Lilith smiled as she sat infront of a mirror, applying some last minute makeup to complete her cosplay. She’d admire her fangs in the mirror, before standing up and admiring her figure. “Hell yeah~ I can’t wait.” She’d say to herself, before moving to the Gorilla position.
“From Parts Unknown….Lilith Mey!” The announcer yelled into a microphone before the vampiress steps out. The crowd exploded in adoration and cheers at the sexy vampire girl! She’d pose at the top of the ramp before stepping down, waving her hips left and right.
Stepping to the ring, she’d climb up on the apron, lean under the middle rope and pause, wiggling her bottom over the lower rope. The audience ate it up, as she went and posed in the center of the ring, baring her fangs and popping a wide hip. “My opponent is soooo fucked~” She mouthed to the camera confidentially, before slipping to the corner, taking a seat on the top turnbuckle. Every ounce of her exuded sexy confidence.