Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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"Sure you do Sweetheart. Sure you do.", George only said and made sure that Chelsea sat comfortable. Harmonia took a glimpse of how the pubowner took care of Chelsea and only could smirk. If anyone saw this and did'nt knew that this guy was head over heels into the liverpudlian then you had to blind, deaf and dumb. It was cute and it reminded her of the small things Molly and she did for each other every day. Like Moni adjusting Mollys headband or Molly doing all sorts of loving little stuff for Harmonia just to show her how much she loved her. Honestly, even if she knew that Molly loved her more then everything and was very outspoken about it, the Blonde still blushed a little and looked at her girlfriend. "Is that so?", she said teasingly and tickled Molly a little before wrapping her arms around her from behind and kissing her temple. "Take your time. You have'nt seen each other for a while. We will be here when you come back, seems your surrogate mum wants to have some real talk with the girl who stole her pretty girls heart.", she chuckled and unbeknownst to everyone pinched Molly in her behind, giving her some dirty grin before turning to Kennedy.

"Well then, if we can make it quick. I really want to be with Finny...", she said and then saw Chris. "Well...I think, we can take our time. She will be in good hands.", the Ex-Model said and followed Kennedy. Coffee sounded like a great idea but Moni wanted to calm her nerves so when Kennedy ordered her coffee, Harmonia ordered a pint and sat down across from the older woman. "It is nice to finally meet you. After our funny little Twitter banter.", she grinned and then took a sip of her beer. "Well...", she started when she had wetted her dry whistle, "...there is no one in this universe I love more then Molly. Please, believe me that. I ran through the snow without my shoes for her. I always try to make her smile, which is'nt that hard, you know Molly but..." Her gaze became warm and loving as she looked into the space. "Molly...was something I needed. I always thought I could do things on my own, be the strong one, without realizing how lonely and lost I was. You see, as Supermodel, no one wants to know whats inside you, your dreams, your feelings. It's all about your looks and all my relationships were about the looks. When they realized that I was wrestling nerd who spent her free time getting training they quickly cut their ties. My fellow models did'nt like me to well too. Oh, I became a Lady and the fine life that my fortune brings with it is something I really enjoy, but instead of standing around like chickens, cackling the whole day long, I was just more intrested into talking with the crew, helping younger models, I don't know. This world never was for me anyway. I made good money, learned many things and the constant training helped me to get into wrestling a bit easier. I mean, I wrestle since I am 18, which of course is only five years now, but still, I was so determined to show everyone what I was capable off that I almost spent this five years with constant training. I even joined the Shadow Fortress of Dana Ashford. It was hard. But it made me better then I ever could have become on my own. I put Molly through the training too. You saw our debut, Molly is'nt the same woman she was when you last saw her. Thanks to your and my training, Molly is now something better. Molly is a Superstar. We are Superstars and we are aiming for the stars. I would never hurt Molly and will always protect her, I swore it to her. And even if maybe some days are'nt as good as the others, I'll never leave her side again. She is important to me. I...", she said and blushed. "I want her to be my wife...someday.",she said. "And have...a family with her." Now Harmonia looked like a smitten Highschool Girl but her words were true.
It relaxed Moni to talk about Molly, not thinking of Finella and Chelseas condition right now. She would be reminded soon enough when she reentered this room with its beeping machines and Fin in her bed, motionless... A whimper escaped Monis lips and tears rolled down her eyes. "Sorry, sorry.", she said and took a handkerchief out of her purse.

George had invited himself, he knew, but he would'nt allow anyone else to take care of Chelsea. This was his job. He was her manager after all. And he loved her. He would take care of everything. But he was Gentleman enough to leave Jonatahn, Molly and Chelsea on their own when they had reached the small pond. George took Chelseas hand, squeezed it softly and gave her a nod before retreating to a bench under a tree. His forehead was wrapped in bandages and he still felt a little dizzy. But it was ok. He did it for Chelsea and that was worth all the headaches in the world...

