USPW Highlight Match: “The Superstar” Harmonia Edelstein w/ Molly Forster vs. Fleur Bleue

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USPW Highlight Match: “The Superstar” Harmonia Edelstein w/ Molly Forster vs. Fleur Bleue

Unread post by Pegasus »

Important Note
This match took place during the first night of USPW’s U.K. Tour in Leeds, England within the First Direct Arena.
Provided by the USPW production team

(The camera moved to a dark room as Fleur Bleue is seen watering a fallen red rose as she has a blue hood concealing her face before she puts the green watering pail down.)

"This is a very sad rose. A very determined force of love that can't blossom without the assurance of water. However, water is a privilege I am afraid. No love for those that decimate the natural world and wish to see those whose roots are just expanding die off before they get a chance at life. The natural cycle must be in a strict balance and nothing should stop it. Not me. Not this superstar….No human can disrupt the natural realm. I shall see to it that my opponent knows this. I will spread the message the environment has been crying out. You all will see the damage that has been done and what I plan to do in order to rectify it," Fleur stated as she looked deep into the camera from beneath her hood.

(Another camera showed a locker room as another blonde woman appearing taller could be seen putting on some white cowboy boots with flame emblems on the bottom. This woman had on short white gloves with red rims on, white khaki shorts with a red belt connecting it to her body and it also had a white middle band around it, a white bra with two red lines over the left breast, white and red-striped arm and wrist bands, a red bandana around her neck, and sunglasses with red lenses as she turned around placing a white cowboy hat with a red middle band wrapped around it atop her head.)

"Whew! This took longer than expected, but….The Superstar is ready for action! Guten Tag, USPW! My name is Harmonia Edelstein and I am here in England to prove that I am the next hit sensation around the world. I come from Tokyo representing League of Anime Wrestling and most of you may formerly know me as a supermodel. That past is longgggggggg behind me! I am now a person of adrenaline and stardom. You either take me as I am or you get a boot up your ass! That's how I roll! Now, I am in unfamiliar territory, but I got my girlfriend and I got my fans from Japan right in this arena tonight cheering me on from the sidelines. There won't be any flower girl or other woman on this roster stopping my momentum! I'm here to take over and you'll soon see why! Now, England, you know my girlfriend pretty well…Molly, darling, let's show Great Britain just how great The Superstars are. Take it away!" Harmonia explained as she grinned before the screen went dark.

(The crowd cheered loudly as Molly Forster made her return to the company smiling brightly as she giggled with a microphone in her hand. She had her red bunny earband on and she wore a Las Vegas bunny girl uniform complete with a red buttoned-up sleeveless dress with a black coloring on top. Molly wore a white collar with a blue bow tie attached as well as red armbands and white wrist cuffs buttoned together. She also wore long black leggings and small black heels as her long blonde hair swayed with every movement.)

"Hello again, England! It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Well, don't worry too much about my absence as I've been killing it over in Japan. I've represented you all proudly and while I may lose, I give it my all to represent my country honorably. However, tonight, I introduce you all to one of the most important people to walk into my life. She truly has been a beacon of light and more than I could ever provide. Tonight,….she makes her USPW debut and this date is very important for her and I. To bring her to my other home. The place that took a chance on me and my sister. Now, I get to share it with Harmonia. USPW, from Graz, Styria in beautiful Austria….she is the new and improved….the best thing in European wrestling…..please welcome "The Superstar" Harmonia Edelstein!" Molly announced as she jumped for joy and cheered along with the fans.

(The lights went dark as a red line appeared creating a red 'H' on the titantrons along with a red star in the middle. Steam started appearing from the front edge of the stage shooting upwards as rock music started the first chorus.)

