Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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Victory condition: Accepted submission.
No Strikes allowed.

The lights on the arena went off for a moment as another match was going to start. Soon enough Yuto's theme began to play and he appeared on the entrance as the lights returned. Dressed in his usual dark blue three quarter pants, the boy with tanned skin walked towards the ring, shyly waving towards the crowds every now and then. He's still getting used to the larger crowd in this league, but they should be the least of his concern once the match started.
Yuto did some stretching and went to his corner afterwards where he waited for the arrival of his opponent. As usual, he wasn't informed much about who he's gong to face, apart from some pictures, and judging from the look of it, he felt like he might have a long night ahead of him...

Welp, there's nothing can be done about it. Maybe she'd be nicer than her appearance... the boy thought.

Ishigami - Mixed

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Re: Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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"Finally, it's time for me to arrive to my future empire." Frauke would proclaim for herself as she finished getting ready for the match, placing on her head her military hat which showed a golden eagle, the symbol of her prestigious family. After finishing, she awaited for her ring theme-song to sound, signalling her turn to walk down the ramp towards the ring.

Soon enough, her song began to play, and the self proclaimed Kaiserin walked out to the stage and walked down the ramp, vasquing in the attention she was recieving by the stunned crowd. The LAW audience never got tired of the beauties that wrestled in this organization, and Frauke had a way of carrying herself that made her stand out. Even though it was her debut, and it was the first time she was exposed to so many people, Frauke walked as if she already owned the place.
Finally, the German arrived at the ring apron and climbed up, showing off her almost completely exposed curves to the crowd as she did. Why would she feel shame? She had the body of a goddess, why hide it and not flaunt it?

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Re: Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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That was one hell of a confidence, Yuto had to say as he watched the entrance of his would be opponent. She's one stunning woman and clearly not shy away to flaunt herself to the crowds. It's not an unusual sight around here, and normally, it's not really a good sign for him. He tried not too look at the blonde too much, not wanting to give himself unnecessary distractions, but he had to admit that it's kinda hard to do.

The referee waited until Frauke finished her entrance act before summoning the two wrestlers to the middle of the ring to explain the rules. It was when they're lined up in front of each other that the height difference between Yuto and his opponent became quite apparent. He gulped while looking up at her, but trying to maintain a confident front.

"Uh... let's.. have a good match...?" the boy said with a wry smile.

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
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- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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Frauke looked with predatory eyes at her would-be-opponent. He was shorter than her, but she could appreciate how cute he was, his attempts to not meet her eyes (or better said: to not meet her curves) made him look even cuter to the German.

Frauke would walk towards the middle of the ring when she was summoned by the referee. She would barely listen to her instructions and the rules, instead placing her attention and eyes on Ishigami with her hands on her hips and a smirk. After hearing what the boy had to say, Frauke would take a step forward towards the boy and would take her index finger on his chin, forcing him to looking directly into her eyes.

"Oh, we are going to have an extremely interesting and amazing match you and I, little boy." She would purr before licking her lips seductively, wanting to tease her opponent and see his reaction to her current approach.
Last edited by Persephone on Wed Jul 27, 2022 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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With the tall beauty stepped closer to him and forced him to look up at her by using a finger on his chin, Yuto couldn't help but to twitch slightly. Just looking at the woman's predatory expression already gave him a little goosebumps. The way she taunted him and licking her lips like that, there's no way he wouldn't be affected given his experience in the wrestling business so far.

"I-is that so..." he replied nervously, but not backing away from her.

The officials decided to ring the bell soon after, and Yuto did take a step back, since standing so close to his opponent wouldn't be the best way to start the match. He raised his arms up, wanting to be ready to whatever Frauke was going to do.

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
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- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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Frauke would feel her smile to grow even more after seeing the effects of her seduction inside the poor boy's mind. This was perfect, there was nothing she enjoyed more than this. It wasn't like it was a surprise for her though. The Countess had paid the LAW matchmakes beforehand a considerable amount of money for them to match her against a boy like Ishigami, and for Frauke it was worth every penny.