Meanwhile Karl listened to Chris who was very outspoken all of a sudden. He just nodded and then smiled. "I see...so that happened when she fled...", he said with a somber tone and then looked at Fin, he reached out and softly stroked her hair. "You know, I have a daughter, younger then you, she turns seventeen next month. Don't see her that often as I would like but every one of you girls just wakes the father in me. I have lived with Finella for a few months and even if she can be a chaotic, rebellious whirlwind, deep inside she is a good girl.", he smiled. "Nonetheless Chris, I had to take a side and Chelsea needed me more. Finella was in good care and she would'nt speak to us anyway. Please don't be to hard with Harmonia. She loves Finella with all her heart. When their parents died and they were separated it was like their souls were ripped apart from each other. They are twins. And twins have this strange bond. Whatever happened to the other , the other one would feel and Harmonia felt every wound, every blow that Finella went through, believe me. Somewhere deep inside she felt it and it made her intensify the search even more. When Finella finally reached out it was like a dream to her. Suddenly she stood there. At the front door. After six years. You can imagine what a celebration that was. But soon, after the waves settled down and the sea became calm again it was obvious what six years could do. Finella, as you know, had to grow up much too fast. But so did Harmonia. With 18 she had to fight for her right of her own fortune. These two girls went through much. As you did...", he mentioned and smiled at Chris. "I researched your for my article and what I found broke my heart. You lost them and you even had to be there when it happened. I can't tell you how sad I was when I read this article, saw the picture of you, so sad, so scared, so alone..." Then he looked at Fin. "She moved something in you. She is the one that had opened your heart again, hm? Well, that proves that there is'nt just this horrible, demon "Hellraiser", there is a Finella Edelstein too. A sweet, caring girl, that just had to grow up too fast." He took Chris hands that were settled over Finellas and squeezed them softly. "Thank you. Thank you for what you have done and still are doing for Finella. And you will see, when she wakes up, everything will be better. I am sure..."

And then William and Ryan HAD to do it. As if there was'nt enough tears and tension around, they had to take the side of their friend, of course they would, but this was hardly the time nor the place. "Ryan, William, I know that it was hard for you to see Chelsea and Finella tear each other apart but Chelsea did'nt let it go either. And you know that. Let it be. There was enough..." His eyes went wide when he looked over to Chris. Her face was covered in shadows as she soaked in every word of the two men that had walked over to Finellas bedside. "Chris, no...", he whispered, but too late...

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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Chris smiled as Karl talked. It was a bit nice to hear someone else see what she saw. All Harmonia saw was Fin from her childhood and she never asked Tania's opinion on her, aside from which clothes Fin could and couldn't borrow. They were the only opinions she ever knew, and it was refreshing to hear the journalist's view. A view that she had gained over these last six months. She was tough and rash and aggressive, but she was also sweet and kind and so caring. That was what made Finella the girl she was.

Things took a somber turn when he spoke of how Chelsea needed him more than Fin did - bullshit, she thought, but given how her sis really hadn't wanted to talk to anyone at the Eagle's Nest she could understand why he wouldn't come to her later. But she just sat there listening as he continued his tale, showing sympathy for her parents' needless deaths, and gratitude for her caring for Fin. Things would get better... That was probably right.

And then the two strangers decided to open their traps, one with some sympathy and a touch of tartness, and the other outright souring the pleasant mood. Karl tried to chew them out and save the rock star's voice, at least she liked to think that was the case. But the smile and good feelings he created were snuffed out as Chris let go of Fin and stood up, glaring up at Ryan. She had been fine with just sitting and holding her sister's hand, whether Karl wanted to say more or they two just sat in silence. "Hey Karl," she spoke again, reminding the other three of her hoarse voice. She quickly went into her pocket and pulled out a bill, holding it out to him. "Do me a favor and get me a water from the vending machine. I don't know how much more strain my cords will be able to take after this. Can't really sing with damaged vocal cords, after all."

Whether he took it and went or didn't and stayed, the rocker began her tirade. "Nothing against Chelsea as a person, but I don't care. So she had a bit of trouble with her confidence, that happens. Everyone has their own kinds of demons to deal with. This wasn't a 'who had the harder, inner fight?' This was two kindred spirits, putting their pride and bodies on the line. You think I didn't worry for Fin? Think I didn't care? You know nothing about what she has had to endured when she was alone!" Chris didn't plan on clarifying, given it wasn't her place to say. But comparing a fear of not waking up or being raped to a little confidence issue just sounded like bullshit.

"No one could have stopped this. At the end, when I hit Chelsea after George's blow to the head, When Fin got back up, I saw the determination in her eyes. In the last months, I'd been able to talk her out of her usual brash decisions, like flashing the highway or just going and tearing up the town in impromotu street races. But when she got back up for the final bit... I couldn't say anything. They each needed this, as much as the ending sucks.

