Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
It was the start of a new weekly installment of LAW's TV show, and after the cameras started rolling and the opening remarks by the announcers had been made, it was time to get the show on the road with the first match of the night. Like many opening matches - the so-called curtain-jerkers - this one was to be between two of LAW's Young Lionesses, the trainees who still were yet to complete their work in developmental and graduate to the main roster. Many times, these matches didn't get as much attention as the main card - the competitors were no-names, with basic, simple fighting styles that were still developing, and without the sort of flair and expertise that the main roster enjoyed.

But none of that mattered to Meiyun Lai. As she stood at the Gorilla position, she held her back straight and her chin up, her hands balled and held at her sides as she prepared herself that was, to her, the most exciting challenge of her life. She and her fellow Young Lioness Nico Cardona had both established themselves in LAW, for better or worse - Nico's fast-paced style and infectious personality had won her some fans at the Young Lioness Cup, while Meiyun had, less fortunately, become recognized for her ill-fated attempts to take on Rose Gold, and the crushing defeat she suffered at her hands, leading the Heavyweight Champion Astrid Ostberg to step in in her defense. More recently, a class together had led to an impromptu spar, where both girls had impressed their trainers with their skill and determination. With all the pieces in place, it was time for the two of them to see a rematch, officially and in the ring! Meiyun had found Nico to be a worthy opponent in what taste she'd had of her, and ever since their last spar, she could hardly wait for the two of them to cross paths again. She didn't care what anyone might have thought; to her, this was her main event!

"Coming first to the ring, from Tokyo, Japan! At 5'6 and 116 pounds, MEIYUN LAI!"
As music started playing, Meiyun made her way down the entrance ramp, a bright and determined grin on her face. She waved to the fans on either side of the aisle, some of whom even cheered for her, which only made her smile wider! When she came to the ring, she rolled under the bottom rope, popping back up to her feet to throw a few fists in the air in order to warm herself up. "Aaaaall right! Let's go!~ I'm ready for you, Nico!"
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Re: Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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This was not Nicos first time in this arena. In fact she fought not just in the young Lioness Cup where her talents had become something people had come to talk about, garnering a small crowd of Fans, she also had faced the famous and notorious LAW Veteran Theresia Niedermeyr, of course for a rather short match that did'nt end well for Nico.

Still the pretty Catalonian had time to show what she was capable off and even more people got aware of her. Nico, even if she was loud, bubbly and loved to entertain, was in fact pretty modest. She was a nice catholic girl who valued good deeds to others and seld improvement over fame and fortune. But what Nico really was here for was to make friends and since she had gotten here, her open persona and her charming good looks had opened her the hearts of many of her fellow Lionesses like Sheila, her roommate Reny who had become a sort of sister for her and Teuila Masina, the talented beauty from Samoa who... Had a whole own relationship with the blonde Catalonian that made Nicos heart jump and butterflies form in her stomach. She also had become friends with Cyber Widow, even if Theresia never would admit it. Nico had visited her often by now and had even met her daugther Ana. Serilda seemed not so much impressed by the bubbly blonde but Nico was intent to change it.

But now she was standing at Gorilla Position for a whole other reason. She had some great matches so far with her match against Teuila at the Cup surely the cherry on top but now she wanted to make this all pale as she went up against another girl that had become a close friend. Meiyun Lai. Not just did her fellow student match her good looks and energy, she also was a martial artist and Nico just could'nt wait to see what her buddy was capable off in the ring, in a real match, rather then in a spar!

Her music, the "Cant del Barca", started to play as the crowd cheered a bit, of course not as much as for one of the LAW Stars but enough to make a young lioness feel appreciated. But even if Nico was'nt new to the ring, it still was a debut. Her trainers had urged her to drop fighting in her Barca tricot and shorts and go for something more practical. Nico heard the call and sar down with the seamstress department of LAW to come up with a special leotard she would present on this very evening.
And her opponent, from Barcelona, Spain, at 5'7 and 143 lbs, she is the Goleador, NICOOOOOOO CARDOOONAAAAAAAA!

She stepped out while holding a ball under her arm, grinning and waving to the crowd before she locked eyes with Meiyun and waved eagerly. The crowd reaction grew noticibly stronger as they saw the FC Barca inspired Leotard that hugged Nicos forms tightly. But it was'nt a simple leotard like other Lionesses had them, it was cut out much higher, giving the crowd a good look at Nicos perfectly shapes thighs and the cleavage was very accentuated, putting Nicos nice bust in shape and presenting it to the crowd. Even if she was a modest and faithful girl, Nico just could'nt resist to show what she got.

