Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

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Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

Unread post by hamsandwich212 »

Match Type: Standard
Victory Conditions: Pin, Knockout, Submission, or DQ

NiKa blasted into the arena, running down the walk way with a loud "WOOOOOOOO!!!" and high fiving (literally) everybody who put their hands out. Once she was done making sure nobody was left out she jumped onto the outer rim of the ring and bounced over the ropes, she hit the ground running and made a loop around the ring before jumping onto one of the turnbuckles. "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" She shouted as she held up both hands and was showered in cheers from the crowd.

After she was done with her entrance performance she went into her corner and did her best to focus on the upcoming match, but every couple seconds she would turn and wave at a cheering fan.
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Re: Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

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Alice burst into the aisle. Today she felt confident. Though her last matches hadn’t gone particularly well, she’d been training non-stop, and was confident in her ability to win. She clambered into the ring and stuck out her hand to her opponent. “Alice Charlston, pleased to make your acquaintance.”

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Re: Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

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NiKa would respond to the outstretched hand with a high five rather than a hand shake. "HIYA! I'm NiKa! Whats your name?!" she would energetically ask, despite the fact that the Alice had just given her name. Thankfully for her she would notice the mistake a moment later and would just brush past it.

"Let's have a good match, okay?!"
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Re: Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

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Alice gave the other girl a smile as she sized her up. She was about an inch shorter, though maybe a couple pounds heavier. Alice retreated to her corner and waited for the bell to ring. “May the best woman win.”

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Re: Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

Unread post by hamsandwich212 »

Niomi herself danced over to her corner, making sure to wave at the cameras and crowd as she waited for the match to start. She would burst towards Alice the moment the bell sounded off, looking to smother her opponent in pure aggression!

"HAAH!" she energetic Japanese wrestler shouted as she jumped up and flew at Alice with an admittedly haphazard flying kick!
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Re: Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

Unread post by PerfectCalm »

Alice gave a small grunt as the dropkick narrowly grazed the side of her face. It did little more than mildly daze her, but she would still need to be wary. She would try to retaliate by grabbing the other girl’s shoulders and repeatedly kneeing her in the chest and stomach.

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Re: Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

Unread post by hamsandwich212 »

To the surprise of absolutely nobody except for NiKa, the reckless kick didn't quite hit its mark, and she was left in prime position for her opponent to barrage her with knees strikes to her soft body.

"OUGH!" NiKa yipped within Alice's grasp as she started to wiggle and waggle before eventually weaseling her way out of danger and scurrying off and out of the danger zone. The pink ball of energy would spring herself into the ropes and bounce back even faster right back towards Alice, this time not going for an immediate attack but ducking preemptively, expecting her opponent to go for a high attack or defense so she could slip past!
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Re: Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

Unread post by PerfectCalm »

As the other girl wriggled out of her grip, And came speeding back, Alice delivered a jab to her face. At least where her face had been. Alice spun on her heels, bewildered as she searched for her opponent.

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Re: Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

Unread post by hamsandwich212 »

NiKa slid perfectly under the outstretched arm of her opponent and continued her sprint into the ropes with a triumphant "Yahaha!". She once again bounced off the ropes and upon her speedy return she leapt up and at Alice, throwing her entire body at her baffled opponent as she turned in futile attempt to keep track of her.
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Re: Alice Charlston VS NiKa (D)

Unread post by PerfectCalm »

“Oomph!” Alice grunted as the air was pushed out of her and she collapsed to the mat. The other girl’s blow had dazed her, but not enough to disable her. She would sweep her foot through Nika’s, trying to trip her. Once she was on the floor she would trap her in a figure 4 leg lock.

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