"With that said, William,"
She said as she poked Ryan's chest, having confused which name belonged to who - she thought Karl referred to these two in order of who spoke rather than alphabetical order. "The only blameless ones are you, Ryan there, whoever the other two are, and Molly. Only because you all stood outside the conflict and tried to look in." She jabbed her finger into him one more time, pushing one final statement out. "Everyone else was in Chelsea's corner, just wanting what they thought was for the best for her or them. Harmonia to try and salvage a relationship with her, Karl because he'd seen what she had been through, and George for, well, we all know what's going on there. No one, not one person, was ever thinking of Fin. Yeah she was rude and maybe a bit over the top, but that was how she survived during those six years on her own. A facade that helped strengthen herself. I was the first she let peer behind it of her own choice. She trusted me with it. After that, when she was forced out all on her own, the least I could do for her was support her in this. And honestly, if she were left alone, I'm pretty sure both of them would have come out so much wor-"" She was cut off, starting up a coughing fit. She really shouldn't have kept talking with such a dry throat. But fuck all of them if they thought she'd just let them pretend to care about Fin's state, focus only on the victor and let her sister fade into the background of this story. The wolf couldn't for now, so it was down to the only one who seemed to really give a damn.
Last edited by GolemGuardian on Sun Jul 17, 2022 5:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Chelsea was already frustrated that she was going to leave the room in a wheelchair, but George wasn't helping matters either. As she looked back to see him follow along, she narrowed her brow in a glare, hugging her arms closer to herself. "'ey! Ye dun need ter pile on tew-!" But if there was anything Chelsea knew about George, it was that he was just as stubborn as he was committed to her. She knew he would find a way to come along one way or another, and there was little hope of talking him down. Letting out a sigh, Chelsea sunk lower in her seat. She glanced back at Harmonia and Molly exchanging a few passing flirtations, with Molly giggling and her face growing red as she slipped out the door. It all seemed so silly, so frivolous. She never had the time for that. Chelsea had to succeed - to prove to the world that she was too tough to let anything keep her down or hold her back. She would never be caught letting anyone else sway her feelings like that...

Of course, if Chelsea had her way, she also would never be caught in a wheelchair, but she had no choice. She sunk back against her seat, and with each person they passed in the hall - be they doctors, nurses, or visitors - she hugged her arms a little closer to herself, turning aside in the hopes that they wouldn't be able to get a clear look at her face. She wasn't supposed to be here; she shouldn't have been here in the first place. She was Chelsea Forster, the rough, brawling, foul-mouthed firebrand of the British Bunnies. She wasn't supposed to be this weak. Yet now, surrounded by people seeing her at her lowest, she somehow felt more vulnerable than ever - not in spite of the image she'd built up in her head for herself, but because of it.

However, when they came to the pond, Chelsea let herself settle down. She let out a long, deep breath as she sank lower, letting the tension flow out of her body. Everything was quiet. Now, all the hustle and bustle of the world had passed her by, and she was alone, surrounded by everyone who had touched her life. Everyone who had made a difference, who had seen potential in her where no one else ever could. She knew they wouldn't judge her. The would always understand - even George would understand. Maybe here, with them, she could at least have something to be happy about. She let out a sigh as she felt the warmth of the sun against her skin, and as she leaned over to ruffle Angel's fur with her fingers, she even found it in her to show the slightest hint of a smile.

Even still, she let out a sigh as Jonathan began to chew her out. She looked down, staring at the ground beneath her; as she shuffled her feet, she found a small rock and kicked it into the pond, only to wince and rub at her leg when she put too much force on it. It was just as it always was before. No one took her seriously, everyone was talking down to her. No one had hope for her to be who she really wanted to be - as successful, as accomplished. It was always her fault for being too brash, too headstrong. She always had to be the one to blame...

Except...maybe this time, they were right. She wanted to talk back to Jonathan. She wanted to insist he was wrong. As always, she wanted to stand up for herself and to shout everyone down...but this time, she couldn't find it in her. Every argument to the contrary was staring her in the face. It was her desperation to prove her own worth, in spite of any regard for her or Finella's safety, that had gotten them into this mess. Her ravaged body was proof of that. So was the fact that Finella wasn't gotten up. So was the fact that the tension between everyone, all of the names being called and the accusations being made, had even happened to begin with, and that it had made her sister cry. This...was what it all led to. Not Chelsea's glory, but everyone else's pain.

