But right now the focus is on herself as his has been a long time coming ever since she went after Tina and Alaina chewed her out for it, but she the older woman back when she used Ana to distract the champion and gave her a cheap shot beat down when Alaina was doing an interview and now it has come to this. Aliyah is nervous, knowing the red hair woman is getting angry at being made to wait for the other woman to arrive... as she fidgets in her chair, hoping that Alaina shows up so that the contract signing can take place soon.
'I'm tired of waiting... if she is going to take this long then she is stalling, or she is scared of facing me in the ring.' Serilda would say to Aliyah and the official who gulps seeing the violent ways that the young woman in front of her has become. From attacking the fans to jumping baby face wrestlers back stage with her stable members, Serilda is becoming one dangerous woman in the company. 'Hurry up, Alaina, I don't have all fucking day for you to get your old ass in here and sign the dotted line so I can prove that I am better than you.' She screams out ranting and about to throw a temper tantrum.