Legacy Signing

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The Riders
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Legacy Signing

Unread post by The Riders »

Waiting with Aliyah and a LAW official to sign the contract for the upcoming title match between herself and Alaina. Serilda would frown knowing that this feels like her chance to get the title her mother defended and lost to her former mother figure, and that was the beginning of the spiral for her as things took a turn for the worse for the family with herself being beaten backstage and her mother getting taken out as well before rushing back to wrestle with nagging injuries to her body that have still yet to heal.

But right now the focus is on herself as his has been a long time coming ever since she went after Tina and Alaina chewed her out for it, but she the older woman back when she used Ana to distract the champion and gave her a cheap shot beat down when Alaina was doing an interview and now it has come to this. Aliyah is nervous, knowing the red hair woman is getting angry at being made to wait for the other woman to arrive... as she fidgets in her chair, hoping that Alaina shows up so that the contract signing can take place soon.

'I'm tired of waiting... if she is going to take this long then she is stalling, or she is scared of facing me in the ring.' Serilda would say to Aliyah and the official who gulps seeing the violent ways that the young woman in front of her has become. From attacking the fans to jumping baby face wrestlers back stage with her stable members, Serilda is becoming one dangerous woman in the company. 'Hurry up, Alaina, I don't have all fucking day for you to get your old ass in here and sign the dotted line so I can prove that I am better than you.' She screams out ranting and about to throw a temper tantrum.

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Re: Legacy Signing

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Alaina soon walked in wearing her wrestling attire. She knew that this contract could turn into a brawl so she dressed for the occasion. Looking around she saw everyone assembled and shook her head at Liger. "Look who it is, clinging to moms fame while sneak attacking everyone you want to wrestle. You have fallen far from the woman you were. The scared rookie who wrestled clean was twice the woman that you have become." Alaina said as she walked in.

She was wary or a sneak attack, but she took the contract off the table looking it over. "Wrestle me clean if you are able to. I know there is no way you can beat me without cheating so this will be a fun title defense." Alaina said still looking over the contract. "What match type am I kicking your disrespectful ass in?" She then went on to ask before signing away.

Alaina really wanted to slam Liger through the table, but this was not the time or place for that. She was holding back her own urge to repay the favor for the sneak attack, sliding the contract back over and on guard.

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Re: Legacy Signing

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Serilda would smirk seeing her opponent walk inside the room. A small chuckle escapes her lips, seeing Alaina wearing her outfit as if she expects something to happen in the signing, showing that what she said in that promo package that she is starting to get in the older woman's head.

But her smirk is wiped off her face due to what the other woman said about clinging to her mother's fame and calling her out on what she been doing and how most of her matches have been won by cheating. If looks could kill Alaina would be dead already and since she was strictly told to not bring any weapons to this meeting or face losing the title shot just annoyed her more since Ana seemed to have failed on keep the owner of the company on her side, but shrugs seeing the other woman sign the form without a care in the world or if she is that confident in herself.

'Must be that confident to say you can beat me Mom' Serilda would reply in that cute voice of hers when she would view the older woman as a mother figure. 'Standard match and I don't need to cheat to beat your old ass right now. From the looks of it, mom, you're getting old and you are weak right now. So I shouldn't have a problem putting you down for good,' she would say.

Before taking the forms and signs her name down on the dotted line to as the official takes the documents and leaves, leaving the three women alone in the room. Seeing as the official has left, Serilda gets to her feet and smirks that cocky grin on her face. 'I can't wait to put you down, mom... I know you want to put me through that table right now right?... or you want to amabomb me as many times as you can...' leaning close to the older woman 'Well to bad cause you can't...' and as the red hair woman would grab Aliyah who has not left her side and tosses the smaller woman right into Alaina.

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Re: Legacy Signing

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Alaina glares back at Serilda wondering where the Gold Liger went and how this vile bitch replaced her. "I can't wait to leave you in the ring, giving you such a beating that you really think about what the hell you have done with your career." Alaina said. However without warning Serilda grabbed hold of Aliyah and threw her into Alaina!

The amazon braced herself putting Aliyah down and starting to make a move for Serilda. If this is how she wanted to be then Alaina was more than content to try to catch her and send some hard punches into her abdomen as well as her face to teach her a lesson!

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Re: Legacy Signing

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Serilda figured her ploy of using Aliyah as bait would work and help her get the drop on Alaina. But like always, Aliyah does nothing right at this point, as the small red hair woman just bounced off the older woman and went flying off before crashing into a wall and slumping there. letting out a tsk like noise annoyed that her plan had backfired, but to no one surprise her manager failed to do anything as the older woman would come forward and land some punches to her stomach that forces her to back up coughing.

Aliyah seeing what is happening tries to do something as she pushes herself up and jumps onto Alaina back trying to scratch at the older woman's face hoping it would give Serilda enough time to do something, but Serilda is watching to see what happens before making her move waiting for the perfect moment to strike and rushes forward due to Alaina having her back turned... and jumps going for a bicycle kick to the older woman's face to knock her out cold and send a message to her.

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Re: Legacy Signing

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Alaina managed to hit Serilda with some hard face shots before Aliyah jumped on her back! "Oh you little...." Alaina grunted as she reached her arms over and grabbed Aliyah. Alaina spun towards a table and flung Aliyah over her back trying to send the little minion straight down through it! "That'll teach you to mess with me and try to attack from behind..." Alaina said seeing movement out of the corner of her eye.

Alaina saw Serilda up to her usual tricks surging towards the amazon. Alaina stepped to the side, swinging her knee up and hammering Serilda in the abdomen to stun her while avoiding that bicycle kick! "And for you....." Alaina said as she shoved Serilda's head between her legs, quickly lifting her and stepping towards the shattered table to amabomb Serilda down on top of her friend!

Alaina would brush off her shoulder and shake her head before walking out of the room, the next Legacy Championship match signed off on with Alaina ready to go.

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Re: Legacy Signing

Unread post by The Riders »

Aliyah would hold on like a bucking cowgirl riding a bull. Sadly, the small woman was not able to keep her grip around the bigger stronger woman neck and back, as Alaina would grab her and seeing what was about to happen to her... Aliyah would think about maybe this wasn't worth doing at all as she was slammed right through a table with ease before going limp.

But sadly, her distraction did nothing to help Serilda, as the older woman must have seen her coming out of the corner of her eye, and avoid the kick that would almost knock her out and landed a kick of her own to Serilda mid-section. 'Uughh' The red hair woman would grunt out.

Before feeling herself to be lifted over the other woman shoulders and power bombed through the same table where Aliyah is laying on 'AAAAAHAHHHHH' both women cry out before going still, her message that she was going to send to Alaina was countered and now she is knocked out and laying in the remains of the destroyed table with her sidekick.

Last edited by The Riders on Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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