With a long, deep sigh, she settled back down, hunched over in her seat. Her elbows were propped on her knees, and her chin rested in her hands. But at last, after a long while of staring into the water, Chelsea spoke. "...yeah...it was my fault, huh? I was just...tired of being laughed at. I wanted to prove I could belong here. But I really did...go too far...and I'm sorry I had to drag yous all into it..."

Molly smiled to Chelsea, reaching over to pat her sister on the shoulder, and this time, Chelsea let her. She wasn't normally one to take accountability for her actions. But here, she had no choice.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Angel felt the soft hands of Chelsea’s brush through her fur as the Husky licked her hand gently as she stared into Chelsea’s eyes. Blue to blue. Angel rested her head gently on Chelsea’s lap as the blonde admitted to everything. That she had some fault in this whole endeavor basically and her pride got the better of her, but she did apologize for worrying everyone. Molly patted her older sister’s shoulder as Jonathan brought his head up wiping his mouth.

It’s alright, Chelsea. You’re young. You’re gonna make mistakes. I just hope you learn something from this. Ya know, I think it’s also a factor of you girls having to go through so much change. You’re on a hiatus from being a team and having to forge your own identities. I bet you girls could’ve never expected this in a long time. How far your careers have gone in just a few years,” Jonathan stated.

Jonathan chuckled as he looked out in the water and put a hand on Molly’s shoulder shaking her.

I hear wedding bells in your future, kid,” Jonathan teased the younger bunny as Molly went straight to blushing like a tomato.


Kennedy listened to Harmonia’s recount of her backstory and smirked when she got to talking about Molly wanting the little bunny to be her lawfully wedded wife. Kennedy held her cup firmly as she stared at the many visitors around their table.

I had a normal-ish life. Grew up in the jungle and was the daughter to zoologists that wanted to study the many animals of the Amazon Rainforest. I even had me a few furry friends. Rodrigo the macaw, Mawa the jaguar, and even a monkey friend named Bobo. When the fires happened, Mawa left behind a cub named Phillip, who I took in my care, and I had Rodrigo and Bobo shipped over to California to live with me as well. I had a pretty strict father who didn’t support my dream of becoming a wrestler and his groundings when I got in trouble with the law were brutal. Staying in my room reading a stupid textbook and he would quiz me on literally just one page per times I was let out. I finally slammed it down on his head, but I felt remorseful and my mother sent me to primary school to help me make more human friends. Of course, that’s when I discovered my sexuality in liking both men and women….they have the best of both worlds so why choose, am I right? Anyway, I had many relationships of both genders until a little wedding in Mexico. I met Haleigh Grant. Went to the resort bar on our first date and slept together having a magical time. The other woman I’m involved with….Sara…I didn’t even mean to get her involved at first. She had just broken up with her boyfriend, Corey, and me and Haleigh had to be there for her. Be her shoulder to cry on. They broke up on good terms….different schedules. However, while Haleigh denied any feelings for her at first, I couldn’t help, but love that dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. That’s when I knew she was my little Southern Belle……and then she became Haleigh’s as well. We decided being poly made it easier. Though, when we get married, we’ll have to find out whose last name we’re taking,” Kennedy explained as she laughed a little after saying that last sentence.

Kennedy then noticed Harmonia wiping her eyes after mentioning Finella as she reached across the table grabbing the rich girl’s hands.

Hey sweetheart! She’ll pull through. I’m sure she will. If she’s anything like you, I have no doubts she’ll be back on her feet,” Kennedy promised with a friendly smile.


William got up and pushed Ryan out the door as he pushed him against the left hallway wall.

Dude, come on! We had something going there for a moment!” William argued as he adjusted his glasses.

I understand it’s not the time for this….I guess I got too heated,” Ryan answered.

You can’t let this Marzia situation fold over into this one….,” William retorted.

