Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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Rules: Affirmative Submission (The winner must accept the loser’s submission)
Stakes: None
Hentai Allowed

Madeleine and Dave were making war plans over dinner.

”Yes yes yes, I see the picture. Origa has...sensitivities. Sensitivities we can exploit to punch, literally, above our weight.”

”Precisely ma’am.”

”Yes, lovely...Dave. Sweet. This scheme would be brilliant. Truly, Premier Grand Cru Classe A. Except…” Madeleine carved her veal, savored the taste, swallowed. ”Well, except for all the times it’s been done.”

”I see ma’am.”

”Zero points. In fact, take a penalty for suggesting a feat accomplished by every tramp on the roster. I’m disappointed in you.”

”While I will take that into advisement, of course, I’m afraid it is quite out of my hands now. The match is...booked.”

Dave was an able head of staff. More importantly, he was a connection to LAW’s booking apparatus. So, for now, Madeleine held her tongue and shuffled through Origa’s binder. It contained hundreds of photographs of the Amazonian being stepped on, spanked, penetrated, collared...though it was really the faces that interested Madeleine.

She liked the ones where Origa blushed and grimaced. She at least tried to fight back. But she also liked the ones where Origa’s mouth formed an “o” while her eyes squeezed shut and she simply let..."it"...happen. And who could forget the ones where the giantess lay clutching helplessly at the mat, tongue hanging down her limp jaw, undoubtedly heaving all kinds of…Noises? As Madeleine sipped her wine, she felt her cheeks color.

But how would Madeleine do it? Would she put her knee on the colossal throat—or between the dark-skinned diva’s legs? Groin probably. Her pussy was her weakness, so that’s where she deserved punishment. Her throat...No, her throat should never be bruised. It should be kept.... clean. Beautiful. to be cherished. Kissed. Ready for display. Perhaps even ornamented with a golden collar.

”...I want to make her work for me, Dave.”


Everyone’s touched her body, but...” Madeleine found she was smiling. A glow started to simmer in her chest. “But me? I’ll put my name the only place that actually matters. In her contract, Dave. In bold. Permanent. Letters.”

”I take it you have arrangements for me to make?”

”No, sweet. Not yet. There are wrists to bind. But Dave? I apologize for what I said. Really, I take it all back. This debut? This is a fine debut. Thank you so much for helping arrange it.”

Soon the day arrived. Saint-Saëns’ sparkling harmonies announced Madeleine’s entrance into an outdoor ring situated above the ocean on a massive pier. Between the clear, pale sky and the constant crash of ocean waves below, she could not have asked for a more scenic site for her debut. She stood in her corner, grinned, and lifted both arms to the crowd. Her golden hair caught in the wind and shimmered while her pale beach-attire body glowed in the sunlight.

The cheers faded into Madeleine’s background awareness. The enemy would come soon, huge, dark, beautiful. Plans were made, filed, and sealed. Now was the time to focus and place Madeleine’s heel—gently—on that beautiful neck.
Last edited by Malkavia on Thu Jul 14, 2022 4:59 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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The summer was perhaps the most popular season for LAW. Not surprising really since it was the most popular season for most sports and events in the world. But it was doubly popular for the league as it allowed them to advertise one of their most popular match venues right on the beach. The sight of two beautiful wrestlers in skimpy outfit wrestling each other underneath the hot sun was always a sight to behold.

So it came to no surprise for a certain caramel skinned amazon, that she was being placed in such a match. Against a new debutee none the less. Now Origa had never met or even laid eyes on this new girl. But from her experience, the debutees that are booked against her are usually the ones that thrive on exploiting her biggest weakness. The rules of the match only confirmed the theory in her mind. So Origa needed to be hyper vigilant and watchful for whatever this girl has planned.

Soon enough, the amazon heard the tell tale sound of her theme beginning to play. Followed by a stream of rambunctious cheers. Despite her numerous losses, Origa’s fanbase only seemed to grow. Though it was probably because of her numerous losses and how she lost that she had such a big fanbase. But Origa was determined to turn that around!

