Miss Spencer vs. Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima(Debut)

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Miss Spencer vs. Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima(Debut)

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Miss Spencer was enjoying her time at LAW. She's been able to see familiar and new faces in this promotion which made for more competition to keep her on her toes. Miss Spencer would put on her favorite bikini on for her next match. She heard that her opponent in this upcoming match would be making her LAW debut. This excited Muriel because she'd be in the ring with more of the fresh competition that LAW boasted. Miss Spencer wasn't going to go easy on her opponent time, every match was about making a statement to management that you want to be in line for a title shot. With the LAW Middleweight Title finally unveiled Miss Spencer had to impress management in this match. Miss Spencer would do some stretches as she waited for the announcer to introduce her.

Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall. In this contest there will be no count outs, and hentai moves would be allowed. Now introducing first, from Canada.MISS SPENCER!!!! "

Miss Spencer would make her way down toward the ring jogging down to it causing her breasts to bounce beautifully as Miss Spencer did so. When Miss Spencer got to the ring she'd slide underneath the bottom rope to enter the ring. Miss Spencer would get up to her feet and would wave at the cheering LAW crowd for a bit before she'd blow some kisses to the crowd. Then Miss Spencer would wait in her corner for her opponent to make her entrance.

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Re: Miss Spencer vs. Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima(Debut)

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Waiting at the Gorilla position, Eirina Makishima could barely contain her excitement. She had heard of LAW before, and now, it would be her turn to make her debut in this league. While she could still be considered part-timer due to her day job as a doctor, she knew that she would slowly make a name for herself here in LAW. Dressed in her wrestling attire, which consisted of red-and-white bikini ensemble, a pair of red detached sleeves, a pair of metallic-looking bands on her thighs and a pair of red ankle-length boots, Eirina stepped out into the stage, making her debut into LAW!
Eirina Makishima
"Now, introducing, from Tokyo, Japan... EIRINA MAKISHIMA!!!!"

Eirina's theme was played, and she would strut down the ramp, blowing kisses and winks to the cheering masses, whom recognized her during her tenures in smaller leagues. Eirina was delighted to have dedicated fans even in this big league, and they were looking forward to see the Frau Doktor in action, and being a show-woman she was, she would not settle for anything less.

Once she reached the ring, her theme song faded, and she climbed up the steel steps before entering the ring, slipping through the ropes. She would saunter around the ring, posing seductively and giving the cameramen some good angles to shoot before she gave her soon-to-be-opponent a mischievous wink. "Let's have a good match, darling~" Then, she would head over to her corner to wait for the bell to ring. She was looking forward for this match, and she hoped that her opponent would give her something to remember during her debut into LAW.

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Re: Miss Spencer vs. Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima(Debut)

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Miss Spencer had to say she was impressed by her opponent's physique. It was clear that this was a woman who had been in plenty of wrestling matches before. Miss Spencer would smile at Eirina and would respond to her statement by saying. "Oh we most certainly will." The bell would ring signalling the start of the match, and both women would circle the ring for a bit as if they were scanning the other woman for an exploitable weakness. Miss Spencer and Eirina would close the distance between themselves and Miss Spencer would signal for a lock up in the center of the ring. Miss Spencer wanted to feel out just how strong or resourceful Eirina was and a lock up in the early going would help her with gauging her opponent's abilities.

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Re: Miss Spencer vs. Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima(Debut)

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The ringing of the bell signaled the start of the match, and Eirina looked at her opponent signalling her for a lock up. A simple contest of strength, something that she could definitely handle. She would get close to Spencer, interlocking her fingers with the Canadian's and started pushing. But, she would hold her strength back for this occasion, letting herself be pushed back by her opponent so that she could be pushed to where she wanted herself to be. She made sure to indirectly guide Miss Spencer towards one corner, and made it a show to sell it by furrowing her brow, as if struggling under Miss Spencer's strength.

Because her real plan was to use Miss Spencer's strength against her so that she could pull the Canadian while she was pushing, and she would attempt to have Miss Spencer collide against the turnbuckle with that.

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Re: Miss Spencer vs. Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima(Debut)

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Miss Spencer would start to push Eirina back toward the corner and the LAW crowd would watch with anticipation as Miss Spencer inched Eirina toward the corner until the last moment Miss Spencer's strength and momentum would be used against her forcing Miss Spencer's back into the corner. Now Miss Spencer was being pressed against the corner. Miss Spencer would wait for her opponent to break the lock up as she remained in the corner waiting for Eirina to make her move. Miss Spencer may have been pinned down in the corner but she wasn't sure how to deal with her opponent. All she gathered was that Eirina was crafty thus far.

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Re: Miss Spencer vs. Frau Doktor Eirina Makishima(Debut)

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Already trapping Miss Spencer at the corner, Eirina was planning to press on with her attack, and she would do so by grabbing Miss Spencer by her shoulders. Using the other woman's shoulders as her leverage, Eirina would lift herself up, propping up her knees, aiming to drive them both into her chest with a double knee strike!

A successful hit would prompt Eirina to try following up the double knee strike with a monkey flip, throwing Miss Spencer back into the center of the ring.

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