I get it! I let my emotions get the better of me! I guess I just don’t know when to keep my mouth shut,” Ryan concluded.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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All the commotion around her seemed to have gotten through the endless fog and into the labyrinth, Finella was stuck, trying to find a way out as when Chris started to cough violently, the hand of the Wolf squeezed her partners while the heart monitor started to beat faster.
A soft sigh escaped the wolfs lips before her hand went limp again and the heartmonitor went back to its usual monotone beeping.
Karl who just had gotten up to get Chris some water and talking to the guys looked back at the rocker as his face lightened up. "Stay with her. You are the thing she needs to get better. You and..." He looked to the door and sighed. "I get you some water Chris.", he said and got up to get the small rocker a big bottle from the vending machine and that Harmonia just had kicked.

When he passed Ryan and William he sighed. "Listen, I don't know what that was but let it be. The last thing these girls need is more heat. Everyone here got hurt one way or another. We want it to get better. And as the one who saw it starting I can assure you, both of them had their fair share of moments, believe me that. They had to go through with ity as fighters. Now they have. Maybe now they can become what they always should have been. But that is up to them. Ryan, I would suggest that you get Chris the water and talk to her. She feels alone, she feels she is the only one who cares about Finella. Lets end all this and become amigos, hm? ", the big, bespectacled man suggested while getting the water from the machine and putting it into Ryans hand.

Harmonia listened to every word leaving Kennedys mouth and got calmer and calmer. Now she understood why Molly and Chelsea liked this woman so much. The motherly tone of her voice mixed with her charming looks was just soothing, something Harmonia really needed after all the stress and commotion of the last weeks. "That sounds like a very intresting life, Kennedy, really. I know how it is to grow up with animals too.", she said and showed off her biceps. "Handling bulls and stallions at the age of twelve really helped developing a healthy, strong body.", she said and then got somber again.
"Thanks Kennedy, your words mean much to me but what happened to Finella is my fault too. I thought it was enough to just tell her to keep it down, maybe Chris was right, I concentrated too much on me and Molly to really understand how much Finny needed me... ", she said." I want to change that. I know it never can be like six years ago, too much has happened in this years. You saw her body? All those scars? Marks from her matches she did in the underground. And when she got hurt she had to be... Be afraid to get killed because she was of no worth anymore. She had to grow up much too fast... And look... Look what I did... "
Harmonia could'nt hold the tears anymore. Watching the match with Molly had been torture and seeing them both almost killing each other had worked hard on her soul.
Now it was over, or was it? No, it would be over when Finella and Chelsea would let it be over. If Fin awoke and they would spend time in this room...would it help them or making things worse?

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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Chris' coughs came suddenly, surprising her as the two others left the room. She probably should have gotten a water after Harmonia slapped the taste out of her mouth while she had the chance. But she hadn't intended to say much else at the time. Hindsight was always just the best. Her throat was killing her, but she didn't want to leave Fin alone.

Maybe that feeling was mutual, as she heard her sister stir for the briefest of moments, reaching up and taking her hand. The rocker quickly turned, breath hitching as a smile threatened to appear. But any life retreated as quickly as it came, reaffirming the heavy air in the room. She heard her call out to her, even if it was only the tail end of her usual nickname for the snow-haired woman, 'Chrissy.' It gave Chris hope the wolf would wake up soon. But until then, she had to keep by her side, just as Karl seemed to reaffirm before leaving to fulfill her request.

She brought a hand up to her chin and lowered down, signing 'thank you' to the kind hearted reporter. The rocker would have used her words, but she was fucking dehydrated. From all the crying she did when she held Fin in the ring and in the ambulance soon after, she couldn't shed a tear if she wanted to. Not only that, but the more she spoke, the more strain she'd put on her dry throat. While she could probably keep getting by with her instrumental skills and working with other artists, depriving her loyal fans of her amazing vocals, as well as not being able to talk smack with the other wrestlers, just seemed stupid. Plus, when Fin did come through, she'd probably get to do the chastising for once if she did.

The rocker just remained sitting down next to her sis, holding her hand and caressing her hand with her thumb. She barely heard what was going on out in the hall, and wouldn't even notice if it was Ryan or Karl bringing her the water. She'd just be happy to get it, regardless of who brought it in. She'd take it from them, and down the entire thing in seconds. It was so cool and refreshing, her throat feeling a bit better. "Fwaaaah~ And I thought water after hours of vocal recordings tasted good. Gracias."
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Chelsea let out a long sigh as Angel set her head in her lap. Her hand reached out to ruffle at her fur, stroking gently between her ears. She was soft, she was calm, and Chelsea knew, on some deeper level, that she cared. Molly moved to stroke a few fingers through her hair, too. And yet, Chelsea closed her eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek. She should have been happy. Deep down, the only thing she had cared about after all this time was to be loved. And that was what she was getting now, wasn't it? She had friends, family, people who believed in her and wanted to see her succeed.