So she stepped through the tent flap and out into the open air. A cacophony of cheers, whistles, and wolf calls pelting her ears as she put her hands on her hips and gave a little pose of herself in her classic purple bikini. But that would be all the audience would get as the giant would then straighten out and make her way to the ring. The summer breeze blowing her long black hair as she climbed the steps and stepped over the top rope.

Entering the ring proper, the amazon would step back and lean against the corner opposite of her opponents. A small blonde girl with a glint in her eye that reminded Origa of too many other women that enjoyed their matches with her far too much. An unsettling feeling was already beginning to settle in her belly, but she made sure to keep her face passive and her feelings unknown.
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Re: Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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Not even Madeleine could doubt it: the bulk of the audience was here for the Amazonian. Before Origa even slid into the ring, the indecent noise from the crowd curled Madeleine’s stomach. Though she kept her smile, she peered into the audience and imagined crushing some of its more enthusiastic members under her thumb until they were grease.

And then there was Origa. Madeleine turned her gaze on seven feet of trained martial prowess. This was a moment for which she had steeled herself: Though new to LAW, Madeleine was hardly a debutante in war, and she knew the space between the paper enemy and the flesh enemy was wide. Unprepared, you might find the difference overwhelming.

So Madeleine breathed through her nose and looked over her delectable opponent: as solid as a golem, but more sinewy and beautiful than the buxom model on a Conan pinup, Origa projected power like breath and sex like shade. And Madeleine breathed out, imagined the woman on a leash—Madeleine’s shade to bear like a parasol—and smiled.


As the bell rang, Madeleine extended her hand and walked calmly to the center of the ring. At first you might have thought she was offering a handshake—and in a sense she was. Palm upturned, the motion offered a different gesture: May I kiss the esteemed lady’s hand?

”I’m here because LAW management thinks it’s funny to watch small girls make you cum, Origa.” Pockets of laughter broke out in the crowd. Lovely. Madeleine’s smile deepened just a shade. ”But I want to know for real. Genuinely." Madeleine kept her hand extended, an invitation as cool as her eyes. "Can you fight?
Last edited by Malkavia on Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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The girl in front of her was small, but that was a given. It was her eyes that worried the amazon. They not only held a confidence that said how sure she was that she would be coming out of this match the victor. But also what looked to be a hunger. Like she didn’t see Origa as her opponent, but a fine meal that had just been delivered to her on a glittering silver platter.

It was a gaze the amazon got bad feelings from. But she refused to let her nerves get the best of her and instead would maintain her mask of stoicism. The only movements she made were when she would stretch her arms out as she waited for the bell. All the while she refused to take her eyes off of the blonde in front of her. Too many times she’s made that mistake and paid for it dearly.

Eventually the excitement of her entrance had finally died down and the bell would finally ring. When Origa saw her opponent walk to the center of the ring, the amazon would follow suit stepping forward until she was face to face with the girl named Madeline. Or rather, chest to face as the blonde barely even reached the amazons caramel breasts. It would be then that Origa would notice the hand that was offered to her.

It wasn’t a hand of good sportsmanship, but rather one would make to a gentleman so that they would kiss the top of it in greeting. Or subservience. Origa would make no move to grab it or to even acknowledge it, instead keeping her eyes on the smaller girl as she smiled up at her. The Amazon intent on trying to use the massive height difference as a form of intimidation against the Newbie in front of her.

But then the blonde opened her mouth.

And with every word she heard, Origa’s mask of impassiveness would break. And be replaced with clear embarrassed anger. Clearly the girl had watched her previous matches, and clearly she believed she was here because management wanted to see the amazon a mess on the canvas once more. Yet when she asked if the giant could truly fight, Origa had only one response. ”Let’s find out.”

And then her bare foot would slam into Madeline’s chest.
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Re: Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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Madeleine, as a trained kickboxer, had an eye for how a shift in stance, a tightening of the core, or a step out of place might telegraph a kick. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she hopped backwards, but Origa’s long, dark leg still caught the Countess just beneath her diminutive breasts.

As Madeleine stumbled backwards, a feeling uncurled like a snake in her gut: Irritation. Not a single crowing idiot in the crowd could miss Origa’s physical, breathing contempt for Madeleine and her doll-like body.

