pair, and her muscles showed their ever-so-subtle superior size and strength over their rivals! This wasn't going to be some myriad of squeezes with the occasional need to breathe in between. Eclaire let loose a single, solitary flex that would've left a lesser woman making the letter "C" with her spine! Indents of her biceps would be made in her foe's back, the sounds of ribs would be echoing through the ring, but Honie? Somebody rivaling Eclaire's own stature could certainly take it. Giving the tycoon no reason to hold back as she dug her fingers into her arm guards; continuing her perfect press and gargantuan grip like there was no tomorrow!

There was something quite satisfying about bearhugs that Eclaire couldn't get quite enough of. And it wasn't just the sheer satisfaction of breaking something with her overwhelming strength. No it was how easily this move allowed both herself, and her darling audience to compare the builds of both her and her foe. Their thighs were on equal terms, and their butts were just as mesmerizing as the others! Honie's being so toned it could be categorized as a weapon, and Eclaire's so soft that even the slightest hint of movement had it jiggling like Jell-O! Nobody could see their abs, but both women were an equal match there too! Though of course the longer this bearhug went on for, the less likely that was to stay that way. But it was in what defined both girls that the Silk Hiding Steel showed where she couldn't be beaten: her biceps. A smile so smug and so proud flashed across Eclaire's face as she got to confirm that she was just certainly bulkier than Honie. Like comparing tungsten to chromium, Honie was no slouch but even she couldn't match the Blades of Versailles known as Eclaire's arms. A fact that the blonde was quite eager to brag about until something caught her eye.

A glance down revealed that, when one would stop drooling from the mushrooming of racks so massive they could crush boxes of soda cans on their own, the bosoms of both women weren't exactly on equal footing. As a matter of fact, Honie was several sizes bigger than Eclaire! Despite being the one on the offensive, it almost looked like Eclaire's chest was being overwhelmed and eclipsed by the opposition! That smile that would've led to a boastful speech was paired with a twitching eye of disbelief and a hint of embarrassment. While her pride had been fortified, it had also taken quite the hefty blow within the same war of asset attrition! Now eager to make sure everybody was distracted by the clash of burning muscles, Eclaire doubled down her efforts! She would lean back and flex so hard, it was as if she was trying to reduce Honie to dust! "Has our little fumble bee made a match ending bumble so soon? We haven't even gotten to the smothering yet darling, so don't go getting beewitched by my perfection now! OOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!"

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