But...she couldn't be happy. Despite it all, as peaceful as it was, Chelsea couldn't shake the feeling she didn't deserve it. Maybe everyone else was right. Maybe her attitude really was a problem, and that she would always just push everyone away. She'd tried to harden her heart in order to cope with the constant rejection, the alienation, but all it did was dig her hole even deeper. Now that she'd seen the ruin it would lead her and everyone around her to, she could finally realize she had taken the wrong path - and now, it was too late to do anything about it.

Chelsea listened to Jonathan's words, and she sniffled. The tension rose in her body; she grasped the armrests of her chair tighter. Jonathan was...willing to overlook all of this? To forgive her? Chelsea wanted to accept it. She wanted to believe that she really could be forgiven. That this was all just a mistake she could learn from. But she was sure that she had gone too far for anyone to look past.

And then, that emotion welling up inside of Chelsea grew too much for her body to bear. Suddenly, she burst into tears, folding over in her seat and burying her face in her hands. She let herself sob, her shoulders moving in and out with every lurch of her body. Chelsea would have never thought of showing this side of herself to anyone before. She'd look weak. She'd look hopeless. This wasn't who she was supposed to be, she was better than that. She was stronger than that...

But now, it was okay. Now, she could let her tears flow, and no one would judge her. Here, she was safe to show everyone what she really felt.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, I know I should be better than this, but-! I just don't know...you make it sound so simple, but it's not! I don't know if I can come back from this...I'm not as good a person as you think I am, Jonathan. What if Finella doesn't get up? What then? Then it'll all be my fault...if Moni hates me, if Chris hates me, then I've earned it..."

Molly, meanwhile, heard Jonathan's accusation - and at once, she jumped up in the air, her face going red as she held her hand to her mouth to stifle a gasp. "W-WHAAAAT!?" Molly hadn't given much thought to where her future with Harmonia would go; she was content to live for her happiness in the moment, and she wouldn't let worrying about the future turn her thoughts away from that. When Jonathan raised the question...she didn't know how to respond!
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

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Jonathan heard Chelsea bursting into many tears as he activated father mode going down to her as he held her tightly and Chelsea returned the gesture gripping his blazer jacket.

Chels, Chels, hey, hey, it’s alright. Hey, listen to me…listen to me. It’s alright, kid. You have to let go. I know you’re worried. I know you think you took it too far. But, Chelsea, mistakes are mistakes. We all make them. I’ve had a few regrets in my life. I’ve given into my anger at the drop of a hat. It was just a mistake, Chelsea. You didn’t want to kill Finella. You girls just took each other to a stalemate limit and got carried away,” Jonathan reassured her.

Chelsea told Jonathan that she wasn’t as good as a person as he thought she was, but Jonathan held her hands and dried her tears with his thumbs.

Lass, oi wouldn’t be doubting ye fa a second. Yer good. Rough around de edges, maybe, but deep down, ye got a heart. Take it from me. A half-Irish, all American lad dat gives up his self-worth fa rage. Oi’m not so innocent meself, but oi never let it get me down. Oi can tell it wasn’t intentional between you and Fin. You girls just lost sight of what mattered. Moni loves ya and oi’m sure once Fin pulls through….ye can put business ta bed,” Jonathan explained in his Irish accent.

Jonathan looked over at Molly as he hugged her in with Chelsea.

Oi also think ya believe ye do not have ye sister anymore. Ye girls gotta stick together. No matter what. Understand?” Jonathan asked as he huddled the British Bunnies together.


Hon, Hon, it’s alright. Listen, these last six years have kept you girls apart for way too long and I think all you need to do is be honest with each other. No more fighting. You’re both different, but that doesn’t change blood. You’re sisters till your last breaths. Never ever forget that,” Kennedy stated as she took another sip of coffee running over to hug Harmonia close. “Just be honest how you both feel and I’m sure you both can make some relationship work.”