And why not, God created her to look like this, why hide it?
She dropped the ball and proceedesd to walk down the ramp doing various tricks with it, her footballshoes fitting perfectly, feeling like a second skin. The applause and cheers had gotte noticibly louder as Nico put the ball between her ankles and jumped to the apron before throwing it into the air, jumping into the ring and catching it with her head.

She gave a wink to Meiyun and with a loud: "OLE!", she shot the ball into the crowd, having an autograph and a lipstick kiss on it. Nico in her mind was still a football girl and it was common practice to shoot autographed balls into the ranks of fans when the team had a big victory.

Her theme faded and she bowed, presenting her fine round cheeks to Meiyun that were prominently featured in the highcutted leotard. She turned around and then jumped right into her friends arms, kissing both her cheeks, hugging her tight.

"Aaiiii Mei! Would you look at this! They are all here for us!", she grinned. Of course Nico carefully ignored the fact that the arena was half full, some people went for the toilet or the snacks and that they were just the first match. Still, as Meiyun, Nico saw this a main event and they would treat it like it.

" Soo, lets make our new entrenadors proud!", Nico smiled and gave Meiyun a high five. "Young Lioness! We rule!", she grinned and struck a pose. "Come Mei, you too!", she grinned as both girls struck various animeposes for the single camperaman present.
"Good luck!", she grinned and gave Mei a high five before going into her corner, jumping up and down and stretching her arms, ready for action!


Usually Nico would now proceed to change into her usual fighting stance but she wanted to test the water first and approached Meiyun with a lifted arm, a clear invitation for a test of strength!
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Re: Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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Even as she got into her corner, Meiyun was welling up with energy. She started hopping back and forth in place, shaking out her arms in order to warm herself up, and in the process causing her ponytail to sway and her breasts to jiggle a fair amount. That got her a few cheers, but still not enough to bring down the house the way a major star might expect to be received. But for Meiyun, it wasn't about attention. What excited her the most was the prospect of facing Nico Cardona, who had shown herself to be a perfect match for her skills not only in her striking prowess but also in her infectious energy. If Nico was going to bring any of that fervor and passion into her matches, then Meiyun was sure to be put to the test. But any test was a chance for her to prove her strength, and she wasn't going to balk at such an opportunity!

Nico was putting that energy on full display as she came to the ring with a spring in her step, pulling off a few expertly timed tricks with her football without even missing a step. Meiyun's eyes went wide, following every move she made. If she knew one thing about Nico, it was that the blonde really knew how to work a crowd! Even when the crowd was thinner than usual, they could appreciate her coordination as much as her showmanship. And that surely wasn't the only thing they appreciated, considering Nico's energy wasn't the only thing she had on full display - when she bent over for a bow, Meiyun blushed a little as she looked on at her well-sculpted behind hugged tightly by her new leotard. Of course, she and Nico were just good friends, as far as Meiyun was concerned. But that only meant that they were both all the more encouraged to give it their all, to shine even brighter for one another. And the moment Nico came running toward Meiyun, she hugged her tight, pulling her against her chest; the force with which they slammed into each other was enough to spin Meiyun around in a circle, but she still giggled as she let Nico go and took a step back.

"Oh yeah we rock!!" she cheered, throwing her arm around Nico's shoulder as she winked at her before turning to the crowd. "And tonight, we're gonna bring the house down!~ Just watch us!" She dropped into each pose they struck as though she'd rehearsed it time and time again, which, in fact, she had. And with each flash of the camera, Meiyun's smile grew wider and wider. She and Nico were hitting their stride if they had made it to a match like this, and they could only climb higher and higher from here - and the future on the horizon was a bright one! Of course, the chance to goof around and do cool poses in the middle of the ring didn't dampen her spirits one bit!

As the two girls broke away from each other, Meiyun slapped Nico's hand, showing her an eager nod as she backed into the corner. "You too, Nico! But make no mistake..." As Meiyun sank into a stance and bent at the knee, she pounded a fist into her open palm. "I'm still in this to win it!~"

