[Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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Re: [Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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Overconfidence was often a fatal thing in the ring. Karina had learned that time and time again, yet it was never remembered at times like this. All she saw in front of her was one hot teacher that she almost desperately wanted to dominate. She had captured Ms. Apple in a side headlock, making sure her face got to enjoy that warm side boob, a bit disappointed that she was able to smother the woman with bare side boob but there was always room for that later. For now she had to weaken the woman so that she could go for riskier holds.

Her brow arched when the woman spoke, not sure what she was meaning but once she felt a hand upon her back thigh and another around her waist, she was left wondering for those few seconds until the woman suddenly lifted her clean off her feet! Surprised by the strength of the teacher, she didn't have the time to brace herself as she was lifted up, over and slammed down onto the canvas, forced to release her opponent! Her breasts bounced wildly from the impact and she remained on her back, stunned for those few seconds!
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Re: [Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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It seemed that the more that the two pressed against one another, the more wild Karina became as she continued to push her advantage, a desperation in her to take down the busty instructor, but Ms. Apple was wise to her foes desires, and being as intellectual of a wrestler as she was, she knew she could take advantage of it! And so when Karina did manage to get her foe in headlock, Aubrey seemed quite calm, as she would grab hold of Karina's leg and wrap her arm around the larger woman's waist, hefting her up and over to drop her into the canvas!

"Ah, much better! I believe that should give me ample time for this..." Ms. Apple mused, before suddenly swinging around and mounting Karina, grabbing the back of her foe's head and pulling it upwards, before rolling the pair over! If all went successfully, Ms. Apple would end up on her back with Karina's head having been pulled between her thighs, the teacher's grip forcing her foe's face right into her crotch as she wrapped her thick legs around her foe, trapping her in a suffocating headscissor!

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Re: [Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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Thinking that she had the woman trapped and ready for more punishment, Karina's focus had laxed and did not expect the teacher to actually counter her! She was hoisted up and slammed to the canvas, finding herself on the ground rather than on her feet with her hands ready to play with her opponent! There was enough time for Ms. Apple to change things up now, with Karina groaning from the rushing pain that suplex had given her while the woman straddled her, which slowly caused Karina too refocus.. But a little too late!

She was turned around together with her opponent, laying on her stomach with her face buried into the woman's crotch! It didn't take long for Karina's face to light up with the shade of crimson. " Mmmh.. " She moaned into it before those thighs surrounded her and squeezed her right into that headscissor hold, though with the added mix of Karina being buried into that crotch, a rather humiliating hold that quickly caused Karina to panic! She brought her hands up to grasp and pull on the teacher's thighs while the woman got to relish at the sight of Karina's struggles and her rather flustered facial expression!
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Re: [Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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While Karina held a sense of supreme confidence in herself, Ms. Apple had managed to work her opponent right into a position that she wanted her in, which allowed the busty instructor to wrap her legs around Karina's head and pull the larger woman's face into her crotch, locking in a tight headscissor! As Aubrey squeezed her thighs tight around her foe's head, she could see Karina's face beginning to turn a deep shade of scarlet, the teacher letting a smirk cross her face as she reached down to try and grab hold of Karina's hands and pull them away from her thighs!

"Shhhhh darling, relax. Stay here with me for a bit." Ms. Apple coo'd gently as she held onto her foe, attempting to slip her fingers between Karina's to join them together, holding her hands as she choked her with her legs! A quite lewd hold, one that Aubrey wanted to hold onto for as long as she was possibly able, keeping her foe smothered in her crotch and choked by her thick thighs!

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Re: [Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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This was bad. Karina had lost her favorable position and in turn, her head was buried between the teacher's thigh and she was practically getting familiar with the woman's crotch. It was hard for Karina to focus on anything else, her hands were captured while she was having a bit of a panicky kind of struggle, her fingers curling and entwining with the teacher's, pressing into those hands and quickly found them captured. " Mmmh... " Her voice was muffled, the sounds could only escape against the fabric of Ms. Apple's crotch, that face grew redder the longer it went on!

She could only kick with her legs now, though it was only against the mat, not being able to actually reach the teacher's body thanks to Karina's lack of flexibility! Her strength was fading fast, both from basically kissing the teacher's crotch but also because of those thick thighs squeezing into her, enveloping her with that soft, tempting flesh that still had more than enough power to choke Karina out unless she was would do something about it.. But right now she was all out of answers and with a mouthful of crotch!
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Re: [Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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Sliding her hands downwards to Karina's, Ms. Apple had joined the pair of them together and held tight to her foe, Karina's face a bright crimson red, or at least, what little of it that could be seen peeking out from the busty teacher's crotch, still stuck tight in her headscissor! Karina gave a muffled groan into the redhead's womanhood, but Ms. Apple held tight, her thick thighs smushing against the sides of Karina's neck and face, as the teacher made sure to stare down at her foe's eyes, barely able to be seen, as she choked the life out of her!

