Goth Vs. Goliath: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Kyojin

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Goth Vs. Goliath: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Kyojin

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Standard Match
Phoebe Duclair Vs. Kyojin
Win via Pinfall or Submission
Phoebe Duclair
When there was an announcement that the monstrous wrestler known as Kyojin was taking on more matches for the future, Phoebe had to sign up for that list. To her, it was a disgrace how Mary Clairson performed against the big lady, getting thrown along like a ragdoll despite supposedly being this great wrestler. It proved how Phoebe thinks jhow Mary is intensely overrated and she was gonna show her how to take down Kyojin, despite being lighter then Mary. "I'll have that big woman wasted in five minutes." Phoebe said to herself smugly, doing some leg stretches before heading out to the ring while her music played.

The lights turned dim in the arena, and Phoebe came out onto the stage to a mix of boos, cheers and "Kyojin's gonna kill you" chants. This did not deter Phoebe at all as the spotlight shined on her. She walked down the ramp, walked up the steel steps, and then under the middle rope and heading to her corner. She did a pose as the arena lit up again.

Phoebe now waited for her massive opponent to come to the ring to prove she's a much better wrestler then overrrated Mary.

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Re: Goth Vs. Goliath: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Kyojin

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When you hear 7 feet, one has to wonder how tall that truly is. Sure, it's tall, but is it really that tall? One could watch sports on TV and get the wrong idea of just how big that really is, since everyone there is tall. In basketball, 7 footers is considered normal -- vital even. And on the TV, they don't seem that much bigger than the other players. But then, you go to one of the games, and even the 'smaller' players are just so much taller than you. You realize how big 6'6" really is. 6'6", 6'7", 6'8". And if those players are big, just how big are the players who are 7'0"?

One could suspect that Phoebe was about to have that realization.

(Start at 0:20)

The giant walked out onto the stage, that same cold expression on her face, the same one she had when she walked out vs. Mary. It seemed that victory hadn't brightened her spirits and that the same Kyojin Mary was decimated by– would face Phobe in the ring right now. A slow march gave the goth plenty of time to think, to take in her opponent, and formulate some strategy against her if she foolishly hadn't already. But the time to reconsider and retreat? That was cut off as soon as Kyojin gripped the ropes and pulled herself onto the apron, and stepped over the top rope without effort to enter the ring and stand across from the lightweight.

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Re: Goth Vs. Goliath: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Kyojin

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Phoebe laid back on her corner turnbuckle, waiting for her opponent to arrive. When Kyojin came walking down the ramp, a smug look came onto Phoebe's face. While many would be intimidated by the sheer mass of Kyojin, Phoebe welcomed the opportunity to become a giant slayer with open arms. She knew decisively she was better then that wimp Mary, who could barely hurt a fly, even less take down anybody worth their salt. Unlike Mary, Phoebe had a killer instinct, she had confidence in herself. She knows that by the end of this match, Kyojin would be the one that fears her.

When Kyojin, came into the ring, Phoebe walked immediately to her, trying to size her up. Some were impressed by the guts of the goth girl, others could only laugh as she only came up to Kyojin's chest, basically around where her breasts are. But Phoebe had this smug, confident grin, and a face that people would describe as very punchable at the moment.

"Come on you big lug, show me what you got after you devoured the whole buffet." Phoebe said as she attempted to push Kyojin with both her arms, attempting to incense and anger the giant, to get inside her head.

Was Phoebe acting too big for her leotard, or was this actually a sound strategy? Whatever Kyojin does next before the bell rings will determine that.

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Re: Goth Vs. Goliath: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Kyojin

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Kyojin narrowed her eyes as Phoebe entered her presence nearly immediately, without a care in the world. And from what she could see, the woman was.. smug? Did she not realize the massive size advantage of the two? Or was she hoping to goad the giant into a blind rage, and use that to her advantage?

Unfortunately for her, this wasn't Dark Souls, where one could just roll around to avoid the giant's great attacks. If Phoebe thought she could trigger some sort of raging red reaction out of Kyojin, she was wrong. Though that wasn't to say that the giant was just going to take that attempt at a shove and those disrespectful words. Sure, some of her size came down to her being bulky, but the goth may have noticed during that try at a push that she wasn't soft--she was HARD. Like a mountain, immovable and built of stone.

And the act didn't even work to establish any sort of mind-game with Kyojin, as the woman used a mighty mitt to grab a hold of Phoebe's black hair. If she could get a hold of that raven-colored mane, there was a lot she could do to the much smaller goth. But instead, in accordance of the rules, Kyojin merely tossed her backwards, back into her corner, so that the referee could properly start the match.

Time to see just what this girl's idea of a "sound strategy" was.

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Re: Goth Vs. Goliath: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Kyojin

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Phoebe attempted to shove Kyojin, an act of trying to anger the much more massive wrestler, not showing any fear, though people think the fear she had might be internal. The smug look on her face immediately turned to surprise when Kyojin grabbed her by the hair and tossed her back towards the corner with ease. Phoebe grunted in response, she was gonna have to find another way to upset the giant.

"Sorry fatass, but that would be the only time you will touch me." Phoebe continued to insult the giant right before the bell rang.

The bell rang and the match began, as Phoebe quickly ran towards the ropes and attempted to springboard of the middle rope and towards Kyojin, attempting to kick Kyojin right in the head before she could notice.

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