Alright, ogre, is that what you think? That I’m too tiny for your respect? That you can scare me with your ridiculous height and mommy tits?

The blonde straightened her back, started to dance, feet splayed. A boxer. She kept her tone polite and unruffled. Her smile was one of light fun. This was a fun match, a friendly competition. “You’re so reluctant to touch my hand, sweet. I wouldn’t have bitten.”

You’ll kiss more than my hand, and you’ll croon while you do it. You’ll croon like a dog, and don’t think I’ll forgive you then either. You won’t get that until you beg.

What Madeleine lacked in size she tried to make up for in speed. She formed a circumference around Origa as she ducked and dodged around the ring’s center of mass. “I hope I’ve been clear. I think what management does to you is unfair. More importantly, it’s insulting. To you and your opponents.”

The Countess had more to say—which was all the more reason to dive in, when it was unexpected, and try to drive her knee like a dagger from a cloak into Origa’s side.
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Re: Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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It seemed that this little blonde thought that if she said some words about the Amazon’s humiliating past, she would be able to get free range of her head to manipulate. But either she didn’t know Origa as well as she’d like, or she had grossly underestimated her confidence in getting inside the Amazon’s head. For Origa didn’t become a shy timid girl when her weakness was mentioned.

She became angry.

And faster than the blonde was probably expecting, Origa’s foot lashed out for a kick straight towards the the aristocrats belly. Madeleine only able to dodge at the last second, and even then she was grazed by the great length that was Origa’s long leg. It was then that the amazon saw a change in the blondes face. No longer was there the confident princess that expected an easy win.

Now there was a face of anger, and even… jealousy? Origa didn’t know. What she did know was that the blonde began muttering under her breath words that the Amazon couldn’t hear from the distance she was from, but could catch the tail end of it. And how despite the irritated look on her face, Madeline kept the same tone she had spoken with Origa in the beginning. But she could see her opponent straightening herself out before raising her arms in what Origa recognized as the traditional stance of a well trained kickboxer.

Origa could feel her body tense as she watched her opponents footwork and her eyes. She was much smaller than the amazon, which meant she was probably faster. But while that was the case, Origa had a feeling that Madeline underestimated how fast the amazon truly was. For when she dashed around Origa’s body, the amazon would try to twist her body to where she saw the blonde go!

Reacting on instinct, Origa would shove her hand down and stop Madeline’s knee mid flight. Just before it could make impact with the Amazon’s side. Then twisting her body the opposite way, Origa would whip her opposite arm around with the intention of hitting the side of Madeline’s head with a spinning backhand!
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Re: Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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At first there was simple impact, the sense of meeting opposite, stronger momentum that not only stopped Madeleine in her tracks but sent her careening in a wild direction against her will. Then her brain caught up to the trauma. Madeleine squealed with pain.

Madeleine had been lucky that she followed form, that she kept her hands up around her face, that Origa made contact with her fist and not her skull. If it had happened any other way, the Countess would have dropped then and there. As it was, she reeled away from the Amazonian, barely holding her footing as a sharp ringing pierced through the ear crushed under her own hand.

First there had been the shock of Origa’s hand on her knee, then the shattering pain in her face. And then she heard the crowd pop. Madeleine looked up at the Amazonian, jaw tight, processing. Cheering. They were cheering for what just happened.

“Why won’t you fucking talk to me?!” Rage billowed in Madeleine, but on instinct she wheeled away from the Amazonian, creating space. Space to think. War plans. She had war plans. “I’m TRYING to do right by you, don’t you see?”

But Origa didn’t see, couldn’t see, was too stupid to see, lumbered around as a meat head for a meat body. Madeleine’s throat went tight, and she bit her lip as she kept circling away from the Amazonian. It was unfair, unfair, unfair that a meat head could hit that fast, that hard. How was she supposed to get an in? Maybe she could play on the stupidity, duck in with a feint and hit from a different direction, or dive behind her and—but Madeleine couldn’t will herself to move towards Origa.