When the bell rang, Nico came forward toward Meiyun, her arm raised for a lockup. The brunette might have been the type to come out swinging, but she wanted to be a good sport about it - she nodded her head to Nico, coming running ahead before she latched onto her to even out the test of strength. Immediately, she clenched her teeth, shoving her shoulders in closer to Nico as her fingers coiled tighter around her hands with each ounce of force she pushed with. It was soon evident to Meiyun that Nico outweighed her, and she hissed through her teeth as they tightened into a grimace and her brow furrowed in focus. But Meiyun wasn't going to let anything stop her from rising to a challenge, and she kept at it nonetheless!
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Re: Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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Nico was always happy to find new friends which she could spend time with, doing all the stuff that made her happy. Watching Movies, talk endlessly about nerdy stuff and yes, wrestle! Nico loved the sport, not as much as her beloved football, but still enough to put her whole being into it. Meiyun, it seemed could provide everything and already Nico knew that they would be friends. Not just friends, friendly rivals. She just felt that she found a kindred spirit in Meiyun who also wanted to show what she was capable off and the blonde Catalonian would not dissapoint her.

Their fingers interlocked and soon the two young lionesses found themselves in a test of strength, a basic match starter, for sure, but Nico wanted to know what she was dealing her first and when this would grant her a first advantage then all the better! Their breasts pressed into each other, making the crowd a bit more intrested in their fight as their arms trembled at their sides.

Nico felt Meiyun struggling, thei was a fair weight difference between the two Lionesses and Nico would use it as she put her whole body into it, slowly getting Meiyun back to the ropes. If she was successful she would let got of her friendy send a swift knee into her midsection and then grab her to send her flying into the opposite direction. It everything worked accordingly Nico would wait with a roundhouse kick, sending her friend to the mat!
Last edited by RedShinigami on Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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If Nico was eager to face Meiyun, then her opponent was just as excited. From the moment they locked eyes and stepped into the center of the ring, she had a wide smile across her face, and her heart was pounding with anticipation. She was always ready to prove herself in a contest of strength, might, and endurance, and now she had the perfect opportunity to do so in front of everyone! But she and Nico had also formed a close friendship, and she couldn't have asked for anyone better to be her opponent tonight. Not only was she going to show off her skills, but she got to spend the time with a good friend in the process - but of course, just because Nico was Meiyun's friend didn't mean she was going to go easy on her. She was in this to win it, too!

Meiyun's eyes narrowed in focus as she looked up into Nico's own, and her fingers interlaced her opponent's as she squeezed her hand hard, already showing her determination to win the match in the tenacity of her grip. She shoved up against the Catalan girl with her shoulders and her chest to try and control her motion, but Nico was quick to meet her back with much the same, evening out the pressure. In fact, it wouldn't be long before Nico, being the heavier of the two, began to get an advantage over the brunette - Meiyun began to double back, bending at the knees and arching her back as her opponent began to steer her toward the ropes. She hissed through her teeth, doing her best to resist, but little by little, she was coming closer and closer to the edge of the ring - and then, when her back was right up against the wall, Nico swung a knee straight up into her gut!

"Gyaah-!!" Her teeth clenching, Meiyun doubled over forward, her ponytail whipping around as she felt herself nearly lifted off her feet from the force of the blow. From there, Nico was able to whip her across the ring, sending her running straight into the ropes and bouncing off the other side. The next thing Meiyun knew, she was coming charging right back at her foe - and surely she would have an attack planned when she came into range. However, Meiyun saw an opportunity for herself as well - an opportunity to leverage the momentum of her charge into her next move! As she closed in on Nico, she suddenly hurled herself off her feet, shouting out a battle cry as she held her arms out straight to try and drive herself into the blonde with a spear!
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Re: Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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Nico and Meiyun pushed at each others body in the middle of the ring, trying to overpower the other one with their power alone. Even if their style was'nt built on raw power, the crowd could see the formidable build of the ladies and all the training that went into getting in this shape as their bodies strained against each other. It helped to enjoy it of course that their breasts pressed into one another while their heads rested on each others shoulders. For some time it was outweighed, none of the two competitors able to get the higher ground before Nicos weight advantage would finally end the discussion, driving the lighter girl more and more into the ropes behind her. Even if Meiyun still resisted, giving Nico a hard time, she ended with her back into the ropes. And as if this had been a trigger or a switch turning, Nicos knee spiked into the gut of the Hakka Girl with such force that her light body was lifted from the ground for a second.

Nico grinned and did'nt waste any time as she grabbed her friend and sent her into the ropes, hoping to have enough power behind it to throw her back into the oncoming attack of the blonde girl, namely a roundhouse kick that had Meiyuns head written all over it. The Catalonian got into position, her body a well oiled machine, everything that she did had a purpose, the athlet in her as strong as the nerd. She had trained her whole life, sport was something that was in Nicos blood it seemed and the energetic blonde had formed not only a formidable body out of it, she also developed her own fighting style and today the crowd and Meiyun would be witness to it again.