(The crowd began getting even more excited as the song started to pick up speed before stopping as red and white pyro shot up in the air with the lights returning to normal. Harmonia and Molly could be seen posing putting their right fists in the air while Harmonia had a arm around her girlfriend. The song picked up as they began holding hands coming down the ramp while the crowd cheered them on loudly. The tubes showed the white LAW logo and the Austrian flag waving elegantly.)
The Superstar
Harmonia Edelstein (@SuperstarH) w/ Molly Forster (@ SuperstarM)
(Harmonia lip synced the more important verses of her theme as her and Molly approached the ring. She held open the middle and bottom rope for Molly before getting in herself as she screamed "BURNING LIKE FIRE!" to the crowd as they cheered for her loudly. Molly cheered for her girlfriend as Harmonia lifted her effortlessly on her left shoulder to where she could sit. Both European women raised their fists as red and white pyro escaped the corners before the theme music died down.)

(The crowd turned to booing as the USPW logo and French flag appeared in the tubes as Fleur Bleue came out to her theme music. A vulture sat upon a perch in the middle of the stage as it extended it's wings as Fleur came near it. She wore a blue leotard along with dark blue leggings and black wrestling boots. She also wore a blue cape with a hood over her long blonde hair as two green vines crossed over her chest. Fleur extended her left arm as the vulture hovered a bit to hitch a ride before they made their way down the ramp.)
Fleur Bleue (@FlowerChildUSPW)
"The following contest is set for one-fall! Introducing first, from Lyon, France, Fleur Bleue!" Ted announced from the outside.

(The vulture screeched at the fans as Fleur patted his head to calm him before she deposited him onto the upper left corner making Molly back up outside. Fleur herself came in the ring and threw back her hood to take a good look at Harmonia. Harmonia took off her sunglasses as she glared down Fleur. The official for this match is a new hire called Melly Jackson as she is an African-American woman with dark brown hair currently in a ponytail.)

Harmonia took her hat, glasses, and gloves gently handing them to Molly in her corner as Fleur threw her cape outside as she put her blonde hair in a long ponytail. Melly kept both women apart as Harmonia shot a cheeky grin saying "Blue suits you, darling. I'll be sure to add a nice touch of black with it." Fleur glared her down as both women started circling each other upon the ref calling for the bell and they locked up before Harmonia grabbed the hands pushing down on Fleur, but Fleur hits an Arm Drag wrenching hard on the left arm as the Superstar gritted her teeth. Harmonia kipped up and pulled Fleur into a side headlock, but Fleur bounced Harmonia off the east end ropes before taking her down with a Shoulder Charge. Fleur stomped on the chest five times as Harmonia grabbed her chest rolling away to the north ropes. Fleur taunted to the crowd before running to hit a Basement Dropkick sending Harmonia out north.

Molly helps the former model up as Harmonia took advantage of the ten count to keep herself steady before Fleur tried running the south end ropes hoping for a Suicide Dive, but Harmonia caught the legs and pulled on them getting Fleur on her back. She pulls Fleur out hammering elbows on the back before sending Fleur straight into the ring post as Fleur goes down holding her face. The ref counted to 4 as Harmonia sends Fleur back in and she rolls in herself kicking Fleur down as the flower girl tried crawling away. Harmonia bent over grabbing Fleur by the waist and she lifted the flower girl up hitting a Gutwrench Powerbomb making Fleur grab her back in pain. Harmonia punched the face three times before grabbing both legs kicking the chest twice. Harmonia then sent a Headbutt down on the chest as Fleur sat up grabbing it before Harmonia held a thumbs up to the crowd with Molly clapping for her.

Harmonia gets Fleur up by the head driving her into the lower left corner repeatedly beating the head on the top pad. Harmonia then got on the middle rope before hitting a Tornado DDT on Fleur flipping her on her back. Harmonia backed up for a cover.

"1…2…" The ref counted, but Fleur kicked out at 2.6!