With a jolt that made her face prickle red with a blush, Madeleine realized she’d spent this entire time practically running away. For a fraction of a breath, she stopped, frozen between a rage that refused to retreat and a body that refused to charge.
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Re: Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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In a series of two quick moves, the amazon had sent the arrogant blondes offensive down to a screeching halt. Yet that wasn’t the only thing that was screeching. For when Origa turned back to fully face her opponent, Madeline had seemingly lost the confident look of superiority she had at the beginning of the match. Instead it was replaced with a face that was a mix of rage, confusion and fear.

Clearly the full scale of who Madeline had pissed off was now hitting her full force on the noggin. But if anything, to Origa it looked as if the blonde was on the verge of having a temper tantrum not unlike one would see in a little girl that was spoiled rotten. Though from the amazons perspective, such a comparison between the two wasn’t off of the mark in all honesty.

Once again the blonde began to circle the amazon, only this time Origa turned her body along with her so that she could keep her eyes on her. Never once moving from the spot she stayed rooted at. Until at last she saw it. Madeline froze in place, her situation seemingly dawning on her and leaving her in the worst possible situation. Thinking on what could be happening and not what is happening.

And what was happening was a pissed off over seven foot amazon suddenly charging full speed straight for the rich girl! Origa’s showing off her impressive speed as she bent low and would try to slam shoulder first into Madeline’s midsection. But that wouldn’t be the end, for the amazon would grab hold of her opponents legs and straighten up, practically scooping the blonde up into the air so that she could turn around and drop onto her knees and slam her opponent into the canvas with a brutal spine buster!
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Re: Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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Even as a bull-like Origa slammed the air of Madeleine’s lungs, even as the Amazonian raised the Countess up towards the sun’s brilliance and let her hang for a split moment, Madeleine’s mind refused to move past her social defeat. A thousand variations on Why won’t she talk to me? ran through her mind as she scrambled for some path, some avenue to make the Amazon understand her. Respect her.

These shattered against the mat. In spite of the move’s name — spinebuster — the most acute ache erupted from the base of her neck as her skull snapped against the mat. Her vision swam as vertigo swallowed her, the world spinning, all while a shockwave compressed her ribs, churned her guts, and rattled her joints. Madeleine mewled sickly and then became conscious of the body like a bear pressed against her thighs. The hands firm and hot on her hips. And through the blur, she saw the pissed off, triumphant Amazonian's face looming with all the warmth and all the danger of the face of a mountain.

In that instant, with her whine, as Madeleine's insides grew hot at what she saw, the war plans became ash, to be replaced with a new, colder imperative: survive.

Madeleine’s fists would fly to her face as an (only half-adequate) guard against any ground-and-pounding Origa might have in store. At the same time, she would try to push with her feet, to slide away from the giant just enough that she could get space—space enough to get her feet up in the air, space enough to pump her legs like pistons, space enough to kick and defend her body.
Last edited by Malkavia on Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Origa vs Madeleine: Submission Beach Match

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The canvas quaked from the impact. The impact even shifting the sand that the ring stood upon as Madeline’s body writhed and shuddered against the canvas! A myriad of emotions going across the blondes face right in front of the Amazon’s eyes. From anger to confusion to desperation. Like it was at that very moment that Madeline reality just who she was in a match with, and the horror of it all set in.

When she brought up her arms, Origa didn’t really do anything. If anything she just watched as Madeline curled up like and armadillo and used her legs to try and kick herself away. And at first, it looked as if the amazon was going to let her escape then and there like that. Only for Origa to suddenly grab hold of the blondes legs and pull them up as she stood back up to her full height.

Tucking a leg underneath each of her arms. Origa would smile down on her once smug opponent before opening her mouth to say. ”Lets go for a spin!” And that’s exactly what the amazon did, spinning her body round and round. Taking Madeline’s smaller frame along for the ride, starting at first sliding against the canvas only to be up in the air as more speed and momentum was poured into it. The giant swing lasted for a few more rotations after that before Origa would finally use all of her strength and the momentum of her swing to throw Madeline across and ring! Her body nearly crashing into the corner with how much force she put into it!
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