Meiyun had became her friend quickly, both bonding over anime and their training. It seemed given. The Hakka was a nice and friendly girl, just like Sheila, or Teuila. Nico easily could get into Meiyuns mindset. It was as if she had met her asian counterpart. An energetic, never backing down girl with a fable for nerdy stuff, quotes and cool poses. Nico and Meiyun had to fight to get this match on the way. Their trainers still were'nt sure if they would be up for the task of delivering a good enough show but with some words from their new Entrenadors Ryan and Jonathan it had been made possible. And even if it was just the starter in an already rather modest show tonight, both Nico and Meiyun agreed to make it the crowds main event and so far the people in their seats seemed intrested enough. Sure, the start was rather slow, but it also showed what was to be expected by the girls. Everyone remembered how both of them had been basically slaughtered by a member of the main roster, but they managed to hold themselves better then everyone would have thought and so the intrest of seeing this young newcomers duking it out had at least a little bit of promise.

The Blonde got into position to send a big and devastating kick into her friends direction when Meiyun suddenly shifted her body, using her momentum. "Què-", Nico gasped as her Meiyun went down and slammed into her midsection with all the force she could muster, sending the Blonde back and down to the mat with the Hakka in top position. "Ungh...", Nico gasped, trying to hold her aching midsection. "Not bad Mei...", she whispered and tried to roll away if Meiyun had'nt some other plans...
Last edited by RedShinigami on Thu Jul 21, 2022 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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Nico might have developed a fighting style of her own, drawing from both her experience as a footballer and her prior training in martial arts, but Meiyun had come to formulate her own strategy for how she approached her matches. Sure, it wasn't a very complex strategy, or one that was all that thought out, but it was a strategy nonetheless. Every time Meiyun got in the ring, she was going to throw herself at her opponent as hard as she could, laying into them with as many punches, kicks, and throws as she could muster and never giving them an opportunity to get away or counter. That was the case here - as she bounced off the ropes, Meiyun simply came charging back toward where her opponent lay in wait, kicking off the ground to catapult herself straight into Nico and take her down with a spear!

Had Meiyun been any slower, or Nico faster, the brunette could well have thrown herself headlong into a trap. Fortunately for her, she moved with such blinding speed, and Nico was so shocked by how brazen her plan was, that the thought of escape didn't even cross her mind up until it was already too late! Meiyun's shoulder slammed into Nico's gut at top speeds, knocking the air out of her lungs. And, as she fell back, Meiyun was able to come down on top of her to take the top position - something she wasn't about to scoff at!

A grin came to the girl's face as she pushed herself back up, looking to keep Nico down. "Gotcha!~" she cheered - only to look down and see that Nico was already trying to get away! Meiyun's eyes narrowed into a glare. Just when she thought she had taken control, Nico was slipping through her fingers - but she wouldn't let her get away with that for long!

"Oh no, you don't!" Meiyun called out. As Nico turned over on her side, Meiyun would quickly lash out to grab for her arm, attempting to twist it behind her back! There, she would try to keep her wrist pinned between her shoulder blades for a hammerlock!
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Re: Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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Nico was amazed by Meiyun, sure her style was a bit sloppy, but she gave it 100 percent, that much was for sure! The Blonde had thrown the Hakka into the ropes, waiting for the momentum to make her tumble back, right into a perfect roundhouse kick that would send her japanese friend flying! Only that Meiyun had other ideas as she used the ropes to gather some speed, bowed down and speared the Catalonian right into her midsection and to the ground.

The crowd slowly came to life as both girls hit the floor, Nicos body slamming on the canvas, her breasts jiggling in the motion. The new leotard she had ordered really left nothing to the imagination and indeed when Meiyun had pinned her friend down the motion of Nicos breasts revealed the disadvantages of her new outfit as one of her breasts slipped out. "Eeeek! Mei, you perv!", Nico shouted in a mix of surprise and kinkiness, sticking out her tongue. Using the distraction she slipped away, trying to get to her feet but the Hakka proved to be not so easily distracted as she turned on her heel and grabbed for the europeans arm, catching her in an hammerlock that made the blonde girl whince, and what was worse, her left breast still looked out to the crowd do to the malfunction of her new outfit.

The crowd did'nt need an invitation to cheer the spectacle now. The match was fast, intense and they got to see some skin, what could be better? Nico looked up to the titantron and gulped. "DEU MEU!", she screamed and hoped that her Momia was'nt watching now! Or her relatives! Nico blushed, usually she did'nt had much of a problem being naked around her fellow Lionesses or other wrestlers, but in the ring it was a bit...different for the catholic girl.