Fleur raked the eyes of Harmonia as that got her a scolding from the ref and threats of disqualification. Harmonia rolled away grabbing her eyes and screaming as Molly winced and Fleur used the upper left corner to get back on her feet. Fleur then bent over in the corner before hitting a Clothesline to Harmonia taking down the taller girl. Fleur then grabbed Harmonia's hair and put her in a tight headlock as Harmonia easily broke away, but got a Dropkick to her chest taking her down again. Molly slapped the apron cheering her girlfriend on as the crowd cheered Harmonia and booed loudly against Fleur, but she waved off their preferences as she gets Harmonia up whipping her into the north end ropes picking her up in a Backbreaker. Harmonia rolls off in the middle grabbing her back, but Fleur puts her on her back hooking both legs.

"1…2…" The ref counted, but Harmonia kicked out after 2!

Fleur gets Harmonia back in a tight headlock as she wrenched down on the chin hard, but Harmonia gets to her feet using cheers from the audience as her motivation before grabbing the head and clashing them together. Harmonia goes down to the lower right corner as Fleur holds her head and shakes it to get back her vision. Harmonia picks Fleur up in a Atomic Drop, but followed it up with a Superkick. The crowd cheered as they sang "BURNING LIKE FIRE! SAME OLD DESIRE!" all around the arena as Harmonia grinned getting pumped bring Fleur back to her feet. Harmonia hit three consecutive elbows straight to the head as she taunts doing a little dance before hitting another one in homage to Dusty Rhodes for his Bionic Elbow. Fleur goes down grabbing her head as Harmonia starts kicking down on each arm then each leg with the head being her last target. Harmonia rolls Fleur to the middle before singing "HEY! HEY!" as the crowd returned with another "HEY! HEY!" Harmonia grabbed the arms of Fleur as she put her right boot to the head singing "LET'S DO THE ZOMBIE STOMP!" as she plowed Fleur's head into the mat causing the flower girl to scream in pain.

Harmonia flexed her muscles before pointing to Molly as Molly clapped her girlfriend on as The Superstar grabbed Fleur back up, but Fleur punched the gut a few times before releasing herself from the grip and she kicked Harmonia in the gut. Fleur grabbed Harmonia hitting the the French Kiss DDT adopting the move from Canadian wrestler and model, Maryse. Harmonia holds her face as Fleur goes on the south side apron before jumping on the top rope hitting a Springboard 450 Splash before hooking both legs.

"1…2…" The ref counted, but Harmonia gets the shoulder up at 2.7!

Fleur growls in anger punching the head of Harmonia hard before getting her up and trying for the Vulture's Kiss (Ram-Paige) right in the middle of the ring before she connects it! Harmonia goes spread eagle on the mat as Fleur hopes that is the end. Fleur hooked the right leg and leaned her back against Harmonia in another pin.

"1…2…" The ref counted, but Harmonia slipped her right foot out of her boot as the crowd cheered loudly!

Harmonia gets up as Fleur sits up on her knees holding the boot in confusion before the former supermodel hits a Superkick to the head with her left boot. Harmonia took back her boot and put it back on as Molly jumped up and down in excitement. Harmonia stomped her right boot against the mat making sure it was secured before going to the top of the upper right corner looking around as she balanced herself. Harmonia got up on top and pointed to the ceiling screaming "OH YEAH!" as she connected the Elbow Drop in homage to another idol, Randy Savage! Fleur held her chest as Harmonia decided it was time for lights out and grabbed both of Fleur's legs. Harmonia stepped through and crossed the legs of her opponent turning around into the Sharpshooter! Fleur screamed as she held her head and Molly cheered Harmonia even more slapping the apron hard. Harmonia kept Fleur in the middle as the flower girl struggled to even lift herself to crawl. Her hands went wild as she tried hanging on, but submitted tapping her left hand on the mat just a few seconds later!

"Here is your winner by way of submission, "The Superstar" Harmonia Edelstein!" Ted announced.

(Harmonia gets her left hand raised as she hugs Molly, who ran in to congratulate her significant other on a job well done. The crowd sang along with the theme as Harmonia yelled "BURNING LIKE FIRE!" to the crowd as she helped Molly exit and she did the same thing.)
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