As the bell rang and Ishigami took a step back and got into a wrestling stance with his arms up, the German rised her arms as well. Her current stance showed that she lacked even basic grappling experience, but that did not seem to bother her in the slightest.

"Why don't we start this off with a lockup, and test our strength, hmmm?" she asked, her seductive smile still on her face. This was clearly a trap, Frauke knew that she could hardly win a contest like that one against anyone on the LAW roster. Knowing this, she would wait until Ishigami gets closer, and then suddenly grope his groin with her right hand, as the other hand locks with the boy. She knew it was dirty, but she did not care... she even prefered it.

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Re: Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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There's something suspicious about his opponent's invitation, but Yuto decided to go for it. The blonde was taller than him, but she didn't look all that muscular. He might be able to at least stand his ground, or so he thought. So stepped forward and locked one hand with Frauke, only to then felt the woman's other hand seized his crotch instead!

"G-guh...?!" Yuto gasped and looked down, his free hand wend for Frauke's wrist to try pulling her hand away from his privates. "W-what do you think you're doing...?!" he blushed a little.

With his attention mostly focused on that hand of Frauke, the boy didn't put any pressure on his opponent, and he wasn't exactly being alerted to what his opponent might do next. Right now he's more concerned about stopping the blonde's advance down there before it'd have a more disrupting effect on him.

Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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"Got you, boy!" Exclaimed the Kaiserin with a grin, as she continued to grope and grind Ishigami's crotch with her palm. The boy had fallen right into her trap, and just like that she was in full control of the match, even though her opponent might not know that yet. Since Ishigami's attention was placed in trying to stop her hand down there, Frauke took the opportunity and began to try and push the boy back towards his corner.

"I just cannot wait until you are properly tamed, dear." The German would remark if her attempt was successful. Even though Ishigami's back would hit the corner, Frauke continued her advance until his face was overwhelmed by the Countess ample bosom, getting the boy into a breast smother. Meanwhile, her hand on his crotch never stopped groping and grinding, stimulating him even more.

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Re: Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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"U-uugh... y-you..."

Yuto wasn't expecting his opponent to go straight for the crotch from the start of the match, and because of that he wasn't able to deal with Frauke's advance. He was easily pushed towards the corner, and with the woman's hand having a solid grip on his groin while continuing it's fondling, the boy found himself unable to muster the strength to pull that arm away for some reason. He was still able to suppress himself from moaning for the time being, at least.

"W-what do you mean tam-mmmhh...?!" before he could finish his sentence, Yuto felt Frauke's breasts pressed against his as she kept pushing, thanks to their height difference. "Mmmpphh...!" he protested and squirmed in the corner, seemingly helpless against his opponent now because of the position he was in.

The woman was stirring his arousal in an alarming rate and he could feel himself getting hot and bothered from her groping. He kept trying pushing her but his effort was only getting weaker as time passed.


Ishigami - Mixed

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- You don't have to agree with every idea I proposed. Just be honest about it.
- I rather take a "fuck off" rather than a complete silence if I ask you for a thread and you don't want to do stuffs with me. None of that "in the future" bullshit too if you don't really mean it.
- Drop me a PM or something if you're unsure about stuffs in the RP, i.e. if you're stuck with what to do next, or need to clarify a post.
- In the unfortunate event that you don't feel like continuing the thread, please kindly inform me about it rather than left me hanging.
- Post length requirement: At least a paragraph or two. No one liner.
- The most important thing is to have fun!

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Re: Frauke von Rittberg vs Ishigami - Hentai Endurance Match

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Yuto's resistance would probably have been successful in pushing Frauke off him in normal conditions, but clearly this weren't normal conditions. Thanks to his growing arousal and helplessness, the German vixen was overpowering him, and it was getting easier and easier for her. "I feel something getting hard down there." She would tease as she continued her groping, feeling his rod slowly starting to harden.

Frauke was loving this moment, and, thanks to her growing confidence, she stopped grasping Yuto's hand with her own in order for her to wrap that arm around the boy's head. Once she was done with that move, she began to apply pressure, getting his face even deeper into her cleavage. "I'm so glad you're my first opponent, you're just a poor peasant boy that'll put where he belongs!" Frauke proclaimed arrogantly.

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