Jaqueline Rose

Jackie Rose

Members: Jaqueline Rose/Jackie Rose
Combined Weight: 237lbs
Heights: 5'1/6'
Nationality: British
Entrance Theme: Castlevania Aria Of Sorrow OST: Clock Tower (Remix)
Alignments: Chaotic Neutral
Team Style: The Rose siblings naturally mesh well as a unit, having both started in wrestling around the same sort of time. Both are more than confident in starting things off in the match, with Jaqueline's explosive speed or Jackie's ruthless strength being able to help set the pacing of any match well enough. The pair are often known to be rather sadistic in the ring too, usually trying to break their foes piece by piece before moving in for the killing blow. That said the pair usually bicker and rile each other up at times and this can be put against them from time to time.
Team Moves:
Murder On A Misty Night: One of them spits silver mist into the eyes of the opponent with the other one delivering a hard hitting backstabber.
Sibling Rivalry: If the opponent is down and ready to be pinned sometimes the pair will bicker on who will get the pin. This can result in one of two outcomes, Jackie might powerbomb Jaqueline onto the opponent or Jaqueline will crash Jackie onto the enemy and leap atop them both. With the one that wins this exchange pinning them both.
Background: The Rose siblings were raised in a rougher part of London, with the parents both out working often the two would get into all sorts of roughhousing with the fellow kids and neighbours. Before long the pair would become fans of pro wrestling and start doing moves on each other and on other kids in school. As time went on however the pair were encouraged to put this liking of violence to good use by taking part in a local indie wrestling scene following their end at high school. The two decided to adopt the idea of using 1800s London in their gimmicks, often coming to the ring with top hats and black cloaks. Before long the pair would end up in LAW individually, however it could be always be possibly for them to take to the ring together!
Match Records
Individual Profiles
Jaqueline Rose
Jackie Rose