Ryan took the water and sighed knowing he had to make this right somehow, but he wasn’t sure how. He took it as Karl and Will would stay out of the room to let him mold things over with Chris. The rockstar at least seemed happy with her drink, but Ryan knew it wouldn’t be enough. He quickly rummaged through the medical cabinets finding some cough drops, a bottle of spray mist, and he dug around in his pocket for a wrapped lozenge that was cherry flavored. He set them down in front of Chris as he was sure the rockstar would be utterly confused.

Just some other remedies.The mist should help give you a cool atmosphere while the cough drops hold off your fits. The lozenge should dissolve in your mouth to add some flavor back. That’s all I can really do for now. I’m very sorry for my words earlier. There’s a present situation going on with my wife and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to save her or be served divorce papers. It’s a rough time for me and I understand it’s for you as well, but it’s no excuse for me lashing out. I thought I was making you see some reality, but….time and place were not on my side. I get you probably hate my guts and I deserve it,” Ryan explained as he held his head down.
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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

Unread post by RedShinigami »

George leaned against the tree, his head was still hurting, pounding againat the bandages around his head. He easily could have avoided that, he just could have stayed out of it. George never had been a fighter, he was much too soft for the kind of sport he loved so much, but he had a way with words, so as manager and promoter he made good money next to his pub and gambling business. He did'nt need to get his hands dirty and he never thought he actually would do but when he saw Chelsea being in danger he throw all of his issues overboard and protected her. He looked up to the sky. It had always been this way since both had met. Chelsea came to him with a problem and he did everything he could to make it better. He loved Chelsea but for the first time in his life the ladykiller was afraid of rejection. Chelsea was the one for him and if she would'nt... He shook his head and was thrown out of his toughts by Chelseas sobs. He saw Jonathan caring for her and sighed. It was better to stay out of it. He had to. Chelsea did'nt even want him there. He bit his lip and looked away, struggled and shook his head. But finally he just walked over to ha crying friend, put out his fine handkerchief and put it into Chelseas hand. Usually he would have made a big trarade, trying to hug her, talking endlessly but no, this was not the time and the place. He put his fancy handkerchief in Chelseas hands, held them for a second when their eyes met and then he left to sit back on the bench.

"Well... Thats easy to say. So much had happened... When Finella wanted just to hear a word of approval when we won this blasted Tag Match, I scolded her. For weeks I jus talked about Molly, ignoring her needs completly. Maybe Finella has'nt changed so much but I did. Maybe I became a egomanic bitch that onla cares for herself...",she whispered while the tears still fell.
"I just want to be there for everyone close to me you know. I just want it all to be good again. Again, thats egotistical, but I don't care. I want my sister to wake up and to apologize to her. And to finally be the sister she needs!", Harmonia sniffed and leaned on Kennedy." You.. You know.. .I.understand what Molly meant when she said you are like a mom to her. You are very kind Kennedy, thank you so much.", Harmonia said. "Alright, maybe we should change the topic. You seem very close to Carrot and Chelsea.",Harmonia said with a curious expression and took a sip from her beer.

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Re: Healing (for CaptainL, The Wanderer, GolemGuardian)

Unread post by GolemGuardian »

Chris indeed looked up at Ryan with some confusion as he placed the items before her. She got the lozenge giving how her voice gave out and her dry throat seized into a coughing fit, but the cough drops and spray were new to her. Usually after a long rehearsal, or when she felt she was right on the cusp of figuring out a new vocal line and kept pressing, she usually just had some water and a lozenge. But hearing his explanation for the other two made some sense. She nodded as the tall man also gave his apology and reason, popping in one of the drops before she'd move to the cherry-flavored coolant.

"Nesshun problema, Will. A... lot of shit'sh piling is sheems," she said while sucking on the drop and confusing the name of him and William still. "Hopefully your shtuff endsh happily for ya both though." She then looked back at Finella, who seemed to have remained calm after the rocker retook her place by her side. "I.. alsho probably wash a bit out of line... Literally cried all the water out of myshelf when I held her in the ring, Harmoni pushed a button..." A little crunch sound after she spoke, shattering the cough drop between her teeth. "...I just hope she wakes up soon.." Her voice sounded a bit more normal, albeit still a bit on the hoarse side, with the soothing little thing not impeding her anymore. "...Oh, and thanks for the vocal care, btw... Don't want you to think I don't appreciate it."
Golem's Guardians

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