"You seem like you're quite the strong lady, but perhaps you need some courses in how to escape headscissors, hmmm? Or maybe you just like where you're at that much..." Ms. Apple teased her opponent, wiggling her hips ever so slightly to jostle her opponent, before redoubling her efforts to squeeze Karina senseless, if not to KO her foe, then to make sure she was going to be nice and susceptible to whatever came next!

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Re: [Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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Karina's whole wild demeanor was starting to crumble. The teacher had her good and Karina was practically tasting that covered crotch thanks to the hold the woman had forced her in! Her head was starting to throb from the constant pain Ms. Apple was giving her, those legs were truly dangerous and it was working wonders on taking away Karina's might. Her eyes began to flutter, the woman began to speak and definitely seemed she was in her element now, though the added extra of Karina starting to turn completely red and flustered would definitely add to that!

Her hands were squeezing down on the girl's hips, digging her fingers into it and trying to pull those legs free almost desperately despite the strength fading more and more. The teacher knew how to attack Karina now and Karina's muffled sounds were basically vibrating into that crotch, with Karina just simply shifting against the canvas as it looked like she might just reach that point of passing out if the powerful teacher kept this up!
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Re: [Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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With Karina's head firmly stuck between her thighs, Ms. Apple had her foe right where she wanted her, and she knew that Karina was starting to slow down by quite a substantial amount, meaning that Aubrey had more than free reign to continue crushing her foe between her thighs, making sure she was nice and docile! Of course, Ms. Apple did have some other ideas, so after copious amounts of squeezing from the busty redhead, she would attempt to suddenly roll the pair over, so that she was on top of a prone Karina, her foe now on her back!

"Awwww, you're so well behaved now! How about I reward you?" Teased the teacher, before she would attempt to suddenly spin around whilst sitting atop Karina, presenting her round, thick ass to her foe! And with little besides that warning for Karina, Aubrey would suddenly sit down, planting her thick ass on the face of her opponent, smothering her in the facesit!

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Re: [Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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Now that she was spending quality time between Ms. Apple's thighs, it was obvious that it was getting to the long haired fighter. Even if the teacher could not see Karina's overly reddened face for some reason, those muffled moans of protest would only be heard and felt by the teacher! Just when it felt like Karina would lose consciousness from the lengthy squeezing crotch smothering, she was finally released! She couldn't get away though as Ms. Apple quickly pushed Karina onto her back instead and got on top of Karina. She was able to breathe again but the position she was in definitely wasn't going to end well for her if she let the teacher have more free time to dismantle Karina's strength!

The woman spoke but Karina had a hunch what was about to happen the moment the woman turned around to show off that tempted yet deadly backside! " Nnhhmm.. " She would moan out, her hands coming up to push against the teacher's legs but there wasn't enough time to force the woman away, who now decided to have Karina get acquainted with her behind now as it came right down upon Karina's still warm and reddened face! She moaned against that butt when she took a seat on Karina's face, which was met with quick and frantic squirming with her legs and her body ,twisting from side to side! She knew the teacher's curves were dangerous but so far Karina was getting really familiar with them, now with her face buried between those cheeks and with her laps practically pressed up against those cheeks!
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Re: [Smother Match] Karina vs Ms. Apple

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Ms. Apple had been in control of her opponent for a surprising amount of time as she choked Karina out with her thighs, holding onto her foe's hands to make sure that she had even less of a chance of freeing herself, all while the two stared longingly at one another... or at least as longingly as Karina could while she was being choked by the teacher! Still, Ms. Apple couldn't help herself, and while she did want to continue spending time with Karina's face in between her thighs, she had another, far spicier idea! And she would execute it when she rolled Karina over to her back, before spinning herself around and planting her thick, pale ass on the face of her gorgeous opponent, smothering the woman beneath her with her hefty backside!

"Hmmmm... now do you need instruction on how to counter a smother... Or do you maybe just like having my ass in your face?" Ms. Apple mused to herself, a wry smile crossing the teacher's face as she wiggled her hips from side to side, jiggling her thick asscheeks on Karina's face! While her foe writhed underneath her, Ms. Apple would simply relax and grab hold of Karina's hands once more, holding them gently as she stole the air of the woman underneath her using her ass, completely humiliating and dominating her in the process!

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