But thankfully she had one arm free and took care to put everything back into its place, much to the chagrin of some of the already drunken male fans. Now that this was taken care of, Nico could work her magic. "Uhn...Mei...stripping could have waited until we are back at the showers...", she grinned, using her lose mouth to distract her friend. With a sudden turn she wrapped her free arm around the head of Meiyun and dropped down, getting her friend down on the mat with a perfecty delivered standing jawbreaker. If everything worked like Nico would have forseen then she would rub her sore arm and scooted closer to her friend, deciding to make use of her strongest weapons! She wrapped her legs around Meiyuns midsection and then squeezed down with everything she got! The muscles in her powerful footballer legs visible as she crushed the midsection of her friend,trying to weaken her enough to show her more of the Cardona Method..on the living object!

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Re: Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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Meiyun was an excitable girl. When she took to the ring, it was easy for her to get caught up in the thrill of what she was doing. She was out there living the dream, proving she was the strong, brave, capable hero she'd always dreamed of being! When faced with the prospect of all of her wildest fantasies coming true, living out every heart-pounding breath-taking battle in every manga she had ever read, how could she not get excited? But that was a double-edged sword. It meant that Meiyun was dedicated to what she did, and she was all the more motivated to throw everything she had in her into every move she made. But it also meant that, in all her enthusiasm, there were things around her that could slip through the cracks. Sometimes, this meant that she would lose sight of an opening she left her opponent, or a vital action to take to secure her dominance. Other times, though, it meant that when her spear had struck Nico with enough force to knock her breast right out of her leotard, she didn't even notice - not until she had already twisted her arm back behind her, and heard her playfully berating her!

"Huh..?" Meiyun paused for a moment, looking back at her opponent with confusion. Then, her gaze wandered up higher - and when she saw Nico's bare breast displayed to the world on the big screen, her jaw dropped, and her face blushed a vivid red. "Omigosh-!! Nico, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean-!" Meiyun might have been excitable, but she was still a nice girl deep down. She didn't want Nico to feel uncomfortable because of what she did. But, as a matter of fact, that could only work in Nico's favor. Meiyun had let down her guard - and now, the blonde could strike!

In her panic, Meiyun had let her grip on Nico's arm slip ever so slightly, loosening the pressure she put on her joints. As such, the Catalan girl had more room to manuever - enough, in fact, to throw her other arm around her opponent's head and drop straight down, slamming her jaw straight into the crook of her arm! Meiyun fell with a clattering of teeth, landing with a thud with her knees folded over beneath her and her rear in the air as she let out a low groan. She was still reeling from the pain - and once again Nico would take advantage, standing over her and lacing her legs around her waist to clamp down a powerful bodyscissor!

Suddenly, Meiyun was once again shaken back to her senses by the sensation of her waist being crushed inward. Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped as she jolted up from the mat, crying out in pain and shock only for her voice to be drowned out in a hoarse wheeze with Nico squeezing the air out of her lungs! In a panic, she began to slap and pull at the side of Nico's legs, hoping to get her to loosen her grip!
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Re: Meiyun Lai vs. Nico Cardona

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Nico liked Meiyun. And that was the reason why she would'nt hold back. Beneath all the naive cheeriness and fun that Nico presented beat the heart of an athlethe. And the only thing they did was looking for to become better and help their fellow athlethes achieve greatness too. It would'nt helo Meiyun nor Nico if they held back or just pretended. Nico was about to make sure to show everything she got and she was hoping that Meiyun too had plenty to show her in the course of the match.

Now her strong legs had wrapped themselves around Meiyun in a crushing bodyscissor, Nico grabbing for the neck of her friend before wrapping her arms around it, putting her into a sleeperhold, adding to the pressure and really making things difficult for the Hakka in the first minutes of the match. A few fans started to boo, expecting the match,ike most YL matches to be over soon and just a waste of time.

When Nico heard them she just tightened her grip."Mei, you have to get out of this. I know you can. We promised this people a show. They don't believe in us. They just see two rookies having a quick match. They treat us like an afterthought. And Nico Franziska Anna Cardona is no afterthought!", the proud Cathalonian said and kept Meiyun tight to her body, her breasts serving as pillow for her japanese friend while her legs still crushed her mercilessly and her arms preventing any air or blood reaching her friends head. But Nico was sure that Meiyun would find a way out. She believed in her friend after all.

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